Conference 2020 | Holy Ground

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normally i i show a video of what god is doing around the world for those that were here last night you saw many of the gospel campaigns from 2019 with a word for the greater harvest i told you last night that i was in the nation of guatemala the stadium was ready for the night before the government officials said we're going to close down the crusades if there are any more rises in corona this was at the very beginning i had no idea what was about to because god seems to like three fighting [Music] but i was in my room the nations were locked down and i began to pray and i said lord that's called gospel you must speak to me you told me that this would be the year of the greater he took me to the scripture in second timothy two on atrium i am in lock down he was telling timothy that he was in a seasoned storm where he felt like he was in restraint but he said this he said i am in chains [Applause] but what god [Music] in jesus name paul wrote to the philippians bible peace out philly pizza and he said yo that my chains are in christ he said these chains have actually been to [Applause] when somebody [Applause] three of you three the evangelists with evangelist reinhardt bonkey steven gillis i was sat eating yeah fried eggs uh what would you tell a young preacher and he looked at me and i never forgot what he said he said nathan what's going on whatever you preach jesus that is what he will be in your heart [Applause] and i i felt an impression in my spirit yeah i'm just going to follow the holy ghost about nine months ago my prayer time is normally my wife goes to bed i turn all the lights out and able to change the house and i just sit before the lord you see you will learn the more time you spend with him you what do you do after 20 minutes when you've run out of your prayer list what do you do when you get to the place where you don't even know what to preach yeah and suddenly the holy spirit began to give me this download and i just took a piece of paper and i began to write yeah and in like five to ten minutes i had written this thing out yeah and god said i want you to make make it a video ebook so i made it yes deal i said to the guys look guys i don't do this normally god is raising up a generation that will see an end time harvest to solve i'm not talking about stadiums there'll be no stadium big enough i'm talking about what god is about to do you need to realize that what is happening is assigned to you but god is about to do something [Applause] one night i was just watching social media and i saw a young 10 year old boy in a church in america of america he stood up god will use you in a way that you cannot possibly i've seen miracles that still blow my mind the blind sea and the death here what you're about to see is called the fiery witness video jesus the perfection of god the only begotten of the father sent because god so loved the world that he gave the sacrifice that defeated the grave so now he is risen on high his name has defeated every lie because he is our plea i'm here to tell you that his blood has the power to set every captive free now we stand as a witness chosen to testify of his existence you were created for a purpose you have been commissioned for this cause this is the power of the cross because god doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the call he chose you even before time began not through his only begotten you are his perfection his purpose you are his plan never to be silenced anointed for his service the promise of the father has already been accomplished he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire a burning witness of his glory and his power an unquenchable fire in the heart of every believer a fire that goes beyond our failures the power of god and his perfection this is not some dead religion it's a holy fire that will save a generation you are not excused denied or rejected you've been anointed to make a worldwide declaration for this is the power of his witness to look into the eyes of jesus to live a life burning with his eternal flame to boldly declare of his glory and his fame so why are you still sitting playing out the role of some victim for god has ignited his eternal flame an unquenchable fire that cannot be tamed rather than drinking the pleasures of this world this is not the meaning of your life no it's to present yourself as a living sacrifice for the same spirit that raised christ from the dead lives in you the power of god to preach this good news that we are no longer a slave to sin the power of his blood has broken every chain we do not stand in the world bearing witness to christ no we stand in christ bearing witness to this world that beside him there is no other he's the only way to salvation he's the son of god and he's closer than any brother so let me show you his passion the lamb of god who bore our sin with a burning compassion the nails that pierced his hands and his feet his blood that flowed for you and me the reason he bought the stripes upon his back why in him will never be defeated we'll never be downcast in him we'll never die the reason why eternity will ask you why why did you never testify were you too afraid to speak with expression the glory of his name to a person without revelation to millions of souls that never heard his message a christian that was silenced by this world and its pleasures no we will not be ashamed we will take our place and forever proclaim his glorious truth that his spirit is being outpoured calling to all those that will hear and answer the call so holy spirit have your way use these vessels of clay use our hands and our feet let our mouths be filled with the word that breaks the chains and speak the glory of your name that still sets the captive free laying hands on the sick let your miracles be seen this gospel shall be preached to every city and nation let us run this race without hesitation the knowledge of the lord and his glory upon the ocean of this generation to every last soul that is without the truth raise up your army that will go without excuse to do what the world says is impossible to fight for the truth but this is the power of the gospel your spirit in us may we never run and hide burn that eternal flame for the glory of your name will never be denied make us the fiery witness until we stand before you and answer without shame from a flicker to a flame from a sinner to a saint a fire that will never fade away the fiery witness [Applause] fire are you ready to be that fiery witness i said are you ready to be a fighter hallelujah hallelujah i want you to turn with your bibles please to the book of exodus is hot i woke up this morning and i feel like this is the word of god chapter 2 verse exodus chapter 2 verse 2. sorry exodus yeah exodus chapter two verse one sorry spirit was decisive and a man of the house of levi went and took as a wife a daughter of levi so the woman conceived and bore a son and when she saw that he was a beautiful child she hit him for three months but when she could no longer hide him she took an arc of bulrushes for him dubbed it with asphalt and pitch and put the child in it and laid it in the reeds by the riverbank and his sister stood afar off to know what would be done to him then the daughter of pharaoh came down to bathe at the river and her maidens walked along the riverside and when she saw the ark among the reefs she sent her maid to get it and when she opened it she saw the child and behold the baby wept so she had compassion on him and said this is one of the hebrews children then his sister said to pharaoh's daughter shall i go and call a nurse for you from the hebrew women that she may nurse the child for you and pharaoh's daughter said to go so the maiden went and called a child's mother then pharaoh's daughter said to her take this child away and nurse him for me and i will give you your wages so the woman took the child and nursed him and the child grew and she brought him to pharaoh's daughter and he became her son so she called his name moses saying because i drew him out of the water chapter now moses was tending the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of midian and he led the flock back to the back of the desert and came to our heb the mounting of god and the angel of the lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed then moses said i will now turn aside to see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the lord saw that he turned aside to look god called to him from the midst of the bush and said moses moses and he said here i am then he said do not draw near this place take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is holy ground father bless your word this morning you will find that god is always with you i love that song it says even when i don't see it even when i don't know it that's okay god is always moving that vision can i tell you that see the bible says that the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world if you study that yes he will tell you that even before god said let there be life of time before god that you see at the same time i don't have to live government [Applause] are you ready for this morning are you ready for this there are destiny moments god this is already i'm not stumbling through life [Applause] have you ever experienced the destiny that one minute you were here and something happens you're standing in a whole new place you've never missed it what was what you couldn't see before now something's god sets you free he was a destination god was about to do something give god [Applause] but the devil had a problem no diablo no begins [Music] you won't find him thin you know joshua the reason why you won't forget is because i've hidden him see david said you are my hiding place you in the very house [Music] yes he made the devil choose moses that sounds like god that sounds like [Applause] you see david said teach my friends i'm [Applause] see there but god [Music] [Music] conflict oh i gotta preach on this see moses had accomplished global conflict he was a hebrew but he was also an egyptian he was he was anointed but he was raised an egyptian and this is the conflict is this too deep you see when you're called and yet he was raised but you're to deliver the you how many people do i meet skoka lucia yesterday that they were called by god anybody please when they bought them they were called to preach they were called to do great things for god [Music] of comfort is a conflict four years sorry 40 years sora cleared in the desert how long are you going to live in that barren place that barren place of and he said to me nathan just call me nathan i need to tell but i've lived all of my life that this was his plan b i aborted god's plan see my friend he wants you to dwell on what's a desert plant moses may say because of the conflict is a conflict he's running from his destiny [Music] he's now a murderer he'd murdered an egyptian only keep telling them he was a prince and now he had murdered those that had raised him see sometimes the conflict in your life conflict may even be your own family because this is the message of the gospel lead your life you have to surrender you have to let go you have to die it's funny how people look at you and they make preconceptions about you know and i cried out to god gospel and god saved me right in the middle of the stream but i still ran from here i still didn't surrender but god never let me go he pursued after me because there was a plan for mr i came into ministry for the first five years of my ministry i was on 50 a month 50 dollars [Music] but if you lay down your life god will give you more than you can ever possible study but you see i feel like i'm preaching to people right now that you've been running you won't yield when you got shot you wouldn't know why you're he oh you can do better than that you know i'd be in those nightclubs it's nighttime drugs and alcohol narcotics and i'd go to the restroom i'd be in those restrooms just washing my hands suddenly the power of god and god will say son people go to sin you don't belong here god never because he [Applause] layer of glass okay has anyone ever seen today one minute you're in this place the next minute god doesn't matter that's somehow the thing that was sent to the story actually position for the greater realm of blessings of god this boy he'll uh you because for 27 holy give god [Applause] what used to god was the holy spirit something is about to this is holy ground some of you last night it was your holy my feet god was about to put me into position and i believe church what is happening in the world media the enemy will always let you know the enemy is not too smart he always makes a mistake the enemy always that was the devil's first message as soon as you say you're gonna silence us god says get ready it's about to become holy grace somebody you're looking at why is that good well if the enemy yes knew the words he would have known that jesus had already said i should be a mother there's no prison cells [Applause] and he's going to make it a holy ground [Applause] moses don't miss your moment as a handy gathers her chicks off got it but listen to what jesus said he said you did not know things now where god is searching for you to stand because of this holy grail but you didn't know the hour and you miss your moment jacob said how awesome is this place god is here walks this and i didn't even know i just obey the holy ghost did you allow the enemy to blind if he's not he'll put if that woman is not on firefighters can you get each other don't think she'll be on fire you need to get your eyes on jesus [Applause] take off your shoes why did god tell him to take you can't step into this the same way you still share everything and i'm preaching to some people right now you can't step with yourself nowhere still with your old mind is just it's still the holy ghost but stop trying to make god's move like he used to do when you were young he's got to move in a whole new way because we're closer than ever before you've not carrying give god i can't keep preaching i gotta i can't get into that behold says the lord do you want to know a sign that god [Applause] don't [Music] take off your shoes [Applause] foreign you want a revelation of what it means to be anointed it's when god causes you to stand in a place that used to be a place of your dream i'm gonna say that again god will cause you to stop of all the things that god told him to do he watched the box because he said i'm sending you back and moses says is give god god bought with moses book privilege messiah until he said in a holy moment becomes moses was in a holy moment and he gave god all the excuses but the one that angered the lord was when he said see my friend video nobody can do what god is going to do god didn't call you to be available he didn't call you to be pastor sir he gave you a purpose i could come up to some of you right now evangelist right and when you watch those videos that [Applause] the ground is shifting mr did you know church was knight circle [Music] that the place that this encounter happens to mystic theater was the place that god gave him the ten commandments by the way that was very significant [Music] box cultivate it's gonna be the place of your revelation [Music] god met with him [Music] paul the murderer by the lubitza jesus reveals himself to paul he was a murderer of the church and paul god says this is now holy ground [Music] see my friend no matter where you are [Music] no matter how much you feel like you failed boga his blood has the power evocroft to cause the place of your defeat to become holy grace you may have a failed marriage you may say i'm divorced there's no hope for me i don't know why i'm saying this there may be a woman in here that you have an abortion and the enemy beats the blood is already [Music] his blood has the power he made silo to make you whole again still it is silly [Music] [Music] you can't forgive yourself [Music] this is holy [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you [Music] [Music] yes to the purpose you have for my life i will go yep i do i will do what you tell me i will speak with you tell me [Music] my destiny
Channel: Church of Truth
Views: 1,791
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: WwzNAMs9vZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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