Compilation: Best of Sandy Munro on Tesla

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if i was a ceo of a big oem i'd be um i'd be wetting my shorts right now that slide is everything that says uh if you're if you're investing in ice vehicles you're screwed and the boneheads that are are saying oh yeah we're going to sell short those clowns i have no idea they're not engineers i don't know who they are but they're not engineers i couldn't believe it when i saw that the stock went down that thing should be skyrocketing that should be to the moon are you kidding what you just heard was the gospel of according to evie i can't believe how excited we are here at monroe my prediction 2030 that's the end no not possible tesla is not going to be sitting still that's where people are wrong 10 years on what you have now inside of the inside of the the tesla vehicles is tesla going to stop doing any r d is tesla going to do uh is tesla going to tell their engineers okay now we want it everybody stop so that the rest of the world can catch up no they're not stupid they're not stupid at all they're nobody can catch up because they're not going to stay still they're not statics they're not static is tesla really years ahead of other companies with their electronics you bet your bottom dollar i have said in the past that they're five to ten years ahead and um actually this board is a good example yes this is years ahead of everybody else they're ten years ahead of everyone else when it comes to casting and the housings um and um probably five years when it comes to the electric motor design because those are easy to to to catch up on okay so here's the thing if i'm in a race and um anybody who's tried to be an athlete or at least been in a race if somebody has a um a 10 meter head start and the two of you are about the same as far as athletic abilities will i ever catch up to the other guy no the major strengths that tesla has is batteries electric motors um and electronics um their electronics are superior to everyone maybe by five to ten years uh their electric motors are lighter than everyone else's they have um they have put um some magic ingredients into the the steels and the aluminums and uh so they have they have things that we don't see anywhere else their magnets are better than everyone else they have ingredients and alloys that no one else has and that's why tesla's motors are lighter but they put out more power i'll tell you one thing that i found out tesla lies you you probably don't believe this but tesla lies they understate continuously continuously we've been doing testing and whatnot and uh they say oh yeah we're using this and then we go over with our little spectrometer go beep oh no it ain't that is uh super deluxe stuff i mean they they understate a lot and that's the same with the electronics if you don't know an awful lot about tesla you're going to fall behind the curve thinking that you do don't believe almost almost anything you read in the in the newspaper or seeing a blog that's that's basically generated by tesla is a lie they understate you and by the way all those patents that you're running and looking at that's the subject future as well they're real stuff they don't patent it until actually they've got it into production when it comes to the the tesla 8s system i don't know people are going to catch up because tesla's got a million cars on the road and they're all gathering data that's what you need if you're going to try and if you're going to try and make something that's going to be able to hit level five i'm positive that tesla's going to be the first to hit level five and i'm just as positive that they're already at level four um they won't advertise that but um that's because tesla lies tesla tells a lot of lies and they always understate oh our car can only go 350 miles bull it goes 410 miles on and on and on and that's that's just the way it is these guys are always understating so that they can make their competition feel better a race car sitting all by itself with the engine running doesn't do a thing you put a driver in and he steps on the gas the accelerator and away you go um and that's what i think really and truly we should thank elon musk for he is pushing an accelerator i mean really and truly ask anybody on the planet or at least in north america who elon musk is and you'll get all kinds of things happening people know who he is ask who's in charge of chrysler or ask who's in charge of ford or ask who's in charge of bmw nobody will have a clue because they just aren't they aren't uh they aren't doing the same kind of a job as what elon musk is doing i mean i really didn't care for the guy before but it's it's hard not to like somebody who's uh who's basically turning the the whole industry on its head it's not the big that eat the small it's the fast that eat the slow that leopard that you're looking or cheetah or whatever he is he's looking for something to eat and i think that i think that big cat i think his name is tesla and i believe that things are going to be changing so rapidly in the near future that that that battery weight and battery cost is going to drop like a rock have you noticed any of your recommendations to oems in their vehicles we made recommendations to tesla and they implemented them and he implemented them really fast now that's not one of our customers that's an oem but i'm going to give a speech and one of the things that i'm going to talk about is um changes at the speed of thought that's not quite the speed of light uh but it's pretty damn fast and it certainly is certainly faster than anything i've ever seen from anybody from bentley to gm to ford to chrysler whoever nobody moves as fast as what tesla does a good example would be the the comments we made on the um on this thing this is the um what we're calling the uh the super manifolds and uh this thing is the octo valve um when we tore it apart we made some comments about this and we also talked about the uh the compressor which i don't see but anyway at the end of the day um we made some comments and i'll be damned if they didn't implement them already on this on this casting right here alone or or maybe it's i'm not sure but any it's either the accumulator or the casting they've they've made 13 changes since we tore our car apart our car was was uh was built in march this car was built in july how in the heck i don't i don't know of anybody that makes changes like that i don't i don't know of anybody that makes changes like that and we may we pointed out that they should have something over the top of the compressor because of the noise and guess what they designed and built something and stuck it in and that we we made those comments in early april and the june or july car that we we just looked at they're already in place as far as other companies other oems we've made lots and lots of suggestions to lots of different oems and we're proud of all of them but they didn't move as fast as what the folks at tesla did i mean we make a casual comment on a a youtube vlog and uh boom they got it in place i we've never seen speed like that nobody uh does things quite that quickly this is that one's still in place but this one right here is um what what half that mega casting is going to look like this is what we called omega casting and then tesla comes along and says that's not good enough that's not good enough we have to have a machine that will do both sides at the same time okay remember i was telling you about the speed of thought this is a good example of the speed of thought as far as a crumple zone is concerned like i said sometimes tesla doesn't exactly tell you the truth but this is where the crush can crumple zona whatever you want to call it the crush can goes and fits in here and i'll bet you dollars to donuts they wind up with a steel or aluminum uh crush zone this material okay so here's your big test oh what's this made out of oh well tesla says it's 35x the secret ingredient is the x bull this is 386 aluminum and by the way this thing fills up in milliseconds milliseconds that's not a mistake milliseconds not minutes and that's the other thing oh this does not require heat treat there's no t6 that goes on with this thing it comes out and it's done that is the difference between tesla doing stuff and and everybody else doing it the thing that i look at is basically sitting in back of me right here did tesla tell anybody that they were going to go to a casting that size nope i don't think many people saw it until i ripped apart the model y and now this is obsolete this is obsolete this is only half of the size the real size is double and i i i said that i have no idea why they're not doing the front of the car as well now they show they showed last night that not only they're going to do the rear they're doing the front and their battery pack is basically using the same kind of technique and technology they didn't say anything about that i think what tesla does is yeah they warn their competition about what they're working on right now or what they think they've got in hand but i have no clue what they've got sitting in the in reserves i think that tesla likes to tease i mean sitting in front of me is the octo valve who's got that lots of people had heat pumps but these guys they took what everybody else had and turned it into magic overnight i mean i have no idea what kind of a budget they got for r d for vertical integration and making things better but i know for sure we didn't have anything like that at ford when i was working there never we did lots of r d but nothing nothing compared to this i mean battery technology heating and cooling technology aluminum castings that got they've got their own blend of aluminum in i mean on and on and on even um we're not there yet but when we talk about the adas board see that chip in the center uh we can't uh we can't we don't know how to make that thing uh we can't we we can take every chip and take it to pieces but that thing that thing's scary when you look at it from the other side i mean look at the number of joints it's like impossible this is impossible how does it do that so this thing is costing us a fortune trying to reverse engineer that chip it's it's gigantic and it's revolutionary this is a better chip than nvidia nvidia's been doing this forever that's their their job and yet tesla comes up and says oh well thanks we're not going to buy your chip anymore we're going to buy we're gonna make our own i just think they're not a car company they're they're they're like edison's lab or something it's totally different for me the thing that i look at with uh with tesla is speed how fast did they do everything so john knows that he came over here in early 2018 and we looked at a pile of crap that model three i couldn't believe my eyes and here we are in 2020 two years later and i told him i said on tv that 175 parts for a wheel inner plus who knows 200 or so spot welds and whatnot and the next thing you know you got that thing sitting in back of me two years later i don't even know how you made the machine tool fast enough i am a tool maker that's what i i did for a living until i got lazy and decided to become an engineer but at the end of the day i'll tell you that die right in back of us that's a killer that's there's a lot of stuff going on there and two years here's the model y bingo here it is problem solved 170 parts down to one but now remember it's going on both sides that's got to be more like four 500 parts all of a sudden they're gone how big's my stamping shop now how many welding guns do i need how many robots do i need i mean he just chopped out with the front and the back i don't even know if i need a body shop anymore there should be a lot of guys in the stamping world uh that are gonna go i hope that everybody doesn't go in this direction i don't even know how he got the press that makes this thing i don't know how he got him done in two years either it's just i'm telling you the guy he's like dr deming deming used to tell us all the time you know tell what what you're doing it doesn't matter anyways and when the japanese were coming to basically kick our butts and the japanese told us what they were doing and we didn't believe them and we watched them gobble up the market share i think tesla is doing exactly the same thing i think he's uh he reads what what dr deming had to say and uh he implements it like i say continuous design improvement whoever heard of that i mean and yet sitting in front of me and that thing right there the octo valves had 13 design changes 13 design changes since april until basically last i think they were here in july and showed us the new one and went holy mackerel i can't believe it how do you make 13 design changes that quickly would take us a year at ford to do that so i think the big companies as bob said acceleration and as i put in my presentation acceleration is what they've got these guys move fast and that's a tough job i think i said one time let's see how the elephants tap dance tesla can tap dance i i'm hoping that the rest of them can start figuring out a do the same thing so let's see who makes money on evs well nobody there no one and none of those guys are making money on evs so let's have a look at volkswagen and tesla volkswagen maybe soon i think that uh of all of the different uh companies out there that could possibly make money i believe it's going to be volkswagen and in tesla well five profitable quarters tesla has their own um r d group working on material science things that we would never do in a normal oem never we would never go and develop our own aluminum they're not stupid they're not stupid at all they're nobody can catch up because they're not going to stay still they're not statics they're not static here i'll give you an example outside on my floor is um is the uh um tesla model y the model 3 the bolt the bmw i3 bunch of bits from jaguar and whatever i got lots of stuff here right okay so we have all that all that that material and we look at it and we say wow this is good that's good but everybody else is way way behind so we look at what audi put out and we know that there was things that we saw there that they could that they could change and that that audio now is what uh three years old how much did they change how much on their products have they changed announced that they've changed how much zero zero and the reason for that is because you have to go through a change board inside of a inside of your factory or your company you have to go through a change board and everybody has to look at it go i don't know that could be risky what do we do about our investments how about the floor space that we're going to need and you know what happens they die they die good ideas die that car came out in about march early march they're installing a one-piece casting that takes those two pieces and the two big pieces and two small pieces all in one now how many months april may june july august 5 months and i couldn't get something done in five years when i was at ford i could not get it through the change it was a good idea it's something we should have done no we the investment sandy you don't understand we'd have to throw those guys away they don't care so let's look at something else that they've changed so if we look over here we can show you this is what the existing or sorry the model 3 induction motor had copper it was copper with steel laminates these are laminates but we just tore apart the model y and what they did was they've changed they changed it from copper to aluminum so this is now a cast in place aluminum induction motor that drops the price significantly this is a huge savings huge i cannot believe that tesla could move so quickly as to make that kind of a difference tesla is big on bold investments we were very critical of tesla when we first started working on their vehicles when we did the model 3 and then we lifted off the top hat and started looking at what tesla's really all about the electronics the motors the batteries the connectivity all the things that really and truly make a difference to this batch of people tesla people and other people don't care about the ones that are looking for is there good gaps do the doors close nice they those two groups are diametrically opposite so if we look at this this is the model y we saw a vast difference between the model y and the model three the model 3 we thought was pretty much junk and we made a lot of comments about why it was that that car really shouldn't even be on the road this car they took a lot of suggestions one of the suggestions that we had when we looked at the model 3 was why are there over 170 parts to make up this rear end i mean that's ridiculous little teeny patches welded uh using self-driving self uh cell piercing rivets self-piercing rivets going this way that way whichever way just ridiculous just a ridiculous and then glue it was everywhere we suggested that hey you know what you you should be making this uh this rear quarter area here for the wheel wells this could be one piece and this is the mega casting one of them there's two mega castings that are joined together and that's what basically makes up the whole rear end of the car and we had suggested x but they they gave us x squared when they came up with this this is the big one of the biggest castings we've ever seen certainly the biggest casting we've seen in a in a in a car company this is just spectacular and not only did they do what we said was getting rid of the wheel inner and turning it into something new this thing's got all kinds of stuff the the shock and suspension system already built in all kinds of little areas where i don't have to have a secondary operation to put in a clamp or something it's all built right into the casting this is brilliant and one of the things that i really went crazy on was the the little well if you like that that i said this should be one piece and it should be made out of plastic you know what normally if we give criticism there's going to be an engineer that has what we call the ugly baby syndrome don't call my baby ugly well if we look at this obviously they don't care about ugly babies this is one piece and i'm pretty sure that now uh if you uh if you go in and have a look at a at a tesla model 3 you're going to find that's been made into a plastic part they don't stand still and they don't care about they have no pride when it comes to making the change they're not they're they're interested in making sure that the product is as good as it can possibly be let's talk about some of the innovation so if we uh if we look at this this is the octo valve and um and this is really kind of a brilliant thing when we look at this we're looking at the the chamber that's inside that basically gives you a short circuit or makes it hot or cold inside the car or makes it hot or cold for the battery all in one little blob as it were there's a lot of things that kind of look like maybe that there's there's there's something different here something different this doesn't look quite right for uh for a north american or sorry any car company and that's when we start looking at this these are the um these are the uh manifolds that that we found inside these things fit together like a glove and and quite frankly the the the way that these things are manufactured are are absolutely brilliant the costing uh for this is much much less than than what you'd see for something other than that if we look at a conventional car company we're looking at dozens and dozens of pieces all over the different uh parts of the car to try and do what these three parts are going to be doing or three this the subassembly is going to be doing in one area inside the vehicle we look at the electronics the the difference between this and what was in the model three only one difference really and that is the improvements they made improvements to this dc dc converter and they also made the improvements on the model 3. if you buy a model 3 they don't care about you know only big changes come in at model gear they make changes all the time and they don't care about what model year came out they don't they don't care about it they changed everything and then we started looking at this and it's not hard to see that where it used to be an nvidia chip it's a tesla chip they designed it themselves vertical integration they are doing a fabulous job at moving moving up the food chain because they don't want to have to pay somebody else uh they don't want to pay that profit they want to keep the profit in-house people say oh it can't possibly be right we've been criticized for our costing and whatnot but you know what our costing is accurate because what we're doing is we're costing a chip like that we reverse engineer these things so we're caught we're costing this chip not by what nvidia would sell it for but what it cost to manufacture that's why that's why a lot of the costs on the tesla are different than what internal people will will discuss and say well no it can't cost that it has to cost this because they're thinking it's bought from the outside there's a thing called a scotoma basically it means that it's a blind spot it's uh it's something where the information that you're giving me doesn't match anything in my head so it can't be right that kind of stuff is what's happening to the car companies they can't they can't figure it out it doesn't make sense to them and that's kind of what we see here with the with the the problems associated with the uh with the car companies now trying to move ahead let's look at one of the aspects that i think is just absolutely staggering if we look at the high voltage wiring for the tesla model 3 over there that one cable does it all because everything else is integrated they're they're engineers and whatnot work as a team coming together even the guys over here because we know that on the uh we know that on the octo valve there was a lot of stuff that was done by the uh engineers over at spacex that that's a big deal having somebody to design it it looks more like a circuit board than it does a a mechanical device same thing is true here everything was in the electronics bay so that one cable does everything and unfortunately for the chevy bolt those are the cables you need to have in order to do what this is doing these kinds of things hold everything back they are not really a car company what they are looking at i think is energy and how are they going to control energy and quite frankly i think that uh that without a question of a doubt tesla is the best energy company new energy company on the planet and they will dominate i'm sure of it
Channel: Davie Johanson
Views: 35,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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