Expo SDK 49: New Features and Improvements

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what's up not just developers welcome back to a new live stream and today we're gonna talk about Expo SDK 49 so very recently Expo launched the latest version of the Expo SDK and it comes with a lot of exciting new features and updates uh that I would like to share with you in a very practical way so updates are including better debugging with network inspector we're gonna see that today's in today's video um rock Dev tools that is built in in Xbox CLI a lot of updates around libraries and components provided by Expos such as Expo blurview that is now available on Android as well and even new services like EAS insights that can provide detailed insights about the usage of your application and I know that most you are most excited about the next feature and the next one is the expert router V2 which comes with the latest version of Xbox sdk49 here there are a lot of actually new features uh there are a lot of exciting things that I can't wait to get into however for these I prepared a separate live stream which we're gonna do tomorrow as a continuation of today's live stream just to focus on everything that is new in explore router with uh the static route static generated websites and a lot of other cool features anyway today we're gonna focus on exploring Expo SDK 49 in a real project you know what I always say that the best way to learn is by using project-based learning because it's better to actually show instead of uh telling something and I think this is going to be easier for you to understand how these new updates will affect you and your development workflow so that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna build a very small but at the same time uh exciting application we're gonna use NASA API to uh to to fetch data about astronomy pictures to display it in our application and by building this we're gonna learn about the new and exciting features of Xbox Decay 49 I prepared I prepared some pre-made components in order for us not to spend time on designing some components but rather on looking into and experimenting with new features so make sure to download the asset bundle which includes all of these pre-made components that we will need today and also I prepared this step-by-step guide that is actually very easy for you to to follow along it contains every single step that you have to to do starting from creating a new project all the way till the end so if you open the step-by-step guide on the side download the asset bundle from here then we are ready to go all of the links you can find in the description of uh of a video here so yeah let's roll the intro and let's get started [Applause] [Music] alright hello everyone in the live chat how are you doing guys so um these two days I prepared a lot of exciting things for you a lot of blog posts the newsletter and two live streams dedicated to Xbox dk49 and tomorrow we're gonna do the Expo router V2 but yeah let's get started and let's initialize an empty project using Expo sdk49 for that navigate into a folder where you'll keep your projects and let's go ahead and do npx create Expo up let's do at latest in order to take the latest version of the createx publication tool in order to get the like the the latest version of Expo uh for the name of application I'm gonna call it a pod and a pod stands for astronomy picture of a day that's what we're gonna build today where I put something like that and let's start with a template uh for example the template blank I want to start with blank um even for starting with a tabs template will give us the tabs pre-installed and a lot of things already there I want to start with blank to show everyone how to get started how to set up and to cover all of these features so if we run this this command it will initialize an expo application however right at this moment of uh doing this I also have to do add sdk-149 let's press enter this will start initializing if you're watching this later most probably you don't have to add the add SDK 49 because right at this moment there is um uh there is a regression issue with debugger for Android in Rec native 072 and while this is being fixed uh the Expo is still defaulting to sdk48 so that's why we need to specify sdk49 but again this is only for if you're doing this right now live with me I think in a couple of days it should be fixed and just uh using npxcratex publication with blank template will initialize it with SDK 49. okay all right so now we see our project is ready let's go ahead and open it in Visual Studio code or in any editor of choice so it's called the pods let's go ahead and open it here I don't need the terminal anymore because I can open a terminal right inside Visual Studio code here on window and I think no terminal new terminal or even over shortcut good for you I'm gonna zoom in a bit um so actually before starting the server you can give it a try and start the server but we're gonna waste some time with with doing that let's go ahead and set up Expo router right from the beginning uh to to use for this small demo the same project we're gonna use tomorrow to deploy and render uh the web version as a static generated uh website so that's why we will need export router here if you go to the our step-by-step guide there should be the setup Expo router you can open up the documentation of routing for the installation and also I added here all the commands that you have to install so I'm gonna copy the first one to install router dependencies uh and let's open with terminal here and let's install all the dependencies for Expo in our application installing 7 sdk49 modules with npm perfect if you're watching it after a very long time then double check the the installation guide the official installation guide from Expo so here with manual installation you see that the command that you have to run to install the dependencies and rubber things but we're gonna do that step by step here together um to enable web support we're also going to have to install install react Dome and rack native web so let's go ahead and grab this second install command this will allow us to run on web as well and what I also want to do is I want to enable typescript in this application so the easiest way is to Simply rename any file in our application from GS to TS or TSX in this case so I'm going to rename application from application.js to application.tsx and in the next step if we go ahead and start our development server by running npm start we will be asked Expo will see that we have a TSX file and will ask us if we want to install typescript and with types for react so let's press enter to install them wait a couple of seconds and now if we look in package.json we will see that we have uh types the typescript rack native web and all the other dependencies that we need we can go ahead and press I to open on iOS simulator you can also scan this with Expo goal this QR code if you if you want to run it on your physical device you can press a to open it on Android even W to open it on web we're going to do that in a moment uh as we can see we are also asked to update the version of Expo go so if we're doing this from uh from terminal this happens automatically on your physical device you would have to update it if it's not updated automatically so if it's not working on your physical device make sure to update Expo go and with that being said we have our application running here on an iOS device it's oh we haven't finished actually we have a full configuration because we see them the entry file of app.tsx not necessarily entry file of Expo router so there are a couple of more steps we have to do so let's check the documentation one of them is the entry point file that can be sent in package.json so let's copy this Main and we specify which should be the first file that is loaded in our application because right now it's the app entry.js so let's replace it in package.json with export router slash entry okay then modify project configuration we need to add the scheme and the scheme in app.json somewhere here we will add the scheme and this scheme is basically um how do we want our URLs to look when trying to when using deep links so for example the scheme of a website is https Facebook is FBA thing in our case let's do I don't know not just astronomy it's quite a long one but it's not that important for now and another thing is for the web if you scroll down a bit we need to specify that the bundler should be Metro and with that being said we can restart our server with npm start again and let's rerun it on our iOS device so what's going on here Expo router first argument of should be a string denoted directory export router up root first argument required context should be a string I think we should clear the cache because I started with is it clear yeah not offline just clear just to make sure that the the cache is not messing with our application no it's still the same so what what did I forget to do Kim modify oh the bubble config so one extra step I'm I'm rushing I just want to do it in very short amount of time to be quick and sweet so that's why I'm rushing it uh yeah let's add the plugins inside our babel.config so let's go ahead in our project open Babel config and under presets we can add the plugin for Expo router now we can stop the server start it with clearing the cache and we can run it on our iOS I'm pretty sure now it's going to work foreign export router and at this moment we can already go ahead and delete the app.ts X because we are not using it anymore because that was the old entry point now the new entry point should be a file inside our app app directory we don't have yet an app directory but if you press on this button on the emulator to create it it automatically sets up application folder and the index.jsx this is the home screen of our application and all the rest of the screens will be added to this app directory that's how expert alter is working it's a file based navigation system we simply create files and the files are automatically mapped to screens and we can navigate between them more about this we're gonna learn tomorrow but I thought it's important for everyone to be on the same page about this app directory and Export router now our application is running Expo router and we can go ahead and probably I can do git add git commit in it and set up Expo router so as you can see setting up Expo router took and took a very short amount of time and you can use this tutorial even to to set it up in your own project because I imagine that not everyone is starting from a blank project and that's why I didn't want to use the tabs template anyway to get into the next step and to start exploring the Expo SDK updates as I said in the beginning I want to do that with a real project with something that we can show and see how it will affect us in a real life scenario I don't want to play with the hello world because that's boring and it's not gonna help us learn better so for that I have prepared a very simple application and I have prepared a couple of pre-made components that you can get by downloading the asset bundle Link in the description below and let me actually find it as well because we are gonna start um importing some of the components from there so here it should be at the moment that's our asset bundle uh later on I'm gonna add also maybe the presentation another sources because we're gonna use the same one for tomorrow but right now you will see that Us RC directory so here we will have a couple of things but let's go ahead and drag and drop in the root of our project with copy folder now let's before we jump into it let's have a look at what do we have here predefined as I said what we're gonna build is we're gonna build them application that will render the Astronomy Picture of a day using the NASA API so here from the from the guide you can open the nas API here we have it you can generate an API keyword you can use the demo key which allows a couple of requests for free and even the generating API is the API key is fully free only thing you have to do is fill in this information and you'll receive a key on your email and it's going to allow you to send a lot more requests so what we are interested from this API is this Astronomy Picture of the Day and we're Astronomy Picture of a day like for every single day it it gives us a new image about Cosmos about astronomy and with some more information um for example in that data here I have prepared some dummy data uh for people that will not be able to fetch from the API for some reason if the API key is not working or if you have a rate limited then we can easily take it from our data because this is a sample response we have a types that represents the type of one of these apod with the URL of a image title explanation and so on we have an API folder that helps us fetch our API NASA gov it's a very simple call to to the API it depends the API key specifies the start and the end date you can adjust them here or make them even dynamically by parameters but that's extra and it Returns the response that's it lastly we have a component that renders one of these apod on the screen we're going to see that in a moment because we are going to use it to render a flat list so let's actually do just that let's go ahead in our app index.tsx and start by uh I think I'm gonna clean everything up here and I don't even need these ones um I don't even need the view I'm gonna start with an empty fragment now in our home page I want to render a list of these apods to render a list we need a flat list let's also go ahead and import the dummy data for example apods Json from I'm gonna go One Directory up then in Suarez data apos Json and let's import the file uh apod list item that is responsible of rendering one of his items on the screen so now having flat list data and how to render this data we can put them together as a flat list for the data let's do a plus Json and for the render item this should be a function that we can destructure the item which will be one individual item from our array so for example this one and what we can do is we can render apod list item by sending the apod this item and just like that uh we need to close the flat list as well so we have flat list data coming from the Json and render item with a put list item and just like that we already have a list of astronomy pictures that are really beautiful uh and we can scroll through it perfect um let's instead of using the data from the Json let's define a state variable for a pods and set apodes which is going to be a use state and yes we can initialize it right now with with the data from the Json but in a moment we're gonna fetch this data now we can in the flat list we can use the data that is coming from our state variable like this and we are back to normal but now the data is coming from a state another thing uh that we have is a component called full screen image and this component will simply uh render an image full screen and will cover everything else behind it so this is necessary for uh for implementing the Expo blur View later on in the video but yeah let's go ahead and render it right after the flat list so inside our app index.tsx after we run the River Flat list let's render the full screen image like that okay the full screen image has a required property on close and also a URL so what where will we take the URL to display the full screen image from well let's say that in a state so active picture or full screen picture let's do set active picture we're gonna use a use State and initially it's going to be null but it's gonna be of type string and we used the a port from the U State we can type them properly by importing from Source types the apod and specifying what this should be an array of them so we have an active picture we can send it to to this one as URL active picture initially it's going to be null and nothing is going to be displayed what should we do we should reset like if we're displaying something when we want to close it we simply will set that the active picture is equal to null but how do we open this full screen image View for that our apod list item has a callback function called on image press and with this this is going to be a cold whenever we press on an image so we can save it in state set active pictures using this item dot URL of image so now if we press on one of these items it's render full screen if I press again we close it so here perfect so here is our very simple application that we built in a couple of minutes that we put together in a couple of minutes and again the pre-made components you can get from the asset bundle and we have this flat list with everything you can have a look here how we implemented it um yeah uh another thing that we can do to to but we're gonna do that in a moment um I just wanted to have a look how this application looks on web so if I press in our Expo CLI W this should open the application in web let's wait and we see the same list of items here in the web like the full screen view is a bit messed up because we can scroll through it but I think it it does the job of showcasing everything that we need for for today perfect and as well of course it works on Android as well anyway The Next Step the next step is going to be to instead of using them dummy data Apex Json I'm going to actually remove it from here let's say initially it's going to be null and I'm going to add um a check if apods is still null I want to return an activity indicator to showcase the loading State yes we see it there now when these component mounts I want to fetch the apodes from the API so using a use effect we can execute um a function when the component mounts by providing the empty dependency array here now all we have to do is we will call the function from API apods fetch apods so back in our app index let's simply call fetch airports that is imported from Source API and you can do a sync await here but because it's in a use effect it's much easier to just do than and what should happen with the result we should call the set apods with that result by sending the the apos that are coming from the API here and what do we see here we see some data here and you should also see the same data because if we look in the API a pods we see that the API key that is used defaults to demo key and here is where we will talk about uh environment variables and the first feature that I want to showcase coming in as a new feature coming in exposed k49 yes starting from this version we will be able to use Dot and file to specify our environment variables and this is really handy when we have for example API keys were different API keys and configuration depending on the environment so for example locally you want to connect to your development API in the staging you want to connect with a staging API in production you want to connect with production API so with this approach we can have different environment files for different environments and using that use them as we would using uh in in web development in back-end developments and so on so to do that all we have to do is create a new file dot EnV Y and here how did we call it we called it Expo public API key let's define it and let's set it with demo key save if we're gonna say like one two three and save we're gonna see that let's refresh we don't see anything here because this is not a valid API key so let's go back to the demo key here let's refresh our application and as you can see we don't have to even restart the server for the updated environment variable to take effect the only thing that we have to do is refresh our application by double pressing r or by pressing R in them CLI and reloading replication that's it now as you can see we have this Expo public at the beginning and this is very important to understand if the environment variable is prefix with Expo public everywhere in our application where we will use process dot end dot Expo public and something these variables these environments they will be actually replaced with the actual value from here like from with demo key when replication is going to be built for production so that means that uh our environment variables that are prefix with Expo public they will be included in the binary application that will be released to the stories and it's important to understand that this does not um guarantee that security obviously of this environment variables because anyone which can decode the the binary the APK or the iOS file they can get access to that environment variable and in fact like anywhere any client like a web client like a website or a mobile client should never store secret Keys only publicly available Keys like a public API key that Inc you also want to protect but if something bad happens you simply change it and that's it so never store like passwords or secret keys for apis because this is not the right place to do it it's only for variables that we want to somehow protect and even when Maybe variables that are different in different environments like the API Keys public API keys so that's our environment variables in Expo so let's see what's the next one okay going into the next feature that I wanted to show is the new uh an improved debugger that now also includes the possibility to inspect Network requests what do I mean by that let's actually have a look so if I go here maybe I can open the environment we're gonna need it in a moment let's open them the terminal here with Expo CLI and as you can see the open red debugger we simply have to press J here so let's press J and this will open with devtools let me try to zoom in this Dev tools was here even before but now what's possible is a new tab here the network tab in the network tab if I'm gonna refresh our application oh come on we see all the requests that the application is doing on the network and we can inspect it as you are familiar with inspecting Network requests for example for web applications so this is very handy to debug why something is not working or maybe to see for example here the exact data that we receive back from the server and make sure that what you receive from the server is actually what you expect you can look at the headers at the response headers as the request headers payload to see like what eBay key and other variables that you send and that with a preview and response is the data that we get back okay uh so as I said it's really handy to debug like why apis if our application is not working for some reason you're gonna see like hmm why what is happening here like is it from my code where is it actually uh come on here you need to yeah is it from my code or maybe like a network request failed if you open the network request we right away see that actually this request failed with a status quad 403 and uh we can look at the payload we can see the API key and why um and in the preview we can even see the error API key invalid you can also see a very nice feature is you can see even the images that are loaded through the network with their sizes and all the timing to debug like performance issues and all the good stuff okay that's that Network inspector for our Expo applications and I really love it and I think it's going to help a lot for applications that are intensively using the network for them API or even loading files anyway uh the next one the next one is there also comes to help us improve the to improve them debugging experience because yes during the rec native the state of Rec native CRV a lot of people voted that the most painful thing about track native is the debugging experience and companies like Expo and even the open source libraries are investing a lot of resources and time to make the debugging experience better for us so thank you very much for that and the next thing besides the network inspector is the react Dev tools that knows comes pre-installed and we don't have to configure it so to open it uh also in the terminal press shift M for more tools and here we can scroll down until we get to the start react Dev tools we can open it up here and here we have our Dev tools what we can do with it we can press on this select an element on the page to inspect and basically how you would inspect elements on a website for example if I hold the mouse over this one uh loading react 3 okay maybe yes I had to to reload and this is the whole hierarchy of our components for this small application so for example if we hover over some of these elements come on for example here we got to to the text that is rendering the value we we're text here free galaxies Draco and we if we move up the tree I'm gonna maybe zoom in for everyone to see it better we're gonna get to um pressable view a pod list item this is a component and we can debug like what uh properties did the uh apod list item component received and this can help us debug these properties you can even update this so for example if that title we will change here to maybe test if um a tight a longer title will look good you can update it like this you can change and this right away updates here if you don't like something you can even press delete to delete it from here uh I remember that it was possible to to actually delete it and also very cool is them um debugging like the the different cells cell render inside a flat list so here is our whole flat list and we see the cell renderer that is rendering every single item from our list first second third and so on so yeah this one can help you improve the performance it can help you uh with uh debug the state props the hierarchy what's going on here doesn't want to to do the profiling right now but anyway it's a very useful tool so yeah let me know if you if you like it and how you are using the react Dev tools also uh when it comes to uh to debugging I cover this uh previously in our newsletter but the new extension for vs code called Expo tools let's see Expo tools here uh helps us debug our application right in our vs code however I didn't actually got it to properly work so if anyone has uh has experience with this and got it working let me know I'd like I would like to test it out so the way it would work is you'd start the export debug application on device and simulator uh uh and to be honest like I didn't use them the vs code debugger that often in my experience console log is always working for example I know I can add a breakpoint here to the fetch and we can see like what's the base URL so if I'm gonna restore reload uh it's too zoomed in yeah anyway I'm not gonna stop here as I said don't have a lot of experience with this debugger and something is not properly working here it's always crashing replication but anyway next one the next one that I'm excited about is the explore actually it's a very small feature maybe not a lot of people will are using it but if you are using let's say um the Expo blur View where is it Expo blur review which previously was available only on iOS devices now it's also available on Android devices so what we have to do is to install the X popular view let's go ahead and do that in our application maybe I can do a git status you see that dot Envy is here so maybe you want to to add it to git ignore or at least the dot and Dot local but I'm gonna actually add this one as well so if I do get status now it's only source git ignore okay good to query and render a list of airports earbuds okay so as I said the next step is to have a look at the export blower View and I'm gonna do that by start by installing the export blur View library in our application um is where the debugger still running foreign yeah perfect disconnected okay so we installed extra blur view now while we are changing something let's go ahead and also run the application on an Android device and here is gonna be rendered and we can go ahead and implement this blur view as part of a background for the full screen image viewer right now we simply render a view with white background and this component is located in the full screen image view here so all we have to do is import Expo or blur View from Expo blur now we can replace via the root view with the blur view we can remove the background white to make it transparent and by default we already see the blur view behind the image we can adjust the amount of blur using the intensity the default one is 50 and it goes from 3 for example very little small blur all the way to I mean from it goes from 0 to 100 I just show free to Showcase a very small one in our case 50 I think is nice to still show something behind the scenes and render them image on top hopefully it's gonna start on Android come on what's going on Android something is happening with Android doesn't want to install but we're gonna make it uh the thing is that yeah like now the same blur view is available on Android as well the only thing is that on Android uh the blur view is quite uh expensive and it's recommended to only use it with cautious like not um if possible render only one blur View at a time to to make sure that it doesn't affect the performance of application very much um anyway I don't know what's happening with my Android it's in this state at the moment oh here it is maybe I can unlock it how can I what's the password okay still here yeah the application is running is bundling and while that is happening I can have a look at the comments yes the blurbio is a bit expensive on Android on iOS there is a native blur view blur view component so on iOS it works perfectly fine on Android it's a bit expensive so use it only um where when necessary so as you can see yes it's working it's working the same we can also adjust the intensity here and it will display perfectly fine okay so we see it on Android I can easily close our Android emulator and we can have a look at some other things for example another cool feature from Expo here we have it from Expo I mean I'm not sure like if it's necessarily with Expo SDK 49 but uh the cool thing is that uh Mac OS with their um with their silicon uh their own chips like the M chips they allow us to run iOS applications natively on our Mac OS what does it mean is that now we can actually run um Expo go as a native Mac OS application so we if you don't have a simulator you can simply install the Expo go Application as you can see like if I'm gonna uh do that you see that this is an expo go Application it's not a simulator we can log in and then we can starve application and it should work there are some there are still some bugs in the in the application but most of the things are working so this can be a great solution for people that have maybe an older version of MacBook but in that case it's not going to run because it needs silicon like the M chips right probably anyway it's gonna be helpful like if you don't have a simulator you don't even need xcode installed all you have to do is go ahead in there in this test flight build uh download test flight on your Mac OS by looking at the app store then join them beta for the Expo go maybe later it's not going to be for test light maybe it's going to be right away as a native application so if I open test flight you can see that here I have an expo go which I can open and this is our Expo go application that can run our Rec native application without even needing a simulator emulator or even a physical device that's pretty neat all right so what else we wanted to cover today uh I wanted to mention that the Expo modules now has a new ability to create local modules and this would be helpful if you have to write some native code in your ex publication previously what you had to do is create a separate package import it in your application and use it that way now you can you can create this package this native package locally in your application directly so I don't we will not have time to get our hands into this one maybe if you're interested let me know down below and I can prepare something specifically about Expo modules [Music] um another cool thing is that yeah yes insights so this is a new service from yes it's already available if you have deployed applications through Expo update at the moment it works automatically for the applications that yeah again as I said are diploid or are using Expo updates I don't have actually any [Music] application here in this account oh no no no no give me just one second for example if you open any project on that dashboard of EAS of export.dev you can scroll down and see here here should be insights here overview and insights at the moment I will not have like any data but you will see to two graphs users by platform it will specify which platform is dominant Android or iOS and also users by application version but it's also going to be available out of a box if you want more insights about the usage of your application all you have to do is install the x-point sites in your project using using npx o install Expo inside and this will provide like x-ray insights for this but you have to to have EAS enabled I don't have EAS for this project um and lastly to cover some of the updates that are also important for us to remember but maybe will not will not implement it right away for example at the moment we can selectively opt out of package version validation for the compatibility with xpom Expo SDK so the thing is that why are we installing libraries with npx Expo installed npx Expo installed instead of running it with npm npm install we are doing this in order for Expo to point us to in the to the right version that is supported by the Expo SDK that we are using so for example if expose Decay 49 is um is compatible with version let's say free or free animated at this moment and after a couple of months reanimated publishes a new version version 4. in that case um with X plus dk49 it might not work out of a box so that's why Expo has strict rules of the compatibility between Xbox Decay and the libraries that we are using the thing is that sometimes we want to we know what we are doing we have tested and we know that hey like I'm pretty sure like this library with the newest version is what I need it works I tested it I take my my own responsibility and I don't want export to verify this and to always alert me that there is a library that is not um it is not compatible so what we can do is uh we can simply where is it version with export install exclude we can exclude specific for example in the package.json inside Expo then inside install we can add exclude and we can provide here an array of libraries for example react native renimated and Expo will not complain about the difference in this whenever we are installing a new library or whenever we are doing Expo fix anyway uh that's something to to remember what else the scheme um the scheme now where up dot Json that as I said before is used for um uh deep links here with scheme previously was uh was possible to assign only um a string but now if you have different uh schemes for your application you can add it as an array so for example Facebook most probably has a FB and also the Facebook so both FB uh FB double dots this will open the application and Facebook double dot this will open it so if you also need this multiple schemes for your application now it's possible with an array here um export development client has experimental support for fabric which is the new architecture I haven't tried that yet but that's what we will learn from the release notes typescript has been updated to 5.1.3 so previously it was four point something now it's five that's good um again the expose the k49 comes pre-installed with react native 072.3 and it includes like all the updates that we saw in rack native 072 and if you don't uh if you haven't checked that out we have a video on the channel do we have a video on the channel we have a post on our blog post uh so go to notjust.dev and under the blog we have a specific post about rack native 072 with all the updates and one more thing is them um Expo dropped their support for sdk46 in order for uh for people to start upgrading and for them to have less version of sdks to support and in the next release they will drop even 47 and 49 so it's a good time right now to go ahead and upgrade your application and to do that with Expo is pretty easy because you in Rec native it's very hard to upgrade your libraries with Expo go it's super simple and here like if you scroll down to the upgrade guide uh all we have to do is I wanted to actually showcase this to you with a real project but we are running out of time uh I have some meetings with some startups that I'm advising so I really have to be there in a couple of minutes but go ahead and follow this guide because it should be straightforward um you will have to install the Expo 49 in your application using npm install Expo 49 then to upgrade all the other dependencies to match 49 use npx Expo install fix and this will upgrade the other dependencies to match the compatible versions of the 49th version check out our things I think that that should be everything in most of the cases so yeah you will also have to upgrade the xcode to 14 if you haven't already and if you use Expo go make sure to update it from the stores and yeah that's kind of it um all right so that was exposed Decay 49 in under one hour with real practical examples of how this affects you guys let me know if you enjoyed this style of videos of covering the updates because for me personally when I just read a release notes it doesn't ring a lot of bells like I have to sit down and try it in a real application to see it for myself because I don't know I don't believe it like you can say like that that is doing a lot but I have to try it to see it and then connect with us like oh that's how it will help help me in future project and by doing that it will increase the chances that I'm gonna actually start using the new features in the next projects instead of continue using like old patterns of how we always have done things so make sure to uh subscribe to the channel if you enjoy this one hit the notification Bell and because tomorrow we are continuing this same project that we started today but we're gonna cover export router V2 and that one is even more exciting because explore router is so new and with the version 2 it includes so many new features that we didn't have before when building mobile applications so tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun we're gonna generate static site a static site using Expo we're gonna host it somewhere and we're gonna make it available for everyone to join to see we're gonna look how this happens with a better improved search engine optimization how to do it with Dynamic Puffs and so on so a lot of things coming up tomorrow I prepared a lot of cool fun interesting things so make sure to actually go now to to that video and hit notify me or if you're watching afterwards it should be already here so maybe we'll put it somewhere here or maybe here I don't remember where these things are are put and thank you very much everyone who joined me live I really have to run uh in 40 seconds oh I'm actually late so see you tomorrow guys I'll make sure to go through the live chat after the meeting to to see what are your opinion about this alright have a good day bye bye guys
Channel: notJust․dev
Views: 8,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vadim savin, not just development, notjust.dev, react native ui design, react native live coding, live coding, javascript, react tutorial, react native tutorial, javascript tutorial, react native ui, React Native, expo SDK 49, React Native 0.72.1, network debugging, React devtools, Expo Tools Extension, Expo Router v2, Expo Modules API, Expo Go, app development, Expo CLI, EAS Insights, upgrading app, Expo development, upgrade to expo sdk 49, expo sdk 48, expo features
Id: 1CVlTqHW5xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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