Conan Travels - "Conan visits the Good Housekeeping Laboratory" - 4/24/08

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's all good any porn is gonna be out here in just a couple of minutes but first let me explain what happened just about this last month about five weeks ago someone brought me the March issue of the Good Housekeeping magazine I missed March I usually the only one I've ever not read and and they showed me this for a reason they said check out the celebrity recipe and I've talked about this on the show but look at this it was in honor of st. Patrick's Day Conan O'Brien's st. Patrick's Day stood right there and I thought for a second I thought oh that's great then I realize wait a minute I don't cook I've never had a recipe in my life I've never made stew in my life this is not my recipe they clearly were just stuck on st. Patrick's Day they needed some Irish face to put in the magazine and they said Conan O'Brien is in that story well you know I sort of talked about a little on the air and the Good Housekeeping people they they were great they they called me up they said we're sorry it was just just a mistake their editor-in-chief rosemary Ellis even came on the show to explain what happened and afterwards she invited me to visit the famous Good Housekeeping Research Institute so I decided I gotta go cuz no one ever invites me anywhere so I paid a visit just a couple of days ago and here's what happened I'm here at the Good Housekeeping Laboratory in midtown Manhattan this is rosemary Ellis the editor-in-chief of Good Housekeeping magazine thanks so much for having welcome to the research institute these labs are very futuristic they are it is like you've entered a new society and I notice mostly women and men who I'm guessing or eunuchs what's the story there I was asked I was asked to surrender my genitals when I entered do we get them back when we leave okay I'm not using them this is health beauty and environmental sciences health beauty and environmental sciences I'm disappointed this door wasn't electric you know it would have been cooler sorry lab coat with my name very nice everybody I don't think the good housekeeping lab coat gets the good housekeeping seal your name is Charmaine Gillespie yes yes tell us what this machine does its surface your complexion analyzer so I'm just going to put some information in you need information from me I can tell you things I'm in Harry's okay I'm technically still a virgin okay father and I are well we're distant with each other I think I killed a guy in about 1988 I hit him with my car and I kept driving up and you're all done right the picture and now we're gonna look at the results ah oh my god oh my god what is that these are actually UV spots on your skin on the right side of your face it looks like I saved my platoon by placing my face over a grenade do you find that guy attractive be honest let's say I went on and that's the photo I put up I see you have the fond learn ein thousand here this this fondles things and this machine tears underwear tears underwear toast fabrics simulating me in a state of high arousal look at that we're testing lunchboxes to make sure that when you pack your kids lunches they say within the proper temperature do you never test how well these lunchboxes protect the integrity of the food itself from damage would you like me to test the Hannah Montana for you right now sure if you want to pretty well my hand is broken nice not as nice this guy can't handle it let's see if this guy can I like that that's good [Applause] this is Todd that you touch some of the products for durability break ability is that right yep and we also see which ones are consumers like right now we're testing shower radios are you know that [Music] how do you go what is this machine right here so this is our drop tester this is a child cell phone and we're gonna test if it dropped is that right what happened to it care to do the honors yes I would so pick it up check it out make sure it still works make sure no pieces fell off no pieces fell off it still works this is the Howie Mandel bobblehead sold by NBC I guess that works I guess that would be no deal what's up what's happening in this room this isn't a very much longer we can set any temperature and any humidity that we want okay what have you what have you got around now ninety ninety this is you got it on ninety ninety many humans survive in ninety degree weather and ninety percent humidity who I tried out well that was terrific yeah you may need some of the anti-frizz product that we're testing right now nonsense I wasn't affected at all by your chamber better luck next time I got I will yes I will thank you so much at the Good Housekeeping Labs is Conan O'Brien saying this is Conan O'Brien The Good Housekeeping [Applause] you
Channel: Inflatable Conan
Views: 952,281
Rating: 4.9003372 out of 5
Keywords: Conan, O'Brien
Id: NKUxbrR3BzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2015
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