Conan Exiles Frost Giant Thrall Guide PTR Content

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video good news and welcome back to another exciting Conan exile video today I'm going to show you how to get the new frost giant thrall let's get to it so the easiest way to get this bad boys you're gonna come right here to new as a Garth and you're going to look for that Hut right there so right at the entrance the entrance to it is right here so then there's that hut right there and there is this I don't know rock formation or whatever right here and that's where you're gonna that's how you're gonna know you're at the right spot cuz the easiest way to do this is just to climb the wall now you can fight your way in here but I mean why would you want to do that I mean if you really want to if you want to come in here and just farm it up and fight your way in here have at it come straight in and what you want is this right here there altar and there's three people right here and you can only fight these three people if you want to so you just come here go up there and if you do it right and you watch you can see that there's a bear there and there's this dude here and they paced back and forth you can even avoid them if you take your time and watch their pattern so once you climb the wall then you're going to just run and jump in or fall whichever and you're gonna climb this bad boy right here and climb to the top of it and then if you stay like right in here you can use arrows and just kill these people and they'll fire on you but you can Crouch and pretty much avoid them or you can just straight-up fight them so if you just want to fight them then just hop down here and go at it kill them and the one that you want is the priest that's the important one to kill which is the dis dude right here this is not the guy that you want the one that you want to only spawns randomly so it's not always going to be here I should say she is not always going to be here but she will spawn right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set it to insta respawn and we're just going to set here and shift delete kill them instantly until she spawns okay so here we go this is priest and we're just going to well well that was quick right there she is so you're looking for latter gara daughter of yamir and she is a full-on boss as you can see here she has the three skulls so she's gonna put up a bit of a fight here so I'll just show you what kind of damage she puts out if we take a look at my stats here I'm doing 91 melee damage a hit so stacking some bleed on her she doesn't have too crazy HP give a few stacks on her here we can used the predatory blade as well you can see the kind of damage so she is a boss but she doesn't have crazy armor and she doesn't have crazy HP and we're just going to insta kill her cuz you have an idea how tough she is now you can take out her little ads here I would take them out now but they'll just insta respawn so I'm just going to kill her and what you're looking for is this right here the frost giant bodyguard I don't know why it looks like a rhino if you spawn it in it's a horn so I don't know like if we go into the menu here and we type in Horn and we come over to other right here the Horn of the north that does the same thing if I type in frost giant it nothing shows up in the menu so I'm not sure why she drops this and not the Horn of the North but it's essentially the same thing so we're gonna take this back to our little testing pit and I'll show you what kind of health it has what kind of damage does all that good stuff okay here we are in the test pit and all you have to do is just put it on your hotbar and activate it just like you would any other thrall it works just like any other thrall so we're gonna place him down there take a look at his HP he has 8,000 265 HP he has a lot of HP the problem is he doesn't have a lot of armor and as you can see you can't equip anything on him he's essentially a pet and not really a thrall he's a he's more works more like a pet he eats a bunch of different stuff spiced exquisite meat rhino head soup shade spice fatty meats spiced oysters spiced soup he likes spice spicy stuff apparently human flesh and spiced tea you put all that on him he gets the same buff just like the thralls do like the little fist with the two pluses on it now his damage is not that great he does apply a chilling effect to the enemy so just like the heated argument mace where it heats up the person that you're attacking he applies a chilling effect but I have our numbnuts test dummy here however he won't attack numbnuts because he's on our team so what I'm gonna do is do what I normally do and spawn in one with the same amount of health so it has 7,000 425 health so we're just gonna enable this however he won't have the same armor value that ours has over here and if I just you can tell him to follow you anything else like again you can move him just like a normal thrall so we're gonna tell him to follow us and I'm gonna go out a cloak mode and I'm just gonna hit this guy so that he will attack him and actually let's uh let's get numbnuts out here that you can see what he does so you can see that he will hit and you can look at how much damage he's taking right now if this were him fighting he wouldn't have nearly that much damage he knocks people around but if we tab you can see he's not taking a whole lot of damage there you can see when he swings it's not if you don't even really see it moving like on a target was smaller health where you would actually see the health chunking down he does a very little damage with that massive axe but you can also see there that he has the little negative or debuff there that's making him chilled however he's an NPC so it doesn't really matter now if it was a person it would matter a little bit but being an NPC it doesn't matter however you'll also notice that he's taking one heck of a beating this dude is wasting him so if you go up against somebody with a spinous finish however you pronounce his name thrall with them bodyguard basically fighting you have this guy they're gonna have a huge advantage he attacks so slow granite when he attacks he knocks them down but as you can see this dude's attacking like four or five times by the time the frost giant attacks and knocks him down then he just bounces back up and continues to to poke at him and if we let this play out he's gonna win - is gonna win spin us however you pronounce his name so while the frost giant is kind of cool and maybe kind of interesting to have a bunch of these guys just hanging out around your base kind of intimidating like he's not really all that if you had a bunch of them I feel like they may play out it may play out a little different because it would be a situation where the opponent's never going to be able to get back up but is a bodyguard he's pretty much half useless though I spawned in two more just to see what happens here let's see if they'll start attacking this guy maybe I can trigger them to get in here there we go so now that we have three of them knocking this guy around it might be a different situation where they may have the advantage because he just can't do anything you can see they're knocking him around so if you had a bunch of these guys in your base they may be kind of handy they add like I said they update 8,000 HP but they don't have the armor that you can put on one of your thralls their armor value is apparently pretty low you can't actually see what it is which is kind of sucks but I mean judging from the damage you get that they're taking you can tell that it's pretty low that's pretty much it for I'm go there kill the priest until the right priest spawns the daughter of yamir kill her and then you can get it I honestly don't think it's worth the hassle let me know what you think in the comments all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you liked what you saw consider in that sub button I want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join nightly crew patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave comment down below let me know you thought of shy you don't like to come in just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 113,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Conan Exiles, conan exiles guide, conan exiles guide 2019, conan exiles pets, conan exiles frost giant, conan exiles frost giant thrall, Conan Exiles frost giant pet, conan exiles new pets, conan exiles new thralls, Conan Exiles daughter of ymir, conan exiles gameplay 2019, Conan Exiles horn of the north, conan exiles new update, conan exiles ptr, Conan Exiles ptr content
Id: zUekjczm1hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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