Conan O'Brien 'The Rock 3/3/05

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not everybody we're back well good you know my first guest tonight a huge star you know him from movies like the Scorpion King and walking tall starting tomorrow he'd be seen with John Travolta in be cool thrilled to have him here tonight please welcome the rock get a B on the shelf gotta do so good to be back I know where I swear it you've been on many times you're a good friend to this show I don't know why I had to stop it when you were walking out right now I almost took you down I almost took you you're so pretty I almost took you I know you're a large man and you're experienced in fighting but I almost took you down I don't know weird I know you almost took me down but then we were that close you're like that's very accurate that is the noise I make whenever there's any danger or a dog that I don't know Wow well okay maybe I'll take you down later after that comment hey so thank you for being here there's so much talk about suppose to talk about first of all you've successfully transitioned into film you have a great film career now but you walk around there's still a lot of the rock merchandise from your wrestling days that you're still selling big yeah do you a do you approve of all that stuff do you get this you have to sign off on all of it no I don't have to sign off on on everything I think for the for the most part that's everything is usually pretty cool pretty cool yeah pretty cool cuz I found this and I wasn't sure the rock sippy cup sippy cup and the only thing I think about it's like you have a lot of cool merchandise and you're such a cool guy but you think like yeah I'm a big fan of the rock juice you're gonna rip my face off aren't you just talk to them about the rock sippy cup that's nice now I'm gonna bring that home for my daughter she'll love it you know drink your lemonade no I want my rocks amigo Wow you saw through my thing pretty quickly now let's talk about it we're gonna move on to other areas but I had one question which is during the wrestling days something that takes a lot of guts all of your work you you all your wrestling was done in the speedo what you would do all right ever a wardrobe malfunction all those moves all that crazy stuff going on and there's just a speedo there anything ever sort of go wrong should be saying well there was there was this one particular time I was wrestling and unbeknownst to me when I saw the publicity pictures about a week later I'm Here I am on top of the ropes arm up in the air holding the championship belt and all my glory and there I am and my ball at [Applause] I'm supposed to use a euphemism or something though sorry okay well yeah yeah go rock in this pebble Wow all right well it's good that you moved out of that field I think it's all going very well now in in be cool you're very funny in this movie and you're you're playing your characters gay in this in this in this movie and you do a really good job one guy yeah yeah was very excited right now but but you know I was wondering like when you get it as an actor did you use anybody was there anyone that inspired you to sort of connect with that character well truth of the matter is yeah there are certain things that you look for is especially for me I could be like as fearless as I wanted to be you look for roles like that my character is an aspiring actor that was me five years ago probably about the time we first met knife has no money that was me eight nine years ago at night night and I was very fortunate that I had strong too strong gay influences two men in my life one knew my grandfather really really well strong passionate truthful guy and the other guy I've known him for a long time now so funny and I love the guy in Kona and I just want to thank you so much [Applause] Wow one night in college it was poor appletinis one night in college and it fellas me forever : z yes you can we're not airing this episode episode I'm gonna show an old f-troop episode now if this if the script had called for you to kiss a man that doesn't happen in this movie but if it had happened would you have would you know and there's nothing wrong with that but would you would you have done that we've been uncomfortable with it no I'm very comfortable with my own sexuality which is number reasons why I took the role in the first place I think it all depends night on oral hygiene that's all I really mean you know exactly are they kind of like your lips Kanzi if you sit the sippy cup again [Applause] man which doesn't gonna air this isn't gonna air in huge chunks of the country this show well I will enter you know in a serious note you you you do a really good job you've done a very good job transitioning into acting and and this is a this was a cool role for you to take because what's neat about this character is that the fact that he's gay is just not really important to the plot but he saw he's also a tough guy at the same time and fun and you get to be funny in this role this bull absolutely and I loved it not only that but a chance to work with all these great actors right from Keitel they're too full to him a Thurman and everybody like that Vince Vaughn including so and again you get a chance to jump off the cliff and see what happens right not a great time doing it yeah you're right it must be weird there's like these third scenes with you and it's like you and Travolta you know the only two people really in the scene and it's and it works but it's funny to see you like this is something you must have dreamed about five years ago if someone said you're gonna be doing scenes with John Travolta this would be a great thing oh my god yeah absolutely so it's like I mean not only that but I'm this is like a dream come true for me now just making these movies and and doing well or just even being here with me on this show brother let me tell you it pushed it too far is what I did we we have a clip here what do we need to know for this clip this is this is the earnest way of my character Elliott where he sees this opportunity and he he by the way this is this is everyday life and I know what happens to a bank come up to us every day yeah I got an idea I got a script I got somebody right and this is his opportunity to deliver a monologue but instead of delivering a monologue that's like Braveheart he picks bring it on right he this is your character wants to be an actor and he picks a scene from bring it on and bring it on and auditions for John Travolta's character chili let's take a look at this scene you guys are you so mean I'm just trying to be strong for my squad and I'm trying to make it right you want to make it right then when you go to Nationals bring it bring it don't worry I never do seen well we're all be cool be cool opens tomorrow we're all very happy for you so my good guy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nice show tonight we have a very nice show coming up tomorrow night from the new movie the pacifier Vin Diesel is gonna be here from Saturn at live very funny man Fred Armisen will be stopping by musical guest slow Millions so watch that show [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 164,101
Rating: 4.9108825 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: adVCphfO7Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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