George Of The Jungle | 1 Hour Compilation | Full Episodes | Funny Cartoons For Kids

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the jungle is a place of mystery with unanswered questions that bother mind how does he do that and is he talking to a volcano I think you'll be bored Jorah volcano boggles the mind I'm afraid his mind is already banked worried about you did don't worry about me worry about a volcano he is not wait nah now everyone would believe me when I say you are loopy jungle brain you miss me I know only God then boys laugh all you want the volcano is bored yeah in fact just for fun he's thinking of covering us all with lava and stop Oh Blore quino's do not talk they do not get bored they do not have feelings unless we can find a way to cheer him up he will it's found hmm Oh George could tell some jokes maybe do some magic George I want you to gather together everyone in the jungle what are we gonna do daddy wait I'm gonna put on [Music] [Music] mankind and animals working together putting on a show to make a mountain happy while you're telling that tree to leave she's acting George it's where you've changed the way you talk oh but I still think we should try telling the volcano some jokes Paulie you together [Music] okay all right big ugly oh it's so great you got the lead part of the volcano princess thank God because I'm the only one it's a dress sure being the directors daughter had nothing to do with it must be some mistake George not seen George's name on the castle it's George there isn't a part for you but one of the main characters is the king of the jungle we cash that already George volcano pageant George I thought save the jungle nobody [Music] know we got something new for you to do in the volcano pageant sit in the audience let's play the part of the guard in the audience yeah [Laughter] - nervous what if judge forgets doesn't say what it was like right good luck oops sorry good thing swollen IV there to break your pool we have to cancel the show wait can't cancel the show Ursula you'll have to play the princess I don't know the lines Oh George sat through all the rehearsals George knows the princesses lines here too so it can choke people Cato princess absolutely not do you want a red wig and a blonde greetings gentle jungle creatures beautiful volcano princess is not entertained you want it scarier funny you just tell me he'll be once you're out already this is too dangerous George can handle this I just can't believe he looks better than me and that dreams okay George go oh mighty and powerful volcano huh we're doomed [Music] oh thank god funny listen to this well I give the villagers wear running shoes tell them all to stop oh did you hear the one about the vehicle didn't wanna build his own house he hired a follow-up constructor knock-knock [Music] yes when you live in the jungle you've got to be on guard for dangers at all times especially at lunchtime lunch that is not my lunch today [Music] [Applause] Oh George can slide he could do the things that Tukey supposed to do George need I remind you that some creatures are meant to fly like birds and bikes but others aren't like you and me maybe not you but George is not going to take not being able to fly sitting down if you insist keep your eyes on the sky are you all right okay I think she's ready to go Roger we need after cliff George this is never gonna work [Music] [Applause] George needs a new plan so George's new plan called for him to do something so strange so odd his friends could not believe their arts George are you breathing hmm his plan led him to that rarest of jungle insects the Eagle tick there you go my little parasitic buddy welcome to George's hey George why were you reading this chapter on the Eagle tick oh I don't really remember that's an eagle tip it's a tiny little bug that has a body of a tick but a wingspan of an eagle George I hope you didn't let one of those bite you I'm not saying I did not sure it's gonna fly Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't realize plywood hurts head and butt so much so you shouldn't be playing with bugs you don't know anything about I read the bug book well pictures but anyway George is done with blowing the eagle tick has buried itself deep inside your head and he will not let go but it could be worse it could be a critic mating season when is mating season well my watch is a little slow bad George I was bending over when the Bucks flew in okay please tell George the worst is over now big if not exactly what you see when they have this wedding dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm definitely gonna barb in it romantic no didn't you read what the book said oh we're there pictures as part of the mating dance the Eagle takes would carry their host of the year's volcano and drop us in [Music] I've got the book right here it says the evil dicks only enemy is something called to Paris Bertuzzi sells bacon ferocious George it's tookie-tookie bird Dougie dougie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Toki you are George's hero reaches for two key hello I am doctor towel Scott you may know me from the George of the jungle show on which I play doctor towel Scott tick bites are no laughing matter I take the square root eek just as dangerous as the Eagle tick but twice as worried excuse me you must wear long sleeves and insect repellant to avoid such nasty bugs as the moose tick the elephant [Music] [Music] in the jungle nothing is more heartwarming than the love between a boy and his dog strange somebody keeps stealing inside part of banana the top of HQ has been destroyed who did it corporal what elephant the one belonging to George King in the Chaco [Music] good job chef one last throw Oh who's cute anteater is are you ticklish anteater chef George played with you all morning now it's anteaters turn chef it's not nap time we have to take this little guy home hmm there you go I'll bet your mom has a nice warm batch of hands at home baby anteater George told you to go home Oh [Music] George sucker for big eyes in life and in art George we'll keep him as a pet huh George you already have two pets and you have a hard enough time taking care of them but he'll be a good play mate for sure [Music] she have plain ice this little fellas part of our family now George we'll call him uh George that name is taken oh right then how about this really necessary anteater needs to rest his little paws let's go shop can't forget little chef George and seven baby makes three [Music] be more careful little steps comes with George on talking juice cutie we got you some Cheerios and a pretty collar and chilly jungle knives oh he likes you you brought him back little wants a snack okay but just one [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you okay George think we need something for little chefs teething aah I suggest good old-fashioned hypnosis rubbish he just needs a little numbing gel Wow prove this works I'll prove it doesn't work well how prove this doesn't work come on this one says baby medicine don't know let's see may cause drowsiness well that won't be so bad oh just open your mouth like this [Music] [Music] good news general somebody's having a picnic no even better not the top of our head elves made it up to us marshmallows [Music] George's elephant tricked us he tried to get us stuck in that trap with an anteater this please daddy's home Russia's anteater tricked us into taking baby medicine little Shep would never do that it's true George can't hear you George hey dear you also can't smell you or take your fingers out of your nose and listen wait what's that sound hmm it's either a grade or an attacking army advance [Music] oh I love parades [Music] simple rescue us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chef George is proud of you oh you too little chef there you go here's your mommy oh you are so grounded young man good doggy of the many terrors in the tummy one is so horrible it makes kings of the jungle weak me [Music] just a clean-up day animals in this place are pigs George pigs are usually very fighting yes not during the playoffs weird-shaped root a sea shell c shell sea shells are things people collect for some reason if you hold the seashell up to your ear hear the ocean yes it's the sound of the ocean pretty neat huh habitat for to manatees is such a good cause moaning hold that she'll be there where did he find a shell around here anyway it was just lying on the ground I told him if you listen to it you hear the ocean George has never been to the ocean but now thanks to that shell that was what it sounds like then you're gonna call me a small very comfy couch chunky couch with a booklet and I'm able to listen and the tiny hammer to the finest silk can I help you we were wondering if you were gonna help us lift these rocks oh just a sec yeah hmm no silk George could find was an Ursula scarf can't take that OOP George going through a tunnel I might lose yeah sure Dino okay George I really like the sand ocean waves not waves ocean talks to George listen whoosh whoosh whoosh see hit 120 feet of what 50 put a rope a brown big one and a root beer with a lid on it hold on old ape do you have some papers I have to write this stuff down oh hey and this piece of Bart's talking to me wait it says make me a three-masted schooner other Brazil nuts hey hey forgot to set please ferocious okay could you pass the potatoes he's hearing seems fine right no problem gravy have you taken any bite force lately George no just crashed into lots of trees like normal eat quick George has lots of stuff to make and build and sew and finish I think my spoon may be dirty George just what do you think look pretty clean from here but George has been very very busy I might not be seeing straight what George needs a quick ear cleaning we love shaman [Music] George followed all oceans instructions with this big springy thing anyway no questions now double-check the coordinates and pull the lever hey you've got earrings just like Magnolia and a scarf just like Ursula must be a man everybody's got the same look but what about George's head what oh yeah just tape around the side and use conditioner it'll be fine yeah have you seen my earrings or my scarf Oh somebody talk man no but when ocean left he had some just like them seashell had earrings and they're saying the ocean will left that's why George had to make ocean this bringi thingy George we'd love to believe a seashell told you to build a catapult but do you think George's [Music] well not lie in life no George just lying lying but for a good reason probably George it's not a liar have to find ocean make it tell friends that George isn't lying George so this hawk flies me away from here and dropped me in the jungle the jungle luckily I find this knucklehead who I can get to make me this new luxe furniture I do love this couch bags wobble eyes oh great so in order to find George we're going to climb into this contraption and fling ourselves to who knows where uh-huh let's get this over with hello hello oh hey glad you could make it oh ocean friends think George is liars I have to take ocean back to show them I'm not whoa big guy no more travel for me look if anyone makes fun of you why go back stay yeah you can get me some fairies and spiders maybe what what my friends hey you don't want your head to fall off oh yeah fairies of spiders coming up I can't see you're out of these it's covered with crabs you know how Mike Anthony oyster always wanted to adopt Magnolia you're poorly rings all right who ordered grapes who had the spiders and who ordered the sea scum smoothie in sweep up this in don't believe it conniving crabs George was telling the truth the whole time that's embarrassing over there now look ocean George has done many things for you and even though I don't want my head to fall off you've got to come back with me and tell my friends that I was telling the truth [Music] [Applause] jungle is angry you must return George earrings what are you gonna tell George that it's nice in here when we're a little closer to home that talk is Chun illan without mercy all three teams how is your bagel what are you with something on it but these mighty beasts aren't the only ones having a bad brunch empty plate George's favorite and there's also no more food oh well there's plenty of food if you eat like a termite [Music] it needs some cream cheese and salt our unfed friends set out to find their missing vegetables ever notice from a height all trees look like juicy delicious broccoli like magnolias fingernails our hungry heroes press on the trail of stems lead this way George no George found a big leaf shaped like a ducky quack quack I am a ducky oh wow Ursula's right look like George bound mmm who dares disturb me come no closer or face the wrath of my loyal army an army of a dreams Hey up and twist in the fearsome art fujitsu by me the master can't be the king of the jungle that's George's job nonsense watch this video born in a cage and raised by reticence the MIDI master grew up learning the secrets of vegetables and how to speak their language on his 21st birthday [Music] ground him firstly an ape will tell you George's amazing story George was raised by Apes nothing was happened to Eva 7 when he almost choked on a penis and the mighty creatures of the jungle made him their king you heard that King that's your presentation well George can talk to animals [Music] [Applause] you talk to the animals say how quaint well I can talk you mean man this guy's nuttier than a nut tree with nuts on top and since there are more vegetables than animals it appears I am the king of the jungle you can't argue with his Maya hundreds of points and he's kind of cute [Music] so I said okay I always cry an onion wedding wish you lived closer so you could teach you sit on your wisdom move closer a tempting proposition my subjects will build me a gleaming palace in your midst but we're using our meds but until it's completed [Music] this letter is addressed to king of the jungle it's not polite to eat other people's mail by mail Georgia king of the jungle oh when will he build his great palace and just go living it you can ask him yourself at our meet the veggie master party tonight [Music] quiet everyone the cauliflower needs to concentrate now concentrate on the card you selected was it the three of clubs [Music] or jizz not jealous no way only sad that friends with fool by such a phony Oh mom dice dice the light bulb in the jungle how many years of searching for a boy over done got it George challenges the veggie master to erase my fastest animal against his fastest vegetable whoever wins is the true king in the jungle and whoever loses has to wear a sign on their back saying big jerky bottom you are on [Applause] [Music] George chooses the cheetah can run 70 miles an hour and representing the winning side potato the world's most versatile side there [Music] aren't you gonna command your potato to race the cheetah through me you have the wisdom of a turnip and the keen insight of a corncob you truly are the king when you're alone in the jungle as long as I'm sorry because a true king has compassion under enormous pressure George puts on his thinking lips [Music] luckily for George tragedy strikes but giant mushroom head straight for the penetrated the super cute panda minutes [Music] there's a giant mushroom heading for the cute baby pandas hmm [Music] my lips just had an idea you must say the baby pandas command the mushroom to stop its deadly rampage but I told you I have no real power I don't even have a green thumb meanwhile beneath the ramp paintings fungus come on I know you got it in ya oh it's not gonna help but Oh mushroom I command you to miss Lipp bridge [Music] did do it didn't I i ruled that veggie die after going with the crybaby act but this is the real me the veggie master is back and so was the strange man who talks to vegetables dances into the sunset hey pass this epic tale to the official history of the true king picture a man with antlers he tosses evildoers like chef tosses a salad head butts criminals like a righteous coat then he gives bad guys hard to follow directions to banks George long day tomorrow turn out the light mendler only turns out evildoers lights yeah but after that he goes to sleep right mendler never sleeps his roommate must be thrilled why did they put these back three outlet malls so far away from everything that's why they call this bargain hunting George doesn't get shopping don't you want to buy things George only wants the new mat leur coming issue 107 man Claire's typical decision with special appearances by Gayle the gal with the tail Tim lava well that's just great matter would make still [Music] maybe George could cost the girls over same way Mettler tosses evildoers out of jungle tropics is anyone else a little tired of hearing about a certain comic book George it's tired and issue 102 check the map for shortcuts Mettler always says you're never lost as long as you're with happy friends meddlers antlers start twitching when he's going the wrong way how but George has is a leg cramp no more man plod you can get to shop for new Hawking boots sure wish George look at that map sure wish George knew what meant less difficult decision is sure twist George a bully story Oh George wishes a star would fall every night you say a big fiery rock crusher house all right where did this rock come from that's guy how'd you guess sounds a lot like the falling star George saw last night all right George should have wished for the new Mangler comic book instead of a star to fall every night every night what are the chances of a house that's small being hit by a shooting star George's wish came true another one what phone last night and somebody wouldn't say meet him hey sorry I didn't get a home yet Ben why are in the games room with surround sound all morning where did this all come from I stayed up last night waiting for George's shooting star and flat out hey guys help yourself to the swimming pools last night shooting star destroyed the gorilla soccer field George do you know what this means it means thanks to your wish stars will fall every night until someone wishes for them to stop fighting basketball shoes to fit a gorilla is impossible later that night [Music] hey that must have been the star whoa hope it didn't hit mongooses swimming pool the hippo helps bug been destroyed it's not fair I had a yoga class [Music] huge check me Oh yo somewhat chimp Luiz ride I kind of saw that star last night couldn't help myself sorry but look at this baby video console in every seat and frozen yogurt dispenser termite earthworm swirl have we forgotten we're trying to stop giant firing meteors from destroying the jungle look at all the cupholders oh sit up tonight with my dad's telescope and straighten this whole thing out it's not what you think satellite TV brings us weather reports and dumb news Oh what time is she [Applause] Magnolia glad to see you took care of things a walk-in closet with robotic shoe storage with temperature control and someone has to show a little backbone around here mmm that leaves out the slugs and worms I met me I'm gonna wish for these stars to stop coming tonight I'm the only one with any willpower around here and so night after night and falling star after falling star no one in the temple and the strength to stop them George you got us into this you're going to have to get us out of this oh that bad huh [Music] much stay-awake must wish for shooting stars to stop and not hello George of the jungle head as I meant with America with antlers you look tired I know all about tired remember when I fought the gazelle twins who knew there were three of them oh sure was a great comic would you happen to have a copy of the the latest one sorry sold out the only way you could get one would be if you had him I don't know magic wish or something oh can you just tell George what your big decision was it was about responsibility I think you know something about that too George it was my best issue ever well I'm off to fight for steadfastness and responsibility maybe get a bird George wishes for Mackler and George no hey what are you doing up here and where'd you get those cool antlers I'm not a pejorative Wow where George's conscience get those cool antlers George as your conscience we demand that you wish for no more shooting stars boy bossy conscience wish wisely George I [Music] should mention that issue 107 is probably my best flight sequence ever and the puppy I say there's a Doris George what George will wish for [Music] [Music] so George how did it go okay no more wishing stars from now on actually not just from now on what do you mean George wished he'd never seen shooting star in the first place but that would undo everyone's wishes George sort of feel sorry for the animals it's all for the best maybe one of them will see another shooting star someday hey Shep what you got there that looks like a genies magic lamp wait a minute ship that means you have two more wishes [Music] [Music]
Channel: George of the Jungle
Views: 4,771,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: george of the jungle, george of the jungle cartoon, george of the jungle animated Series, george of the jungle Full, george of the jungle cartoon series, george of the jungle full Magnolia, george of the jungle Ursula, George of Jungle Ape, george of the jungle full episodes, george of the jungle song, george of the jungle magnolia, George of the jungle cartoon Full Episodes, george of the jungle animated movie, george george george of the jungle, watch out for that tree
Id: Hl4XE94Ai2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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