Installing Drywall on Your Ceiling | Drywall Installation Guide Part 2

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welcome to our video how to install drywall on a ceiling make it look like this using this and you can do it all by yourself so your standard sheet of drywall is four feet wide so you want to measure off four feet which is here and then do an eyeball so I'm going to go right through the middle of my smoke detector so unfortunately for the first sheet I'm going to have to take that off I'm also covering up my heat run here now this one is strapped down won't move out of the way so my drywall is going to have to bend over it cut it out right away so I want to do is get a measurement I want to measure to the middle of this over 38 inches off so I make a mark 38 inches and then I measure from here 39 whatever way you want to mark in a sign and then after we get the drywall screwed up a little bit we'll get the cutting tool and zip that it okay so I've got my four foot mark and this is just a little trick that I've gotten here if you set a construction through and not into your hand just pass your four foot mark leave it hanging 3/4 an inch right there now when I come in with my drywall I can come up I can hold the drywall the one hand the other hand I can put on this brace you can see that that's going to carry lots of weight that frees up my hand I can grab my drill load some screws put a few in nice and simple if you are working alone and you have to drywall you're stealing this is a great trick [Music] strap one of those suckers up there was no construction screws and then we have this block up here in the middle of the ceiling okay again construction scroller through attach it just past your four foot mark this enables you to actually lift the sheet up put it in walk up the ladder with it hold it with one hand and spin the block over on top all right now I'm going to do demonstration keep it nice and tight so what I do is I like to set up in front of my ladder and then I just take this sheet lift it up hoist it up over your head whoo once you're there you can let that lumber there do all the carryin now the reason you want to leave this nice and loose so that anything that's in the way you have a little room now we're good to go I can pull out the drill screw this bad boy when you're taking off your smoke detector we have to take off two things one of the body of this and it has a little pinch on it we take this little plate and you just wiggle this off that's how they have done it this one requires you to pry and pull okay and then disengage this mounting plate push everything up inside the box lucky for us it's right on the edge so we'll be able to see it when we install the drywall if it's buried inside the ceiling again make your measurements mark it on the wall always cut always cut as you go don't rely on your measurements to save you sooner or later someone's going to forget to cut a hole and you'll do all your taping and the priming and you'd be like oh yeah where's that box so always cut as you go so now we're going to install this as a two-man application once again very similar when you're installing a piece of drywall the same size of the room is difficult to just lift it up over your head like I did in the demonstration so really what you want to do is you want to lay one end flat and lift the other end up go ahead there's always one guy that's high and one guy that's low because the distance in the room from there to there now the room was almost 11 feet long and as in squares only 10 people whose are left that corner is 11 feet long now what you do is you pay attention to your end and you keep it tight to that quarter as you can okay and square and we slide it in together all right now we might even have room here to get this above our drywall I don't know probably not there's my third pair of hands [Music] the little block comes in handy even if you got two guys working so I have a smoke detector and we've got a heat run and we don't want to put any screws anywhere near that stuff cause it'll end up breaking right through okay and that would be just a waste of time so I got a heat run over here so I'm going to first screws going to go in the strapping out of the way a little bit there we go I don't want to get anywhere near my heater all right and then on each side use about three or four each side of the sheet that's enough to hold it in place we get the cutting tool right away all right cameras cutting to my home 38 [Music] and then 39 good little technique for dyeing [Music] want to set the guard so that we're going to cut it properly [Music] [Applause] [Music] towards the middle there you go okay so our box here is mounted up really too high for what we're doing here for finishing a ghillie and I've used flooring screws as well that's cool pull these wires out of here it'll be way well I can lots of wires all right okay now we just want to drop our box a little bit so that our mounting screws will actually work we can put these on first the other mounting screw thanks buddy let's get all these push back in first that'll be a nightmare trying to do that afterwards when you're putting these back in check the pin position there's a couple of holes and then a big space in another hole make sure you line them up properly put it in backwards the first time you don't get the try again we're going to leave that hanging until our other sheet goes in this will kind of the way but we should be fine depending on how comfortable you are when your drywall in ceiling with the drawing a straight line it can be a good habit Murkoff where the wood is first if you find it necessary I generally don't do that but I know some guys live by that rule know also a good habit always go 5 screws if you're doing renovation at your own home and you go 4 screws you probably won't have a problem but if you get sloppy and lazy both these things one of these days maybe you'll be working on a jobsite and it'll be commercial drywall and there's fire rating involved and if this inspector only sees four screws and a sheet of drywall he'll failure is noise believe it or not there's a building code for just about everything so this one here is 12 inches to the center the trick here is first of all you just need to get it up all right first before you do anything just get it up into place because the two men assembly the same thing the other guys in charge is holding the weight and not letting it bounce around because while it's jiggling it will pop off the screws if you're by yourself you're going to need about six or eight of those little wooden blocks so that shows you that could be quite precarious now we also have an electrical box in the middle of the room so again we want to screw it around the outside perimeter I like to use my head in this kind of situation which is why I'm going a little bulb on the top now the goal here is make sure that the dry will tight together you don't want a gap here it just causes a whole lot extra mud and a lot extra drawing you know where your straps are because that's where your screws are left off so you can get the first three screws in here without even moving around and then all I got to do shift my weight called that she'll be juggling around there you're not allowed to move you just got to feel the burn once I got a few screws on my side like a good neighbor I'll go over and put a couple in his - sooner or later the lactic acid will start to burn [Applause] so in this situation the box electrical is really recessed in the ceiling it's on the original joist not the strapping not a concern the electrician is going to come back the fixture up what you can do is you can buy a half inch extender it screws to that box and brings it down to a height where it closes off the gap it's good for fire separation but it's also good for mounting things I'd like to use the Box extender instead of just using really long screws just call me old-fashioned I'd like to have these gaps closed up just in case if you're enjoying these videos 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Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 1,498,289
Rating: 4.8683558 out of 5
Keywords: ceiling drywall, ceiling drywall installation, hang drywall on ceiling, diy drywall ceiling, drywall installation ceiling, how to drywall a ceiling, how to install drywall ceiling in basement, basement ceiling drywall installation, diy ceiling drywall installation, installing drywall ceiling in basement, diy drywall installation ceiling, drywall ceiling installation instructions, how to drywall a ceiling in a basement, how to install drywall in basement ceiling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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