CONAN EXILES PS4 SECRETS | Hidden Feats! Special Armors Weapons Build Pieces

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hello rabbis this Jade welcome to another codon XO tutorial video today we're gonna be taking a look at some of the hidden exclusive feet recipes you can find in Conan excells there is a bunch of stuff in Conan ik Souls that you can unlock for free simply by finding the recipe and reading it you may have already come across maybe some potions or special foods I want to be covering each section on its own but today is the random stuff including how to get climbing gear how to get this lovely hyena epic armor sets and also had to make yourself look a pirate with your own peg leg also be showing you some decorative stuff like having your own skull on a stick totems and another couple of armor sets that really simple to go and get hold of but a really useful I'll be doing swords pretty much most of them are legendary so if you want to learn the recipes for the swords that will be coming in a separate video as will lots more shields and I will be going through some of the more advanced stuff particularly level 60 but these stuff can be pretty much worn or used very early on in the game and who knows maybe I'll chuck in a few extra bits so make sure you like this video I really appreciate all the support guys been absolutely smashing it lately and let's go and take a look at all the secret freebies in Conan X Isles you need to get yourself over to finger fang rock to hit some free climbing gear all the way to the west just on the past is fruit to the sulfuric acid fields you'll find this little rock pretty much get yourself climbing you're obviously gonna have to make sure you've got a little bit of stamina to get up here it's pretty difficult to get up onto this ledge so you are gonna have to really think about how to do it I'll definitely advise making sure you're placing some foundations down and put in a bedroll or somewhere close by that you can spawn if you do happen to drop off and you know for tea or death is absolutely one of the tallest locations in Conan excells and yes probably one of the hardest to climb and get on top of but as you get near out you realize there is someone up here now didn't really show any reference points down below because pretty much you can see and better from up here well there's the passageway that goes through sand scale pass again you can see plenty rooms around you and this is the riot that you need to talk to he's the Mountaineer and there you go you can learn the Mountaineer you don't have to be any particular level to earn the mountaineer fee but it does give you climbing boots and climbing gloves why it doesn't provide much armor it will give you a boost to your climbing the climbing boots are gonna reduce how much stamina you used while climbing and they're pretty simple to make only needed light boots some iron bars and some twine the same pretty much goes for the climbing crops too if you already got yourself a fragment of power you can also use it to buy improved climbing boots using this will give you the expert Mountaineer recipe which is basically a level 60 version of the climbing gear again it doesn't give you much in terms of armor you can pretty much guess they do similar job as the normal stuff but just gives you a much higher level and maybe a little bit more of a boost with your stamina while climbing you will need to craft these out of epic pieces if you are going for the reinforced stuff do you notice these delightful skulls on sticks well you can have your own to just that the entrance of the Safari sea homelands you are going to find this little totem click on it and you've got the skull take our feet now I am obviously in Croke modes that are not attacking me but they will obviously be lots of NPC enemies around here that will gladly rip your face off it is just a decorative item you can see there I've got a skull impaled on the stake you've got different varieties of skulls and that's pretty much just it so if you always want to reenact the Castaway with Tom Hanks you can now do so and have your own very version of Wilson you can just pick them up and place them elsewhere also another decorative eye and you might not want to miss out on is a totem this is all the way north in the frost temple pretty much right outside the actual temple Frost you'll come across this over here interact with it and you've got totems now this one and skull taker is unlocked at level 10 you basically need to have crafted the decoration bench and I just give you right different poses for the totems these are pretty cool if you're definitely going forward that sort of Norse mythology look these will serve you well there are some slight differences with it once you get close you can actually see the designs on the totem are different definitely if you're making yourself a viking lodge make sure you unlock some of these now this next one I have shown off in a detailed video on its own it's the map room so if you want to know exactly how are you gonna craft it will do obvious locations after you to fast travel around the map make sure you go and watch that video but it is a pretty decent quick one to show you guys now I'm taking the cheeky way in obviously you gonna need make sure you've got a fair amount of health to survive the full and it does overview I've got double jump when you land talk to this ghost he will give you the cartographer fee this allows you to make black rooms and fast travel to locations all around the Conan it solves map it's pretty much Bank centaur on this border here just at de number seven there's a well that you can drop into or you can come through it via the main entrance this way it says level 62 but it can be any level to use it but you are gonna need some really high valuable resources particularly you're gonna need to be out to craft crops it's done go and watch this tutorial if you want to know more about that it will be at the end of this video in the links very much like a cartographer feat this next one is also essential if you want to start unlocking Chebar sag again I've shown it's often lots tutorials in the past so go check them out but just in case you didn't know all the way over in 8d you'll find a succession of ruins so I can look around just give you an idea go up and talk to this where hyena and it'll give you the chance to learn that midnight alchemist the midnight alchemist gives you three different potions one of them you're gonna use to actually travel to the Midnight Grove where you'll fight your ballsacks minions another one that resets your attribute points and another one that resets your fate points all three of these need to be after a fireball cauldron and you can only do so when your level 30 but it's the only way you'll get to the midnight Grove and take on that dungeon now I'm going to show off some different types of weapons and armours that you can also get access to that aren't level 16 you're gonna pretty much go to the north part of the dregs in fact before you get into that dungeon just on the cliffs above you'll come to the Far recap also worth pointing out you can get a really high valuable fire here called the Ritualist he is tier 4 while he's taken on that hyena you'll see the jawbone line on the floor interact with that and you've unlocked the fari weapons also got the loot chests as well which should maybe contain some of the fiery weapons too and if you've got the time maybe go ahead and bonk him on the head and take him or sorry her back to your camp there no exactly high level but they are a little bit different looking at least you've got a cudgel to Farva sword and - favi axe i really do quite like look after the actual sword itself reminds me of a cricket balance being custom made and the axe is a little bit more hefty up and the cuddles are no joke Eva next up is how to craft hyena fur armor this is level 3 but it's a pretty decent shout mid-game head self of the Black Canyon you can see just on this plateau here every little take a little look just give you a wreck your surroundings can see the past is underneath me and the canyon is just across the way on the other cliff headings the scoundrels go away and look for the slaving benches or slaving chests no chests their cages you'll know it's not a stand and this is where you can unlock the hyena Armour and that's pretty much what I've been worrying for this tutorial is all the hyena armor gear I'm just missing the feet and the arms as I swap them out for the climbing stuff it is level free but there are the epic versions to that you also unlock coming to this location as you can see you can unlock at level 60 to get the epic versions - they're pretty good for keeping you warm in cold areas and not only that that also gives you extra attribute points in survival it's definitely worth picking up may be even more useful early game is heading soo SEPA marooned you need to come all the way over to 6b right on the western side just this location here is Rasmus house they can't actually go inside from this but if you climb on top of the building interact with that and you've got the relic hunter armor set now this one's so special because it reduces your encumbrance I just equipped some and you can see it's boosted my confidence up this is only level 20 as well so it's really quick and easy to get hold of very early in the game you can also get survival boosted with this stuff - and to be honest it's not that bad an armor set early grain Eva so make sure you get this one before I show you some of the last ones we're gonna take a quick look at the dregs now I've done a walkthrough with this with my subscribers the other day we wouldn't had some fun and cleared the dungeon ale but it's easy to miss the stuff that you can learn for free in the tricks so I'm gonna whistle through as quickly go and check out the full video but I will show you the locations to unlock lots of abysmal weapons really low level as well as the dredger which gives you a whole bunch of items including glow sticks and other stuff it's all quite low level as well the bhisma saw that you can unlock by reading a red book wants you to feed the abysmal remnant that is level 30 but it's a really decent one you can see the red book there and the tablet was just at the entrance as you come into the dregs at a very beginning the biggest plus point for me though is the Serpent's armor really good low level armor at level 30 you just need to craft or get hold of a bunch of reps whole skins really useful go get it now if you do really want to be a pirate and have a peg leg then you need to get all the way over to the east side of Buccaneer Bay when clearing out these pirates make sure you go all the way to the top I'm right on this location right here you'll notice the little campfire with a special book interact with that and you get the Buccaneer skin now I say skin but it is actually a armor it will protect you in certain situations I've left this one soo pretty much last though because it is level 16 of course it isn't just the peg leg you can get some nice pirate boots an eyepatch and black hand earrings now if you want the completed look you're gonna have to craft the hand vest and the trousers at an armless bench with it's here three or four armor let me know if you do or maybe I'll have my eye on you and I'll know before popu comments down below if you think I've missed any that I should really show you guys remember I will be doing weapons and some of the shields and special other armors in separate video so that's it I hope this video has been useful if it has make sure you like it and like said be on the lookout i I want the next videos I'm going to show you with all the weapons all the other armor and shields and also showing you all the free recipes that you need to learn remember you do need to still be at certain levels to use these and you are still gonna have to craft these up they just teach you them you won't lose these if you ever take a yellow lotus potion I am Jade this has been a continent Souls guide if you want to know more about conex homes come join my discord and I'll see you rat bags later on
Channel: Jade PG
Views: 115,475
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Keywords: jade, pg, jade plays games, jpg, jadepg, conan exiles relic hunter set, conan exiles reptile armor, conan exiles map room, conan exiles midnight potion, conan exiles totems, conan exiles secrets, conan exile show to get more feats, conan ps4, conan ps4 servers, conan ps4 tips, conan ps4 cheats, conan ps4 beginners guide, how to get more feat points conan exiles ps4, conan exiles feats locations, conan exiles hyena armor, conan exiels climbing gear, conan exiles ps4 tips
Id: 8FuBmE1zKqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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