Comparing the Anbernic RG35XXh to my other retro consoles

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oh sucks when you forget to stir your coffee anyways this might look like I'm um up really early and I needed coffee but it's almost 5:00 p.m. but I still need coffee anyways a few weeks ago I did a video on theck RG 35xx now I got this one to replace my P Kitty well not replace I just want wanted to kind of see what the difference was between those two and I kind of discussed that in that video I'll link it below now a few weeks into using it um it kind of confirms what I already assumed in that video from a few weeks ago this is a sturdier device also when it comes to charging and well not depleting the battery while you're not using it the pitty seems to be using a lot of its battery even when it's in standby well this one is pretty sturdy if I don't use it it goes down really really slowly I'm not 100% convinced yet with gar it still kind of confuses me a little bit but I have not put in enough time to kind of figure it all out so maybe I should do that when I'm recording this I have a week of holiday coming up and I'm going to take it with me well not this one but I'll get back to that in a second and we'll just see if I can figure it out I also plan to replace the SD card that is in there and kind of install everything a new but I need to find the time now in this video I want to do something different so this has a few benefits over the pow Kitty but they both kind of have the same issue I have have big hands I'm 6' 7 2 m tall I have big hands and it just isn't really comfortable to play this for a longer time but as I explained in my previous video I also bought a second device the annick rg35 XX H now for as far as I can tell when it comes to Hardware these are almost identical except for the fact that this is landscape version which makes a huge difference for me it feels way more comfortable on top of that just when it comes to ergonomics they added these little pads on the back this it's just everything feels a little better you know what let's take a closer look at the device okay so let's take a look at all of the buttons on this device now there are some big differences between those two devices and this one it is kind of a mix between those two devices it has the build quality of this and some of the extra options like this HD out but it does have the joysticks that you see on the power Kitty which are missing from this device which to be honest was one of the drawback of this device in case you wanted to play Playstation games and whatnot that became very very difficult that should not be a problem with this one this one is meant to look like a Game Boy and this just has the black buttons that are very neutral on the 35 xxh we actually see colorcoded buttons there's a a select and a start button and as I said the joysticks which are definitely a win for this device now top the HD out I mentioned earlier there's a USBC port for charging and a USB C port for peripherals then you have the audio jack of course and this button is a function button it works a lot like the menu button that is on the regular device also on top are of course the shoulder buttons which are on the back with the normal device and to be honest I don't really like this for my big hands that didn't really always work out these one are actually double layered shoulder buttons you're right next to each other but anyways let's move to the side on one end you have the volume top on the other hand there's the power button and the reset button at the bottom you have the two SD slots and yeah you have the grills for the speakers now the one thing that I like so much about this device and that is so smart are these things on the back they are basically small little cushions that have some resistance to them that make sure that it doesn't kind of slide out of your hands those cushions will rest on your middle fingers while you're playing yeah it just kind of helps to secure the device in your hand I think I got all the buttons there's an indicator lead indicator right here that shows you the the state of the device if it's charged if it's switched on or not but uh talking about that here we go again my fingers all over the screen and this is the stock OS for this device it looks very different from the one the stocko on the normal version on the XX yeah I'm kind of confused about these two first items one is called game rooms the other one is called ra game this one kind of um divides everything in categories according to the console they four the platforms good and then you have ra game which does the same thing but it has more of that garlic look to it but once you go in there the list of games looks very similar me I guess it's too ways of getting to the same thing I don't know if you know what the difference is between these two let me know because I'm I'm kind of lost um then you have favorites makes a lot of sense there's history that will show you the games that you played and then um there's a search and settings now as you might notice there is not a way of switching to any other OS in this device but we'll get to that later when it does come to other settings it looks pretty standard you can set when your screen locks you the brightness of the device the language settings now contrary to the XX the xxh actually has uh Network capabilities so you can set Bluetooth Wi-Fi and and Moonlight whatever that is when I did the review or the test of this device I didn't find any Super Mario games on there let's see if this is different yeah I was running through all of the games but you know and then I realized let me just use the search that way you guys get to see what the search looks like and it makes my life a little easier it doesn't look like there's Super Mario on here either when it comes to games what I see a lot of people advising is one to download your own games and also replace the SD card apparently the SD cards that are in there are really really bad I guess it all kind of depends on how much you plan to use the device if you want to see any specific games let me know the idea of this video is not to review all of the games games but the device itself I think the ROMs that are on all of these devices usually look very similar one will render them a little better than the others now for the most part as I said it is a rather identical to the normal rg35 XX unless of course you get a custom OS I'm going to look into that I'm going to look into getting I don't know some variation of garlic OS if I can install it on this on the other hand I don't need as many options as a lot of uh the DI hard retro console players do so I think my first priority is going to be getting a new SD card and kind of installing all the ROMs again and then we'll see if I can get a custom RS I need to do some more research but if I end up doing that I'll make a separate video of this now as I said I'm leaving on a trip in a few days and I'm bringing the H with me I'm going to leave the normal XX at home it looks really Charming but I have a 3-hour flight I need something that will keep me entertained for those 3 hours and that won't kind of get my hands to cramp up while I'm doing that but overall guys look I'm happy with both devices and the funny thing is both of these together are about the same price as one PW Kitty I'm a really casual retro player just an old man that enjoys the games that he used to play as a kid but I do think un bernick is quite a safe Choice all right I hope this video helped out and that you guys enjoyed the video if you do make sure to give it a thumbs up I'll see you guys in the next one to give yourself to care of each other bye-bye oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Geek & Plunder
Views: 1,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unboxing, collectibles, gaming, nintendo, sega, retro, retro gaming, powkiddy, powkiddy rgb20s, sonic, arcade, anbernic rg35xx, anbernic rg35xx plus, anbernic rg35xx h, retro console, retro gamer, pc gamer, the omnic post, deemzies, Geek & Plunder
Id: m-FSJowXaP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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