Config 2023 Product Launch Keynote - Dylan Field, Kris Rasmussen

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foreign [Music] good morning everyone my name is Yuki yamashira and I'm figma's Chief product officer and on behalf of the entire figma team from around the world welcome to config 2023. thank you so much for joining us today we feel incredibly lucky to be supported by so many of you this is actually the first time our community has gotten together in person for config since our very first conference back in 2020. so to the 8 500 people here in San Francisco it's so good to see all of you we also have hundreds of thousands of attendees tuning in virtually that's right hundreds of thousands that's as many active users that were on the platform when I joined stigma a little over four years ago which this boggles my mind and I want to give a special shout out to the config watch parties that are happening around the world there are 55 of them from places like Chennai to Bogota from Cincinnati to Singapore which I was just at last month so thank you for celebrating this very special day with us now I can't wait to show you what we have in store today and I'm sure neither can you so let's kick things off the way we always have by showing you what our team has been building and for that please join me in welcoming figma CEO Dylan field [Applause] wow [Applause] good morning everybody welcome to config 2023 this is amazing to the things that you're coming from thank you for being here with us so as Yuki mentioned the last in-person config was February 6 2020 which you might note that date was just a few weeks before covid started uh and we thought that going into that it you know config would be the biggest event of the year but of course the world had some other plans and it was about 800 people in the Midway which was uh in the dog patch in SF and just to bring you back to that moment we launched selection colors hyperlinks and auto layout with stretch some good features so today we have over 8 000 people here hundreds of thousands tuned in remotely and we were just completely humbled by all of us being together so thank you so much for being part of this journey with us uh the products so a lot has changed especially in the last year and that's not just the product it's also the community uh if we see everybody here the company and the world but first in the product was take a look at some of the highlights of what is shipped [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and of course those are just some highlights the team has been working super hard to get all sorts of stuff out second though our community has also grown and we introduced the ability to publish paid resources most recently so I'm going to highlight a few creators uh first Molly Molly published the UI prep style guide uh I see some Applause and Molly also teaches DS bootcamp uh Design Systems boot camps using her figma UI kits div riots uh is a team behind HTML to design maybe some of you are users of this plugin if you haven't checked it out please do it lets you convert a website into figma and this is our most purchased plugin but it's not just individual creators we also have companies such as Apple you might have heard of them and they publish their first official design kits on the figma community platform I also want to give a shout out to Joey Banks I don't know where you are Joey Joey for years has built and maintained just Immaculate kits and we just appreciate all the work you've done so much Joey uh another really core part of our community are our students and Educators and we've been invested in education since the beginning of figma so all of our products since we launched figma in GA in 2016 have been free for students and Educators and we're committed to being free forever for them as well so last year Google Chromebooks beta was launched for figma and fig Jam to students and this was us working with 50 50 schools and about 10 000 students around the United States today we're announcing the ga of our partnership with Chromebook and any classroom in the United States will now have access to the highest Enterprise grade of figma also new we're able to now expand to students under 13 in the United States and we're expanding our education offering to Japan as well third figma as a company is also going through changes uh back in the fall of last year we entered into an acquisition agreement with Adobe and like many of you I grew up using Adobe tools so I believe we can do so much more for you with access to adobe's deep Tech and expertise and I know that our distinct strengths can come together in amazing ways for product design creativity and productivity I couldn't be more excited lastly the world is Shifting too uh it's 2023 and so is someone in technology in San Francisco I can't do this keynote without mentioning AI I think it's on all of our minds though really how is this going to impact design uh AI will redesign how we work that's clear and I think that for many of us that's scary but also fascinating my point of view is that AI will enable anyone to get to a good first draft but a good first draft is not a world-class product going from a good first draft to a world-class product still requires all of you and it still requires your teams when I think about figma's efforts I often draw out three stages of the product building process brainstorming ideation design and building and production if you can think it figma wants to help you build it but there's still so much more we can improve when it comes to going from design to build so that's what today's keynote is going to focus on those late stages of the design process and those earlier stages of the building process we're going to dive into three areas Design Systems prototyping and production so let's get started [Applause] oh boy so a lot of you have speculated online that we're going to launch tokens at config this year and I'm so sorry to say we're not launching tokens but we are launching variables language is pretty important and I know that many of us have been using the words tokens as a community and we're not trying to kill the word uh we're calling in variables because we're taking a more holistic approach Beyond just immutable values in your design system uh and so I think as we go through the keynote today you'll understand why we're calling it variables not tokens but let's dive in and just check it out [Applause] okay so here I am uh and you can see here that uh I am in a design uh and we're going to be working in this file which is uh for a Marketplace called World peas uh it has locally sourced fruits and vegetables apparently from a Dylan Fields field uh nice and uh if you're like me when you're modifying these designs you might want to uh you know experiment by putting in different values um and and changing them so the first thing I'm going to show you is that now these variables uh can actually be surfaced has these values so for example if I want to change to a larger border radius I can just do that you can see there's this little button here and I can switch I can also modify my auto layout spacing here as well so I want to go from small to large trivial okay so you're probably wondering where are these magical variables defined and if you go to the right hand side you can see that if I click this button I'll open the variables UI so this variables UI lets you define all sorts of different variables on the top we have spacing variables which are integers we also have our border radius variables we just use we also can Define string variables color variables and even Boolean variables now you might be wondering though because many of us have in our minds this link between the word tokens or variables and theming where is the theming so let's go check that out now I'm already in a collection of variables oh sorry one more thing I want to show you first if you click here you can also scope your variables so for example for Border radius I can scope it to just show up for Corner radius or for spacing I can make it just show up for auto layout which is really powerful when you're creating a design system and you want to make sure it's consumed a certain way okay now if I switch collections to color modes you can see that my rows are variables and my columns are different modes and so on the bottom I've got hex colors defined and on top I've got variables that are referenced as an alias this is also super useful because when you are able to define something one place and use it everywhere it makes your design system so much more easy to maintain so you can see we've got a light mode and a dark mode defined here so let's check out how this shows up if I click this Frame I can go to my layer properties and you'll see that I have a little option here and if I switch to dark mode it just works now I can actually have more than just two modes for example how about you go to config 2023 mode [Music] [Applause] so as powerful as that is there's more and you can Define modes that are not just colors and themes but you can also do it with other types of variables as well for example here I have my densities mode and I've got densities defined as compact but what if I want to switch it to something that has more space now I can click comfortable or spacious and you'll notice that as I went from spacious comfortable those actually the thumbnails appear in Superior and so I can also tie spacing to Boolean attributes like do I want to have an image appear or not now let's say that world peace wants to go global and we want to start to localize our content more I can Define modes with string variables so I can go from English to Japanese and if I want to test out some long strings in German I can do that too now one thing that we're aware of is that a lot of times you want to combine these modes to test things together so for example what if I want to test Japanese mobile and dark as a combo I can just copy this into this Frame and it'll all just work automatically [Applause] okay what about German and config now okay let's try something a little bit harder what if we went to from Mobile to tablet and also did English and white ready thank you so just to recap we're launching color number string and Boolean variables we've added collections aliasing modes scoping and inheritance if you're on prone org you'll get four modes Enterprise gets 40 modes as well as a rest API that you can ping in order to keep design and development in sync all right let's get back to demo now this is a really cool tablet UI that I got just magically just now but you might notice that these uh these rows are not great uh if I go here you can see that they're pretty long and I just don't love the way they look um this is an auto layout frame and it'd be nice if I can kind of make like a Max uh width here as well as a minimum width and today we're announcing that you can do just that so if I go in here to my width you'll see that there's now a little drop down arrow I can add my Min width I'll choose 300. and a Max width which I'll make 600. and you can see it's adjusted so now we have a little bit of a better design but uh I I personally feel like it looked better if you had them on maybe like two per row instead of one per row anyone agree okay cool so what if with auto layout I could just make it wrap that'd be nice right well today we're announcing you can do just that [Music] and check this out if I design this responsively it will just flow the way I want it to [Applause] all right so with auto layout improvements today we're announcing wrapped Min width and height Max width and height and it was a little bit of a long demo so we truncated it we're also announcing truncation as well for text [Applause] okay you might think that's a wrap but don't worry we got more prototyping [Applause] next up we're going to dive into prototyping now prototyping and figma as we all know is essential because it helps you use your tests and get the right feedback but it's way too complex so complex that sometimes we get screenshots like these and no this isn't Spider-Man into the spider-verse so that was a great movie uh this is a figma prototype and it has so many noodles internally we actually have a name for this we call these pasta pictures and we collect them in a slack Channel at figma and these prototypes can be super impressive but they're also very scary very scary to maintain so scary in fact that one of our users Tyler actually when is the pasta fixture for the last Halloween now uh with all due respect to Tyler we think there has to be a better way so we set off on a quest to make prototyping better using variables let's go back to demo and take a look all right so I'm going to go to my prototyping file here and just to orient ourselves we have really three states the first state for our world peas app is this product page where you can see the produce we have a watermelon we have pears and we got some cherries the second state is a product detail page if I tap on or click on the watermelon I should see a watermelon pear pear cherry cherry the third state is this cart if the cart has items in it I should see the cart view that's on the left with whatever items are in my cart and if it has no items in it I should see an empty State on the right so this should be pretty simple to build right well today in figma it's not uh you would have to basically imagine all the different permutations of how you go from adding watermelons and pears and cherries and each time you wanted to make it so you could add one more it would expand in a kind of combinatorial explosion of possibilities in addition the conditional of am I going to see items in the cart or not uh really makes things hard to see and makes it so that you have even more options at that uh in that explosion of possibilities and we actually just to show you what those look like this is an example um of what a project looks like if you can just add like a few different items and it doesn't even work if you try to add more items because I think we're all used to making these happy paths in our prototype where the user has to do something in a very specific way and if they don't the Prototype breaks and and this works but doesn't get the realistic feedback that we all want and need so let's see how we can do this better with variables now uh the first thing I want to show you are the variables that I've defined for this prototype if I go to my general collection you'll see the sort of global state for this app we've got three items in our cart which is reflected here we have a selected product watermelon reflected there and we've got our total which is reflected in our cart view here now one thing we can do is we can use modes to basically create almost like a small database for our products so each row here are our variables and each column are our products and we have a product for watermelon pears and cherries and you can almost think of these like objects in programming so they have properties like a price in this case 3.99 for the watermelon location and account for how many are in your cart okay so let's see what it'd look like to uh to basically wire this up so let's say that I want to take this plus button and when I tap it I want to add an interaction so on tap I'll say I want to set this variable and I'll set the variable count which is scoped to the Watermelons object to count of the Watermelon plus one because it's ink running the second thing we're launching here is that now you can actually add several interactions per trigger so if I press plus again it works I can set another variable and I can say the total which is scope to the global state is equal to the existing total plus the price of the watermelon okay now let's see if this works so usually what I do is I press this play button and I'd have to go back and forth between my prototype and the screen but it's a little bit laborious it's great when you're presenting information but it's kind of annoying when you're trying to rapidly iterate and develop a prototype so what if instead I could do this all in my document today we're announcing an inline prototype viewer [Applause] and you can move this around you can resize it it's pretty awesome uh and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to navigate to my screen that we just made and you can see that uh if I press this for button or this plus button it'll increment to four and also my subtotal will update another usability Improvement we've made is we're announcing now that you can actually start to see these interactions on the canvas so if I click here I can actually see uh right on the canvas what this conditional is as a reminder what we're trying to do is make it so that you can go from this cart to either the full cart or the empty State cart inside any conditional to do that if the quantity in the cart is zero I should navigate to empty otherwise I should navigate to the basket state okay so let's see how it all works together now I've got my prototype I can go to pairs I can add them to the basket I can go to my cart and when I'm in the cart I can decrease what's in the Prototype it'll go the empty State I can go back home let's see if the conditional works if I click here it'll go to the empty State now [Applause] this is just scratching the surface of what you can do with prototyping with variables uh honestly we could have spent the entire keynote just exploring this one feature and I am so excited about what you can do here it's really really fun to play with so I can't wait for you to take a look and all advanced prototyping features will be available on all paid plans we hope this opens the door to all sorts of more prototyping possibilities and of course we didn't cover everything today if we advance the slide there we go uh to Deep dive in these features if you want to see them tomorrow you can check out our in-person workshops so variables is going to be at 11 30. and we have a deep dive on prototyping at 12 45 tomorrow so don't miss those okay while this makes it easier to build complex prototypes and model a more realistic user experience uh I think you'd all agree that we're not to the Finish Line until it gets built so let's go to the next phase which is development now uh you can see here that I have my uh prototype I made as well as the components in this section here but if I zoom out I have all these Explorations in my file and that's kind of worrisome because what if my developer builds the wrong thing uh has anyone ever been there before happens at figma too today we're announcing a very small feature tiny little feature which is if I click my section I now have a little button everyone see it it says Mark is ready for Dev [Applause] if I click this button I get this little status ready for Dev just a little feature what if I told you that this feature is sort of like a wormhole into a whole new universe of figma to explain more I'm going to welcome Chris Rasmussen figma CTO to the stage welcome Chris you're good Rocket Man [Applause] hey everyone I am so excited to be here today and share something new that we've been working on because I was excited about this team's Vision to build a new kind of design tool one that was built for entire product teams now I know this is important to all of you as well many of you are coders too and regardless of whether or not you code we all want to see our designs brought to life faster and more accurately so why is it so hard well there's a lot of different reasons but at the core of it all is the fact that we're optimizing for very different things when we're developing and when we're designing when we're designing we're optimizing for Rapid iteration and ideation anything that interrupts our flow has the potential to limit our creativity on the other end of the spectrum when we're getting closer to production we have to start being explicit about all those details that were previously implied and easily assumed by our team we need to think not just about how things are going to look and work but also how they're going to be maintained reused and composed at figma we want our tools to be excellent on either end of this spectrum not just okay somewhere in between so far we've built figma for the design and of the spectrum but we think it's time to focus on the development end as well because 30 percent of our weekly active users at figma today are already developers that's the same percent as designers and yet we haven't really optimized for their needs show of hands how many of you out here are developers today yeah that's great definitely not 30 percent though it's okay we expected that because the reality is developers don't really feel at home in figma and it's pretty easy to see why this is what a typical figma file looks like and this is a really pretty version made by our brand design team screens upon screens spread across dozens of different pages no clear indication of what's new what's changed or what's ready to be implemented way too many clicks to get to basic actions like export or inspect a color and those are just the basics on top of all of this there's often a mismatch between the way designs are structured in figma and the way they need to be built as a result developers rarely get what they need from figma to address these challenges and so many more I'd like to introduce you to Dev mode a view into figma files optimized for the needs of development let's go do this live demo all right first figma demo live in front of a lot of people wish me luck so here we are in Dev mode the first thing you'll notice is that it's the exact same file Dylan was working in we don't have to worry about Dylan needing to export additional revisions it's got all the same multiplayer goodness as figma today it's just a new view optimized for Developers instead of seeing an overwhelming list of pages with every iteration over the last couple months of work we only see the pages that have designs that have been marked as ready for development and of course we can still get to all those other Pages if we need to but they're collapsed by default additionally we don't think developers need to see an overwhelming list of layers right off the bat so instead we show them the sections that have been marked as ready for development and simple thumbnails to help them get a sense of what's going on in this file now many developers struggle to pan and zoom an infinite canvas when they come into figma for the first time if you're on the desktop you don't necessarily know what the keyboard shortcut is so we've made it really easy to navigate a file simply by clicking around and it will take you to the exact part of the canvas with the right zoom level already set up you can also quickly navigate using your arrow keys and get a lay of the land and if I know how to use this Zoom feature here you can see exactly when every screen was last edited foreign if a screen actually changed since the last time I was in this file you would also see a little yellow badge to help direct your attention to what's new now this screen says it was edited an hour ago so Dylan must have changed something but I don't really know what he changed I'm sure many of you have been here before regardless of whether or not you're a designer or a developer it's just not always obvious and I could go ask Dylan to come back out here and show me exactly what he wanted me to do or I can use a new feature called compare changes here it is compare changes gives you a side-by-side view of a design in the current version and any previous version you might have seen you can switch between a side-by-side view or an overlay mode to quickly get a sense for what's changed foreign so in this particular case a lot changed so we also give you a list of the layers that have been edited added and removed as a developer this is incredibly helpful for me because sometimes the changes aren't even easy to spot visually for example here this world peace text changed which is obvious it looks like it was moved around and resized but what wasn't obvious is that all these other properties change that I might need to go update the code with so this really accelerates the design to development process and eliminates a lot of tedious back and forth and any change that happens here is easily inspectable so you can see that this button was replaced with the new button that was added here and if there were any layers are removed like this one you can see that as well so let's compare changes now these are just the basics and there's so much more we can do to bridge the gap between design and development so let's keep going the next thing I'd like to show you is that we've changed the default selection heuristics in Dev mode so you can easily inspect individual layers without having to double click through deeply nested groups for example if I want to view this icon right here all I have to do is click it and I've got it selected in addition to that we also know that oftentimes icons if I go back to design mode real quick consist of many different layers and paths and time and time again developers tell us that they ended up selecting an individual path and exporting that rather than the entire icon so you'll see that in Dev mode we now have heuristics to detect this and collapse that into a single simplified layer so you always select exactly what you need the other thing we hear very often from developers is that the default values the design tools like figma surface aren't really that helpful when you're writing code for example we all know that developers don't really use absolute positions in the top left coordinate of every single item in order to translate the code we need to think about responsive layouts and how things resize and Reflow across different form factors and content types so figma now surfaces these implicit properties as well for example as I hover over this design you'll see that red lines have been greatly improved to also show the padding between elements the margin and more we've also introduced a new familiar diagram for anyone who's used a browser development tool before with a box diagram over here on the right [Applause] this will show me not only the padding spacing and margin but also the border radiuses the Border weights and more now many of you are working in units other than pixels so in Dev mode you can now go over to this little setting icon here and customize the units from pixels to Rems and even set the Unix scale if you're using a relative unit measurement like Rems [Applause] and of course this works for other platforms as well we've introduced new Swift UI for iOS and we've introduced a jetpack compose module too now many of you are already working hard to bring your designs closer to production by investing in Design Systems Design Systems are often built by hybrid teams that are both building Design Systems in figma and also building Design Systems and code to up level the vocabulary of what we're communicating with together and Dev mode works with Design Systems too so here you'll see that with our new variables feature if I'm using variables in my design I can now see that in Dev mode not just in the the red lines but also in the code that's generated as well so here you can see that it's using the color surface subtle variable which may or may not exist in my code and if it doesn't it'll fall back to a default value and I can go create it when I Port it over we also surface components and make them really easy to select so anytime you use a component in your design it takes just one click to get to that component and you're not going to accidentally select the sub layer of the component and we give you this icon showing you the component a description and any properties that have been provided to that particular instance of that component if you're trying to rebuild a design that already has components but if you're trying to build a component for the first time we're also introducing a new component playground the component playground allows you to manipulate a component while in Dev mode without having to worry about editing the underlying file so you can do this as a viewer as well [Applause] and because there's often a relationship between our Design Systems components and our code components we've also made it possible for developers to associate links with any layer in a design like a component so you can link to things like GitHub or other development tools and if these links get added to a component they immediately propagate to all of the instances not just within that file but across all the files that your company uses so that other developers benefit from it as well [Applause] so we've talked to many of you about where you stand on the side of I need the design tool to generate code for me or I just want it to help me to understand the composition of a design and many of you are in different places on that Spectrum we want to make sure that figma works for you regardless of where you are so for example if you're implementing a component for the first time we provide you with these simple code Snippets they've been revamped to be a lot better so they generate better code that's more likely to be useful in production using modern systems like flexbox which reflect Auto layout and even detect Auto layout in places where you might not have used it and of course they also use variables as we just talked about but sometimes you want to go even further for example we hear time and time again that many of you want to update figma to display the exact way you parameterize a react component with all the right properties in order to reflect a component instance that's been used in your design so we're introducing a new kind of plug-in to figma called a Dev mode plugin that makes it possible to do this in a much more so I'm going to go ahead and show you one of the example plugins we've created in open sourced to help you figure out how you can customize figma to your needs and this is the component inspector plugin so I'll switch over to the react code gen mode and I will go in here and select this product card component and you can see I have it selected here and now you'll see instead of just showing me some CSS or iOS styling to get started it actually shows me exactly how I would use this instance with the right parameters in the figma code Base today it's really really awesome in addition to that we've also generated these default typescript definitions so that if you're going to implement this component for the first time you'd have a sense for all the different properties and parameters you need to get started but what if you want to go even further well we have some incredible Partners in our community that have been working with us throughout the beta to help do just that like anima and AWS amplify Studio so I'm going to go over here and now I'm going to switch to anima and I'm personally a type fan so I'm going to use typescript we'll let that run for a second and there you go this is actual working code to recreate this component in a separate code base from scratch it's really incredible you also get the Styles and if you go to the plugin tab you can even open a codepen Sandbox to start working with this code immediately [Applause] with plugins it's also possible to take over the entire properties panel and bring in other developer tools inside of figma for example we've been working with atlassian to build a jira integration for figma so that you can start to record tasks while you're still in the design file and Associate them with the individual layers in the file so I'm going to go ahead and show how that works now so we'll go ahead and run the jira plugin and you'll see that right here I now have all of the tasks that are related to this particular page in my design file and because they're associated with individual layers where I actually need to do the work they'll take me to the exact portion of the canvas where the task was originally created I can also create new tasks from here add comments and it will sync bi-directionally between the two tools so I just showed you how it's possible to integrate Sigma with other applications by bringing those applications into figma we thought it would be really cool if we could bring figma to the applications where developers live too so we've built a plugin for vs code called figma for vs code [Applause] so with figma for vs code you get this new icon here in your left panel and when you switch over to it you're going to have access to your recents your shared files your starred files you're going to see all of the notifications related to things that are ready for development and you're going to see a familiar canvas bringing figma right inside of your code editor you also have access to all of the great inspection features that I just showed you so you can see here I can expand this properties panel view the CSS code Snippets and the CSS Box model but we've also made it possible to do a little bit more now if I want to start implementing a design for example I'll go back to this familiar product card example I can start writing code and figma is going to automatically detect that I'm typing a layer name it'll select that layer autocomplete and fill in the code for me it's really awesome [Applause] can we go back and slide so in the Finland Community today you're going to find inspect panel plugins from our partners like GitHub atlassian storybook Microsoft anima linear and Google I want to give a big shout out to all of our partners for working with us throughout the devmode private beta and building a better developer experience together foreign now just to recap real quick we're launching a new space purpose built for developers Dev mode from section status wayfinding compare versions inspect panel plugins to a brand new integration with vs code we hope devmode is just the first step towards the developers finally feeling like figma is for them and just to be clear you're still going to be able to do everything you can today as a free viewer like comment on designs generate code copy values and Export assets Dev mode Builds on top of all that and will be available to all users free for the beta for the rest of 2023. starting in 2024 Dev mode will be available to all editors on paid plans additionally for customers on our organization and Enterprise plans you'll be able to purchase a separate license of Dev mode at a lower price to dive deeper into Dev mode check out the in-person workshop tomorrow at 2PM now to close this keynote out I'm going to welcome Dylan back onto the stage [Music] I am so excited for Dev mode and for everything else we talked about today so just to let you know because I know you're wondering you'll get access to all these features as we roll them out across today and they'll all be enabled right after the Keynote so check them out and give us your feedback as always okay two more things first when you log into figma next you might notice a refreshed file browser we've unified The Experience so you can search get notifications Envy reasons across your entire account and with new shared projects and shared files tabs you'll be able to easily access files shared with you lastly perhaps our most longest awaited feature [Applause] if you're at config 2020 you may remember that we announced an updated font picker there and today a little over three years later we're announcing it's going live complete with font preview sometimes these things just take longer than expected you know before we wrap up I want to give a special thank you thank you to all of the beta customers who partner with us giving us feedback and supported our launch today so I wanted to quickly see what they think of these new features this figma variables feature was so highly anticipated I actually took a break from my honeymoon to test it out it was like witnessing magic I can I can't believe I spent all these hours we think to dark team manually there may have been some times where we handed off prototypes and they'd be like wow it's already built I used to take pride in my ability to make a good spec I don't miss that at all because it was super annoying it brings our workload down one of our engineers said now I can finally sleep at night thank you thank you again to everyone who participated in the beta and this is just the beginning of where we're gonna go and where we're going to take our platform and of course we see AI enabling that as well we've been building our ml team for a bit now and we're exploring how AI will power our entire platform at figma here are some early Explorations and ideas of what might be possible oh can we go back sorry from suggesting uh variants and recommendations for your Design Systems to chain together different plug-in actions to automating variant creation or resizing across devices we see AI playing a central role across the sigma platform so we're also excited to share the news that to accelerate our AI nmo work we've acquired a company called diagram as many of you know diagram was founded by Jordan singer a long time figma Community member and honestly diagrams tools make design feel even more magical so we're excited to deliver AI capabilities across figma in Partnership now with the diagram team and if this topic interests you and it should uh you have to tune in tomorrow we have some amazing talks lined up including no 11 our VP of design at figma he's going to be talking with the diagram team as well and all these other incredible amazing speakers are going to talk about AI in our Keynotes tomorrow so please join us don't miss it now to close every All Hands add figma I typically share some parting thoughts and I thought I'd bring that tradition to config today the future of design needs all of you it needs more thinkers and Builders to come together the future needs you to spark imagination into action so let's go build that future together thank you for joining us this morning and please enjoy config thank you all [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Figma
Views: 170,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma, design, product design, tips, tricks, UI design, ux design, app design, figma design, design for figma, FigJam tutorial, prototyping, collaboration, UX tutorial, Design tips, Figma tutorial, Config, design system, tutorial, product:multiple, audience:other, language:english, format:standard, produced_by:other, theme:other, event:config, series:other, type:other, level:none
Id: yI9QVwkk2Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.