AI and the future of design: Designing with AI - Noah L, Jordan S, Andrew P, Vincent van der Meulen

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foreign [Music] [Applause] and good morning everybody today two of config 2023 my name is Jenny Wen and I'm a design manager on the Fig Jam team at figma we hope you had a really great time connecting and learning and meeting each other yesterday I know I definitely did and we also recognize that some of you weren't able to attend the talks that you're hoping to yesterday and we are sorry about that we have made some changes based on your feedback so first thing is that we are moving our product deep dives into this room the keynote main stage room [Music] and in those sessions we are going to be spending a lot more time diving in talking about the details and training around all the things that we launched yesterday and second thing is that we're opening up the third floor for overflow so if talks on the second floor are going to be full we have a whole other room open where you can attend one of those talks we are so so grateful for you taking your time out of your day to be here with us so thank you thank you thank you so much config is so very special to all of us here at figma we love love love being here with you all whether it's in person here in Moscone in this like very gigantic room or online on the virtual stream so thank you for being with us thank you for bringing the energy the love the absolute passion for building we we so so appreciate it so on to today today is going to be awesome this morning on the main stage we are talking all about AI we know it's a topic that's on all of your minds and as you heard from Dylan yesterday it's also a focus for us too we are super excited about the early building that we're doing in this in this space as well as the acquisition of diagram that Dylan announced yesterday in case you missed it as Dylan previewed up first this morning is going to be NOAA 11 who is our VP of design at figma he's going to be diving a little bit deeper into how we are thinking about bringing AI to the figma platform so let's give it up for Noah foreign [Applause] [Music] hi this is really cool it's good to see you all um so I'm so excited to be here to talk about AI today it's a pretty huge topic and I only have about 10 minutes so I'm just going to try to cover two things what might AI mean for our industry and how are we thinking about it at figma so let's get into it two grounding assumptions to start the first is a pretty Everlasting definition of design design is solving problems for people it's not just pushing pixels it's more than what we do with our hands it's also what we do with our minds and the second is a belief that design has always evolved with technology it's there to help and assist and support it doesn't replace the need for thoughtful design and AI is not the first time we've experienced a major shift in the way we design writing used to involve hand-drawing every single letter but after the printing press we have machines turning them out at scale but we remained intentional about typography how people navigate a page in the experience of content still we design we used to have rooms of animators draw hand and by frame by frame and today computers can compose a scene without this but we still have creatives that dream about how to make stories compelling the same is true for digital photography which is push the boundaries of what we ever thought would be possible to do relative to the first cameras and still we design in the last 10 years even many ships have challenged the way we work from desktop to mobile single player to multiplayer a shift to remote and hybrid work and again we adapt we learn and now with AI still we design and to be clear this doesn't mean that things don't look different let's be honest it's very possible our jobs can change our environments could change the way we work and we can't entirely control or predict the future but we can control how we respond and work with this change and I don't know about you but I prefer to be curious optimistic ask tough questions discover how our world may change and be a part of this conversation so let's chat about how they might look different through three lenses what we design how we design and who designs put another way product process and people the software we build may change alongside new ways of interacting with technology and here I think it's possible we'll shift from an app Centric world where we're opening big monolithic containers and clicking around to express our intents to more Dynamic task-based computing emerging Tech like Chachi BT might move us away from websites and apps back to what we've been doing since the dawn of Google typing in questions and getting answers AI May simplify the need for more complex interfaces and stay more focused on the core jobs to be done whether that's booking a flight planning a trip ordering dinner this is an exciting shift because it reimagines experiences that will help people act in the world after all software has always been a bridge behind our intentions and our actions and whether it's figma itself helping you bring your ideas to life or any of these other examples it's important to remember the goals of our software as the through line here accomplishing the task you had at hand and so I don't know exactly what this will look like or how long it may take but we can start by thinking about our intentions and actions instead of apps and websites and consider new ways of obscuring complexity even if gradually and no matter what our tools look like to shape this or the software of the future whatever it looks like I'd argue there's a constant here in how we work which is we need a place to visually compare the output of these creations collaboratively apply our taste and knowledge and make decisions together to create great experiences so let's go deeper into how we design so I want to leverage some language here popularized by Brad Frost's Atomic design a lot of our work today even when we have sophisticated systems feels at the atom level small rigid elements individually manipulated but instead AI can help us explore bigger patterns freeing us up to consider the core flows of our experiences so what might this look like well again today our work sometimes looks a lot like this obviously we do a lot more than this but all too often we get kind of stuck just trying to kind of tune and perfect just the right thing very familiar to all of you I'm sure and so again instead using we might want to think about how do we move from atoms these small nudges more to patterns which in turn helps us focus on what's most important the end experience we're trying to create so instead of nudging that login screen around what if AI could help us leverage our design system and the broader ones of the operating system and take care of a lot of that monotonous work which again up levels us to think more about flows instead of buttons so I think we'll spend less time wrestling with rectangles and more time curating and applying strategy and taste to our work and it turns out this isn't new Design Systems have already been preparing us for this adjustment we used to spend too much time debating small decisions and these decisions were sometimes important to be clear but the tools made them seem even more important often because it just took so long to make them work and so to think about how to adapt and I bet you'll hear more about this all throughout the day we should continue leaning on tools that help us focus on the important parts of our work the problems we're trying to solve so finally who designs here we'll see a shift from cross-functional stakeholders who work adjacent to us two design Partners where people may feel more free to participate visually and existing designers will be able to create even more ambitious experiences than before so let's visualize this for a second you can think of the total space of design like this we have a ceiling the limits of how good you can be at designing constrained by the power of today's design tools most of us in this room are probably here today and there's also this hard floor in which it's difficult for non-designers to break through and meaningfully participate in visual collaboration and I think AI will both raise the ceiling unleashing New Heights more creative outputs more amazing products but it will also lower the floor making it easier to design and allowing anyone to collaborate visually and this is a shift we're pretty familiar with at figma people were really skeptical if this was a good idea at first collaborating in a multiplayer way on the web but I'd argue it's been a more fruitful way of working and so the end result here is a shared space and in this space we all become thinkers and Builders together and we can think less of our titles and just feel more connected that we're all just makers focusing Less on who did what and more on the shared goals of our work and so how do we adapt to this well I think we Embrace this collaboration we focus on our shared goals the problems we're trying to solve we lower our egos and recognize that great ideas can really come from anywhere so now that we've gotten a bit philosophical it's grounded in how we're currently thinking about AI at figma there are a lot of companies that I think are maybe more engineering centered like Google or more marketing or design centered uh like apple and I believe I was thinking about what what's figma's version of this what's our DNA and I think figma has always been a community-centered company it's the biggest driver behind what we do and why we're all here today and all of you in this room have undoubtedly played a role in shaping this product this company the industry and to respect that when we approach new products we want to build something that serves your needs and what's fun is you don't wait for us to do this you carve your own path I've seen over a hundred plugins in just the last few months with AI already and it's just the early days and one of the other things that we've been learning in researching and thinking more about this space is that AI is not a single feature it's not a product it's a technology it's a platform it's something that can assist you in your end-to-end design process so let's look at that process much like what Dylan mentioned yesterday let's imagine you're brainstorming designing building and it turns out AI can assist you and get your job done in each of these phases it doesn't do your job for you it's just a tool so what can it do let's start with brainstorming here AI can help us collaborate generate ideas cluster them organize synthesize and we've been working on a bunch of things here and I'm just going to show you a peek of a few engineering demos for these use cases here you can imagine getting help thinking of an icebreaker for a team meeting or organizing and clustering your ideas for you these large language models are really good at this right making sense of large sets of information we're summarizing information from a big conversation that had so many inputs right and what those next steps might be so what about designing as Dylan alluded to yesterday there's so much we can do here it can allow us to get started faster deep in possibilities in our Explorations allow us to put pieces together in more coherent and thoughtful flows and so here's an example where AI can tap into the existing wealth of your Design Systems the what's on the screen and different pages and surface component recommendations for you to build upon and so in this example it's digesting the screen and suggesting these album covers and filling in the content for you as well saving you a lot of time and exploring these different patterns from things that might already be in your system and as you start exploring AI can help you stay in the flow and I find a lot of times I forget to look for plugins that can help me and so what if instead you prompt for something and we chain together different plugins that can help you so here pulling a color palette from an image and then chaining it into showing a set of a style guide the first draft of one at least and nothing stifles your flow and imagine imagination more than tedious tasks and so here you can see AI helping with common actions I feel like all of us have spent way too much time doing this it's kind of neat to see it come together with our new prototyping previewer as well and as you think about how designs translate across devices and regions AI can give you a starting point to build upon for example you can prompt figma to show designs across different device sizes languages themes building upon all the things that you already saw yesterday with variables and then there's the build process and you heard a bunch about this yesterday with the announcement of Dev mode AI can help us contribute and understand how we move from a design into something real whether that's through helping you in communication and handoff working with developers with code or as I've heard referred to as the Holy Grail like matching components and code two components in figma and so let's take a look with the new vs code app you can imagine how much more powerful it becomes with AI for example generating code based on Selections in the file or finding existing code references that are similar to The Selection that you've made that already exists somewhere in your code base would be super helpful or updating small tweaks in the design based on things that you may be modified in a figma file and just getting a quick change to that right away and again these are just ideas and we're super excited to dive deeper this year and finally there's this process by which we work together through these phases this collaborative iterative process and along this entire Journey there's places in the process we can help people understand the context of a file help communicate across our roles and discover important work and so in this prototype imagine you've just come out of a crit or a product review and there were hundreds and hundreds of comments it happens all the time and it's a little overwhelming but AI can help summarize them make it easier here imagine you work at a large organization right there's hundreds of designers tons of files it can hard it can be hard to know where to look how to find them AI can help you find relevant files that are interesting to you discussions you should be paying attention to work across your organization you should care about and this is just a peek at only a few of the things we started working on at figma and there's so much more we want to do here I want to end on saying that everything I discussed today was not my idea nothing great is made alone this was brought to you by real people not AI the surely AI supported the process and it made it easier but we'd also like to hear from you as I mentioned figma is a community-centered company so we'd love to hear what you need what problems you're facing how AI can help you and you can either tweet at us or find us in person there's an amazing ux research Booth over there you should come talk to us so what's next in this exciting space well as Dylan announced yesterday we have acquired diagram and I'm extremely excited about this they have done so much incredible work and I just can't wait to see what they do as a part of figma so now I'd like to welcome to the stage Jordan Vincent and Andrew from the diagram team to share much more about what they've been up to thanks so much Noah awesome hey everyone welcome to designing with AI I'm Jordan and I'll be joined by Vincent and Andrew in just a few moments next slide um we're so excited to be thinking about the future of design and AI together with figma and we really need your help rebrands don't happen overnight and we'd love for you to tweet a hashtag figram or diagma to figure out what to call this new thing so we'll follow up on that towards the end of the talk to play a big part in tons of shifts in design tools from multiplayer real-time web-based and we're on the verge of this new thing you might have guessed it it's this added layer of intelligence allowing us to design faster and remove repetitive day-to-day design work in our figma experiences today we're going to share our journey that's been a year long at diagram to building a design assistant with some really cool demos and in order to understand the future we need to look back at the past and here's a taste of what our teams explored over the past several years Andrew for example worked on a node-based prototyping tool that you might have heard of or used called origami he made it easier to train ml models on your computer and worked in generative AI with generating images before it was cool in 2018 with that tiny little picture in the top right things have evolved so much since then I personally explored a sketch plugin in 2018 where you could use natural language to describe what you wanted to do on the canvas and insert really simple things like shapes very very simple at the time and things again have evolved so much since then and Vincent worked at Uber on internal design tooling and explored ways for example to find source files from screenshots a problem that we face all the time super cool stuff we were curious and we explored so many different ideas over the past several years around design tools in the AI space in general and then one day everything changed in the summer of 2020 the gbt3 API first came out and I was exploring building tons of figma plugins and thought to myself what is gpt3 meets figma start to look like and I prototyped this idea that you could describe a design in words and have it output it for you on the canvas using a design system and three things really made this possible the figma plug-in API in this Rich developer ecosystem shout out to all the plug-in developers in the audience and the fact that you could write code to manipulate the canvas and really do whatever you wanted state of Design Systems and how design was becoming more systematic and pattern based than ever before shout out to all the Design Systems maintainers across so many different companies [Applause] models and how for someone like me who knew nothing about AI or machine learning could tap into a model like gpt3 in the Simplicity of an API endpoint all these three things coming together really made diagram possible so this all led to diagram which was born in late 2021 where we explored what we called design tools from the future and a diagram with a team of five we constantly asked ourselves what does the future of design look like we took a really fascinating and interesting product Evolution over the years in the pursuit of building a design assistant over the past year and we've got some really cool demos to share throughout as we make our way from left to right we started with this tool you might have heard of or used called automator which is a figma plug-in that Taps into the power of the figma plugin API in a visual drag and drop interface so that you don't need to write any code to automate super complex tasks and time-consuming tasks on the canvas in the click of a button we explored this concept called design OS where teams could share their active work in progress for visibility across larger design teams as a way for us to think about training AI models on what your team was working on and we also explored prototyper where you could create incredibly High Fidelity prototypes bringing in the power of code right inside of figma and a special shout out goes to framer in their their classic JavaScript library all of these things were what we like to call initially in this automation era of diagram where we got a feel for you know finding our way and figuring out our place within the design community and we were growing a design brand and it was you know it was nice to see people using our products but we hadn't quite found the thing and then there was this era of intelligence which happened more recently and the more fascinating stuff that I think you're all here today to learn more about and to tell you more about it I'd love to invite Andrew to the stage wow thank you so much Jordan um I'm so excited to be here in front of a bunch of designers design tools and AI is really like why I get up in the morning and so um hopefully I can share a little bit of that enthusiasm with you um I just want to talk a little bit about how we sort of ended up in this transition between sort of thinking in our heads about like oh we want to create this like wonderful design assistant and actually like how we start putting these things into practice and shipping products using AI so my personal Journey with diagrams started in July of last year it's crazy it's been such a short amount of time and so much has happened um we were working on this design sharing tool called design OS and it you know it was cool but and we were sort of thinking like maybe we can use the designs that people share as a way to figure out like how the design process works we'll have the layers and it was sort of just really round about and we had all these really amazing like AI design experiments that we had made over the years and we were thinking like maybe we should just start shipping these and like putting them out in the world getting feedback and like engaging with you know real use inside of figma and helping people's workflows as we start to combine generative Ai and design one of the interesting questions is sort of like should we use models that are like off the shelf built by other people should we be collecting training data and building our own models so we just started to want to engage with that and that's how magician came to be magician is sort of a tool bag of different utilities that you can use inside of figma and this is something we ship you can use today it's a plug-in um and you know we needed to make this sort of box in which you could you know authenticate and so forth so who we hear is making a a plug-in with AI in it anyone plugins for figma okay well anyway if you are don't put your openai key directly in your plugin it's really important um yeah we've seen that um so I just want to highlight a couple things we don't have that much time but um one of the things we were thinking about like how does design Nai come together is really trying to solve some of these intractable problems that have been sticking around and and debates online that have waged for you know a decade one of them is like should you name your layers who here is like participated in this debate um very you know very conscious uh contentious and and and whatever so you're sort of like what if we just named them for you and then you didn't need to think about that well thank you uh well we tried this with gbd3 and it just didn't work that well it didn't really understand like what the layers were like how do you even represent the layers right um one of the transformational moments was well we got Early Access to gbd4 so I'm really thankful to open Ai and um we're just sitting in a room uh with some people like workshopping stuff and I just started copy pasting some like layer representations in from figma into the the playground and just like asking it like hey could you name each of these different you know uh frames and it actually worked really well and this was the moment that I sort of realized that like these AI models could just do more than just um talk to you they could actually understand design um and that's sort of what led into our assistant stuff deal we'll talk about in a sec another one I want to highlight is Magic icon so this sort of lets you generate like a first draft of different UI glyphs to put in your screens this is again another thing about like lowering the floor for people who are just not very visually talented but have a lot to say about like about design I want to create in figma this was very popular but I also kind of felt like we didn't want to create this like one button icon machine that just like generates the glyph and just like puts icon designers out of a job that's not you know that's not what I want to be doing so one of the things I was thinking about is like could we make a model that specifically um helps people design glyphs so both you know just like text to to glyph but also if you are an expert icon designer to sort of help you iterate on it or take a initial sketch and like make that into a more fleshed out thing um so this is sort of like really fun a little bit outside of the Design Systems and and legoing stuff so I started trying to build this I know if anyone here has used stable diffusion but if you ask it to make a UI glyph it really doesn't understand what you mean at all and um even was I was doing some fine tuning here uh which led to what you can see on the left which is just like not a glyph at all it's like a gray thing with some blobs so uh clearly something wasn't working obviously you know I have some experience in ml but this was a little bit beyond my understanding and I just heard really frustrating and then I one day I just kind of came up with this idea where we started off with like a seed image that was the average of every glyph and then we ended up with what you have on the right so we making a little bit of progress here's some more glyphs that are coming from this model um but it ended up being pretty hard to go from this cool concept and we generated like 3 000 glyphs over a weekend when we first made this but actually making that into production and like shipping that was sort of taking away from our progress towards a design assistant which is like what I think is the most impactful thing to help designers be more effective so in order to sort of focus we just had to go all in on focusing on that and I want to bring Vincent up on stage to sort of talk about his journey at diagram and how we created the first draft of a design assistant [Music] thanks Andrew so at this point the diagram team had explored many different products but we kind of lacked Focus and this is around December of last year when I joined and I remember asking myself what is my first day of diagram going to look like you know maybe I'd get to draw a rectangle that'd be that'd be a pretty cool first day but it turned out that my first week was so much more eventful than I could have ever imagined because the thing that we all thought was years away the design assistant turned out to already be possible and a little project called genius was born and in that first week we put together our knowledge and solved several of the challenges that had previously been blocking us and one of the first challenges was how to represent your visual figma canvas to a language model that only understands text and One initial idea was to convert your figma layers to Json and that somewhat works but Json is very bulky very token inefficient and GPT also isn't really used to thinking in thinking of good design in terms of Json so this is okay but maybe we can do better so what do we do well we knew from our experiments that GPT is surprisingly good at building websites with HTML and CSS so what if we just convert your figma designs to webcode react perhaps and have GPT understand the design world that way maybe that could work and turns out that works surprisingly well and because components exist in code 2 we can now tell GPT about your design system and it can actually design in your existing Style and this is great too because it lowers the barrier and the pressure for GPT to be a great visual designer after all just like us it can now use your existing Lego blocks and has to do less visual design itself so at the end of my first week we ended up with this concept this prototype of Genius Auto suggest where as you're working genius will suggest how you might want to finish your design so let's say you're designing a coffee screen genius will say hey want to add an order now button and as you design genius keeps suggesting and making recommendations so cool we we solve design AI um pretty short conference guess we can go home now well it turns out it's not that easy actually to build a design assistant because making a proof of concept is Trivial but then actually getting a large language model to do anything reliably is really really hard and what does it even mean for a design assistant to get better or worse you have to come up with some way to evaluate to grade your little robots assistance and along with this the challenge of evaluation you have to solve all these other classic software engineering problems that just take incredible amounts of time and guess what from an interaction perspective things aren't obvious either and we tried many different concepts that I'm excited to show you so going back to the auto suggest example I just showed we really loved the way this felt and the Prototype just really felt amazing but there are a few drawbacks when you're dealing with other suggests like this the first one is that the model just has to be very fast if you're designing you don't want to get suggestions when you've already long moved on to a different part of your file that would be annoying right so your model has to be very fast and then there's also another really good way to communicate with genius let's say you have a very clear idea as to how you want to finish your screen genius doesn't know that genius is just guessing so you just kind of have to hope that genius will autocomplete your screen in the same way that you were planning on and then lastly this isn't Auto suggesting a text editor this is auto suggest in an infinite visual canvas so like where is genius even going to place the suggestion right and technically how do we even get the suggestion in the right place like ah don't get me started so you know we keep exploring different concepts and of course we also tried text design where you just type in what you want and you get what you want so let's take a look at an old demo so we're going to type in if we want a restaurant finder and then we get a design for restaurant finder and now I know I know this isn't quite linear level visual design but but but you get the idea right this is very powerful when it comes to eliminating the daunting blank canvas that we all dread so much it is though starting to feel less and less like a conversation between genius and you instead it's starting to feel more and more like genius is just doing everything for you which is not really what we want and how many times your project are you truly creating anything from scratch like this and would you actually use this it's not that often right so maybe we can try something else and we did and all of these ideas exist on a spectrum and there are thousands of permutations possible so this is an idea we prototyped called Magic elements where you have a magic element that you can drop onto your canvas and using a prompt can turn into anything you want so let's say we're designing a food food delivery app you know I worked at Ubers we have to include an example like this so let's say we're designing a food delivery app and we want to finish our screen by adding a nav bar and by adding more restaurants we just drop in these magic elements say what they are supposed to be and then of course genius comes along and fills in the blanks so this is a pretty cool concept to us because you just get to design with these wireframes and then AI takes care of the tedious looking for your components scouring through your design system so that's pretty cool but while this works great for insertion it's less clear how you would use these magic elements to actually edit existing designs so that was one of the downsides of this concept and we even played around with having genius show up in your file like an actual user which was a very very fun thing to make and as it turns out the same principles the same Primitives that may collaborating with your co-workers and figma so great like multiplayer like seeing where they work like having cursor chats actually may collaborating with AI work amazingly well too because you can see where genius is working and there's a level of knowing that genius is your partner and not there to replace you but as a third party startup I I wouldn't recommend trying to make genius show up in everybody's design file it was just too big of a technical challenge so you might wonder okay where'd you guys end up well that's why I would like to now invite Andrew back to the stage to show you where we ended up and I couldn't be more excited for what he's about to show you [Music] all right yeah I mean I love Vincent's enthusiasm for this it's just so fun to work on this kind of tool um I do have one more thing to show and this is something that um is really a passion of mine I I love this and uh hopefully you do too um I think if you if you think back over the last year like what what has changed about the world one of the really interesting things is sort of like the time before chat TBT came out and the time after Chachi BD came out and a lot of the stuff that we just showed you is sort of ideas we had thought of or built sort of before we saw the impact that that sort of direct personal um interactive experience with AI had on people and sort of what that meant for what people's expectations were so genius chat this is just a really early look um but I wanted to show a little bit about some of our thinking about letting you talk to genius in a more direct way to say what you want and then let it give feedback to you so what if we could bring the magic that is Chad gbt into the figma canvas here's an example so you could talk to genius about your screen it can help you and then it can actually edit your file so let's go to a demo here I have a music app that I'm working on and I would like to quickly just add some songs so there's a list item that's in my design system and I can just go to the genius chat and type in add some imaginary songs and it's going to give me some direct feedback you might also notice it has a little bit more personality than chat gbt using some emojis and being a little more sort of what I expect designers might want to interact with and then it's gone and changed my file here and it's added a few different list items it's pulled the component in filled in the text and it's done it right inside of figma let's look at another thing here so I just have a basic screen and I want to add some copy so I can just select the screen I don't need to say where it sort of knows and then say okay let's add some copy this is not sped up this is like real time and boom we have some coffee I think one of the things that's most interesting to me and I've been hearing um hearing this from people at config already is people use chat TPT in their design process already and they ask for advice so one of the really interesting things we could do is like let genius see what you have in your file and then let you ask a question so imagine I'm sort of a beginning designer and trying to figure out like like what are important design considerations I can just ask a question so it's like where should I add a search bar and then it gives me some feedback and suggests putting it on the title bar which you know is reasonable and you know not the most crazy thing but yeah here we go so lastly I just want to sort of close with another possibility that genius chat could also help connect you to things outside of figma itself so in this example we can sort of pull in other apis or experiences directly into the chat just as they're needed so here I'm working on a glyph inside of my design it's called out to the glyphs model and it's generated some options and I can just respond in the chat to sort of complete that so that's what we have to show for genius chat I just want to close by saying we're here showing these things to you really early we know this is not the final version of anything but what should be done but we really want your feedback we want to involve the community in sort of co-creating what this means the intersection of like intelligence in your design tool because we know that your experience in figma is super personal and we want it to reflect all of our values so back to Jordan to sort of wrap up and thank you thank you [Music] thanks so much Andrew I hear that we're running a bit over time so I'll try to make this quick um we're so excited to be joining forces with figma as announced yesterday to continue exploring what the future of design and AI looks like together and a huge special shout out to our entire team from Vincent to Andrew to Marco to Sid [Music] all right and still as designers all of us in the audience we continue to design just as we always have designers aren't going anywhere thank you [Applause] [Music] that was incredible I always just so much appreciate how this diagram team how much they explore and are just unafraid to die dive deep into a new technology I'm personally really excited to get to work alongside them as a part of the figma team and I can't wait to see what they do now that was seriously amazing thank you so much Jordan Andrew Vincent and the rest of the diagram team [Music]
Channel: Figma
Views: 27,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma, design, product design, tips, tricks, UI design, ux design, app design, figma design, design for figma, FigJam tutorial, prototyping, collaboration, UX tutorial, Design tips, Figma tutorial, Config, design system, tutorial, product:none, audience:designer, language:english, format:standard, produced_by:other, theme:AI, event:config, series:other, type:other, level:none, primary_feature:, secondary_feature:
Id: bslH4Mv1ZHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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