Complete Path of Exile Beginners Guide! New Player Tips & Tricks for 2024

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[Music] hi guys asmo here and in this video guide I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to get started in Path of Exile I'm sure you don't want to waste your time so I'm going to tell you the most important things you need to know at the beginning for a good start and catch you up to speed as fast as possible when you go to create a new character your first choice is selecting League leagues are essentially separate Realms you have standard which is the permanent league and a temporary League which changes every 3 to four months the temporary league is is always the best place to start at the end of a temporary League everything from that league is migrated to standard anyway so you don't lose your progress but starting in standard would put you at a big disadvantage each league also has hardcore and softcore version of it in hardcore League when you die your character goes to standard softcore league and you have to start over again so I'd recommend sticking to softcore as a beginner you also have the option to check solo cell found and ruthless ruthless is an extreme scarcity mode designed for the few veterans that enjoy it and as a beginner you should probably stay away from that solo self found or ssf for short is an optional mode that can be opted out of at any time you're basically locked from Trading or grouping with other players just so that you can claim that you've accomplished everything on your own and people don't have to believe you on your word if they see that you're in ssf however at any point ssf characters can be migrated to the trade League which is the default mode that most people play in the vast majority of players play in the temporary League realm commonly referred to as softcore trade and that's what I recommend for beginners when making a new character you can choose between seven different classes which Shadow Ranger dualist moroder Templar and assion which is unlocked at the end of act three however classes only determine the starting place on a passive tree and a much more important choice than the class that you're going to play is the choice of ascendancy each of the six basic classes has three distinct subclasses called ascendancies you ascend at the end of act three and select one of them based on the type of a build you wish to play so no about these ascendancies is very important from the start here is a quick breakdown of all of the available ascendancies as of which you can either be an occultist that specializes in cold damage chaos damage and curses Elementalist which specializes in Elemental damage Elemental ailment such as freezing shocking igniting enemies and Golems or a necromancer which specializes in summoning minions and manipulating corpses a shadow can pick between assassin which focuses on critical strikes and poison damage tricks their which focuses on different types of defense and generic speed and damage bonuses or sabur which focuses on traps mines and various forms of triggered skills the ranger ascendancies are deadi ey which specializes in projectile skills and bow attacks Pathfinder which specializes in leveraging the power of flasks and bonuses to poison and Chaos damage and Raider which specializes in generic speed fast attacks and has good early defensive options the dualist can either be a gladiator that has bonuses to blocking attack and spells and dealing physical damage and bleeding a champion which focuses on strong defense in the form of armor evasion and fortify with few offensive bonuses or a Slayer which focuses on attack damage and leeching back portion of it as Life The Marauder class can pick between a chieftan which focuses on fire damage and totems a bur zerker which focuses on Fast attacks and sacrificing defense for more offense or Juggernaut which focuses on powerful defensive options and being immune to slows and St the Templar ascendancies are as follows Guardian good at scaling auras and supporting either Allied players or summoned minions the hofund which is great at leveraging Mana for damage and survivability and has powerful bonuses to Totem skilles or Inquisitor which features many great ways of scaling Elemental damage and regenerating life and energy Shield cion only has one ascendancy called the ascendant but it gets to pick unique features from other ascendancies and combine them in one character this is a more advanced class not recommended for beginners because it's much more difficult to level it build guides usually will reference the ascendancy and the main skill in their names rather than the class that is being used and for your first character I would definitely recommend looking up a build guide and following it preferably look for a leag starter build following a leak starter build is going to help you learn the game much faster but of course you can do whatever you find most fun and play however you like before you jump into the game there are three external things that you should get some people will tell you that you don't need them to get started but you're going to waste a lot of time without them and then you'll have to get them anyway so to get the best experience right away you should get a loot filter awakened Poe trade and path of building for a loot filter head over to filterblade doxyz in the overview tab make sure you have never sync SC selected if you're playing in the current softcore trade league and set the strictness to semi-strict then in the save and Export tab name your filter click on sync or download clicking save and sync will enable the filter in your game while clicking save and download will let you download the file on your computer which then you have to manually place in your documents my games Path of Exile folder the second option is useful if you want to have many different versions of loot filters later on I also share all of my personal leveling and endgame loot filters with patreon supporters on my patreon page for anyone interested in those a loot filter will change the look and the sound of item drops to indicate what dropped much much better it will hide useless items and highlight valuable items making sure that you don't miss anything important playing without a loot filter would have you waste a lot of time figuring out what's worth picking up and looking at and what isn't a loot filter will speed up that process exponentially and do a lot of that work for you the second essential thing to get is awakened Poe trade this third party app is used mainly to price check items if you don't know how much something is worth let's say you find a unique item and you wonder how much you could sell it for instead of having to go to the trade website and search for it you can simply hover your mouse cursor over that item press contr D which is the default shortcut and quickly find out that it is indeed worthless awakened Poe trade lets you quickly customize your search parameters to check only for valuable modifiers for example if you find a good pair of boots you can select the most relevant stats such as life movement speed and resists and disregard others in your search for the most accurate price assessment the link to the awen poe trade download page will be in the description together with the rest of the resources mentioned in this video the last essential thing to get especially if you want to follow a build guide and learn how to plan your characters is path of building also known as po this program allows you to accurately simulate your character and see all the numbers behind the build almost every single build guide has a link with a path of building character in it that you can import into the program and see how to progress through your passive skill tree what skill gems to use and what items to get for your character I've made a separate guide for path of building that you'll find Linked In the description it is an incredibly useful program but as a beginner all you need to know is how to import a link from a build guide which is explained at the beginning of my path of building guide just like the other Essentials you will find the link to the right version of p in the description when you first step into the game the biggest tip I can give you is to read everything for example if you're wondering about the basic attributes such as strength dexterity as and intelligence and what they do you can open the character sheet and hover over them strength gives you life and melee physical damage dexterity gives you accuracy for attacks and evasion and intelligence gives you mana and increases your energy Shield if at any point you find yourself asking what does this thing do or want to learn more about any concept you encounter in game I recommend going to Poe wiki. net and simply typing it in the search bar for example if you look for strength you will find all of the relevant information including different sources of strength items that provide it mechanics that can scale with strength and so on I highly recommend having a bookmark saved to Poe wiki. net as it can answer most of your basic questions about the game you will notice that the basic attributes the strength decks and int are related to the corresponding colors red green and blue those are also the three main colors of skill gems in the game gems are divided in two main types active skill gems which give you the skill that you can use such as Fireball or raise zombie and support gems which modify these skills such as faster attacks or added lightning damage let's quickly examine one of those gems as an example freezing pulse right below the name you can see the gem tags these tags will inform you whether it's a spell or an attack in this case it's a spell what type of a skill it is for example if it's an AOE area of effect skill or a minion or in this case a projectile skill and if applicable a damage type in this case cold so we have a cold projectile spell knowing this is important to figure out which support gems can apply to it and modify it and how to scale the damage for example faster attacks will not modify our skill because it has an attack tag and this skill is a spell but faster casting support will give us bonus to our cast speed and you'll see a little icon on the skill in the action bar for each support gem affecting that skill you will also notice a change to the numerical values for example adding the fast casting increased our cast speed as well as the DPS values below the tags you will find the base stats of the given skill the base Mana cost the cast or attack time the best crit chance and effectiveness of added damage spells will generally have a base Critical Strike listed on the gem while attacks will use the crit chance of your weapon us to perform that attack same with the base damage in case of a spell It generally comes from the skill gem itself and increases with gem levels while attacks take the base damage from your weapon and multiply it by the value listed on the gem right below you will find requirements as you get experience your equipped gems also gain experience and you can level them up with each gem level they will require higher level to equip and their attribute requirements will also increase red gems will generally require strength blue gems intelligence and green gems it if you know that your build does not get a lot of the required attribute early on you can choose to not level that gem by right clicking the level up option on the side it will then show up at the bottom of your inventory where you can continue leveling it up at any point if you choose to do so below the requirements there is a description of the skill it is worth reading if you are not sure how the skill works as there might be details that are important for the skill for example an Essence drain gem states that the debuff can be spread by another skill called Contagion this is a very important interaction that completely changes how the build is played lastly on each skill gem we have what essentially is the base tool tip of this skill we can see the base damage it deals by default any mechanics that apply to it for example freezing pulse pierces all enemies which means that it doesn't stop on the first enemy it hits but instead it continues moving through after dealing the damage by default projectiles don't do this without any source of Pier we can also see that projectiles have a base chance to freeze which together with the damage dissipates as the projectile travels further this means that it's advantageous to stand close to the enemies to deal maximum damage and maximize the chance to freeze now that we know how to read skill jums let's add some more supports to it to modify it we've already added faster casting now since this is a projectile skill we can add something like lesser multiple projectiles this will make our skill shoot two extra projectiles and give us better coverage so we can hit more enemies at the same time the LMP support gem doesn't have an attack or spell tag and it applies to either type of a skill as long as it shoots projectiles we can also add spell totem support and turn this whole thing into a totem that shoots the freezing PSE by itself you can modify skills in many different ways all you need is linked sockets of the right color and matching tags on the gems another important thing on the gems is quality every gem has a quality effect ranging from Simply increasing the damage to firing additional projectiles you can press alt to see the quality effect of a gem even if it has zero Quality quality is usually increased with the gem Cutters prism currency or through the Labyrinth rewards after killing the first zombie on the beach and equipping your first skill gem there are two very important things you want to do first click on the default attack and swap it for the move only command this will stop you from accidentally attacking whenever you want to move your character secondly click on your skill and select always attack without moving you want to do this for every active skill gem with the exception of Dash skill which has a unique functionality of Dashing backwards when that option is enabled if you don't do it your character will often have to move before attacking leaping or casting an ability which will make you waste a lot of time and will make the character feel clunky so make sure you always activate attack without moving on every active skill jum if you press control you will also see a secondary bar you can rebind all of the keys in the default and the secondary bar to whatever you want as you see I still have the default Control Plus qwe but the other buttons are changed to F and S and you can adjust the hot keys to your own preferences the entire layout of the action bars is separate for each weapon set if you swap between them you will see the bars change you can adjust that to your liking as well now let's talk about items the two major categories of items are equipment such as armor weapons and other items that can be modified and currency items which are used to modify those items modifiable items like armor and weapons can come in four Rarities normal which are white items magic blue items items rare the yellow items and unique which are the brown or orange items normal items are the base items for example this is a normal Rarity chest armor and the name of the base item is majestic plate you can see the name basic statistics it provides in this case armor and level plus attribute requirements needed to equip it if you press alt you will see expanded tool tip with more information such as item level the item level of an item is usually determined by the level of a monster that dropped it and the monster level is determined by an area level for example if you are in area level 68 normal monsters in that area will also be level 68 and they will drop items of level 68 the higher the item level the better modifiers it can get so there is benefit of having higher item level items to better understand items and the item Rarity let's look at this example this is a normal wand goats horn is the name of this particular wand base we can see the type of this weapon how much base damage it deals base critical chance for attacks done with this weapon attacks per second which is the attack speed and level and attribute requirements lastly there is a modifier on this oneand if we press alt we can read that this is an implicit modifier that means that regardless of the one becoming magic rare or unique in the future it would keep this modifier as it's an inherent property of this item base tied to the goat's horn not all items have implicit modifiers but some other common examples are things like Rings you can see that the coral ring base has extra life as an implicit modifier and a two- stoned ring gives you some Elemental resistances moving on this oneand is a magic item magic items have up to two extra modifiers on them these are not implicit but explicit modifiers they can be easily changed removed or added to an item and do not always come with the base pressing alt we can see their names and their tiers we have a prefix modifier frosted and a suffix modifier ease you can see them added to the name of the magic item just as you'd expect prefix before and suffix after the name of the base magic item can have maximum one prefix and one suffix a rare item can have a maximum of three prefixes and three suffixes you can also see that these modifiers have tiers with tier one being the best and the higher the number the worse the modifier these tiers are gated behind certain item levels the last Rarity is a unique want this unique wand is called obliteration every obliteration wand will have the exact same modifiers you can see the modifier that causes enemies to explode on kill and deal chaos damage this is a unique modifier that cannot be crafted on just any want it's a specific property tied to the unique obliteration wand and every obliteration wand will have the same modifiers so the item is not really unique in the sense of being one of a kind it's Unique in the sense that it comes with some modifiers not available on regular items there is one one very important thing about item modifiers that confuses all beginners and isn't very well explained in the game it is the difference between local and Global modifiers this is especially important on weapons if a weapon has a modifier with a percentage increased physical damage or added physical damage that modifier is local meaning it applies to the weapon itself and only attacks or skills that use this weapon based damage will benefit from it you can tell if a modifier is local or Global because the affected statistic will show as blue instead of white you can see that the physical damage of this wand is blue indicating that it's being increased by a local modifier or by weapon quality which I'll mention in a moment similarly if a weapon modifier grants added fire damage that damage is also local and can be seen on the weapon tool tip this damage will not be added to your spells only the attacks and other skills that use this weapon for their damage calculation in order for your spells to benefit from that it would have to state that it adds damage to spells such as this wand that adds one to three cold damage to spells which is not shown on the tool tip Above This starts getting a little bit more confusing when you look at other items such as jewelry which can have added damage to attacks that only applies to attacks added damage to spells that only applies to spells or undefined added damage which if this wording was on a weapon would be a local modifier but not on a weapon it is basically applying to both attacks and spells since it's not a weapon and cannot have a local modifier this works very similarly with critical strike chance on a weapon increased Critical Strike chance is local unless stated otherwise now that we know basic item types and modifiers let's look at what's known as the currency items these items can be used to trade with other players or to use them yourself to craft and modify your items the or of transmutation turns a normal white item into a magic blue item randomly adding one or two modifiers to it the or of alteration rolls magic items giving them new modifiers out of the available pool many of these currencies will have sharp s that can be assembled to create a full orb 20 transmutation shards will make a transmutation orb and 20 alteration shards will make an alteration orb and so on you get transmutation shards by selling unidentified magic or rare items to the vendor and alteration shards by selling identified magic or rare items these orbs are very common and you can use them whenever you want orb of analment is more rare and it removes one random modifier prefix or suffix from a magic or rare item since modifiers is on unques cannnot be added or removed the orb of chance randomly upgrades an item to magic or rare with a small chance to turn it into a unique item of the same base these orbs can be useful for buying early skill gems and Maps orb of augmentation adds a second modifier to a magic item if it only has one modifier on it Regal orb randomly adds one prefix or one suffix to a magic item and turns it into a rare item these orbs are not very valuable but they are pretty rare to find from drops and really useful early on orb of alchemy turns a normal item into a rare item with random modifiers Alchemy orbs are very similar to orbs of binding and can be often used interchangeably but orb of binding is much more useful early because it automatically grants the item up to four linked sockets which is very helpful during leveling the chaos orb reforges a rare item replacing its prefixes and suffixes for a new set of random ones it's also one of the main currency items used to trade you can think of it basically as $1 bill that everybody ubiquitously uses as a trading currency there is also a veiled chaos that does the same thing as a regular chaos orb but also guarantees a special modifier on the item that will allow you to choose one of three options to craft on the item for a bit more predictability if the chaos orb is an equivalent of a dollar bill then the Divine orb can be thought of as a $100 bill Divine orbs randomly change the values of explicit modifiers on items it cannot change the tier of the modifiers but it will randomly pick a number from the available range for each prefix and suffix it's also one of the main trading currency in Path of Exile the exalted orb adds a random modifier to a rare item for example if you use an orb of alchemy on an item and it ends up with two prefixes and three suffixes there would be an empty prefix slot which could be filled by randomly adding a modifier with an exalted orb to it the mirror of candra is is an exceptionally rare and valuable currency used to acquire copies of the best rare items in game you are extremely unlikely to ever find one but if you do you'll be very rich there are a few currency items that increase quality of the various item types for example the blacksmith wetstones increase the quality of weapons which improves the base damage of that weapon armor scraps increase the quality of armor which improves the base defense modifiers that come from that armor the glass blowers bubles improve the quality of flasks which improves either their potency or effect duration depending on the flask type the gem Cutters prism also known as gcp improves quality of your skill gems and support gems granting the additional bonuses listed on each gem the cartographers chisels improve the quality of maps making monsters in those Maps drop more items and the quality of your weapons and armor also affects your odds at getting better outcomes from the next two currency items that modify your sockets such as the Jewelers orb which reforges the number of sockets on an item for example one-handed weapons and shields can have up to three twoand weapons and body armor can have up to six and remaining armor pieces can have up to four sockets items need to be minimum of item level 25 to get four sockets from Jeweler's orbs and 35 to get five sockets as well as level 50 to get six sockets this item level restriction can be bypassed using mechanics that guarantee certain number of sockets like for example The Binding orb in the case of items that can get six sockets once you get those six sockets you cannot reroll the item further allowing you to Simply spam Jeweler orbs without the risk of rolling over it orb of fusing reforges the links between sockets just like with Jewelers orbs items that can be six link will stop at a six link and not allow you to roll them further so that you can safely spam fusings if you're trying to get a six link and as I mentioned before each percentage point of quality on the item improves your odds at getting higher number of sockets and linked sockets by 1% the chromatic orb reforges the socket colors on an item this is randomized but not completely random the odds of each color depend on the item attribute requirements the item that requires strength will be more likely to receive red sockets item that requires decks will be more likely to receive green sockets and intelligence is more likely to Grant blue sockets hybrid items that require multiple attributes will have higher chance to get the colors corresponding with the required attributes to calculate the chances of getting specific colors on your item you can use something like the vichi calculator which will be linked in the description the Blessed orb is the equivalent of a Divine orb but for the implicit modifiers instead of the explicit modifiers since these modifiers are generally less important and there is usually only one of them this orb is not as valuable sacred orb rerolls the base defense value of an item armor evasion and energy Shield item bases have a range of defensive stats that they gr and this very rare orb allows you to change it scouring orb removes all explicit modifiers from an item it gets rid of all prefixes and suffixes from a rare or magic item and turns it back into a normal white item this does not work on unique items only magic and rare and the item will keep its quality enchantments sockets socket links and colors as well as the implicit modifiers the Val orb corrupts an item this can range from giving it new powerful implicit modifier to completely destroying the item and making it unusable or doing nothing at all in either case a corrupted item cannot be further modified with regular currency items and you cannot take this step back so do not corrupt items you're not willing to lose orb of regret is consumed on a right click and grants you the ability to resp one of the points on your passive skill tree allowing you to change your build completely if you have enough of them and orb of unmaking is the equivalent of orb of regret but for your endgame Atlas passive tree instead of your character passive tree speaking of endgame sexand are currency items used to add additional modifiers to your Atlas that change the content of your Maps Harbinger orbs can be used on your maps to increase their tier and Horizon orbs can be used to change the map into another map of the same tier this can only turn into other maps of the same tier that are naturally of that tier maps on the atlas can have their tier modified but orbs of horizon do not respect your Atlas and only care about the base tier of maps and kindling orbs and instilling orbs are used to put additional enchantments on your flasks these enchantments allow you to either automate your flasks by making them trigger when special conditions are met or to Simply customize them to better fit your character engineer's orb improves a quality of a strong box this is not used very often but can be handy when encountering an early strong box with maps scarabs or divination cards ancient orbs change a unique item into another random unique item of the same class this means that unique belt will become another random unique belt and unique boots will become other random unique boots and so on uniques are weighted which means that there are rare drops which are much less likely to appear than the commonly dropped uniques the item also needs to meet the item level requirement as some uniques Cannot drop in low levels and therefore a low-level unique cannot be turned into them fracturing orb allows you to lock one of the items prefixes or suffixes into place a fractured modifier cannot be removed from that item and persists through Scout power ing or reforging the item with things like chaos orbs and huras lo is a rare endgame crafting currency that allows you to foresee the result of the next currency orb that would be used on that item this is usually used to craft the best endgame items crafting items in Path of Exile is a very broad topic that couldn't be fully covered in this guide even if it was 10 hours long but I'll quickly mention the crafting bench as you unlock it very early and should take advantage of it immediately the crafts for your crafting bench are unlocked through recipes found throughout the campaign and your map progression as well as by engaging with the Betrayal mechanic most of these crafts allow you to put one prefix or one suffix on an item while leveling the most useful prefixes on items are life on Armor and jewelry movement speed on boots and damage on weapons the best suffixes to craft are generally the resistances which you want to get to maximum of 75% as soon as you can you can benchcraft a white normal item turning it into a magic item in the process and otherwise you would need an empty prefix or a empty suffix on that item which means that if you have a magic item and you want to put some resists on it it has to only have a prefix modifier but no suffix because magic items can have maximum of one suffix and if you want a craft resists on a rare item you need to make sure that it has an empty suffix that means it has no more than two suffixes on it when picking up and identifying new items you should make it a habit to press alt and read them modifiers on that item to see which mods are prefixes and which mods are suffixes and if you can further improve this item by bench crafting on it we have already mentioned some currency that allows you to craft flasks but how do the flasks themselves work flasks are divided into two categories flasks that restore your resources mana and life flasks and utility flasks that Grant you temporary Buffs in both cases using a flask consumes a set amount of of charges to restore these charges you need to kill monsters or go back to town there are item modifiers and passes that allow you to gain charges passively or through getting hit or dealing critical strikes but most characters will simply rely on killing monsters fast enough to keep up with their flask charges allowing them to continuously benefit from their Buffs flasks can only be normal magic or unique but most beginners Overlook magic flasks and don't realize how powerful they are rolling good modifiers on your flasks with alteration and augmentation orbs is a very important thing and should never be neglected it's not as important during the early leveling but once you get close to mapping you should treat improving your flasks as one of your main priorities if you've killed some yellow Beasts for einhar one of the NPCs you meet in act two you will be able to go to the managerie and put a guaranteed flask modifier on your flask once you get to act four I recommend grabbing a sacred life flask and Beast crafting a ceiling modifier on it this will give you way to remove and become immune to bleeding which is a very dangerous mechanic that you will encounter in the belly of the Beast Zone in act four Path of Exile features a system of vendor recipes by trading specific items to the vendor you can receive potentially very useful outcomes the first thing you should know is that selling transmutations alterations and blacksmith wetstones gives you four wisdom Scrolls each and selling armor scraps gives you two wisdom Scrolls we've already mentioned selling unidentified items for transmutation shards and identified items for alteration shards a good recipe to pay attention to early is also the chromatic recipe by simply vendoring an item with linked red green and blue sockets you will get back a chromatic orb the next useful recipe has to do with gems if you ever overlevel a gem and through changes in your gear or passives become unable to use that gem because now it has too high attribute requirements you can delevel the gy back to level one by selling it with an orb of regret or lower the level by one by selling it with an orb of scouring there are also recipes for weapons if you're leveling with an attack skill your damage will come mainly from your weapon by selling a weapon with blacksmith wetstone and a magic rare or unique rustic sash belt you will get magic weapon with increased physical damage roll guaranteed another recipe you should know is the chaos recipe you can sell a full set of items to the vendor and as long as they are all rare and between item level 60 and 74 you will get a chaos orb a full set of gear means body armor a two handed weapon or a set of weapons helmet gloves boots belt amulet and two rings if you sell these items unidentified you will get two Kos instead this is a great way to get some early starting currency you can learn more about vendor recipes from the poe Wiki link to the recipe page will be in the description now let's talk about the passive skill tree all classes share the same tree and the choice of your class determines your starting position the small nodes Grant small passive bonuses such as attributes or increase inrees to damage or increases to life and these bigger nodes called notables generally Grant more powerful bonuses and you will plan your build around the ones that benefit your build the most these clusters of passives are also called Wheels once you allocated a notable passive in a given wheel you'll get access to the Mastery passive masteries are customizable passives that have the same options in multiple different spots on the tree allowing easier access to them from multiple points on the passive tree each Mastery Point can be picked once and the biggest passives are called keystones These are the big gamechanging passives that can completely alter how your character works for example ancestral Bond makes it so that you cannot deal damage with any skills yourself but you can summon an extra totem that will deal the damage for you there is a search bar that lets you look for passives you're interested in such as Critical Strike chance or maximum life due to the complexity of this tree I really recommend following a league starter build guide for your first character which will help you with the choice of your passives if you want to plan your passive Tree in advance you can use the path of building to do so path of building can also show you which of these passives will give you the most damage making it much easier to build good characters if you want to correct or change your passives you can use the orb of regret to get more refund points some campaign side quests also Grant those refund points scaling your damage and making a strong character deserves its own guide but I'll try to highlight some of the most important Concepts and help you avoid the most common misconceptions the first thing to understand understand is the difference between additive damage increases and damage multipliers the passives that increase your damage increase the base damage of the skill for example if your skill has a projectile that does 100 damage getting 30% increased damage will result in the skill dealing 130 damage that's very straightforward the next 10% increase damage you pick up however would not increase your total damage by 10% it would just increase the base 100 damage by another 10% resulting in 140 damage this means that the more increase the damage you have the less effective each point becomes at increasing your total damage modifiers that give you more damage on the other hand are multipliers and in the same scenario a skill with 100 base damage and 30% increased damage which would deal 130 damage after getting 10% more multiplier would multiply the whole amount giving you 143 damage Instead at these low values these changes are not very noticeable but once you get 500% increased damage then the more multiplayers become way more powerful and because of the nature of the multiplicative damage scaling the damage in Path of Exile scales exponentially which means that the more damage you get the higher you can scale so a 10% upgrade on a build that does 100,000 damage is just 10,000 damage but the same 10% upgrade on a build that does 10 million damage will give you an extra million DPS so you get way more damage for the same increase if you are already dealing more damage the wording in Path of Exile is generally very very consistent and very very specific it's even more specific and consistent than you would intuitively think so you should always assume that every word matters and that the strict logical definition of these words is being used and applied increased damage is additive and more damage is multiplicative but something that could be confusing is that increased damage taken by enemies actually acts like a multiplier and that is because you are not increasing your own damage but you are debuffing the enemy and in order for the game engine to know how much the damage should be increased by the game has to first know how much damage you would deal so the increases and multipliers on your character are calculated first and then this whole number is increased again when you deal the damage good sources of damage multipliers include things like critical strikes damage overtime multipliers support gems penetrating or reducing enemy resistance increasing your attack or cast speed or increasing the numbers of Minions that you have summoned at the same time there are also many ways to make your character tanky you can get more life increasing your life pool that way or you can get more energy Shield but by default the energy Shield doesn't protect you from chaos damage and you have to get additional sources of recovery since energy Shield cannot just be healed up with flasks by default but life pool is only one part of your character's defense in order to build a decently tanky character you will need to make make sure you're covering the three main layers of Defense which are avoidance mitigation and Recovery avoidance is your chance to avoid damage for example attack block spell block or evasion this is a very efficient way of lowering the amount of incoming damage when you're being hit by multiple enemies mitigation is how you lower the incoming damage of each individual hit for non-physical damage you have fire cold lightning and Chaos resistances by default they are capped at 75% each but with some investment that number could be increased with the hard cap being 90% which you can never get above you want to get to that 75% as soon as possible and that will be your main first goal when gearing any new character as you increase your resistances each point is giving you more mitigation than the previous one to illustrate that imagine that you're facing a monster that hits for 100 cold damage with zero resistances you'll take the full 100 damage with 1% resist you would have decreased the damage you'd otherwise take by 1% but if you are already at 74 cold resistance the damage incoming to you would be 26 and that one extra percentage of cold resistance which brings it to 75 reduces it to 25 damage that's almost 4% difference almost 4% extra damage reduction for 1% rest so the higher your resist the bigger the difference each percentage Point makes for your survivability mitigating physical damage is generally harder the more difficult content you're engaging with armor is great at mitigating many smaller hits but the bigger the hit the less effective armor becomes that's why you want to incorporate things like additional physical damage reduction by adding to your build things like endurance charges modifiers on your gear that give you additional physical damage reduction or modifiers that make you take Elemental damage instead of a portion of physical damage even 75% Elemental resistance is most of the time much better than the damage reduction provided by armor so shifting physical damage taken to Elemental is usually very beneficial since you're going to inevitably take damage you will need a reliable way to recover your life some characters can get away with relying mostly on flas but it is much safer to invest in other ways of healing yourself life regeneration can come from your gear passives or auras such as vitality and gives you a consistent recovery that Works in every situation the life gain on hit works well for fast hitting spells and attacks and will quickly recover a set amount of Life per enemy hit as long as you're casting or attacking and the life Lee will recover life over a short period of time based on the damage you deal getting a decent amount of any of these three will make you feel significantly tankier ailments are a type of a debuff that is associated with specific damage types you can inflict ailments as a player and use them to your Advantage but also the enemy damage will inflict the same types of ailments on you unless you find a way to avoid them ignite is an elemental ailment that is by default coming from the fire damage hits it deals fire damage over time and by default only one ignite can be present on the target if you do multiple hits that could inflict ignite only the biggest ignite will affect the target to deal with Ignite you can use flask modifiers that remove or give you chance to avoid ignite you can get chance to avoid ignite on your gear and passives or you can have a good amount of recovery such as regeneration or a life leech which would counteract its effect since ignite deals damage over time shock is an elemental ailment associated with lightning damage just like other Elemental ailments it is inflicted when a hit of the corresponding damage type has either a chance to inflict that ailment or when that hit crits since critical strikes inherently apply Elemental ailments shock increases the damage taken by the affected Target and as we've learned in the damage section of this guide increased damage taken on a Target acts like a multiplier making this a very powerful and very dangerous debuff you can deal with Shock by using flask modes passives and gear modifiers that reduce chance to get shocked or reduce effectiveness of shock and you can also use things like Tempest Shield which makes you immune to shock freeze is a cold Elemental ailment that reduces the action speed of the target to zero you cannot move when you're Frozen and Frozen enemies you kill will shutter which will destroy their Corpses freeze is a powerful defensive mechanic because it stops the enemies from attacking you but also the most dangerous ailment to deal with because it stops you from performing any actions this is one of the first elements that you should deal with you can use flask modifiers that remove and Grant immunity to freeze you can use Arctic armor buff which makes you immune to freeze or stack passives and modifiers on gear to get 100% chance to avoid being frozen also a br King Pantheon which you get at the end of act six and upgrade in maps is a commonly used thing to deal with freeze chill is a secondary cold Elemental ailment that slows your action speed but unlike freeze it is capped and cannot reduce it to zero all cold damage hits can chill the target if they deal enough damage and the strength of the chill depends on how big the hit was in proportion to something called ailment threshold which is generally based on the target's life pool so the bigger the hit the stronger the chill you can negate chill the same way that your other Elementals ailments are neg by using things like chill removal or immunity flask a purity of elements Aura which deals with all Elemental ailments and makes you immune to them passives on gear and modifiers that let you either avoid or reduce the effect of chill bleeding is a physical damage over time ailment inflicted by attack hits by default only one bleed can be present on the Target and a moving Target will take triple the bleed damage of a stationary Target so if you have bleeding on you and you cannot remove it it might might be better to just stand still to drastically lower the damage it deals to you obviously it's best to Simply remove bleeding and the easiest way to do that is through flask modifiers or the steel skin guard skill poison is a chaos damage overtime ailment that by default is inflicted by physical and Chaos damage hits poisons stuck and multiple poisons will affect the target at the same time you can mitigate poison through chaos resistance and life recovery as well as pantheons and passes and gear modifiers one of the easiest ways to deal with elemental ailments early is the purity of elements Aura auras are skills or Buffs that apply to you and nearby allies which includes nearby players in your party and minions colloquially people tend to call every skill that reserves Mana AAS but some of them like Arctic armor are technically not auras since it only affects you and it doesn't have an aura tag on the gem the important thing to know about these skills is how Mana reservation works you can reserve your Mana or life to activate auras Mana reservation is different from Mana cost so reducing Mana cost of your skills will not reduce the amount reserved instead to reduce how much Mana or life a skill reserves you need a stat called reservation efficiency the more Mana reservation efficiency you have the less Mana each individual skill will Reserve by default you could only resolve reserve two auras that require 50% of your Mana reserved but by stacking Mana reservation efficiency you could fit more auras or just make them Reserve less Mana so that you can spend Mana to use your abilities some builds will take take advantage of mechanics like the Eldridge battery Keystone which allows you to use energy Shield instead of Mana allowing you to use your abilities even if all of your actual Mana is reserved or they will use things like LIF tap to spend the life instead of mana on their spells and attacks if you reserve too much Mana too early you might run into Mana issues this happens when your Mana cost per second becomes higher than the Mana you regenerate per second without a buffer of the extra Mana you will run out of it and you won't be able to continuously use your abilities since this is a very common thing here are a few things you can do whenever you encounter this problem number one you can use enduring Mana flask unlike regular life and Mana flasks that stop their effect whenever you reach full life or Mana the enduring Mana flask will continue to apply its Mana recovery even if you fail your entire unreserved Mana this makes them much more comfortable to use because you don't have to press them reactively every time you run out of Mana you can simply press them every few seconds and enjoy the extra Mana region whenever it's needed you can also reduce the Mana cost of your skills you can use passive skill Tre nodes such as the dreamer you can use the inspiration support for skills that do Elemental damage or you are interested in doing crit damage with them or you can use the minus Mana cost crafts that are unlocked through the Betrayal mechanic and can be crafted on your jewelry you can also increase your total mana and Mana regeneration very often you will be close to Mana nodes on your tree and even if your endgame build doesn't pick them up you can temp temporarily spend two or three points to alleviate Mana issues especially when the Mana notable gives you access to the Mana Mastery which can further improve your Mana reservation efficiency Mana regeneration or lower the Mana cost of your skills in act two you're going to unlock your first Hideout I recommend placing your Waypoint stash and crafting Bench close to each other so that you don't waste a lot of time walking between them you're going to spend a lot of time in your hideout so make it comfortable for yourself one of the main things you'll do from The Hideout is trading the trading etiquette or protocol looks as follows the person interested in the item the buyer goes to trade to find an item the buyer clicks on Direct whisper to automatically message the seller or does it manually by clicking on copy the message and then paste it in game if the seller is available and free to trade he will invite the buyer to the party then the buyer accepts the invite and goes to the sellers Hideout and then they trade that's it you can say Ty which stands for thank you or not it's up to you just understand that in Poe people will often be too busy to trade so you might have to message multiple people to get the item you want and that is completely normal you also don't have to trade you don't have to respond to every trade it's a very voluntary and open-ended system so just make sure that you are happy with each trade that you make you can press alt while hovering over items in the trade window or inventory to see their count so that you don't need to do math you can avoid being scammed if you get scammed that means that you've made a mistake accepting a bad trade so always check the item you're buying and just act like a normal decent person toward others and that's it those are the rules of the trade speaking of trade you won't really need to do it at the start of your adventure but if you've completed the campaign and want to continue playing Path of Exile it is a good idea to buy some stash tabs premium stash tabs allow you to list items publicly so that other people can find them on the TR website and message you to buy them and having more stash space offers quality of life that is pretty much mandatory to play the game at a higher level virtually everyone who plays Poe a lot has a good amount of stash tabs the best way to go about buying stash tabs is to buy a supporter pack the supporter pack will give you some cosmetic microtransactions as well as points for the shop if you were to buy the points themselves you would get the same amount of points but no microtransactions so it's just better to get the extra MTX for the same price I would buy 30 or $60 supporter pack and then you will get 300 or 600 points which will be enough to get you started you can then wait for a stash tab sale which happens every few weeks and buy discounted stash tabs allowing you to get more of them here are the stash tabs that I would recommend starting with the most useful ones the map tab the currency Tab and a premium tab for trading those would be the first three that I would purchase organizing your maps and currency without a map or currency tab would be a nightmare and these tabs offer much more space than the regular tabs after that I probably get a fragment Tab and a quad tab fragment tab is very useful in the end game especially for scarabs and trading them and quad tab is great for a dump tab that you drop all of your loot into before sorting it it's also by default a premium tab that can be traded from after that I would get the special tabs for essences diff cards flasks and gems as well as a few extra regular premium or quad tabs the main benefit of having those will be again organizing your loot but also much easier trading trading your Essences in bulk storing the extra high level flks for crafting it's all going to make it easier to make currency in pathway Exile there are specific terms that might be confusing or not specific enough for new players for example recently if you see a tool tip that mentions this word like 10% increase movement speed if you haven't taken damage recently recently will always mean the last 4 seconds or low life low life means 50 % or lower life so passives that apply at low life apply when you have 50% life or less you can find an extensive list of keywords on the poe wiki. net and there's also a lot of acronyms that are very commonly used this is a very long list but I will link it in the description so you can check that out I'm also going to give you a list of external sources that are very useful we've already mentioned filter blade for loot filters path of building for planning your builds and Poe Wiki I also recommend saving bookmarks to these websites Poe ninja you can find the breakdown of current economy and see what is worth a lot of currency and what isn't you can also see characters and builds from the top of the Path of Exile ladder based on experience this is a very quick and easy way to see the current meta what it looks like how the build look like and learn about the builds that people are playing craft of Exile is another great resource to learn crafting if you want to know what modifiers can roll on your item you can easily check that with craft of Exile you can also use an emulator that allows you to practice crafting without spending resources in game poeb is a database of basically everything that exists in Path of Exile items skills monsters bosses Etc you will find the most detailed information here and those are the most useful resources that you should know about if you found this guide helpful make sure to subscribe to the channel and like the video thank you for watching you will find all of the links in the description and see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: AsmodeusClips
Views: 7,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Path of Exile, PoE, poe beginners guide, path of exile beginners guide, path of exile currency, league starter, beginners guide to poe, poe game, poe starter, poe for beginners, poe beginner friendly, poe basics, poe explained, path of exile explained, poe skill tree, how to play poe, poe useful tricks, poe info, poe tips and tricks, poe 2024
Id: ssx3ZzWcEnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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