COMPLETE PORTAL GUIDE | Advanced Tips & Combos (Blox Fruits)

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hey what's up guys welcome to my complete and detailed portal PVP guide so portal is a natural type fruit and blockx fruits that in my opinion is one of the best fruits in the game for PVP in today's video you're going to learn everything you need to know about portal regarding how to play as well as best swords guns fighting styles Advanced tips and tricks and much more in a very detailed guide before we begin I'd like to mention that I've been Ming this fruit since it was door when I started this game which is why I feel I can give the most complete guide one last thing for advaned users of the fruit I'll be covering Advanced tips and tricks later in the video however I still recommend watching the entire video so you don't miss anything okay so starting things off what does portal actually do and how is it meant to be played well first things first I want to say that portal is a very powerful typically sword main fruit that gets a lot of its combos by combining the fruits movement with your sword and fighting style so what are Portal's abilities and how do you use them so the portal Dash ability is a pretty simple single Target stun that will send you straight in the direction of your Crosshair when this ability hits an opponent will'll knock them into five observation dodgeable portals that will do one six final slam that breaks observation meaning that if someone were to try to Krick the dash itself they would either waste five Dodges or have tote wait until the animation is finished to turn Ken back on really quickly for anyone who doesn't know or anyone who's just new to the game Kent tricking is basically keeping your observation hotkey off until you needed to escape a combo so with that in mind Portal's parallel Escape ability is a pretty cool one that will first turn you invisible and untargetable against your opponent while you can still move freely but the nicest part of this ability is genuinely that if you hold your ability next to a Target it will shoot out like a little dimensional beam that will stun for about 1 and 1/2 seconds what this means is that you could use this ability pop up behind someone and hold your portal Dash or any other ability in the game for a free combo starter so the next ability I want to cover is Portal's World orp ability is by far the most useful movement ability in the game allowing you to teleport to any Island at will this ability can actually be used offensively and defensively and in my opinion is among the best abilities in the game and while the portal jump and Quantum Leap abilities are pretty self-explanatory and both are just extra movement options there's other ways to use these properly but like I said we'll cover that later in the video in fact let's now talk about the main part of Portal's kit this is the dimensional Rift the way this ability works is that when you press it it will put out an AOE Ken breaking black hole that will pull in any Targets doing an okay amount of damage while isolating you and whoever else you pulled into the dimension so to summarize this ability you're basically Gojo from jiujitsu Kaizen and while your opponent can still escape this Dimension by jumping out to the top I do think it's worth mentioning that the player who used the dimension will have priority over who jumps out first meaning that if both players are trying to get out at the same time the person who owns the dimension will have priority now moving on for Portal's best fighting styles it is relatively straightforward with sanguin ar number one alongside God human as a very viable secondary option so the reason you want sanguine art with portal is due to the insane value of the Z move or blood Bane drain which by the way while the damage can be Krick the heal will still heal you for the full 3,000 and just along with being the easiest fighting style to combo with portal is a sword main fruit and with the best two swords in the game being either the dragon Trident or gravity cane two swords that synergize best for sanguine art there's literally no reason not to run this fighting style besides maybe you just want to switch it up and use God human or if you're running a sword that synergizes better with God human for example a sword like the true triple Katana or ttk would be a sword that synergizes better with God human than it does with sanguine art the reason for this is because sanguine art while being arguably the best fighting style in the game almost relies on a sword of fruit that can act as a combo starter because the only two abilities for sanguine that can start a combo are both can dodgeable and both moves on the ttk are also both can dodgeable meaning for the ttk you would want a fighting style that can compensate for that which is why you would run something like God human or if you felt like it you could run something like Electric Claw although I wouldn't personally recommend it all right now moving on for Portal's best swords I'm happy to say that it has a lot of amazing options it has two of the best top of-the meta swords along with amazing potential to use any other sword in the game you really can run whatever you want for this but your best two options are always going to be the dragon tridon or gravity cane as they are just the most broken for portal the reason for this is actually because both swords have amazing combo starters and combo extenders and will generally just make your fights a lot easier on top of all that these two swords actually have great combo setups for the portal Dash giving you an infinite combo with the gravity cane for example when you match it with something like sanguine art and something to keep in mind is that the infinite combo with the gravity cane and sanguine isn't even that hard to do it really just relies on having low ping as you would need to do it very quickly some other very good options for swords would be like the ttk shark anchor Fox lamp cdk and many many more if you want to know the best swords overall I did make a tier list video if you're interested link will be in the description and back to the guide moving on to best accessories overall there really is only three that you should be using and it's between the katsune ribbon which is my personal preference the Hunter's cape and the pilot helmet the reason you want these specifically is because of the way they complement Portal's kit giving you amazing passive stat Buffs that will just make plain the fruit a lot smoother with that out of the way let's now get into the advanced tips and tricks starting off with everyone's favorite the portal V Soul guitar no skill combo of Destruction so this is one that I'm pretty sure everyone knows which is why I'm listing it first but basically the idea is that you want to use your dimensional riff and then jump out to the top of your dimension and soul guitar making your opponent unable to do anything while you set them up for your combo and to top it all off the dimensional Rift is only on a 12 second cool down allowing you to just Spam this combo over and over again with little to no counterplay I genuinely despise this play style as does everyone else who play Blox Roots but I do need to mention it as it is the most broken thing about Portal's kit but that out of the way let's now talk about making the most out of your kit with portal first thing I want to talk about as I don't ever really see anyone else doing it is using your world warp for more than just running away this ability if you hold the menu out while you're about to be hit by something it will still actually allow you to TP away in the middle of their combo which you can use to teleport to the island that you're on making it a very useful repositioning tool speaking of repositioning tools let's talk about how to use portals movement correctly so you don't want to just be dashing around and occasionally doing a few m1s as you will be very easy to catch you want to be using all your options like your portal jump Quantum Leap roll DWP flash step and sometimes even your portal Dash depending whether or not you're about to set them up for a combo I usually won't use the portal Dash if I'm about to go for a combo as that takes away something that can extend the combo but if I'm just trying to move around or maybe bait out one of their abilities then in that scenario I will use the portal Dash to move around another small tip I'd like to mention is using your jump when you dash almost as if you're trying to Bunny Hop you want to be jumping a second after you press the dash button this is a good way to make sure your movement is sporadic and it does make your movement a little bit harder to track for example if I wanted to approach my friend here and set them up in a combo it looks something like this another thing I want you to keep in mind is where your portals are in the clip on screen you can see I'm using portals that are left behind by the Quantum Leap I previously used in order for me to still have access to movement even though my abilities are on cool down and with that in mind the last thing I want to talk about is something I call portal peaking the idea is that you basically want to be using your Quantum Leap to get you in for an attack and to get you out if it misses at the same time and for the last part of this guide I'm just going to be including various different combos with different weapons and fighting styles and you can just pick whichever one you want to [Music] use [Music] [Music] all oh
Channel: Viyro
Views: 58,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AxI3kBdioYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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