Comparison of Russian MC 21 vs Chinese C919 aircraft
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Jetline Marvel
Views: 254,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russian MC 21, Comac C919, Chinese built, russian built, commercial aircraft, new aircraft, airbus, Boeing, A319, A318, A321, A320, A320 neo, A321 neo, A350, A350xwb, B737, b737 max, b737-9, b737-8, B737 max aircraft, New airplane, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Aircraft, COMAC china, Russia Irkut, MC-21, Irkut MC-21, A320vsC919, Aircraft comparison, Aviation news, Comac first aircraft C919, Boeing737 vs Comac c919, Comac Arj, Airbus vs Comac, China aerospace, airlines, aviation news c919
Id: E32TCdBgkoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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