Conan Finally Got “Gerbiled” | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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okay sona's laughing really hard and for good reason ladies and gentlemen soda don't cover up your mouth your laughter is the fuel for this podcast I was just recently on the east coast and Sona I got gerbils you got gerbild I got gerbils okay this is true God this is the hardest I've seen Sonic laugh in a while I totally got gerbilt for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about I put it out there recently as as many of you know the uh the way to the way for any fan of the podcast or regular listener to let me know when they see me strolling around and man I'm hard to miss is to shout out as God made her since katakai just works but so many people shout out katakai as God made her and um I think you guys have been with me but when any ask anyone who walks around with me Adam you've seen this happen when I walk around so many people shout out katakai it's happened to me it's happened to you it's happened to me wow everywhere I go I hear a katakai and I always turn and go yes I saw it in San Francisco you saw it in San Francisco that's right Eduardo uh you and I were walking around San Francisco as we often do together we have our little weekends that's our business not anyone else that's nice um we feel accepted there yeah and uh anyway uh recently I was talking to someone on the on the podcast and and I brought up you guys were here for this that one of the uh early guests on The Late Night show was Mick actor Mickey Rooney who in 1940 was the biggest star in the world and Mickey Rooney came on the show and I was talking to him and at one point he was he got off track on something and he he was trying to talk about mention uh he wanted to come up with the name Richard Gere and he was saying that actor you know the actor what was his what was that actor's name and of course there's that famous rumor about Richard Gere so I'm trying to think like well what act are we talking about here and we're and Andy and I at the time that's like 1993. this might be the fall of 1993. we're both children doing this late night show trying really hard to help him come up with the name like well who is it who is it and Mickey Rooney said all of a sudden says and he says it very ominously like he's telling a ghost story there was talk of gerbils and immediately Andy starts howling I start howling and we say Richard Gere and he's like that's right what's your gear and so um we then decided we start laughing and then we decided there was talk of gerbils should be the new category katakai has been retired has been retired and the new one is there's talk of gerbils now we were that episode I think had just gone out and where am I I'm in New York City and of course it's very crowded it's you know uh spring has sprung everyone's out and around the weather's perfect I'm in Midtown because I go to sirius to record the podcast there and I'm walking along and I just hear there was talk of gerbils and I I was like yes and then I turned around and I walked over and I hugged the guy oh I gave the guy a hug which by the way he seemed happy with the hug had I sensed any reluctance I would have let go after 15 minutes someone who's gonna yell there was talk of gerbils out loud in public is going to be fine with a hug hey whether you're stuck in traffic or streaming your favorite podcasts that's where I come in it's important to have a network you can trust wherever you are say it with me T-Mobile yeah you didn't really have to say it with me but it is your network you know I'm excited about T-Mobile yeah you're killing it and uh you know who's really excited it's our good friend blay who's been using this service blade tell us about it yeah I have been a T-Mobile a subscriber for a really long time it they're awesome I download videos all the time yeah you do you like you download a lot of videos yeah now you've never read a book books are overrated but uh and I listen to this podcast on a hike fantastic up in the mountains you listen to our podcast I will contract you work here yeah I have to I have to I have to listen to it but it's great and and honestly like the coverage is is insane uh and yeah I love the service I love the phone it's fantastic experience for yourself how T-Mobile is America's largest and fastest 5G Network you can't top them I like all the G's you bet you do find out more at Cy that's s-e-e-w-h-y fastest based on median overall combined 5G speeds according to analysis by UCLA of speed test intelligence data 4. Q4 2022 good wow that's incredible yeah I said exactly what they wanted 5G details at anyway I told him he was the first wow um did it take you a second to process it or did you immediately know what that was for I immediately I immediately knew I immediately knew and I turned around and and there he was and uh uh very nice uh young fellow maybe maybe 20s 30s but I just I just immediately was like I had to tell you you are the first and then it happened one or two other times while it was in New York City and I thought it's spreading there was talk of gerbils you're reigniting that rumor I bet Richard you're really happy I know well maybe the brass ring will be to get Richard Gere to yell at you in public you know there's only one person angrier than Richard Gere right now and that's the gerbil okay he's still living gerbil finally oh yeah no these dribbles live a long time I would have thought that the whole thing itself would have killed him no no no oh no no no they don't suffocate no no lots of nutrients up there anyway and so uh no somewhere there's a gerbil with a uh I think we know where it is no no he's gone he's long gone okay he burrowed out yeah he's constantly texting Richard Gere and Richard Gere isn't returning his test oh he's ghosting yeah he's ghosting the gerbil and the gerbil's like what the it's a broken heart situation as well well the turbo also was kind of happy that I put this behind me there was a time where he tried to I think he was on like a VH1 reality show for a little bit oh yeah and he was hanging around with you know uh you know some like a child star and um Corey Feldman yeah exactly and but he's now he finally put it behind him and then now this is reignited he put it behind him huh all right come on you're better than that that's the that's the bar come on you just hit the bar grow up Sona H mosesian how dare you you keep inserting false middle initiatives into peoples so if someone comes up to us and says ketakai do we go like we're not allowed to catch up dick yeah hey prick you didn't get the memo 2020 too much eat no I don't know katakai is still accepted okay it's still oh it is I thought it was retired no it's not retired but come on redeemable for the same amount of Praise I'll say this I've been in this business long enough to know that any recognition or acceptance is a golden coin I am not about to give people a hard time for saying the wrong thing to minute when I'm walking by but yeah he was the he was the first one that's cool and I rewarded him yeah gerbils was the hug the reward oh I had another I I had another moment in New York City um so many things happen because you're just out there and you're and there's a lot of fans of the podcast out there which is really nice and um I actually mentioned this story at the SiriusXM up front in front of a big audience of advertisers and they found it quite amusing but I'm walking with my friend Eric you know Eric well yes they do and uh Eric and I have these long walks from we're both interested in uh you know politics and history and Eric just shouts at me most the time yeah his uh and and I it's louder than I am he is louder than you which is really saying something but we have a great time and when we go to restaurants together um he's always saying what you don't understand about Lyndon Johnson oh my God is when he named Fortis to the Supreme Court he didn't know and people are always looking over it but I love it I love him and we always have a blast together what didn't he know about abeford hold on yeah I'm kind of I'm kind of on pins and needles myself we'll get to you I'll give you your Abe Fortis man it's about time made before this came up on this podcast big shout out to everyone at the Lyndon Johnson Library came up in the segment about gerbils yeah exactly I segued what other what broadcaster in the history of the medium Segways from Richard Gere's gerbil to Abe Fortis the Supreme Court nominee by Lyndon Johnson to the Supreme Court anywho I really got Sona today but anyway this is good guys so I'm I'm walking along and we're headed to this restaurant that's actually in uh at the Museum of Modern Art that Eric knows about he says oh we should go to this restaurant so we're walking in and uh this very like accomplished looking young woman uh who seems very cool last name is just she says oh hi Conan um you know fan of the podcast and we're chatting just a little bit before we just before going to the restaurant and uh and she's great she's fantastic she seems very cool and cool I mean she seems very cool and cool yeah that's great let me fix that part I'm very flustered um I saw a girl and now I'm leaving this in now you have to leave it in I saw a girl and got excited anyway wonderful young woman chat and then uh I'm about to head back into the restaurant and I say hey would you like a selfie I offer it up I just say hey would you like a selfie and she says no I'm good and but she said it just like you know no I'm not that kind of fan like but she just says no I'm good and I and I say but a lot of people like to get itself and no one here's what she said she said oh my God you're you're needy just the way you are on the podcast like and I said she had this kind of moment of you really are that guy yeah and I said yes I am that guy but I thought that was a funny moment she thought you were this is experiencing in 3D yeah like she's heard uh you know uh sonically the neediness but then she ran into uh she saw it in person yes yeah so you didn't take a picture with her no oh and then the crazy thing is I thought eventually she'd be like um okay you never know yeah no she she didn't we got a courtroom artist to do a sketch of both of us yeah but uh anyway uh we may hear from her too because I think because this is crazy I'm not even kidding I ran into her a second time in New York when you were just following her trying to get her to take a picture yeah you sure you don't want a selfie you us healthy Sophie with me I was in a dirigible flying over New York looking for her no I accidentally ran into her again and I gave her David hopping's info and David hopping uh may hear from her in which case maybe we'll link up with her on the podcast because she can she can tell the story herself but anyway she probably won't get in touch with him no no she wants out she lost that number I called David every four minutes have you heard from the lady yet they didn't want the selfie
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 277,047
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Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian
Id: aQ9qhtPtohA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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