Comparing Three Vaccines - Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen (J&J)

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all this is dr mobien sage from welcome to one more show so the discussion today is something that we have been talking about for some times that is it possible that we can look at the vaccines and their comparison in their efficacy and their side effects so i thought that we will go over these together this is the same data as from the trials so i'm just going to start my so this is the trial result data this is not from the production or not from the field and that data is different i do not have the collection of that data at this time so here we have this is the pfizer biontec trial result we have gone over this in detail in the past i have just put them together for comparison sake then here is another this is also fda briefing document for moderna and this one is the fda briefing document for johnson and johnson's jansen vaccine so with this i have collected those data points here in an excel sheet and i have illustrated them so let's start so the first thing here vaccine comparison so please when you're reading this one wherever i have placed a z or z as in some countries that is for de dos and whenever i have a d that is for day so here is how their comparison is so we have pfizer biontec we have moderna and jansen characteristics of these phizer biontac we know it is a messenger rna vaccine moderna is a messenger rna vaccine jensen is an adenovirus based vaccine pfizer is 30 microgram per dose or 0.3 milliliter in one dose so 30 microgram is the actual um messenger rna particle and 0.3 milliliter is the total dose similarly on materna side 100 microgram per dose and 0.5 milliliter the jansen is 5 multiplied by 10 raised to power 10 number of virus particles pfizer wants two doses we know that moderna wants two doses and johnson johnson is one dose pfizer says we become fully protective after the seven days of the second dose and their doses are separated i believe by 21 days moderna says 14 days after the second dose and their doses are separated by one month and jansen and jensen says better protection after 28 days in the trials we had forty three thousand thirty thousand and forty thousand people so let's see them compared to each other overall efficacy so the overall efficacy was in case of pfizer 94.6 percent seven days after the second dose 94.6 percent moderna 94.5 percent 14 days after the second dose and johnson and johnson because they don't have two doses their way of reporting was 66.9 that is 14 days after the second dose or up till the 14 days and then 66.1 percent efficacy after the 28 days of the only one dose that they give [Music] so that is a basic comparison so how do we see it ninety four point six percent versus ninety four point five percent versus sixty six point one percent that is the overall efficacy now in case of pfizer and moderna there is something additional as well and that is this in case of pfizer so this first one is pfizer 52.1 52 efficacy between the dose one and two so many folks ask that hey what is the protection so between those one and two 52 percent efficacy in case of moderna from the dose one and up till the 14 days 50.8 efficacy and then up till the second dose but after the 14 days 92.1 efficacy which is pretty close to the efficacy even after these 14 days of the second dose so some folks who have been thinking that hey what would happen after the one dose only so if it is moderna one dose only they say that till the second dose there is 92.1 percent efficacy [Music] severe to critical in case of pfizer between the two doses 52.4 percent protection from becoming severe to critical after those one 82 protection and after those two seven days after those two this is the complete protection 75 percent from severe to critical please remember this is not the overall this is from severe to critical in case of moderna 100 percent after dose one but they did not write how many days is it 20 days after those one or 25 days but of course it is going to be lesser than 28 days because the second dose is within a month percent after those two and that is again 14 days after the dose too 42.6 percent if only one dose is given and the second dose is not given but they do not have enough data so what is the takeaway over here let's look at the jensen as well jensen has 14 days after their dose 76.6 and 28 days after the dose 85 so what are they saying all of them they're saying that i'm going to look at their completion 75 100 and 85 is there protection from severe to critical infection then ovid related death so this is what i wanted to understand that did they report any of them any clotting issues or clotting related death that they kind of re-categorized in something else so in case of moderna and johnson and johnson i did not see any such thing reported but i want to read a statement from johnson and johnson that is interesting and then on pfizer side as well they did not report anything but they said there were two deaths in the vaccine group not related to vaccine however one of the deaths occurred within the three days of the vaccination and that was after arteriosclerosis so to me that seems a little doubtful but anyways they said this does not look like the this has nothing to do with the vaccine so i wanted to read the jansen and jensen's so just one second i want to see what is the page so page number is 54. so if i go here and go to the page number 54. this is johnson johnson so on their page 54 they say pharmaco villages visual village vigilance activities for pharmacovigilance jansen submitted a pharmacovigilance plan to monitor safety concerns that could be associated with jansen covet 19 vaccine the sponsor identified so sponsor identified the company vaccine-associated enhanced disease so possibility of ade including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease so let me not call it ade but they thought that vaccine-related disease is possible enough electric reaction including anaphylaxis itself and from both thrombo thromboembolic events as important potential risks so in their uh paper the same paper they actually don't say that we observed it but they presented that as something to keep in mind that this could happen and it is possible that they are saying this because they have a traditional vaccine made up of adenovirus or not really traditional but a vaccine which has been out in the field for some time so maybe they have observed something so this is an interesting note from johnson johnson now looking at the efficacy sorry adverse effects so that was the efficacy adverse effects so pfizer biontech pfizer biontech clotting they have not reported any in trial moderna they did not report any in trial so i'm saying in trial in the field now that the vaccinations are happening the situation may be different and we can look at the worst but this is what was reported jansen johnson and johnson they reported 15 clotting events in vaccinated folks compared to 10 clotting events in non-vaccinated or placebo so this is what they said [Music] so if you see here so if we go here to the plotting 15 cases so that is on page number seven so if we go to their page seven here in numerical imbalance was seen in non-serious urticaria events and then similarly down here they say numerical imbalances were observed between vaccine and placebo recipients for thromboembolic events 15 versus 10 and tinnitus 6 versus 0. so let's just continue to look at it here so johnson and jonathan said that hey we did observe something 15 versus 10 so there is a numerical imbalance towards the vaccine may be causing this tinnitus so pfizer said no evidence of tinnitus during the tr during the trial however today actually yesterday a cool bean who's a nurse protect practitioner had sent me a message saying that i took pfizer on gen second doors were january middle and since then he has tinnitus and he was thinking that hopefully it would resolve and hopefully it would resolve so they did not in the trial this was not reported but i think there are people who are experiencing it moderna said no tinnitus johnson and johnson said six tinnitus cases in vaccinated versus zero in placebo and one case in vaccinated was unresolved bell's palsy pfizer four madonna three to one and jensen and johnson two to 2 and plus c 1 2 in the that vaccination anaphylaxis 0 in pfizer observed now maybe in the field but in the trial 0 modena in the trial 0 and johnson and johnson in the trial zero and i think in the field as well we haven't seen any maybe because the count is low allergies so they all report some allergies that may be but these are not anaphylaxis but these may be some allergic for example a rash or urticaria or some other allergic reaction but not rising up to the anaphylaxis local reactions so that is pain at the site of injection or bleeding or rash or discomfort so these are just natural i think understandable in case of pfizer 78 in case of moderna 84 in case of johnson and johnson urticary are five to one and systemic reactions systemic reactions for example fever myalgia fatigue and so on so 59 in case of pfizer 54 in case of moderna and these two lines the first line is for the dose one second line is for the dose two and johnson and johnson because that was just those one they have not shown any and then if you see here in both in case of either and moderna in second dose the systemic reaction becomes a little more aggravated so the only one concern in the trial data that i saw was in case of pfizer that they had the one death which had arterious arteriosclerosis although they came back and they said this was not related to the vaccine so what is missing in this discussion is the situation in the field with this i'm going to stop here and once again i'll put my position out there and that is very simple i am pro vaccine i will get the vaccine i am actually now due for the vaccine so hopefully in another few days i would have my vaccine as well so let's do this i'm gonna hang up and then we can do a little chit chat after this uh please like subscribe and share and there are some links in the description if you would like to support this work thank you very much and i'll see you soon
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 358,379
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Keywords: drbeen, medicine, nursing, med school, microbiology, sars-cov-2, covid-19, coronavirus, usmle, mbbs, nclex, cytokines, Health (Industry), Medicine (Field of Study), Pathology (Medical Specialty), what is, nursing (field of study), Nursing school (organization), pfizer vaccine, moderna vaccine, johnson and johnson vaccine, janssen vaccine
Id: 6Zq_Y2rV4PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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