So, I’ve had a steam deck for 6 months

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all right so this is going to be sort of a uh basic type video I it's just me rambling about the switch and the steam deck now this is not going to be a oh the steam deck completely owns a Nintendo switch because duh we're talking about a portable PS4 versus what's arguably um an Nvidia tablet I think I don't know the technology that's used in in either of these I've basically been told this is an Nvidia tablet or something and this is like a portable PS4 which is not far off there are pros and cons to both I I have owned this switch since launch year 2017 and I've owned the steam deck since December of 2023 I I figured I you know I would talk about it because I've been playing this a lot more than I've been playing this however when I play this it's usually always connected to the um charger there's a reason for that because the battery life on this is abysmal now it's abysmal depending on what kind of games you play everyone's like oh well you know you can play you know all the most modern games on the steam deck like you could play the entire Arkham series and Max settings if you wanted to every single one of them Works beautifully on it you can play Brutal Legend uh Devil May Cry 5 I have Devil May Cry 5 installed I swore I did anyway anyway you can play Devil May Cry 5 on here Dragon Ball Fighters the Far Cry games just a lot of games and they run pretty good at you know Max maximum settings the caveat is the higher the settings you run them at you know the your battery life is going to out on you like you can check your battery health like this uh let's see yeah it's at 99% that's the it gives you projected charge time when you pull this off it tells you how much how many hours you can potentially get out of the uh it should show up it's calculating the battery life right now I think anyway the point is here it'll show you just how many yeah there we go it'll show you just how many hours now I'm not running anything on the steam deck so if I just if I were to just leave it like this it would take 11 hours for the battery 10 hours for the battery to fully drain but the second you start playing games is the second that the battery life starts going now it's a variable see the thing about the steam deck is you can Tinker with it so let's say a game doesn't run that good out the gate well you can tweak it but on the Nintendo switch if you buy a game and it runs like you better pray the developers patch it eventually otherwise you're so and that's that's a terrible thing a thing about the steam deck that I excited me was I got to play a lot of fan games and a lot of uh moded mods like the PC Port of Ocarina of Time the uh PC ports of Jack and Daxter the new um PC Port of Majora's Mask Brutal Doom uh Sonic fan games like Sonic and the Fallen star the one that really got me was a Sonic triple trouble 16 bit and project 06 really good games they run amazingly on here uh The Wolverine game this I think this is uh one of the best Wolverine games ever made some people disagree with me but I think it's awesome it's an underrated gem I think H I wouldn't recommend it for anybody but I have a lot of fun playing it and of course Shattered Dimensions which I also own on Steam but it does not run good on Steam deck like don't think that you're going to get Spider-Man shatter Dimensions running the the steam version anyway I had to get the windows version and you know patch it a little bit and tweak it so that's the cool thing about the steam deck is you can do all that the battery life is also yeah I think I mentioned the battery life but this is my favorite thing about the deck my favorite thing about the deck is the emulation capabilities now I can emulate pretty much any console generation up to when including certain PS3 titles and certain Xbox 360 titles I've only tested Sonic Unleashed and Sonic 06 on the Xbox 360 emulation and they both ran terribly however Xbox Live games like Banjo Kazooie alien homed JoJo bizar Adventure Marvel vs Capcom games like that they ran fine just out the gate got arcade games and some PS3 games now the only PS3 games I've tried on here are bleach Soul Resurrection bleach Soul Resurrection Dragon's Crown and drag Dragon Ball burst Limit burst Limit runs just as shitty as it did on the PS3 so pretty good on the on the steam deck Dragon's Crown runs excellently I mean you could get it on here or you could just get it a PS Vita if you don't have a PS Vita you could just use this I guess it runs fine I played Dragon's Crown from start to finish on here probably going to delete it soon it's hogging up a lot of space this bleach game is one of my personal favorites I play the hell out of it a lot so yeah I was pleased to find out that this one runs good I got a bunch of PS2 games on here and they all run butter smooth and I also added cheats like widecreen patches for them to run even better than uh on a PS2 so that's cool you know I got PlayStation games I got of course I got a lot of Sonic games Sega Saturn games I got like almost the entire Sega Genesis Library uh the entire um well almost the entire Dreamcast library that I care about this is the coolest thing about the steam deck to me it renders Nintendo switch online completely pointless the only reason I'm paying for it is because uh I'm sharing it with my brothers and some friends and family who also play on the switch and you know they don't want to bite the bullet on a steam deck which you know that's fine um now I've been gushing about the steam deck but now it's time to gush about the switch I've had this thing has been Old Reliable since 2017 it's one of my favorite systems it's got all my favorite games on it like most of of course mostly Sonic games but it's got Xenoblade Chronicles you can emulate switch games on here I should probably um oh yeah this is something Nintendo needs to give us put put the the HD versions of these two games on on the switch please I need them although I can play them on my steam deck just fine but um you can emulate some switch games on here now it's a tossup whether the switch games will run good or not like Mario wondered does not run as good as it would on a Nintendo switch I'm sure that there's some tweaking I can do but out the box it doesn't run that good but it's nice to be able to play these games on a singular system than having to carry a switch and a steam deck however the switch just has first of all it kicks the steam deck's ass when it comes to battery life depending on the game you're playing but most of the games that I play I'm able to get a good seven to eight hours of Play Time on here the steam deck if I'm lucky I get like you know four to five hours now some would say well you know who going to sit and play on a steam de for four to five hours or whatever it's like yeah you got a point like typically when I'm in the car I don't really be playing my consoles all the entire time however you know sometimes I get really deep into a game and I want to also simultaneously hang out with my Bros or my friends or whatever you know it's it's just one of those things bro it is one of those things um the switch has all the Sonic games and the battery life of course I can it's a dedicated game console what do you want man I like it I think it's good I don't have much to say about the switch because everyone has one at this point you know how good the switch is but everyone uses a steam deck to crap on the switch but like they both have advantages and disadvantages namely the switch look at how small that is compared to the steam deck now it's still large like I got some pretty big hands but this this switch is still pretty large like you cannot fit this in your pocket uh the steam deck good luck trying to fit this Beast anywhere look at how thick that thing is it's it's ridiculous right it's very very ridiculous like you know this is a portable console but you might as well you got to get the carrying case and all the extra Wazoo and then I some people play this docked which this will be a good console replacement I think I don't know it really all dep depends yeah whether I recommend it or not is IR relevant the point is Nintendo exclusives run way better like the Xenoblade games run way better on the switch than they do on uh the steam deck like everyone talks about oh well you can just emulate switch games on the steam deck yes you can but understand that you're not going to get the best possible performance you can get like some people like to upscale their games or whatever oh Zelda only runs at 30 frames per second but with emulation you can bump it to 60 you know uh you got a point but I guess we'll see what happens when the switch 2 comes out I don't even know what the point of this video was man I gushed about the steam deck all that time like there's a I I have a clear favorite but I still play the Nintendo switch for my zeldas for my Sonics like I can just play them out the box with no problems you know what I'm talking about so yeah disclosure I haven't touched my switch in a while uh the last game I played was actually Sonic Origins not uh Skyward Sword although I do need to replay Skyward Sword I really love that game especially the HD version it's way better than the Wii game but uh yeah I don't I don't know what the point of this video was other than just to say that I had a I've had a steam deck for all these months and I've been enjoying it but I still love my switch because you know I can't get rid of it I love it these joycons are amazing it I I have all my like all my games I have on here like let's see I have my groups like I got my Xenoblade games and I cannot be without my Xenoblade I love Xenoblade it's an amazing game series my favorite jrpg series it's just wonderful and also it's home to the best version of Devil May Cry 3 I've ever played like they have freestyle mode it turns Devil May Cry 3 into a modern Devil May Cry game it's going to be awesome like we don't even need a Devil May Cry 3 remake just Port this version to other systems please oh man I've rambled on long enough about these two bricks one I've been spending more time with the other has just been on hibernation but you know I'm getting the urge to play Xenoblade again so I'm probably going to pick up my switch for a while we'll see I do got to get back to drawing soon it's the weekend people tell me oh take a break Jay well I guess I deserve a break don't I um I guess I'll see you guys when I make another random ass video like this I'll probably do more I don't know what else I'll talk about maybe I'll talk about my toys I have underneath here got them protected in these baggies my mataro there's my hairbrush my She-Hulk hands my uh Batman mafex cape yeah go steam deck go switch I love video games man
Channel: JokerBro
Views: 4,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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