10 beginner Tips I wished I knew in Medieval Dynasty

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hey how's it going guys xander here i'm gonna teach you some top 10 uh tips and tricks that i wish i knew when i first started playing this game uh for new players mostly i'll have some advanced tips and tricks in here as well towards the end my goal in this is to kind of let shed some light on some things in the game that i i didn't know that i found out later on that would have helped me significantly or things i simply overlooked as a new player because i was so excited about the idea of building and creating my own settlement that i just didn't pay attention or i just didn't read something so with that being said let's get started okay the first step is settings and difficulty now the first thing that you're going to do when creating a new game is you're going to want to customize it now i'll go over the stuff that i normally change to have an enjoyable gameplay and i'll tell you the impacts so difficulty is a pre setting you can change it to easy and it'll automatically change everything down to make it much easier on your play through easy settings get rid of things such as poisoning temperature you will no longer get poisoned you will not have to worry about that etc etc so try out some of the different settings now i'm going to go through and customize them how i normally play the length of seasons i never change three days is pretty even it's pretty just don't mess with it get used to it it's a pretty good setting taxes you can lower this down if you're having trouble if you're playing you can lower this down to where you have to pay less money majority almost all of these settings can be changed during gameplay but will not take effect until the next season which i will show you briefly in a minute taxes is how much money you pay every spring for the buildings that you have building limits this determines how many buildings that you can build at the beginning you're only going to be limited to like three to five buildings and then as you do the main story quest you will get access to more and more buildings events events are random encounters that happen every season whether it be a storm that destroys your buildings or a merchant that challenges you and you could win money keeping these on kind of flavors the game up if you don't like that if you want a more bell curve game then just disable this unlimited hp makes you not die unlimited stamina now i always check this because i run a lot in the game and you will not get a horse till the end game so you will i am i just i've tried playing with stamina and it just doesn't work it's not fun lack of hunger and thirst eliminate the hunger and thirst mechanic i keep those on because i like a little bit of a challenge along with hp unlimited carry weight is something that i always have on it makes the game much more enjoyable you can if you like a challenge and you like to make 10 trips when building one house then you are more than welcome to uncheck this box there are bags and horses and mules that you can get towards the end game which increase your carrying weight but you're going to spend 90 percent of the game overweight if you don't have this checked i suggest always have this checked stamina and carry weight now the food water and wood needs these determine every day how much your inhabitants need um you can try playing at default and then adjust as needed as the seasons change bandits i'll touch on bandit camps later but bandits are human npcs that spawn in the game which carry loot which are pretty decent if you raid their camps early you can get some good loot and i'll touch on that later enemies hp now i'm kind of a kind of a saw a care bear on this but i lower the enemy's damage in hp because i typically like to play games that are city builders i don't like a lot of combat in my games now this will just make the enemies easier to kill one shot pretty much one shot everything with 10 hp enemy damage with zero percent means they won't harm me i'm just there for the content poisoning this if you eat certain types of mushrooms or rotten food you will get poisoned which will lower your health i keep that on temperature if it's cold you can freeze to death if it's hot you can overheat and die i keep that on fast crafting now this is something that i love that they added recently this allows you to craft 10 spears at once rather than just one at a time it makes crafting much faster and kind of breaks the game but i like it i don't like spending an entire season crafting i've ground enough xp gain multiplier now this you can jack up and this what this does is this increases the amount of points that you get whenever you gather wood harvest or do anything like that you'll level up significantly faster and also this also applies to your villagers as well they will also gain lots of xp they will level up their skills much faster using this this is completely up to you i like to max it out for a time and then once everybody's leveled up i'll lower it back down to 100 to kind of balance it out i just this i play with different variations now the technology game multiplayer is exclusive to the buildings that you unlock as you do things in the game such as better housing better hunting lodges etc if you want to gain if you want to level up and unlock those much faster just max this out and you'll unlock them in no time dynasty reputation game multiplier now you can raise this but i found that the reputation gains that you gain in the game are balanced enough that you don't need to modify this at all these two are pr are kind of grindy but they are moderately balanced i would say maybe uh i would probably lower it to about maybe two to three hundred percent of what it is for most of these for a fair game because it can take five to ten years to get to the end game stuff now yeah the last setting you have on here is stopped dropped items from spoiling i haven't used this yet but i know why you would use it you would use this if you wanted to place uh some bowls of food uh on your tables uh in the game you can build tables and chairs and places for people to sit and eat and if you want to put like bowls and stuff and just be super immersive you can check this i don't ever check this however because i like the spoiling factor and it can be abused by like at the end of every season you drop all your stuff on the ground it doesn't spoil yada yada plus maybe one day if i'm role playing and i want to make a settlement with food on the table i'll have this checked but if you're a role player check it use it to store apples beer and totally flesh out your settlement now i'm going to do one other thing and i'm going to load my main save and i'm going to show you that settings can be changed mid-game however they don't always take effect until the next season okay so if you when you first start when you get into a game you can pause it by pressing escape and go to customize game and you can change the taxes building limit events and a lot of the settings instantaneously but when you get down to the length of season of days inhabitants food water and wood needs whether or not bandits spawn enemies hp and damage they will not apply until after the season change as you can tell right now it is winter indicated by not only the snow obviously but there is an icon in the top center of above your compass it has a blue semi-circle or blue half circle with a or teal if you will and a bra and a tree that looks dead that is winter when it changes to spring that's when the settings would take effect so keep that in mind make sure you have enough food if you're having an emergency you probably best fix it rather than try and lower the settings on that because you're not going to get it's not going to make it in time now if you have trouble one season you can change it for the next season and try and catch up it's up to you man it's your game you play however you want that's pretty much it for the settings and i will consider doing a more in-depth look at it at a different time now the next tip that i would give you is free stuff there's a lot of free stuff in the world and you can find it by just simply walking or running along the roads i'm going to take a horse to show you some of the locations where i found free stuff you can and sometimes even if you are just looking around you'll find items that can be used in quests later so let's i'm in gustovia heading east along the road i know there's a cart a broken down cart up ahead a ways now you'll find these carts all over the all over the map they're everywhere and they will usually have tools or items uh ranging anywhere from stone to metal tools to beets to seeds you can find them along the roads you can find them along the river banks you can find barrels and boxes i know there's one outside of here let's see we're going to go on a journey here we go see this this is what i'm talking about right here when you're early on in the game a stone knife and some leather can make a difference and you won't always find stone weapons i found iron bronze etc they're all over the map you just gotta go out you gotta run around and you got to find them that's just one cart i'm going to show you one last location we're going to ride there so let's take a moment to uh pass by this village here sometimes along these river banks around the bridges you'll find bags now this isn't one of the bridges but one of the other bridges i think all the way down the river that way has two bags and they will contain uh seeds for planting it's a free way to get farming seeds without having to pay for them i think i got oats and i think i got three pair trees out of the last one that i found let's go to i see some barrels up here yes right here this is where i got my seeds so all you got to do is take the time to i already graded these but all you got to do is take the time to run along the trails check out the riverbanks you'll find tools you'll find seeds you'll find food you'll find everything and you'll also find some items that can be used to solve your quest later now next one i will go over bandit camps i will go over and we'll find one and i will show you what you can get there now next up we have the bandit camps this is what a bandit camp typically looks like in the first year or two most of them will be abandoned and you'll be able to come in here and you'll be able to get the valuable resources that they have now a lot of times you can find stuff tucked away like look at that that little bottle can i get it i don't know if i can get it but half the time you'll find bows you'll find metal tools you'll find water skins wine beer mead food you'll find all kinds of stuff in these camps and then after a year or two passes in game actual hostile npcs will spawn here if you have bandits checked in the settings at which point these items will be here and the bandits will defend them and you can raid them bandits will attack you if you get too close also as a benefit all of these bandit camps and all those little carts on the side of the road and all those barrels respawn with loot every year so you can come back and raid these areas every single year that is probably one of the best sources of free loot that i've ever seen and i've gained a lot of clothing i've got a lot i've got a lot of good metals tools that i can sell for money just give it a try loot these loot these bandit camps early on and you'll walk away with some pretty valuable stuff now the next tip i want to show you is holding alt holding alt at the beginning of the game will highlight grabable items on the ground you'll start off being able to see sticks and stones and various basic ingredients but as you gain levels and appropriate skills you'll be able to see things such as the rabbits and everything huntable if an if an animal is green like this rabbit up ahead that means they're passive or neutral which means they will not attack you see that if you see an animal that is red it will be attack you when you get too close there is a bore over here you should be able to see here we go look at that that means if i get too close he's going to get aggressive wolves and bison are also aggressive if you get too close in order to get that perk you're going to want to go to skills hunting and take tracker there is a similar skill in the gatherings tree survival sense this will highlight all mushrooms feathers and herbs now it's winter i don't have any herbs or mushrooms right now but when during the spring you'll be able to see them clear as day just as you can see all the sticks and animals now now be warned that if you have unlimited if you do not have unlimited stamina on all holding alt drains your stamina fairly quickly so you if you're playing on normal settings i would suggest you using this sparingly or whenever you need information and here we go with another tip so what if i told you if you're starving and you're thirsty and you don't know what to do and it's the end of the season and you think to yourself oh no i don't want to starve if i go to sleep well i want you to know that it's okay you act your hunger and your thirst don't change when you sleep in between seasons however this tip is twofold not only will sleeping to the next season like fill your food and water but it will also magically teleport you back to your home now you notice that i am kind of out a ways i'm about 312 meters from my home base right my house is way over there i'm over here by a nearby broken down caravan as i was presenting earlier and i've got my little campfire so we're gonna sleep tonight if you notice my food and water are about two-thirds so when i wake up according to this i should be in my house with full food and water and here we go and there we go full food full water and i'm back in my house with my lovely wife and my son zadar how you doing brother and my glorious wife and we're back it's spring look at that it's great so if you happen to be starving or you're low on food or water and you're out in the middle of nowhere sleep through a season and it will fill but be advised if it's not the season change your food and water will not change it will remain whatever it was when you went to sleep i guess a good side of that is it doesn't go down while you sleep but that's two tips and one for you all right the next tip i got for you is locations of mines and bear spawns these kind of go hand in hand because bears bears typically spawn around the caves if you simply head east from gustovia to you'll meet a river this is the first mine that i ever use because the river essentially leads up to it now you can follow the road but i prefer to follow the river it is a much better landmark and i get lost a lot less so let's go up the river if you don't have a horse you can just run it now you want to go up this up here so i've got it marked on my map and once we get there i'll show you where it is okay we're back on the river once we reach the end of the river we'll turn off and we'll head towards the proper we'll have a road up here to follow here we go right here now the mine should just be over the bend i already have a mine built here so there will not be a bear spawn that is a very important thing if you plan on hunting bears later then you want to not build a mine there i've discovered that building things tend to stop block spawns of creatures and there is a particular quest from alwyn spoiler which has you hunt a bear if you don't hunt the bear or if you build the mine then the bear will stop spawning and you'll have to find it and i have a backup place just in case here we go there's that river again the tail end of it and if you just go up here here's the mine that i use now typically there are two bear spawns one on the left up on the hills and one on the right above here is the location on the map it is a little nook right here the other spot for a bear spawn is over by this lake i'm not going to travel there i'm simply going to show it to you on the map now the bear can exist along any part of this edge of this lake so search well the other location that i'm going to go to or show you i'm not going to go there is right up here above bronica and veronica there is a k there is also a mine up here hitting these mines early with some crafted stone pickaxes can yield you amazing amounts of money let's go inside now seeing as i've built a mine on here it's been dug out and it's got torches when you come in here by yourself you will not have torches so you'll have to bring your own torch and your own pickaxe you can find copper which you just mine like this boom copper you'll also find salt salt is used for curing and preserving your foods then you'll find 10 as well as you go deeper and as you go deep enough you're going to find iron getting in here early and gathering all these materials can make for amazing money copper ore sells for 12 and while that may not seem like much right now early in the game that can be a lot especially if you have a smithy at this point and you can turn it into copper bars which sell for much more take a look at iron i've mined out iron constantly since the game i have way more bars than i ever need they sell for 90 each so if you can get some iron out of this you can already buy the tools you need and one pickaxe can last you a while if it's made of metal but stone pickaxe they're free use this information as you will you probably will not need metal tools at all if you're efficient and good at the game but they're very nice to make money okay so the next trip i have for you is food storage and spoilage what is it okay so in the game food spoils it goes bad over time it's told by a condition now food will still give you the same amount of food up until it reaches a certain condition when the condition turns red that means you'll start getting poison from it now a little bit of poisoning is okay but over time you can't consume just poisoned items right now the food i got is not necessarily rotten yet whenever they fully lose condition they will turn into rot rod is used to make fertilizer and can be very useful if you over produce vegetables or anything else and it goes bad you can still kind of recycle it back into farming and if you're desperate people can eat the rot now what do i mean by food spoilage well if i were to as i said earlier with the settings drop this roasted fish on the ground let's say half of it and just let it stay on the ground the next every season the condition will lower now the same applies to food inside the chest the difference is is that condition lowers significantly fat lower significantly lower in the chest on the ground it loses almost half its durability per season and so it means by the net by next season by spring this will be rotten if i leave it there if i put it inside the chest however it will only lower to maybe as low as 75 percent rather than zero now other forms of storage that you can use for food is your home your home storage is not nearly as efficient as the food storage but it will work in the beginning of the game i highly suggest if you're in the beginning of the game and you don't have a food a dedicated food storage like i have built here right here if you don't have a building like this already made i would suggest storing all your perishables inside the box inside of whatever home you have right now and if you have more than one home you can store it in there the villagers will eat out of their home chests if they need to but that's pretty much it for food spoilage it will spoil if it's outside of boxes put it inside a box inside your storage if you want it to last much longer i will probably have another video later more in depth on how to prevent food spoilage and how to preserve food long term but that just for beginners sake always store your food but before the season changes that is the number one rule store your food before season change the next thing i want to talk to you about is managing your food and water usage this is more of an advanced technique as some of the other ones listed but i will show you what it is and how you can help make your settlement just a little more efficient especially early on so you want to go to the management tab and then you want to go to this little tab here people's demand now i'll use the wood to demonstrate what i'm talking about so your people will use things from the top down meaning i have 1018 wood 643 of it from sticks 375 from planks i have no firewood no logs now let's say i didn't want them to use the sticks i wanted them to use the planks instead i can block the sticks off by either highlighting it and pressing f or by clicking on it now as you can see i now have only 375 wood which is far shorter than my demand but it they'll only use this which means every day they'll pull planks but they won't touch the sticks why is this useful you might ask well not necessarily for wood i tend to disable logs because i want the logs to become firewood because it's more efficient so they'll always pull firewood first and then sticks which i always have plenty of i have excess and then planks is the last resort which is used for crafting things like buckets this is where i like to use it the most water let's say i want people to not use the vegetable soup as water because it's a food item i disable it it takes away this water quantity but if i have it enabled in food that means people will eat that instead of drinking it a big a big part of this enlightenment came from milk when i when i was producing milk with my cows i would never be able to have enough milk and it turns out that soured milk and milk are high priorities on this game's food and water so i would always never have milk and i couldn't understand why so you may at some point come in here and edit what they can eat and drink i'll my personal favorite is to leave all the crafted food items that you can make as edible and disabling all raw materials such as cabbage raw meat salted meat beet roots eggs stuff that i would ingredients that i would use i would i disabled them so that i can cook them into more efficient meals such as stews porridge meat politics a scrambled eggs quark everything they'll always eat those first but if you're very careful about your management of food and water and your wood you can do a lot with very little in this game but that's all i wanted to show you you can play around with this as you like try it out save the save your game first obviously so you don't accidentally mess it up okay i've got this one for you now let's talk about housing and upgrading it so you want to build your first house and you're not sure what to do and you've got this building blueprint sitting here with all this wonderful coloring now let me explain what you're looking at is you're looking at the building blueprint and while you may have built your first house by just hammering away you can actually modify your house i've got multiple different uh walls and roofs there's a thatch roof this is the half tile i call it then this is the full tile i've got a stone wall a wooden wall and a waddle wall now how do i make these changes right how do i how do i do this so you go up to a wall and you hold you press e now you can change what this wall is you can make it a full wall a window or a doorway there can only be one doorway per house and each house is preset on which door is the doorway by this little thing here so you can never remove the door but you can add a window let's add a waddle window we'll build it up real quick and i'll show you if you want to upgrade your house what to do so now okay i've got a waddle window i want to upgrade this uh to have better insulation you can do this with all three walls all you gotta do is right click with your hammer go to upgrade now wattle and wood require dab what is dobb dab is something that you make in the barn it requires thatch or straw and clay so go out there with a shovel dig up a few clay deposits get some straw from the uh reeds and make some dob the dob is used for both so let's see let's upgrade i'll upgrade both of them and you can look at them what what does this do this makes your villagers use significantly less wood or firewood during the winter and other cold months that is its primary use now obviously a wooden upgraded wall is better than a wattle upgraded wall a stone wall by itself is better than the upgraded wooden you can upgrade stone as well but you have to mine limestone you mine it by going to the various rock deposits i have look-alikes right here you'll find deposits like these that say rock you hit those you get stone in limestone they're all over the place so let's upgrade this wall boom upgraded now let's say you built your let's ignore this and say you built your entire house out of waddle and you're like oh no i want to build it out of something better i want to upgrade this to wood right click with your hammer go to destroy if you have a certain skill believe it was master of destruction here it is if you have this skill you can collect half of the resources when you demolish that means i got half of the stuff required to make that wall which will help you a lot so let's go back to our build and let's change this from a waddle window let's change it to a stone window now the requirements have changed we'll build it up and then we'll upgrade it now the same applies to the roof as well you can change it to the thatch which requires eighth hatch or each straw one log wood which is a half plank which is six planks of one log or full tile which is like 12 and one so hey it all depends on what resources you have if you don't have the resources to make a stoned building then don't do it wait till you've gathered up enough if you want to upgrade a house mind you if somebody's living in the house they will be homeless while you upgrade it so i always build an extra house just in case okay we need to talk sometimes i miss things in games sometimes i just completely overlook them when this game first came out i thought to myself man this is such a big village i wish i didn't have to do everything and i thought why do i have to harvest the fields why do i have to make all the firewood why can't the villagers take care of themselves i mean why else am i having to move here to do the work for me if any of you have ever played any other automation game you kind of know my feeling the goal is to do as little as possible well i am ashamed to say that i completely overlooked an entire part of this game the automation factor there is a way to automate production in your village now this is more of an advanced tip and i would advise you play around with this gently because i have over produced a lot and if you don't pay attention to what's going on it can go it can get out of hand they can run out of tools etc but enough of that let me introduce you to this mechanic so you don't make the same mistake as i let's go to your menu and let's go to management then we're going to go to the house tool the house button tool whatever here you're going to find all your buildings and you're going to find their status for example houses if it has this status it means it's broken it needs to be fixed which can be done by you manually or you can get what i call a builder which i will introduce you to one by one i'm going to go through all these services in a very short amount of time and summarize how to automate so we'll start with like the extraction let's do the woodshed remember i had problems with firewood well i can automate that if you open it up you'll find who's working here and who you can assign here along with their skill level with a max being of 10. you can find the tools that they're using and how much durability it has this is important if you don't have if they don't have tools they can't work so you have to craft the axes it doesn't matter what kind metal or stone and they will and you keep it in a storage i will show you later right now in the storage i have 10 iron axes so they won't run out anytime soon now if you go to this tab here with the little hammer and the circle thingy you're going to get to where you can automate this process you have up to 100 work intensity now you can assign this however you want right now i have decided to to do half of all their daily work assigned to making firewood which will give me 115 firewood a day 40 to logs with 184 logs sticks and planks now i can change this let's say i want to lower my log count to zero then they will not gather any logs they'll work less i don't know if this makes them happier but i do know that you can reallocate those to other points now one other thing one other use on automation clicking this tab here will tell you usage production versus demand usa minus plus etc sticks no demand 34 production etc okay log demands i i go through 126 and a half logs a day making firewood i get 460 firewood a day so i should raise the logs hopefully at least until i can out produce how much i'm using reset to 25 how's that i'm still short 126. oh wait those are planks what am i doing oh my goodness i had a moment there eleven look at that now i'm positive so theoretically i could keep my logs only at 30 percent if i i could keep it like this and i'll still gain so that's the true balance of the automation is you really want to make sure that you're producing as well as consuming uh the well you can have them automatically fill water and buckets the mine you can mine or copper tin iron without ever having to actually go to the mine imagine only going to the mine once hunting logs you can gather meat automatically as long as it has knives your your barns and farming will be for fertilizer and processing flour and grains the list just goes on and on the list just goes on and on in fact i'll probably have to make an entire episode or an entire like yeah i'm gonna have to make an entire episode basically on automation if i really want to go in depth on it but i i suggest you toy around with it but be gentle with it at first until you figure out how it works but that's about it and i hope you guys enjoyed these i really wished i had known about these when i first started playing and now that i've played this game for probably over a year now um i i'm just passing this knowledge on to you so that you can bypass these hardships and if you got anything out of this you know leave a like etc share it show your friends make this a good one and hopefully i'll come back to you with the automated production video and we'll see how it goes from there later
Channel: Zander Whitcroft
Views: 270,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JX5Isu1MZNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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