Company Owner Didn't Realize He Was Being Recorded. Enjoy Losing a $500,000 Contract! - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r slash reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged and today we have three great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story inspector didn't want to deal with me anymore the second story our mechanic of 15 plus years decided he wasn't going to give my mom back her truck the third story scoping company completely botched my pipe job and the first story is punching my district inspector in the solar plexus part 1 when i was a 15 year old girl i worked at a major donut shop chain in canada yes you know the one there are more of these shops than mcdonald's there everyone goes there it's like a cult i used to work at a corporate store that trained new franchisees and retrained old ones that were cutting corners yikes in addition to our regular operations i used to train franchisees how to operate the back end baking shift from 4am until noon i loved my work i loved meeting new people i loved showing them the process i loved my company i love my two managers it was great except when it came to my inspector let's call her mary mary was a district inspector and she had it in for all of us there our staff would see a red car in the parking lot and scramble to tidy up she loved coming in when we were slammed with a lineup out the door tables needing to be cleared donuts flying off the racks and everyone just trying to keep up never mind taking your break people used to freak when they saw her car pull up she was slim with big curly orange hair and a mean streak she was an in-house inspector that worked for corporate and she seemed to really enjoy her job marking faults and handing her reports to our managers for them to file she enjoyed her work until she came into the kitchen when i was working which was most days she hated it when i worked because i had to train people all the time i had to keep a clean kitchen with everything stocked because it needed to be ready for the next shift where i trained people it was also in great shape because the cleaning and refilling and prepping and operating the kitchen to code was what i did with the franchisees while training them it more or less took care of itself it also didn't hurt that i was a perfectionist mary did not seem to like that at all she would find any excuse to dock me points i think she was a little obsessed with it she would go to great lengths to catch me screwing up even my managers who were regularly rotated through other stores felt bad for me they said they'd never seen that happen to anyone else like that mary would get irritated when she couldn't find much to report but because she never wanted to give a perfect pass oh she would look she would pull out heavy old out-of-circulation mixers from the bottom shelves and run her hands along the back to check for dust huh mary i wiped that sh on the regular it must have made her blood boil she would always come down to docking me points for my shoes my shoes were dark navy not black and therefore were not uniform compliant i couldn't afford to buy work shoes making minimum wage and all every time she visited she would condescendingly point them out tell me how i should know better imply that i'm lucky she didn't pursue it dock me the points and drop off the paperwork to my managers with a smug smile bonus if she could find a cobweb that would be in the report too i hated her she almost brought me to tears when she'd do this she knew how proud i was and how seriously i took my job she just couldn't let me have that i was also so confused by it because i had no negative history with her i really took it personally at the time i was also the type of person that would beat myself up over things and was really critical of myself so this put a lot of fuel on the fire maybe she felt i would make her look bad if she gave me a perfect score i'll never know part two i had been taking taekwondo at that time i had an athletic background when i initially started so i advanced quickly and was competing quite early for my belt level during class we would do our warm-ups patterns and finish by partnering up and practicing holds throws self-defense sparring etc occasionally when new students wanted to try a class this is where they would join so that they could interact with other students we didn't rubberneck to see who came in our instructor would just announce it and choose someone to pair with them a lot of students didn't like partnering with newbies because it was boring although i would have rather trained with someone more advanced than me i didn't mind being patient with a new student my instructor welcomed mary to the class and directed me to pair up with her i turned around in holy sh there she was i think we both had the same thought oh god is this really happening right now this is totally happening right now ah it was surreal like i was dreaming i just kept staring at her and thinking blankly wtf during class i got to show her how to defend against an attack from the rear where you drop down to lower your center of gravity rear elbows strike the assailant in the gut grab their arm and use your leverage to flip them over your shoulder and onto their back on the hard ground in front of you then kneel on them to pin them while striking them in the solar plexus i demonstrated that to her over and over and over i might also add that i killed her with kindness while doing so not just because it was so enjoyable to witness but because i'm not the type of person to be mean in that situation anyway i encouraged her to demonstrate on me too and would correct her and have her try again which let's be honest was completely ineffective because she didn't know what she was doing i would say things like almost got it mary you just need to lower yourself like this so you can flip the attacker like this wham on her back again that was a good 30 minutes but i guarantee it felt longer for her the day after i ran into work screaming you will never believe what happened last night my managers were giddy like children and it was high fives all around mary came back for a few more classes which was shocking my instructor paired us every time i think he saw how enthusiastic and patient i was with her and wanted to foster that relationship every morning after taekwondo my managers would want the updates immediately how was it tell me all about it what did you get to do to her this time do an impression of her show me what her face was like mary dropped out after about four weeks maybe less it was a grand effort mary i rarely even saw her at my work anymore i think she used to time her visits around my shift or my break sometimes i thought i saw a car driving out of the parking lot and my managers would tell me that yes that was her and my report would be just left on a table in the back she never dock points on me again that sh was perfect the next story is auto repair shop shut down i'm the kind of person who lets a lot of things slide but when i feel wronged i come down hard on those that wronged me there was a small mechanic shop a few blocks away from where i lived ran by a man who i'll call p my mom had been going to this mechanic for as long as i can remember i'd say at least 15 years i was 17 when this went down and was looking at getting my first car i would have considered p to be a family friend at this point so when he heard about me looking for a car he offered to give me a car he had sitting on his lot for a while around this time my mom was wanting to also fix up her 1989 hard body nissan pickup truck valuable due to its dependability as it had been just sitting around for about a year i don't remember the exact timeline but it would be safe to say my mom brought in the truck and he offered to give me the car around the same time for a few months he always had an excuse for why the truck wasn't ready yet or why he hasn't gifted me the car yet when it came to the car it was always something like the car's just been sitting around for a long time and needs work done on it i'll get to it when i can and when it came to my mom's truck it was i've been really busy around the shop so i haven't gotten to it yet or i'm waiting on the parts to come in since we had trusted p we didn't think much about it since we knew his shop had a very good reputation in the area and was always busy also i mean he was giving me a car for free so i wasn't going to keep pushing him for something he doesn't have to do i would estimate this started around november and it wasn't until around february or so that we felt it started to get out of hand my mom started contacting him at least once a week to see when the truck would be ready but was given an excuse each time at this time i knew i wasn't going to get a car from him anymore but i wanted my mom to get her truck back i researched who to make a complaint to if you're having an issue with an auto shop in california there's a department called the bureau of automotive repair barr who licenses and governs all auto repair facilities in the process of making a complaint i had to look up the auto shop's license this is when i landed on a gold mine his license had expired the previous september so i threw the report out the window for now and decided to confront him now i've never been confrontational when i must confront someone and get heated i start having an anxiety attack with a shaking high-pitched voice in the whole nine yards so imagine a 17 year old with a high-pitched shaky voice screaming at this guy to get my mom her car back he kind of brushed me off and i didn't get anywhere but as i was walking out i said to him something along the lines of have fun with the bar when they find out you don't have a license and walked out the next thing i did was report him to the bar for the whole situation including him still operating when he shouldn't be over the next week my mom was communicating with the person who signed the case and within a couple weeks we were marching back into p's shop to pick up the truck after a very awkward situation where my mom paid for the services done and i was standing behind her still trying to act like i'm in control we left with the truck and we're good to go i don't really know the exact timeline of when everything happened after this but i know i passed the shop a couple of months later and saw that it was closed his yelp is obviously reported as closed and i've found a citation posted on the bar's website that corroborates the timeline from my memory when my mom and i look back on this we're dead set that he was trying to steal my mom's truck i don't know if he thought he was going to call it a trade the truck for a car or if he was just saying that to kill time all i know is that he was refusing to return it until we had to take it higher than him we're pretty sure he was trying to take the truck one way or another but didn't know his reasons or plans with it anybody who knows about old pickup trucks knows that a 1989 hard body nissan pickup truck is a great truck and can run forever she's owned the truck since 1991 and it's currently at 250 000 miles while running the same engine and major components she still gets offers for cash on the spot to this day and the last story is ended a lucrative business relationship because of an incompetent racist owner this happened over the course of the last week i hired a company to correct a big sinkage in my basement they come in and drill holes and spray industrial foam under the flooring to level it about a week ago they sent a guy over to locate all the pipes and scope them for damage then about three days ago the phone guys show up and get to work about halfway through they stop and call me into the basement there's water running along my baseboards and they're afraid they've hit a pipe they call the owner of the scoping company to come over and rescue the pipes he does and finds massive corrosion running all through it i asked him why they didn't find that on the first scope and he tells me they weren't looking for damage they were just locating the pipe this makes no sense to me as you don't need to put a camera into a pipe to locate the pipe then he gives me the sales pitch it's going to cost between four thousand and six thousand dollars to fix it but he can get a crew of cheap mexicans out there who don't pull permits and can do it for much less he says plumbers will rip you off he used to be a plumber i ask oh and you rip people off i tell him no thanks on the labor i'll call my basement company back and let them deal with it during the course of the conversation with the scoping company owner he tells me that they do about a hundred of these a week for the basement company scoping's ninety nine dollars cleaning is 125 dollars at least ten thousand dollars a week probably five hundred thousand dollars a year they make from the foam guys so here's the rub when things started to go pear-shaped i do what i used to do back in college when i had to have conversations with police put my phone in my shirt pocket and started to record no wiretapping laws in my state that's right i've got this guy soliciting illegal labor to me in full living digital color the next day the basement company sends out some licensed and bonded plumbers to fix my pipes for zero dollars because of the failure to locate the pipes that's right the scoping company marked the pipe four feet away from where it actually was the scoping company not only didn't find any damage they didn't even find the pipe they did literally nothing the basement plumbers do an excellent professional job they build the scoping company for their time this morning the foam guys came back to finish the job and i tell them about the sleaze ball that they've contracted i play the audio for them the guy trying to sell me on cheap mexican illegal labor half the foam crew is hispanic men they are not pleased the crew chief tells me we're never doing business with that company ever again i'm calling our owner right now he also read me the contract that they had with the scoping company that explicitly says there to look for damaged pipes vindicating me once more thank you guys for watching have a good one
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 14,604
Rating: 4.9401498 out of 5
Keywords: r/prorevenge, prorevenge, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/ProRevenge private propety, r/ProRevenge Company, r/ProRevenge Contract, boss, r/prorevenge Owner, r/MaliciousCompliance Owner, pro revenge, slash start, I'm the Owner, Owner, r/ProRevenge I'm the owner, company owner
Id: 0p8AjkdxKyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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