Composite Green Screen Clips without FUSION - Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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in today's video I'm going to teach you how to go from basic green screen footage to something like this without using Fusion in Da Vinci resol studio if you're anything like me using Fusion has been super confusing and very challenging especially from switching over from Adobe or Final Cup Pro now without further Ado let's jump into Da Vinci and I'll show you how to do it so I'm in Da Vinci resolve right now and I have my green screen clip here as you can see I have a top light going down on my subject and the green screen is very bright with these lights Illuminating it so my subject is very silhouetted and very contrasty compared to the background and the way that we're going to do this without Fusion is we're just going to go into the effects Tab and we're going to go and type in key so that we're going to use the 3D key drag that onto your clip and then I've already done it a couple times here just to kind of test it out a little bit but all you do is you click this here make sure your open effects overlay is on all you're going to do really easy you're just going to drag until that goes away until your subject is totally masked out like that and then you're just going to drag this D spill slider here all the way up then you might be thinking well I need to get rid of all this crap behind him so just go under the video Tab and what you're going to do you're going to crop it out just like this so crop it out just enough to where all you see is your subject on a black background then you're going to take the background that you want and drag it underneath your subject then you're just going to take your Zoom here and drag it back to where you want the subject to be I like it to be about right there and so this background I actually had my buddy Spencer design this through Cinema 4D and he rendered rendered the whole thing out and sent me still images that's all it was it was just still images just pictures and you can find stuff just like this on stock websites like Adobe stock motion array any of those that will will do fine for this music video specifically him and I collaborated a little bit and we wanted to create this mountain range with like a broken down temple in the background so it was very specific I'm going to take this here and then I'm going to go into the color tab I'm just going to bring the highlights down about right there bring this down to about there and then add a little bit of a shift here make sure I bring my blacks down it's about there make sure I'm not peeking down here being a little dark in the corner here is okay so I just want to make sure my background is nice and dark just like that and then I'm going to bring the sky up just a little bit more so it's really contrasty from my subject sitting here so I have my subject here and basically what I'm going to do I'm going to create create this node and I'm going to darken him up a little bit just that way he kind of sticks with the background a little bit more just like that and turn this note on just to show you that I lifted these blacks up just a little bit more just that way he would seem a little bit more glued into the into the environment then I'll go back into the background here create a new node and then I'm going to take an ellipse tool bring it down just like this shrink it down to be about right about right about there and then bring down the highlights and the darks just like that just to kind of create a little bit of a shadow that looks pretty good okay so what I'm going to do then I'm going to create a new compound clip we going to call this base play or wide okay so just just for the sake of time all I did was copy the settings that I did on the previous edit and what I did I started with darkening up everything and playing with my curves just a little bit right here played with the curves just a little bit more in this one too so I'm going to add this glow effect here bring it to about there increase the spread a little bit so it goes more onto the ground where my subject is standing increase the gain a little bit so it kind of gives like a misty type of look and I'll go in here add a little bit more Shadows just so that way he's separated enough from the background more shadows and then for this one I'm adding even more of a glow with a overlight preset from Maxon or Red Giant Universe for this one I just play with the curves just a little bit more to get more of that separation and kind of that like more of that emphasis on the Misty look and then even more Darkness here okay so then I think it would be cool if we just went in and added some lightning strikes just like that and then add this background in to because we want it to look like he's shrouded in kind of like a cloud the lightning background just kind of looks like this and then the lightning strikes are just stock lightning strikes nothing too crazy so now you're going to have your bass player rocking out in a freaking huge ass storm and it's super dope so now instead of it being just a still image a static shot uh because that's a little boring what we're going to want to do is create key frames to begin the motion of the shot you're going to click these key frames here and then by the end of the shot you're just going to zoom in do some rotation just like this maybe offset it a little bit like that mess with the pitch and the yaw so that way when it's all said and done you got your motion just like that but then you might be thinking well it's still not selling me good enough well hang on all you got to do is is go into your effects panel and then just type in camera Shake drag that onto the clip and then there's your natural camera Shake motion and there you have it no Fusion needed no After Effects BS just makes things a little bit easier for those of us who are still learning fusion and for those that are just want to get something cool done but are used to playing with layers and basic effects in Premiere Pro or Final Cut well that's about all I got for in this video thank you guys so much for watching if you learned something if you want to learn more about how I do green screen work make sure you hit that subscribe button like the video comment below and I will see you guys in the next video have a good [Music] day
Channel: Johnfmedia
Views: 4,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, tutorial, filmmaker, cinematography, cinematographer, tips and tricks, davinci resolve, fusion, davinci resolve studio, green screen, composite, compositing, vfx, music videos, music video, music video green screen, unreal engine, blender, cinema4d, cinema 4d, turorial
Id: lG6yirzStTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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