Airplane Jacks or Boat Jacks - Lifting Seeker's Bow

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welcome to saving vessel seeker the boat the  internet built and the free of charge research   vessel once we're on the water we are built from  scratch here in tulsa oklahoma and ready to move   to the tulsa port of katusa yeah i know tulsa  oklahoma has a port connected to the ocean it's   strange but it's true the hitch is already on but  the thing we've got to do is we've got to raise   and lower this multiple times to attach and detach  from trucks because you know we got to get across   that muddy field on a nice dry day into the street  then down the street to the port and then once at   the port we got to move it around to reassemble  the pilot house and other things we take off so   that we don't uh black out all of north tulsa  by dragging all the power lines behind us   we tried jacking it up from the kills and we  could make that work but it's such a pain because   if the jacks push the boat up they're pushing the  dirt down and we're on clay this is oklahoma and   it's spongy so the ground keeps sinking down  and these piles of crimping already have that   clay soil compressed so as the boat starts to  rise up here the clay just starts to rise up   to it rebounds we'd be a great uh show place  for plate tectonics and how the earth moves   it happens quickly sometimes so we need better  jacks and somebody on facebook suggested airplane   jacks of course for a boat airplane jacks  and it's simply a configuration where you   take a hydraulic cylinder like this and then  brace it so that it stays standing upright   and they actually are used on airplanes kind of  like this these are much cruder but i only need   them for you know eight or ten times and then i'm  done with them those cylinders are the cylinders   that actually remove our rudder that big thing  hanging off the back there is the rudder it's   actually facing the wrong direction right now but  this big piece attaches to the top of that rudder   and it's got a place down there for the hydraulic  cylinders to attach to it so we can hydraulically   move the boat which is nice because then an  autopilot can actually do some of the steering   and you can get a nap so i've been shopping again  got some grade eight bolts to bolt those tabs   together because that will be a lot stronger  than the things i got in there now and i went   shopping for of course more hydraulic parts  you know i thought i'll keep it simple i only   get like a couple different types of hydraulic  fittings on the boat that way i have spare parts   i don't think that's can be done because cylinders  have o-ring boss fittings and pumps have o-ring   boss fittings and other stuff is ntp and other  stuff is jic so you don't get a lot of choices   than this whatever you bought has some sort of  fitting on it and you're going to have to match   that so it ends up that i'm going to need a lot  of hydraulic fittings these are the most recent   i added to the collection chris pilling actually  gave me the valve but man check these things out   this thing is a hydraulic disconnect and i think  this is a fem maybe that stands for farm equipment   machinery i don't know it's a parker product it's  got a locking system on it so you can how to turn   it to where it lines up with the notch and then  when you pull that back spring-loaded pops apart   and look at those nice flat surfaces they'll be  easy to clean and we'll need to keep this stuff   oiled because this is steel not stainless so it's  going to rust out on the ocean but then when you   put them back together you just push them together  and they snap in and that's it and it's beautiful   okay the fact that it locks off from both sides  is great when you disconnect that hose it shuts   the oil off from leaking back from either side so  you keep the hoses charged with oil connect and   disconnect them we'll even use these underwater  in order to run pumps and things like that   cool design the only unfortunate thing  about these there's no standard so   i've picked this as my standard for the boat the  parker fem so you know that what that means is   when i buy a piece of equipment that has a quick  connect fitting on it you take it off and put one   of these things on either the male or female side  to it and they ain't cheap there they are the male   and female one i'm 62 the other one's 30. i guess  the female is 62. that makes sense doesn't it   female side has more parts to it so let's get  all this put together and see if it'll lift   a boat now the only downside to using uh ntp  fittings is they don't have an o-ring to seal   so you're going to need to use a little bit  of pipe sealant on there i could probably get   by with nothing because a little bit of leak on  this thing for as little as getting used makes no   difference but i want to get used to putting it on  and i got it so i'm going to add it in other words   what i'm saying is in the field if i didn't have  any i wouldn't stop working and keep going now the   nice thing about o-ring boss is you don't have to  use any pipe dope on them that o-ring is what does   the work of making the seal you just got to  make sure that o-ring stays in good shape so   there's a downside i guess and you don't  got to torque the snot out of it either just   get it tight so it doesn't come loose and it'll  be good and this valve is going to be the control   for it because i can release this fluid from the  pump but it's with a solenoid and so it all goes   out at one time the valve will give me the ability  to crack it open and ease the jacks down rather   than dropping all of a sudden right here are  the three types of fittings i'm going to often   be dealing with there's an o-ring boss that's  going to go into the other cylinder over there   and then my hose has a jic fitting on it female  so i have a jic male fitting here that converts to   ntp or national pipe taper earth nitro pipe thread  and uh see this will go there and then i get that   and then i can put one of these on so it's going  to require a lot of fittings all the time so i'm   going to have lots of adapters on the boat it just  makes things easy thing i like about jic is no   o-ring and no pipe dope and not a lot of torque to  get them to seat it's only like 18 20 pounds like   that but you do got to keep that little flange  you know free of dings and dents well instead of   cutting that off i'm just going to use a coupler  here and an adapter now that's this is a 3000 psi   coupler it's not from home depot but i've used  schedule 40 uh couplers before i just wouldn't   recommend standing next to it when you put 2000  psi on it the other thing you have to think about   when you're putting this together is what needs  to swivel this is not a swivel setup i spin the   whole hose though and it works out for me because  i have a quick connector on the other end and i'm   not going to do anything with this port at the  top of the cylinder i might loosen it up to allow   the air to escape but i don't have to do anything  with it some people actually put pressure in there   because when you run the cylinder out it's going  to compress all that air in there and when you let   off that air forces the piston back down we have  the weight of the boat so getting it to go back   down is not going to be an issue and the other  alternative is there'd be a hydraulic hose that   would actually force it back down but we don't  need that either the problem i likely will have is   having enough hydraulic fluid in my reservoir to  fill these two cylinders and all the hose but we   may have to add a bigger reservoir because that's  just not a very big reservoir if needed so let's   just see there's no sense in fixing something that  may not need to be fixed actually once the hoses   are filled i won't have to do anything with them  because the quick connection will hold that fluid   in there it will never drain back out okay we are  all wired up and ready to go on this thing let's   walk through it quickly there's the battery right  here's the two cables coming from the battery   the ground cable goes to the frame of the motor  and the hot or the positive comes to a solenoid   so this is the power going into the solenoid this  is the power coming out it goes it looks like   it's connected to the frame but that is not that's  insulated from the frame so that's positive going   down into the motor the negative comes in from  here or basically anywhere else on the motor so   all you got to do to close this big switch here is  power this terminal here so i have a switch that   is wired up to take power from this to here when i  flip the switch that makes this coil energized it   pulls up it's like a big magnet it closes the turn  between here and here and the motor starts running   yep works good now i've already hacked this  motor or rather this pump so that it works   a little bit differently normally fluid flows out  through here the a side and powers your equipment   and while it's doing that it flows back  through that side there which is plugged off   and when you power that solenoid down there it  flows out through here and back through here   but in a previous video we showed you that we  took out a ball bearing from a check valve so it   kind of changes the function here now fluid flows  out through this and it flows back through here   when that solenoid is energized so by pressing  the button that powers the solenoid i can lower   the jacks now i can see the jacks already came up  a little bit but i want to do something else here   i want to drain air out of the line down there at  the end of the run and that's so i don't have air   pressure in there and the reason i don't want  air in there is because air is compressible on   there is when i turn the hydraulics on instead of  lifting the boat all it's going to do is compress   all the air and then when i turn the pump off and  release it it just the air grows back and pushes   the fluid back to the tank so i want only fluid  in there so when i turn the pump on nowhere to   compress the jack goes up and lifts the boat i  just gotta turn this open enough so that o-ring   can't possibly be doing its job anymore a little  collection bucket underneath it turn the pump off   yeah my jacks are going up but  i am getting air out here so ah pistons coming up it's not leaking air much  anymore got a little stream of fluid out of it now   that's good now this is the cool part about this  gadget is you can release it no oil leaks that's   lovely that should have most the air out of the  system so let's give it a test now and i don't   expect them to go up evenly one of them's going  to have more friction in it than the other so   whichever one can go up easiest will go up yeah  that one over there and that's not a big deal   because when it's trying to push the boat  up if that one's going up first it's going   to take more load so this one then would go up  to match it so i don't think we need anything   to try and operate these two independently i  do need to wash level fluid in that tank this   is about halfway down so it might have enough  i got filled with brim but we'll see it go down yeah sucks away pretty quick now that one gets  closer to the top the other one ought to start   moving there it goes and i don't want to push them  all the way to the top because i don't want to   have to use the pressure relief valve but there is  a pressure relief valve on this pump and at 2500   psi that should open up and take the strain off  the hoses but it's not something you want to rely   on it's just there in case well i'm thinking about  making a power retract but that would require   another t hoses coming up to here and hooking it  up to the b side and putting the check valve back   in on that thing so i'm not going to worry about  the boat will be heavy enough to drive these down   and then maybe a crowbar pry bar we'll get it  to go down a little bit more yeah didn't want   to do it for me i actually dreamed this last  night i dream about the boat a lot most of it   is just garbage but last night it was the working  idea the problem i thought of was that this plate   if it's hinged to here it can rock only in one  direction you know it can't pitch this direction   so what i need is the ability to have it a little  bit both ways because i don't know how these are   going to sit on the ground if the road is going  to be level or not if the taco that we put up   underneath the boat is going to be you know flat  all the time or not i doubt it ever is so i need   this to pitch two directions now that i'm awake i  have three different ways that could be done but   i'm going to stick with the one that came to me  in the dream so this plate will be cut around and   it will slide up into a round notch on a larger  plate that is the taco well let me just show you so so all right rain is done and a beautiful  sunset gonna be sunny tomorrow just keep getting better so got it oh lovely so this perfect i'm gonna stiffen our plate up  a little bit with some stringers or our   two by two angle iron cut bend uh two inches shorter yeah  that'll work i'll just cut the pen off oh that's a happy little tack that one  yeah that was good look at this just use   the angle iron it's one of my last deck members  we bowed these or bent them with a roller bender they're used for the deck all the decks are  curved up there this is my last piece of it so foam in there hey mutton jeff the other one's going up yeah  let's just do this one first put that pin in there and turn this  yes like that i'm gonna guess so yeah   down and backwards let me get a crate a pry bar  so it's easy for us to use really little oh you're   happy come on you wanna come in for a visit  i don't have any treats today i got no treats oh you got it i'm looking to see if it clears uh  i want you ready to move if you have to that's why   i'm looking at it okay here we go okay the pump  just spun backwards so the pump needs a breaker uh   because it we haven't we have it done so it's just  blowing past the solenoid valve we took a check   valve out of it but it will tell us if it's going  to lift it if we lift it we feel confident we'd go   in there and close the ball about okay no no no i  don't care i just want to see if it lifts it first   and then we'll put it back now so if this this  clears here we lifted this so just keep an eyeball yeah it works cool so now do we have the bravery  to get in there and close that valve holes up i doug you don't have to die with me come on come  on come on go have fun here you go okay yeah yeah it's stayed up hot dog hey that's great yeah  i hear it creaking and settling but nothing else all right go ahead all right you watching   okay valve's moving i don't hear  anything yet there it goes wow let's see in daylight it's on it is it yep  on my side at least it's nice and controlled hear the trailer shifting a little bit more all right i'm very happy with that quail  and all around success and the water from   a rainwater collection system can now do  what it's supposed to do being pitched   up like this for the last few months it's  never been able to drain out to the front   not something will be a problem in ways clean  yeah just love it when a plan comes together   that's just strange to see okay make your  plans tulsa port katusa august 21st that's   our launch date come down to oklahoma we'll give  you some sights to see and while you're in tulsa   and if you'd like to be a contributing  member of the sea chess foundation   look in the description for how you can do  that see chess foundation will support the   researchers that come on board this vessel wants  to run the water thanks appreciate your support you
Channel: SV Seeker
Views: 98,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sailboat, Welding, Metal Fabrication, Boat Building, Plasma Cutting, MIG, Sailing
Id: 5JqGt6DZl2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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