Compressed Air System

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hi welcome to saving vessel seeker in this  episode we're going to be working on the air   system we'll also be working on the hydraulic  pipes the painting on the police that we put in   last time and joining us this week is mark  sims he's back from what do you call home   um the usa yeah he travels around in a van and  a camper and uh he's an interesting guy a lot of   people that come through here are you're managing  actresses pennsylvania but he spends a lot of time   out in california desert and so forth so we're  pleased to have him back after an 18-month hiatus   so that that he just took off is the old airline  and we're going to change it out because we want   to be a little bit longer because we're going  to reroute it up to this location because that   our california compressor we're going to build  a rack so it can go right down underneath the   floor there that is a oilless air compressor and  what that means is we can use this compressor for   dive supply air that's for surface supplied air  as opposed to our compressor which compresses   for scuba tanks and then way up in the forward in  the boat we're going to install a couple pressure   tanks up there because this airline runs all the  way to the front and that'll be our storage tanks   our third air compressor is the v-mac which you  have to imagine sits right in here it produces air   as well like everything else redundancies i love  redundancies three ways to make air it's 92 and a   half to the edge of this one okay we did that an  inch on for how much berries in here maybe inch   and a quarter actually so i need a t yeah i got  it now if you look at these that's just a standard   tee that thing is good for 150 psi but this 90  is that's a 2000 psi 90 and then they make 3 000   psi fittings too so you know we're going to use a  2000 why because that's what we have so we dry fit   everything together to kind of get the idea make  sure we have all the parts and then we'll change   that if we need to all right like that and then  one hose feeds the vmac and the other one feeds   where the california air compressor is going to  go and three quarter inch line is huge for air yeah so i'm thinking either  side of the mast down in there well we're a little limited by the size  of the hatch on the front of the boat   so 100 pound propane tanks will make  our air tanks that's bending the metal through the bottom far through the bottom holes  okay it won't go through because of the bow in   the bottom oh yeah you're right yeah for the  translation he said bow in the bottle yeah   uh we could weld something  onto it i mean what the hell   doesn't matter mm-hmm actually well  something i'll tell you let me get the welder all right all right gonna move yes and they do not overbuild that what's the stick oh it's to measure the pressure yeah it's  a pressure outlet they would vent when the   fluid comes up to that level or maybe  it's the vent yeah yeah so you fill it they must let the air out and that stops  the fill right there and when it gets   to that level it know and it bleeds yeah fill  indicator cool ah so yes three quarter inch npt   so we're adjusting the welder so  that we can weld on this thin stuff   because we want to weld the brackets right  onto the tank without burning through the tank yeah i think i took a video last  week of pete in that same position   mark's down there putting in the airline pipes okay mark has put our air lines in wiping it  all down with acetone getting it ready to paint it's gonna get crowded in here get out of the way oh this goes out the step so we can  actually put a bolt here oh yeah all right all right wait wait wait wait wait oh wonder why push it away push it through can you climb out past me you know what it's not going to make it   i can see that now yeah it's not going  to fit you got it okay she's too big   she can't fit with the mast so let's look at  putting it up along this side but then we got to   put new strains in it oh hell that's the outside  of the hole i can't put it there crap i don't want   to drill holes through my hole yeah we'd have to  weld [ __ ] i sure thought that was gonna make it   there's there's a lot of space  back over here i don't know though   well no wait a minute wait a minute wait a  minute wait a minute no wait wait wait i was   just looking at gravity [ __ ] there you go yeah  i think it'll work just move the stupid thing you've been looking at boats yet are you  squirreling away money or um not yet i've   seen a couple you know i almost think i ought  to have a cloth glove to do some of these pipes okay it takes some workmanship to break  a half inch drill but yeah mark has the   skill set for that well done there are more  harbor freight bits to break i'll go get one   there you go thanks well the spring here is  still chilly so they came inside for their   second coat and got the heaters on if you're tired  of having black permatex all over your fingers and   clothing then this stuff is the answer somebody  sent me this i'm sorry i can't remember who but   it is a thread sealer and yes it's good for pipe  threads and it's got a lot of teflon in it and it   works great you're just going to have white on  your clothes now this big pipe here is our sea   chest and it is where we bring salt water onto  the boat for the wash down pump the water maker   and a couple of saltwater fittings we have  around for like washing down the anchor   that will be an airline connection and we can blow  air back into it and then down around the outside   of the filter screen which we made out of a three  and a half inch pvc pipe a lot of holes drilled   through it and if that doesn't unclog it then you  can inject air into the top which blows air down   the middle of this to blow out the bag fish and if  you don't know what a bag fish is you haven't been   to the beach in a while noisy mark over here has  the upright and he's putting the horizontal across   he's building the frame that this compressor will  sit down in there on we're making it where we can   adapt it for the next compressor one this one goes  out because we're not gonna be guaranteed the size   okay and i gotta say thank you to patrick  for putting this all together for us   the extension lets us sit a little lower  in the water and still take it all apart   but that is where the filter goes down through ladies and gentlemen check this out mounted into  the floor that's going to be beautiful now we just   got to hook the air hose up to it and we're good  hey springtime is here i hear the ice cream truck ice cream trucks take a picture  of me taking a picture of him nice tax how you like that gun i like it yeah  it's not hard is it it's easier to steal i know   people say aluminum's hard it's not  it's easy just point and click yep this is a neat little technique  if you just stack your uh   tacks up it almost looks like dig clean them  off they look better yeah check that out huh   and that's your first time first time moving  on man yeah okay its feet sit down those little   pieces of pipe and then we have a stainless  steel ratchet strap it holds it down to the   plate and the plate is bolted in so it's  not going anywhere i got some sticky oil we're doing we're putting fittings  in here for the v-mac it sits on a   frame and it needs uh supply and high pressure out   but we're arranging those so the machine can be  disconnected and pulled out with quick couplers and what we did we welded the little piece  in and we'll put a clamp there and a clamp on   here and that keeps this really stable so i can  plug stuff in and out but that's an air dryer   and a pressure regulator and uh 3 8 inch piping  coming down to a half inch quick connector i'll   probably take it on down to my normal small hoses  but if i need something big it's ready for it   okay a little paint to finish off the day for all  the new stuff and we're done beautiful morning   at sv seeker campground we got not just mark but  uh jack came through yesterday to pay us a visit   so it's always nice to have former crew members  show up again those tents on top things those   are cool rigs somebody built one that goes on a  trailer put it in our uh what'd you make today   photos i thought that was a neat idea and mark's  rig is the same way he's done his own conversion   to a trailer he carries his motorcycle  in the trailer and that's all outfitted   with a kitchen and such so the paint's dry  this morning's job is to mount these tanks all right there's the hole we tap through the  wall i just gotta line up the tank up bolt it down   this needs another paint on the two so  which i like i like to put paint over   the top of stainless bolts it just makes  me feel better about it in which case   i wouldn't actually bother with a washer but hey  i got a washer today so we're gonna use it okay that's got it next ready okay wonderful okay so you can never get to  come here and get away without doing any work   this goes at the very end down there   now that fit we gotta take this board  out so that hose can come up over there so every time we add something to the engine  room we have to change the floor tiles a little   bit so the pipes can come up through alexa  what's the notification from amazon shopping   to doug air host has arrived hey hoses here  oh you brought it in already that big box   you got that air hose big box for some air hose   look at this spark your kid oh [  __ ] what a colossal [ __ ] voice   something is seriously wrong at amazon  okay like a box inside of a box he's like   why couldn't they just send that one  because it didn't have the smiley face on it   really now we don't need the chicago fittings but  a lot of times it's just easier to buy the hose   as a pre-made thing because they make a bunch of  the prices much better than buying it by the foot   yeah you still want to do that you want just like  a flat yeah i gotta cut some for you let me do   that this is hard as rock and stainless steel will  snap off so you pre-drill everything what'd you do   oh you broke the bit off yeah oh god you and  mark man mark has the record still he snapped a   half inch bit into four pieces the other day if we extend this up a little bit  then his floor piece will fit in here   lovely make it three and a half  inches longer it would be good   well the city came along and planted us some  grass you're doing a good job down there   and they're cleaning up that field which is great  because we have to move the boat out through there so the water will condense in the bottom of  the tank that's why we put the hoses down here   and then tie the two tanks together it goes  through the wall there and on the other side   comes through the bulkhead there and the forward  end of the forward cabin goes underneath the sole   set your course by the stars not by the light  of every passing ship underneath this tile back   in there in the dark that yellow handle is a  purge valve it's on a t with a piece of pipe   that'll collect all the water that condenses and  then it blows out through this tube and the tube   just adds more water to that catchment right  there and that has a bilge pump at the bottom   that once we get dc wired up it'll drain itself  you like it yeah i like it good oh yeah i like   it too so it's raised up there to keep parts from  falling down through that hole and that's where   the next hose comes up through the horror movie  yeah that'll give us a flex winning all right sweet there's a little drain valve down here on  the bottom that's what we need to get to here as   well erase it so it's easy and the two ball valves  then in there allow us to either shut off the   air supply from the vmac or the california air  which lives underneath there if you change the way   you look at things the things you look at change  wayne dyer literally life is all in your head   i had it you got to put the blade i'm not going to  put it in yet oh well that's where you got it yeah   i'm going to replace it after this looks good  and dull it still has about 12 teeth on it so the hole cut through there allows the pipe  to come out this will go on the end of the hose   and see if we can plug it in waiting on the  other one to arrive but it'll be here soon   kind of cool fittings once you get  them lined up you just push them in   so this is what the back of the boat will  look like and when you're looking at that   scene this is a little gadget that will let us  know that you're looking at it from the water   arc when these get too far away from the boat an  alarm goes off to tell us you're treading water   just taking the time to reinforce these things  a bit while we got them out we got hydraulic   lines to come up there in the corner and  that's what goes into our vmac over there now we're just going to put a plug  in a more convenient place for this yeah he's off to the races now normally you'd connect your airlines in  up here but we went ahead and tapped into the   back here and put our own uh air connection  in and this is a much larger line so we can   get the volume that's in these tanks out a lot  quicker yeah go ahead and throw that we'll charge   the tanks up front make sure they're not leaking  yeah i hear it i think it's that clamp that broke oh that got it yeah well it's quiet what shut down  that's a good sign i hear nothing   it's good okay we're calling that a day  thanks for joining us what'd you make   today send us your photos and remember  we move this boat to the tulsa porter   katusa on august 12th and we launch on  august 21st come join us for the party do so do you
Channel: SV Seeker
Views: 74,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sailboat, Welding, Metal Fabrication, Boat Building, Plasma Cutting, MIG, Sailing
Id: abeUnIhFK_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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