Competition Pork Butt | Montana Outlaw BBQ

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hi i'm rick and i'm ty with montana outlaw barbecue and today we're going to show you how to cook one of our favorite things on the competition circuit competition pork butt so for competition barbecue we need to make sure that we have a great cut of meat to start because if we're going to win in the end it starts at the beginning so for us we use compart dirac pork and why do we use it because it's consistent and what do i mean by that it means we're going to get the same size time after time we're going to get something that has good fat content or marbling which ultimately leads to great flavor and so we need that for competition to win highly recommend using them at home they do offer non-competition cuts but if you want to win on the barbecue circuit it has to start with a high quality product all right so we got our cut out of the package let's talk a little bit about what we're going to do when we trim it if i'm cooking this at home i'm not going to do much if any trimming at all i want to make sure i maximize get the big as much quantity of meat out of it as i can so really not a whole lot to do here but when we're talking competition we need to talk about the different parts and cuts that we're trying to get so when we build our box to turn into those judges it looks as good as possible one of the things that took us the longest to consistently get right was how to identify the money muscle and make sure that we get the start and we mold it out so we get nice little cuts that we're going to put into the box and present to those judges so the easiest way to do that is just look for this type of muscling pattern you got the vertical lines here the horizontal lines that's a good way to help identify where that money muscle is and how we're going to get started the next thing we're going to talk about we're going to break this this pork shoulder into three different parts the money muscle then we're gonna have this center portion right here where i get what i like to call the tubes out of it's another component we're gonna present to the judges when we turn that in and then this third section over here where i'm gonna focus on getting my pulled pork from it's it's identified by it has the horn back here and it's got just this nice fatty content we are gonna cut right down this fat line right here and we're gonna almost fillet it open have three equal sized parts and why do we do that we do that because it speeds up the cooking process for us we can take something that would normally take 8 to 12 hours to cook all the way down to a pulled pork temperature of 205 we can do that in six hours why is that an advantage that's an advantage because we get to sleep a little bit longer in the morning we don't have to be up at midnight putting this thing on for a noon turn in we don't have to start until six in the morning we get more sleep we're better rested competition day is all about being able to roll with anything that comes up and those advantages an important note is at home you don't need to worry about doing all this trimming if you're not practicing for a competition you don't need to do much at all season it inject it smoke it you're going to get the maximum amount of pulled pork out of it it's going to be delicious [Music] the first thing we're going to trim up is the money muscle let's go ahead and get started one thing to treat this like is you're just filleting it open so as we work we work in small layers we don't want to take off big chunks at a time one thing i like to do to help me identify where that money muscle is is i go ahead and take this first chunk off right here so i just take and go ahead and cut off you can see the four points of that money muscle right there really helpful to identify it for if you're new to trimming up money muscles trim that off it really helps you find those pieces the last thing to do to the money muscle is we know that it's going to end you can see we got it pretty well trimmed up and identified the last thing is it gets real thin and real fatty back here so i just take and cut that portion out just come to the back do a square cut down you can see how much fat is in that piece it's not going to render out and give us any useful pieces so right there we've identified our money muscle next thing is the center portion where we do our tubes not a whole lot to do then we just need to lay that open like we talked about so we have our three sections so right here that fat line just almost like filleting a fish or anything like that you're just working along those muscles all the way down to the bone then you have a super fatty top line and then any fatty parts on here now we've got our three equal parts we've got our money muscle our center part where we'll get our tubes are going to be right in here the last thing we need to do is just flip it over and expose this part i call it the bacon it's on the bottom part of the money muscle it's the only place we're going to worry about getting it down to meat and that's really all you got to do to trim a competition butt outlaw style [Music] okay so we're all trimmed we're ready to go we've got to inject it and season it next we want to inject it the injection that we use cosmos pork injection has some phosphates in it has some natural pork flavors in it we want to get that deep into the mussel and what that's going to do is as this sits for six to eight hours after we inject it and season it it's gonna help to break down some of those fatty tissues it's gonna make it a lot juicier it's just a lot more flavor as we put in again i would note if you're cooking at home don't feel like you need to inject you're going to have a good juicy pork shoulder without it it's just something we do in competition all about that one bite a judge only guarantees you that we need to make sure every flavor component that we want is included in every single part of the meat so let's start with our injection what's in our injection like i said before cosmos pork injection one third cup one quarter cup brown sugar one and a half cups apple juice we put that into a big nalgene bottle shake it all together or blend it it's up to you either way that needs to sit for 24 hours in the refrigerator before you inject your meat with it so i've got my injection made up right here we're going to go ahead and get started what i'm using for my injector is just something you go to your local farm and ranch store you get a basic injection needle we use a 35 milliliter and anything bigger than about a 16 gauge needle will work that way you don't have to worry about washing it putting it away um cleaning it is all we're going to do is we're going to go into the parts where we're going to look for those those cuts that we want to present to the judges and we're going to kind of work in a one-inch pattern in and out make sure you get good penetration all the way through there's really no set amount that we're looking to inject it's all based i'm going to try and read the meat when it plumps up and stops taking it that i'm going to stop there we identified our tubes earlier we're going to want to make sure we get some good injection down in those like i say this is just more of a help us break down the fat help us put some moisture deep inside that meat and help us intensify that pork flavor [Music] we want to make sure that we're paying equal parts attention to every part where we think we're going to get some out and you can see i don't know if you guys can see it real good on camera but when you start injecting it you're going to see the meat plump up some of this injection come out injectioning is really easy way to make a mess it'll drive your partner crazy if you try and do this inside the house so i recommend doing it outside on your deck wherever especially on something like a brisket it's a little looser grained it's going to squirt everywhere so want to make sure this back part this horn we go ahead and get it you can see how that meat swells up as i do that that recipe i gave you guys is gonna do should do about two pork butts so don't feel like you have to inject all of this into one pork butt i'm just gonna get one more little shot up front here now that we're done injecting our meat let's talk a little bit about the seasonings we put on and how we're going to apply them we use two seasonings when we come to competition pork butts we use the killer bee chipotle from cosmos and we use our pork rub we like the chipotle one it's got a good kind of honey sweetness to it it's got just enough chipotle pepper in it that's gonna give it just a little bit of spice our pork rub has that salt sugar component without the bite so it gives that savory flavor that's going to work really well with the injection and that pork flavor we just put in we always start on the back side so what i call the fatty portion of it and we're gonna start with the honey chipotle and with this you're gonna go kind of a medium coating i wouldn't call this really heavy so this is really gonna add some color that honey component to it's gonna add a little bit of sweetness and the chipotle just nice kick so again not not a super heavy coating we're going to go a little bit heavier with of course the montana outlaw pork rub and in this one we want to cover up the meat one thing to remember is on big cuts briskets roast pork shoulders anything like this make sure you give it a proper amount of seasoning because if you don't give it a lot of seasoning you're not going to get a whole lot of flavor so don't be afraid you're not going to over season this cut make sure that we get all sides of it this step here i recommend for either cooking at home or competition just make sure that you cover all sides evenly and heavily on your big cuts and then just stand it up and repeat on all four sides now the next step for this we're just going to pat it in we're going to let this sit for six to eight hours refrigerated before it goes in the smoker why do we want to do that we want this rub to penetrate in it's going to work with the phosphates and the injection that we just put in there it's going to help pull out some of that water concentrate the fats inside that pork giving us a very very porky flavor which is going to make sure that our judges get every flavor that we want in every single bite now that that's done let's get it in the refrigerator i'm gonna see you guys in about six to eight hours when we pull this thing back out we're gonna get it in the traeger and smoking at 275. [Music] now this butt's rested overnight it's had the rubs put on and seasoning on it you can see now it's starting to the moisture starting to come out it's the salts and the stuff in the rubs that are reacting with the fats and drying that moisture out the reason you want moisture like that why you don't put it in right away now those rubs will stay and create bark if you put it in right away it'd be dry it'd fall off and you wouldn't get the bark that you would like so now it's all ready to go i don't know where ty is he's probably know where i'm sleeping so i'll go and get this in the bed we'll be ready to go and see in a few hours [Music] all right now we're at the point of the cook that we're going to wrap the meat this is a critical part of the process because now we control the color believe it or not ty's going to trust me to do this because he probably thinks i can't screw it up and i'll try my best not to but this is what we'll do today i'll show you how we do it now you see the pork butt now we have a nice red kind of a mahogany color that is what we're looking for here's the ammonium mussel right here in the case of this competition pork butts we can separate the cuts of meat you can't do that in a brisket but work butts it's acceptable so we'll just cut it back here is the pork butt or the excuse me the money muscle and here's the rest of pork butt so we'll start with this because the money muscle is like almost like a little tenderloin so we'll give it a little extra care we'll put a little butter on there give a little savory okay so we'll be putting some butter on here to just give it some savory flavor a little bit a little give it a little shot of honey and a little brown sugar well see that made them kind of a mess didn't it and we use a little bit of rib glaze it's peach jalapeno gives it a little nice little flavor so this is a really choice cut of meat so what we'll do is when we box it we'll be slicing this up to make a nice presentation so let me get this butter back on there okay now we're going to wrap this up really tight and put it back in the smoker for approximately an hour or so until it gets an internal temperature of 185 to 195. okay we'll put this money muscle back in the pit the trigger close the door then we'll work on the big piece of meat now this is mostly for the pulled pork and the strands so all we do in this is add a little moisture and a little flavoring in the in the wrap we'll bring this up like this there's a lot of marinades out there that you can use we really prefer stubs pork marinade it's it's got a little bite but it really gives it a nice flavor it's a pork marinade you just pour that along the bottom here now we'll wrap this up tight now you probably noticed i had moved at 90 degrees that's just to make sure that the seams aren't in the same exact spot makes a tighter seal and you want that as tight as you can get open the pit back up so now we'll put it back in the traeger until it finishes out and the main but we might have 205 and of course the money muscle 185 195 it's probably an hour hour and a half it just kind of varies we'll make sure the temperature's right on and then it'll be the final stages of presentation and presenting it so we'll see in about an hour or so all right so rick wrapped up that pork a couple hours ago had the money muscles in there um we they're all done money muscles we cooked to that 185 195 they're a little bit quicker than our big butts are when we get those finished and so they've been out resting we rest them in a cam bro if you're at home throw them in your oven anything to kind of hold that temperature it's going to soak up some of that juice that's been in there and it's going to help firm that that money muscle back up so it doesn't end up like pulled pork we're gonna get some nice slices out of it so what we're gonna do now is i'm gonna pull the money muscles out we're gonna slice it and then we're going to get a pulled pork out or a bigger butt out and we'll do some pulled and some tubes out of it and i'm just gonna show you i don't have a styrofoam box that we would use for competition with me today but i'm going to basically lay it out on the board here how you would see in a competition box one thing to note is typically we would be taking them out of the wrap saucing them and then returning it to the smoker for 10 minutes to set our glaze just for today's example we're not going to do that step but just know that that's a step you'll need to do if you're looking to do this for competition so let's go ahead let's get started grab our first money muscle here we always cook two butts for competition uh one because we want both money muscles and two it just gives us a what happens if one butt doesn't turn out what happens if one butt has enough flavor which can happen we always like to have a backup for so we can get something turned into the judges all right of course coming out of our nice tight cut here you should end up with something that looks just like that let's set this to the side and you can see that nice money muscle shape that we're after good color all the way around and when i slice this it should slice nice and easy we can go a little bit wider with this but i mean one thing i want to point out is look at a smoke ring that you get on that money muscle it shows good penetration of our of our rubs good penetration of smoke and we're gonna go oh about a half inch thick or so with our slices kcbs we have to turn in six samples so i always like to do two rows of six so there's four there's five and i can tell that it's cooked perfectly because as i'm going through here with my knife i'm not sloughing off the bark i am not um i'm not cutting it's not flaking on me so that right there there's our first money muscle so we'll set that aside okay so like i said we always cook two buds for competition so let's grab our second money muscle out i mean just one thing to note this is the one that rick wrapped up as opposed to the one i wrapped up you can see how tight mine was compared to you know this one but it was effective nonetheless it worked all right so now we have our second one again perfect color exactly what i'm looking for there and it doesn't matter so much you'll notice that there's some size difference between the two that's okay because what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in i'm going to take off a little bit of this fat on this one this one was just a little bit thicker coming through but we're going to hide all that anyway when we get there and so we'll we'll just go ahead and trim that one up just a little bit more there we go set that stuff away and then again take off our fronts [Music] now what we'll do is we'll take a little bit of our sauce today we're going to be using the blues hog champion blend we'll go ahead and put a little bit of this on our board okay and at this point we're done with a knife so we set that to the side and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our money muscles we're going to go over the top like this first and like i said at this point once i got done with this initial glaze we don't want to put it on real heavy and then what we're going to do is we're going to brush the back and drop it and brush the front and we'll do that on every one so we brush the back and brush the front and you'll see how those lay out here in just a second and we brush our front and you'll start to see how we could lay that out in a box to our back and our front put that at the side and we'll just repeat that real quick with this one okay so now we've got our two rows of money muscles so we'll set those aside next thing we got to do is let's get our big butt out there's a lot of juice in there so it's easier if you go ahead and put that in a pan and open that up and we're only looking for certain pieces and so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to pull out where i might know my tube should be i'm going to set that there and we're going to start we'll just wrap that up and let's start looking for my tubes right there so i'm gonna start to see some bigger pieces come out right there it's a really good tube i'm just going to get some of this excess fat off and pulled away and get that kind of pulled down to about the size that i'm going to want out of that you can see that fat is coming off of there and i mean that's right there is money money here's another one right there we got our flavors down in there remember because we injected we opened that up what we're trying to do is get some that are going to be about the same again we would have typically have two full butts we could pull from for this so we're gonna make do today the other butt's not quite done yet but we want to get a little bit of bark in there too we got some good tube meat and see what else we got in here and you can get a pretty good idea how it's going to finish out by the way these are going to pull apart okay so let's set this to the side real quick [Applause] we're going to get a little bit out of this horn muscle right here so we'll grab that we'll put the rest of this stuff away because we don't really need it at this point save that for later that makes a great barbecue pizza when you get home from your competition we're going to set this stuff here cut this guy down about half so we get two nice pieces out of there as i'm working through here i see i don't like that piece and kind of the same thing we'll go through here we'll feel our horn kind of see what we can get out of there see if we want to replace any of our pieces here that's a good tender piece right there i really like him so we're going to take and pull that that piece okay so now kind of got my pieces selected that i want for competition now i just need to put them together these pieces i'm selecting i'm really using my fingers to fill for tenderness i'm looking for color and consistency so i want a showing of good bark on there i want to be able to show them good part bark but i also need it to be really nice and tender and then i can play with it a little bit and kind of manipulate it to go kind of longer and deeper in a competition box again i'm looking for my best really kind of six pieces get my knife back in here because i really like this one but it's just needs to be cleaned up on the end there and now that i got my six i'm gonna do the same thing over here touch a sauce not a lot hit them nice light coating sauce again we don't want it to pool in there so we just want it to be there okay now we we build we're gonna go there we're gonna go there like that and i would be doing this in a styrofoam box if it were a competition but since it's not we're just going to give you an idea what a competition box could look like and then i'm going to take my money muscles and i'm going to layer them on each side like that try and make it so that they end about the same spot while kind of laying them open laying them open like that tighten it up right there if that was in styrofoam you'd have just a little bit of cleanup to do but that right there that right there is how montana outlaw barbecue prepares a competition pork butt and as is tradition anytime we're at a contest before we turn the box in i cut up an end piece get rick over here we test it so let's go ahead and do that here's one of our end pieces rick come on in we'll slice it in half we run it through a little bit of that sauce so it's the same as it what we're going to turn into the judges man that's tender all right i do think my butt was bigger my muslim muscle is bigger than yours yeah but that's a great thing about in money muscles no matter which way you cook it it still comes out nice tender that's what the judges want to see they expect to see it these tubes are going to be equally as tender more around consistency with pulled pork though is what you're going to see in that one thanks for everybody for watching our video today we had a great time doing it hope you enjoyed it too and we've got a lot more on tap that we're going to do so make sure you hit the subscribe button on our youtube channel hit the bell so you don't miss a notification because we got things coming like the gold rush we got a coleslaw recipe we got everything else so you don't want to miss it so make sure you check our facebook instagram and pinterest don't forget to visit our webpage you can get our rubs our merchandise check out the latest news and videos that we have coming out so tune in next time on the montana outlaw barbecue youtube channel [Music] you
Channel: Montana Outlaw BBQ
Views: 56,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vKvs_D5UCnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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