Competition Brisket Throwdown [Wagyu vs Prime vs Choice, Select] w/ Harry Soo |Comparison Experiment

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hey guys welcome back to baby back maniac my name is Justin and I just want to tell you like when I started in barbecue I was really into this show called BBQ pitmasters and it was the characters on the show that made it really work for me I feel like I learned a lot but there was just one character named Harry sue the the thing that I liked about him was he just seemed like a normal guy and it made barbecue accessible because it just felt like like some day there was probably he seemed like the type of guy that someday I could barbecue with and just hang out with and I don't know it'll probably never happen [Laughter] [Music] this day was nuts absolutely nuts not only did we pull the plastic wrap off the new primo and that's not just a figure of speech you wanna do it yeah okay right here we go here we go that's so emotionally gratifying it is not only did I have tea very cooks here and aim them and claim them smokers and what's new barbecue who by the way James the name of them claim Oh bit of a diva there's a man okay for the first cook on the primo James made us some ribs and sausage those ribs aw I mean they're there okay this is the best rib I've ever had in my life oh yeah I can't believe it like I didn't I I my wife even my own wife was going yeah he's a lot better than you and it's it's true I wasn't even offended the boy can cook y'all not getting it those ribs are insane but that is not the big deal the headline is Harry freaking sue came over unbelievable I know what you're thinking I'm thinking how did you arrange that well Harry emailed me and I got email and that's how it happened he's like hey I want to come hang out and I was like as a fan of the show I was like why it was like cuz I want to cook and I want to share barbecue love and I wanted barbecue love to be shared with me so he came over and it was cool he was a gonna be in Midland this week so he just dropped in here to DFW at like 6:45 in the morning he was tired cooking with you know riot he was that we in there off that pitmaster up a14 be cooking a whole hog since Friday 24-hour whole hog a busy week my advice on stirring and at least you know why so we spend a few minutes getting acclimated and he was looking around he was given me a toy a hard time about our our cameras because on his YouTube channel which by the way go check that out he only uses a cell phone where he's got some heavy-duty firepower here we were talking about that last night yeah when my phone my my phone rose up he wants to be one of these and then he went around looking at my cookers and he's like man you got a lot of Weber's twenty-two guru but I'll be honest I think T Roy got the worst of it I have seen many many cookers around the world in my travels and by far this has got to be the victor Hoonah I had never seen a 22 with such a big dial either the owner must be blind because he can't see the temperature or he has a big ego why why would you have such a big I've got a pool I do a lot of swimming in the food floating around and it gets hot cooking all this stuff down in Texas summer so I've got to be able to see what my pits doing what more okay so that's when I got that big down when I'm out in the pool I can easily see with - how far you from the pits because this is one hell of a big down the big ass now ba ba D you know I need to get one of these things you know so maybe maybe when you're not watching are unscrew it to give adjustable too so I've actually got it adjusted so that it's really great low but I'm probably 50 60 70 feet away now you have it folks so T Roy cooks down he's a youtuber with a lot of followers and I subscribed to his channel so you guys should subscribe to a lot of great content and he's the man with the BA D the big ass down so after everything was set up it was time to go ahead and start planning the video and that's when we started talking about barbecue and you could tell he had strong feelings about certain things everything I tell you today is a three-hour argument because we are very passionate about how we feel but what I've learned over the time is that one thing at least you learn from me today is that when somebody asks you what's the best way to cook brisket there is really no such thing as the best way not only best ways to cook brisket and some methods are preferred and some methods yield more consistent result so what's trending in America today on the competition circuit is that G cooking harvest so today Harry taught us how to make these briskets hot and fast I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on that video and the reason is just there's so much good stuff in here that I had to make some cuts so in this video I'm gonna focus on our main topic that we talked about in some of the funny stuff that happened while we were here it's gonna blow your mind that guy has so much energy and then I'm gonna take the specifics I'll probably do a video called how to how to cook hot and fast brisket with Harry Sue I'll do that and in a subsequent video and I'll link to it I'll put a playlist up wherever the corner is where you put stuff like that and that way you'll have all that information but I didn't want to bog down this video it where that video and have to leave stuff out or what you get it you'll get it very much this is what we're gonna do today and this was Harry's idea I'm gonna talk you through the four kinds of briskets that Justin was able to source the first one is a select brisket this is the lower grade of among the three briskets here this one is going to be a angus choice a higher-grade and in the highest weight we have here is the prime and then to provide for fair comparison we also are gonna be cooking this one from Snake River farm this is a Wagyu brisket very marbled so we're gonna do a shootout with four greats of briskets and I have my for youtubers cook it under hot and fast conditions on a weber smokey mountain 22 after we're done we're gonna have a taste test I'm gonna shuffle up the deck for them I'm gonna tell them what they're gonna be eating at the end we're gonna judge their blind tastings fours and share with you the results of which grade of brisket reigns supreme today period how y'all doing Oh y'all gonna how y'all doing y'all doin you almost got it you sound like a guy from California trying to sound like a southerner but we'll take it okay forty uses on that take so we trim the briskets and we're now ready to apply a product on it so the most important item in your barbecue arsenal is the quality of the meat next thing you knew we need to do is apply a good seasoning you can apply salt and pepper on your brisket they'll taste fine or you can use a product like this I prop a lot my champion shear up to shave my YouTube friends here this drop is warming first place Gracchus reserve KCBS sirloin as well as a ranger dessert first place brisket so it's done really well for me my rub has a few extra ingredients you typically don't find such as powder shiitake mushroom for mommy it also has things like celery seed for smoke ring as well as Worcestershire powder so we're gonna apply the product on to the brisket apparently when you from the south and you eat something you really really like it's so so so good that you wanna slap somebody so you heard a slap your mama so they decided since I'm my daddy call it slap it daddy my first reaction was that's a stupid name who once left your daddy so my so it's just a human my co-workers are already now on a piece of paper and I went to my very first contest and I want it and the rest as they say is history so that's how I got this goofy names lapidary BBQ so what you want to try to do is play on the rub very evenly and Pat it down like a baby's bottom so first layer second layer so since I went here in baby back maniac backyard so I'm gonna say that you patty down like a baby maniacs bottom so if off-camera what I'll do is I'll Pat his that his behind off camera so that this stays a g-rated YouTube video so that didn't happen kind of bombed something that a lot of the production assistants will do on a TV set I've been done a few TV shoots and sometimes the shooter or the director says a more smoke more smoke so what happens is production system will run around in one of these things the secret to getting a lot of smoke on camera is to squirt some cooking oil on the charcoal itself the Jenners a lot of smoke and it gives them kind of a backdrop so it looks like you're immersed in a barbecue environment [Music] [Music] so at this point we got all four briskets cooking and it's time to just relax it back rehydrate cool off it's really really hot in Texas right now so we're sitting there and of course Harry's like don't I think you know he's sitting still but he's actually just as tons of energy he's paying his bills and he's uploading YouTube chant video he's got a YouTube channel check it out he gives away all his secrets I'll put a link to that in the description box and Troy pulls out the drip and griddle pan from the journal and barbecue company and he's gonna make tacos and Harry sees that and he's like we're making paella and and so we made paella cool alright so we have a rice here beautiful jasmine rice we got a fire pan I have an onion garlic some chicken stock cubes I have some umami flavor from fish sauce because I'm in Texas I gotta pay homage we have a salsa here we go to use to create kind of a like a pie yeah so rather than a Spanish buyer this is a salsa text mix by yeah yeah and I like olives olives here we're gonna go there set it up show you guys how you can make a quick fire for your friends and family pick with hair you just have to like have your seatbelt buckled up at all time yeah because they're what you call you ain't you ain't what do you call cook if you're talking you ain't cooking yeah if you're looking any cooking they talk if you're talking you're [Music] okay here we go ma'am okay next tex-mex pie-ya seconds nine hello that take all right probably you i don't maybe for 30 minutes we'll we'll see how hot this thing goes and i put a little bit of damage you know you should be a little bit more go down maybe turn it sideways control kitchen style raided the pantry i hope Justin's wives doesn't get upset at me because it's not nice to go to somebody's house and steal all their food we have a little snafu here and you pan over there and look at the pan what happened was there wasn't enough clearance on the handle so when I caused the latest in flip so not to worry we will not be Church because we have pitmasters and grill masters so we'll make it work here 50 another mess here all right you can't fire and a little taste test here ready we should I see soft he's one on this side here you ready salt yeah it's got a little bit of crunchiness of the crust which is good and that's a highly sought after in papaya so pretty this year we've menu on the fly with some tomatoes and olives and a jar of Texas salsa right there yes take it off take it off what's that yeah pretty pretty pretty buy yeah yeah so the pie is done it's great I mean for an impromptu da it turned out awesome he was really worried my wife was gonna be mad at him for grating her pantry and I tried to tell him like she's just gonna be glad there's pie a there and she was it was good but no sooner had the pie a came out of the cooker that the guys the competition guys decided they were gonna have a friendly throwdown so it was Kenneth versus James versus Harry sue for three years started so if you give me everybody up or down you guys so we have three he's got this thing he's never gotten my name right like never and so now everyone calls me Jason Jason no one barbecue opens up great opportunities all you need to do is open your heart and let you know everybody even show people your secrets and that's pretty much it [Music] spread the load kinda love love is like a boomerang comes back and hits you on the side of the head bigger than you possibly imagine so we're gonna introduce a little bit of barbecue rib love today baby back maniacs backyard we have an impromptu rib Throwdown between the three competition cooks we've got mr. Harry sue has got these ribs right here in the front in the middle that is mr. James name gonna claim them and then in the back you got Kenneth from what's new barbecue so we're gonna let these things cook and then we're going to taste them and see which one's best that field can't to be going against that kind of firepower what's your strategy going into it feels awesome my strategy is watch these fine fellows right here you know I saw he was using some things and I made up the excuse I didn't bring anything can I borrow what you brought uh-huh that way they kind of give you your secret their secrets in the process exactly very smartly [Music] and we have four pieces for four judges yes exactly that it will be a tiebreaker Mumbai to Delhi I will decide which we team wins by a despite arm-wrestle I'll let you watch the other guys channels to find out who won but it is kind of funny what happened at this point we've done four briskets three racks of ribs paia twice and what else oh and Troy started on started making those beef tacos going on over here well I've got some best stick here that I reverse sear them now searing it directly juicy got some hot coals going that looks pretty is this going on your channel no this is going on James's channel a Mallorca no getting tired hot but hey we still got brisket [Music] okay guys we got the the scores added up first off y'all go check out Harry soon he's on YouTube now so I'm gonna jump in here one last time I noticed that I mentioned his channel three times and I want to make something really clear he he didn't ask me for anything he didn't ask me to promote his channel he didn't ask to promote his rubs in fact we had to encourage him to talk about that kind of stuff y'all he's it he's a giver like he really is he's not he's not a taker I do want you guys to go check him out and I think I think that's why I think that's why I said it three times now four he's just a good dude so y'all go check them out that's number five by cons you have a lot of content on it I have 50 plus videos taking care of all your questions about composition barbeque backyard barbeque so let's get down to the drum bowls okay so let's go talk about the conclusion from our test you want to set up what we do absolutely so we all tasted every one of these briskets and then we wrote down our scores and so now we have a first place second place third place in first place and I think this is gonna surprise you a little bit so what was our number one choice what was the most popular choice so it's a tie between the prime and a wag you okay so solid second place behind the tie what's the choice and the third place consensus was the select brisket so the grains do matter which is what we bore out even though we had a very small sample size of four youtubers here and my tiebreaker I sided for the prime so if you take my score out you can see right here I'm the last line it's gonna be a tie between the Wagyu at the prime solid second place for the choice and third place for the Select so the question that all your viewers will have is how much money do you want to spend what kind of meat gonna buy you want to share your sentiments on that you know I think it I think it played out exactly kind of like what you'd expect just like you said earlier in the day like there's a diminishing returns on what on what you spend so select was the least popular choice was to the second least popular that's what you would expect when you grade these out and then Prime and Wagyu that that's the you know that's the best the high end stuff and there was a little bit of difference for a lot more money but at the same time you know it could go either way you even said that was a really good-looking prime yes today I was a super prime I have not seen such a good prime so I cook a lot I cook a lot of brisket so in my humble opinion that prime that we saw today that we cook it's probably one in a hundred yeah so this is not a typical prime so I cooked a lot so I can give you my word that that prime was absolutely amazingly amazingly marbled we may be on a normal prime now in terms of costs which I know you will ask us is money wise right so tell them the prices of per pound that you bought okay I got this at Costco the prime was came from Costco it was 3:23 per pound and then the Wagyu came from Snake River farms about $200 so as you want about let's 15 pound so it's about four times the price yeah but if you're in a competition situation you want a little bit of an edge you're probably gonna be more likely to get a better more consistent end product with the Wagyu where as prime can sometimes Costco prime can sometimes be hitting this so they need to Navy got lucky and the Costco prime was superb but I can tell you I cook a lot of pranks on Costco this was exceptional so yeah I'm not sure if this was the outlier or just kind of skew the results but definitely if you don't want to take any chances if you cook a Snake River Walk you for competition you definitely have an agent I wouldn't go to a contest bringing in a prime if I'm up against another 70 teams using a Wagyu steak I love you for brisket there's also a lot more you have to trim off the prompter from Costco well thank you for coming out really appreciate you always a pleasure hanging out my YouTube buddies here and we have so many ideas to try Justin is only about three hours of me so look out for more videos we're gonna drag him out to California make it cook some tofu and artichoke so come join us for the ride hey go check out his YouTube channel Harry Sood that's a guy just not by Harry's ooh snapping daddy Kris rubs slap your daddy barbecue barbecue is the name of those rubs you can check them out on this website thanks to what's new barbecue T Roy cooks and anyone claim them smokers for coming in again when I come come into a group hug yeah group hug again everybody all right he's a suicide but you guys you know I met them for the very first time coming up to Dallas here and we feel like we've known each other for a long long time way way longer than we think that you know for short time we spent together when barbecue brothers and sisters hang out together there's a kindred spirit because we are joined by our insane passion for the madness of perfection barbecue spreading barbecue love calling to you from Dallas Texas love you guys so do you share all your tricks we do your class I share my tricks with anybody you want to listen because life is short right your judge really by what you leave behind what I hope to do is spread some barbecue love in this world the key to cooking food is actually having fun spreading love building relationships creating memories that's really what's so special about barbecue [Music] you
Channel: Baby Back Maniac
Views: 218,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby Back Maniac, harry soo, Brisket throwdown, Wagyu vs Prime vs Choice vs Select, competition brisket, Brisket Experiment, smoked brisket, Wagyu, usda Prime, prime, choice, select, Wagyu vs Prime, Prime vs Wagyu, Prime vs choice, choice vs prime, Weber Smokey Mountain, Hot and fast brisket, Paella, bbq guru, BBQ Pitmasters, brisket recipe, best brisket, Primo Oval XL, texas brisket, Primo Oval XL 400, slap yo daddy, Brisket Comparison, competition bbq cooking class, how to
Id: p3xLGPz6zVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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