Comp Lair Live #04 | Guest: Sabine Janetzka, Senior Compositor | Tech Corner: Basic Maths pt 1/2

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to another complex on this episode that was when I was putting the description online about the the number of the episode and title I know it's actually the fourth episode which means that it's actually not the fourth but the fifth because we had the f0 it was our pilot episode let's call it like that because that's exactly what it was which means that it's been over a month that this thing exists so not bad we'll see we'll see until when I'm able to do this and I hope for a long time but yeah it's actually quite surprising that it's been over a month I didn't realize that until this very moment actually so thank you everyone there are participating in this in this thing let's start with the news of the week as usual let me just grab my my thing here so pandemic updates in this country I'm talking about from London more specifically but all across the UK this lockdown is been or yeah it's been slowly lifted not a lot of changes yet I have to be honest but the weather is a bit better which means that a lot of people are going to parks and having picnics I did that already I have to be honest but of course social distancing always this is a common thing across the globe for us all the the the countries and we we will know when the schools will be open they mentioned the government mentioned that problem is going to be in in the 1st of June we'll see there are several contradictory sometimes by person technical news and all news regarding whether or not the kids are at risk or if they they mean risk for for the general population some some of them say yes and love then say no some of them say maybe but we cannot be like this forever which is true but we'll see what happens not a decision yet but it seems like everything in here is following the trend of like mean other countries as well what else furlough scheme we cheese there is very welcome it was very welcome for the general population here for obvious reasons it's been extended for this is not actually in news from this weekend I don't think it was from last week but I didn't mention it it was extended till the end of October which is quite significant I would say this means that probably the government government is doing this this means that they are predating not so awesome things not in a very near future we'll see what happens they also mentioned that this furlough thing is not going to be exactly the same until the end until the end of October it's not going to be exactly the same as it has been until now but until the end of July it's gonna be exactly the same so we'll see what happens there are some news several news actually that regarding our industry some of the productions have plans to start shooting things again so we'll see but I'll be honest I'm not predicting that things will be even though the production can be you know starting at some point I don't predict that that will you know being like a big big change for us in in post-production and I think until the end of the year more or less I don't think we will see like very dramatic changes saving one exception here and there and they're already exceptions there are there are companies that because of the scheduling pure luck and good for them due to the nature of the schedule that they were they were running things for themselves in terms of the project that the projects that they had before all of this they are still going so you know they're a little bit more safe in that regards so good for them some some companies might be intact on all of these because when this thing is over and due to the fact that they still have these projects going maybe the new ones will start appearing so we'll see I hope that's the case and I hope that's the case for some friends of mine but we'll see what happens there's not there's no clarity yet I thought about that either what else on the technical side the highlight of the week let's call it like this I just decided right now to call it the highlight of the week was something that there's a few channels that I subscribed on YouTube not a lot I have to say very few actually in fact but there's one of them that shows very seen things very simple things and people that know me and probably and well I already said this here simple this is good a lot of in this channel some of the things are very basic but once you know while there are a couple of things that I find really interesting because they're so again simple but the actual resolve the end result is quite is quite interesting and check topic rooms if you if we put topic rooms compositing or topic rooms nuke in a YouTube you'll you'll you'll see this this channel I'm talking about and the last one is something that they call the repeater which is something that I I've used and I have a tool actually similar to this one not doing exactly the same but the way that they did it it's quite quite interesting so I encourage everyone more for compositing people of course but anyone in VFX outside to check that because out of a very simple concept you have something that looks really complex and and it's you know it's good and it's in it it can be used in a very me a can see that this already my in my mind multiple ways on even though it's a pure to the solution can be using a 3d in a very I think interesting way just one more thing there was a member of the public that got in touch with me last week congratulating show and this an upcoming compr at least that's what he would like to be it's known his name is Jeff Alex and and he approached me saying that what would be my opinion about whether or not it was should go into into a school whether or not you know what's the pros and cons on school versus online schools and and you know I I said listen all I can say it's what I did and what I did was I already mentioned here I learned by myself with everything that was online so but bottom line is it depends on the person um some people prefer to do it on their own at their own pace some other people need a class to be more encouraged or you know that they need or they like that support a bit more effectively so it's really up to the individual so I cannot say that one is better than the other there's one thing that normally is better which is the cost but it's - its to the expense of the individual because you know they'll have to be self-motivated to a point that they cannot skip class they cannot skip concepts they can and it's all on them they cannot they don't have anyone to confirm themselves in terms of am I doing this correctly and you know there are some exceptions as well there are some online programs that you go of course you can have these conversations a bit more effective but it's never someone that it's like right next to you so again it depends on the individual I prefer to do things on my own because we also know that in the class in a physical class you know the class cannot stop because there's like 15 you know individuals to to learn something so if there's one or two stuck in some concept of course the class cannot stop because there's you know so much to cover so but again that's just me I think both both you know wise are good it really depends on you so thank you do go once again and I hope you you start with the right foot I'm sure you will and I encourage everyone that would would like me to again I say this every week if you'd like me to you know cover some things more specific here in this channel please gotta get in touch with me and we'll make it happen and I think it's time to the tech corner this week this tech corner was actually something suggested by the guests that we'll we'll see in a while who I'm talking about and it's gonna be a two-parter because it's a bit when I compiled everything I yeah did they know it was a bit too long and I was like maybe this is you know enough material to - for a couple of shows and that's exactly what we can have let's go [Music] one of the most common notes to use it's of course the good old grade and art of what we can do with it we can simply match colors with it I'm assuming that all of you know the old-school technique which is example the color you want to change and then you check here on the gain the color of your destination and if you do that you can transform that color into the other one so this is a very old-school technique but you know sometimes altschool it's often better than use cold ways in a lot of the situations but even though we do this intuitively from my experience people don't really know what's really happening under the hood and hopefully this will shed some light on these concepts basically what's happening here it's a defined multiplication can just one go inside of the grades what we're saying is I want to divide the white point the source by our destination and that result will be then multiplied by the actual source and that's what's happening we can see this in a different way here if I have the yellow and I have the blue same shade if I do a division first and then I do a multiplication I'm gonna change this color into that one but look what's happening I'm gonna go to the simple one look what's happening if I have now pure colors by pure colors I'm talking about like red set one and green set one as well and this one is just blue we zero on the other ones so now if I want to do the same on this yellow and if I say that I want to change this yellow so I'm gonna sample this with a white point and I say I want to change this to blue look what happens this is what happens so why this is this is not working all of a sudden why in this situation it worked I could change and not in this one exactly because of that internal divide multiply operation let me show you what's happening here so now I have the exact same operation that happens inside but I'm putting this in a more comprehensive way here so let's not forget the values that we are dealing here we have one one on the red and green and we have zero here and we have zero zero in one so as soon as we have some zeros due to the nature of what the multiplication is and what the division is we're gonna have values that are going to be eventually multiplied by zero so if we are defining this rent which is zero divided by one we're gonna have zero if you can have this zero from green divided by one we're gonna have zero as well and we free divide one by zero can have infinite so because we have some zeros that we are using to divide to do some divisions we can see that already off the bat we are gonna have some zeros immediately and not only that we're gonna have that zero being multiplied by something else and we know that's zero multiplied by something else is gonna be zero always so that's why here we're gonna have zeros everywhere that's why this method works sometimes and in some other times it doesn't work it's a divide multiplication in terms of complementary operations we can always have of course the minus plus it's a different way so and we're not gonna suffer from the same problem necessarily speaking so in this example I have pure callers if I minus one by the other I'm gonna have from blue to yellow why because here at this - look at the numbers that we have here we have one one and minus one here those numbers will be added as an addition in this one so this red is gonna turn 1 because 0 plus 1 is 1 1 plus 0 is 1 and minus 1 plus 1 it's gonna be 0 so we're gonna have this in this turned out to be 1 so maybe this will also help you to look at things in a different way but bottom line is if the divide multiply doesn't work you can always try the minus plus and that's the bottom line ok let's take a look at different complementary basic mathematical operations to achieve very very different things and quite useful things as well basic cooperation on these images let's say that I want to steal the color of displayed to this one here so let's now say I want to one minus the other as we saw before and then that result is then gonna be added to that image again as a plus let's see what we have if we do that look what happens we are coming from one image into another because we're being too literal on this operation we are saying that I want to find as all this image from this one and that result which is gonna be this by the way the result is gonna be added onto this one but because this is a little you know operation and we're being really literal on what we are trying to achieve here of course the result is also going to be literal that's not what we want we want an average of this color we want just the feel of this plane to be added back to this one without destroying the plate itself right so let's try to put a blur of a certain trail let's start with 100 and I'm gonna have another blur linked like that so when we change one the other one will change as well so let's say that now we have this as an average and this as an average of the other one and we want to subtract those callers so this result will be then added back to this one here look what happens yes we do have the caller but we do have other things as well that we don't want and that's not what we want the more you pour it the more average it will be maybe if you put the merge maybe maybe this will make it better but not in this case because these trails are being really crunched and the reason is subtracting this area that has these values by this one here that has these values here so the result in this region it's going to be negative okay it's going to be negative so when we are gonna put this back to this one here these regions here it's namely this one's because it seemed interesting the same kind of location okay this is already dark if you're gonna put something that has a negative value these areas will go down quite severely and that's exactly what's happening not so much this one but these ones will go down severely and we are showing you know other things because this we still have the grain so the grain that will become even more apparent which is not a good thing so every time that we have a situation like that which is stealing the chromaticity I normally like to use the the fight multiplied because it's more forgiving so let's go to divide multiply now if you go up you see that we don't have that same problem okay so now we have this and this they belong to the same space more or less we don't have the features of any plate going into another it's just about the color and then we can you know have more or less than average being kicked in the more you blur of course less features you'll have and it's more about the color the lower you go the more literal that operation will be and if we have zero it's gonna be really literal as we had it on the minus plus so we can do we can try in the different plates for example to this one you're gonna have the same thing so there you go it's quite nice this image and we are taking that information we can ramp up this technique a bit you can use different color spaces so if you go color space no and you can maybe try and use HSV CH SL you can maybe shuffle the red channel which is the U and you can try some of these operations but from my experience this is a very simple operation and a lot a lot of times this is enough for you to steal one color from one plate and put it into another and again this is a divide multiply or minus plus of the other ways that we can use these complimentary basic math operations is to do some beauty work we can use those basic operations to extract low and high frequencies out of an image and we can manipulate those high and low frequencies in different ways to achieve different things let's take a look at this example we have this face and we have you know some texture that we can see on the skin we have this that probably can try to remove and we have light and dark areas and we have also this shadow here so we have a lot of things that we can play with to show you the following example so to separate those frequencies we can use a blur to start with and let's put a blur like that with this value just to start with and if we minus this by the actual image you will see that we can separate some frequencies let's take a look so this is something that we can consider high frequency because we have a lot of detail there and the more you go down with the blur the more detail you're gonna have being shown to you the more up you go the last detail you can have showing but you have more you know broad areas with not so much detail but color information and we're gonna use that to our advantage let's say that we want to remove this part so we're gonna put something like this and then to basically go back to the original image we can use the complementary operation of our - which is a plus so now we have we are back to our image exactly the same but because there's a separation here we can take this and do whatever work we need to do so let's try to clean this with the clone tool and we can do this live we can do it while we are watching this result frequency wise we can do this here of course but it will be much better if we can do it here because we have a better perception of what's happening in the final image so here I'm trying to clean that part in maybe this frequency value it's not enough so maybe I need to go a little bit up so I can start to see what's the minimum that I can use to just take out that part because we are trying to remove a detail the best thing to do it's probably to have a somewhat low frequency so we can extract color more than anything else on top of that area so we're going to trying to cover that every week and that's what we did if we don't do it here and try to do it here we can try to do that of course but look the result your cloning parts with different color information of different parts that you're cloning so it's not the same if you put a clone like that directly you are cloning everything from a source whether it's detail whether it's color it's everything and sometimes the surrounding areas I just don't have the same color that you want or they just don't have the same detail that you want to cover this part way so this is a much better approach let's try to copy this color up to this point here not to detail but the color so we need to go up with this because we want more of the color not the detail let's see this here so let's copy this here sometimes it's useful to see things in this small rather than the final feature because you can see exactly where it copying what type of frequencies you're copying you know it can be adjust here you see we are not copying so much it every copying more color information the same way we can put this to a smaller value here because we want to copy more of the detail something like that and I say that now we want to copy the pores of the skin towards here and say that it's from a different color we're just copying the detail it's not possible to do that if you do it from here is we're gonna copy you know different shades of the lining and it's not gonna be the same so this is a very effective way of separating frequencies to do different things with it and again - plus split is not even at all regarding the background there's multiple shades and contamination of lights and all that stuff so we have these clean plates what we can do regarding these complimentary basic math operations is we can take a average of the area that we want to say we want to make the areas even as the scholar so I just sample that region there if I - that clean plate by that color that we sample we can have this result and these results added again complementary operation to the actual plate we're gonna have that area completely even do you only think that what you have to do is we have to exclude the areas that we don't want to include in this thing here but because we have these two elements the plate and the clean plate we can use some sort of IBK gizmo or something similar just to give us the mat of that region so we can exclude that from the result that we have after the - so we're gonna put this as a stencil so we can have this result now instead of this one so when we add it there you go we have our given screen - plus situation I have this plate and I have a clean plate if you divide one by the other and then use the complementary operation which is a multiplying if you multiply now these over a background you're gonna have your editor okay anywhere crown there you go all you have to do now he said this bill the inputs so I'm gonna use my this view now you have your right colors that's all you need to do justice peel both inputs and then you're gonna have the right colors of your background there's a caveat in this technique which is if you have high contrast images like you have in here in high contrast image in this one this technique might not work so we're gonna take a look at another one but again divide multiply complement your operations again how did you like that start on doing something a little bit different this time it's a two-parter I click too fast on the on the actual tech corner so I'm sorry about that you know I even miss the separator and all that stuff so I'm sorry about that but when this will be live well after the life I mean that will be all taken care of so don't worry you can you will be able to check it more properly but I just I didn't have the chance you have to go to the chat so how's everyone doing let's let's take a look at those here hello everyone is there a is anyone new here I cannot see very helpful all right Thank You Felix I believe that's a my because it's very small in my screen sorry if that's not your name I think it is but there will be a two-parter a two second part as I said next week and I think if there's no questions or you know suggestions or whatever I think I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna call the guests it's time for the guest I guess yeah look who's in the house hey are you doing Sabine good good did you like that yeah you were the one to say I think that yes right and I was like yeah that's actually a good point why not so but there's there's I've made nine cases and and I said I've labeled them like nine times a basic math set your ass that's the title so because that's that's the truth yeah you know those simple things save my hands a few times but let's introduce our guest I guess it's the thing to do right now so sabine genetic ax is in the house i illusive in again I've met Sabine we've met we've met each other a couple of years ago right more or less yeah and it was as the other guests that the previous guests we met during that amazing project called Avengers right because it's the same project right I'm gonna start the same way what's the the best memories you you have of that show if any Fanny now it's it's I when Mickey said it's about the people and work working together as a team I actually thought yeah that's also what I like you know it's just like stuff he did things me figure it out and you know it's just spending time with the team and yeah I mean I I everyone knows that I am a lot with a lot of types of friends and I mean we just did yeah just some cool stuff and I remember I was also too quick for when we were for ages only two people on the scene say that I was about to say that let me let me just put people up to speed on what we're talking about so Sabine was actually the first one to join my team and and and it stayed like that for for many months right he said like that for many months so we had a lot of things to do and we were only two of us and I was doing comp and I was doing supervision as well it was fun it was fun but it also pushed the boundaries on coming up with solutions and some of that solutions actually are the ones that we I just talked about in tech corner so because we were dependent on you know so so many things you know in terms of pipeline oh of course we are the last in line and the project was you know had some more important things at that time to take care of we had to come up with solutions to still progressive with the work to the best of our ability right so that's that's what we did and you were very available very available as it otherwise we couldn't be you know we wouldn't be here I don't think it was for a long time four months it was for Lance I know we worked really hard on that project like especially like you said towards the end because yeah like usually at the end of the line and stuff comes but it's it's been really good times it's been fun yeah that like I said I don't wanna you know not mentioned that of course the team grew eventually right the group the team grew eventually and II grew quite a lot I think from my memory I think we were at the end we were 26 26 in that team but you know yeah time flies in the week and uh was that that ability of counting how many people right but all of them are were really really valuable none of them well nothing could could have been done without the help of everyone but for a long time it was just mean Sabine that's right eventually the team grew as I said and also Sabine was in charge after the team grew was in charge of the team was I yeah the gym yeah the gym yeah well it's just like so I think we need to yeah yeah we need yeah what it is yes I think well the thing is that you know like I don't know how how you use no but a lot of us we like we spend a lot of time on the computer obviously so my idea was to implement some workout during the day because like just a few minutes of anything you know it could be like 10 push-ups or or I don't know squats for like 50 squats or something and we also I guy invented at the very first time in trickster and then in sin aside after like after I knew a couple of the people was like hey is you interested and they were happy for that because it's not only I was just doing a small exercise is also to you know just do some warm-up move your joy it's really important yeah change stuff because especially how we work via we are very easy to get like a elbow restrain you know this yeah tennis elbow called flipping or whatever is called or like something in the end and in the wrists or something so it's good to move and if you forget to move during the day so my idea was to yells let's do that together because you like you remind each other so we had a little group and then every full hour we started doing this tiny session like literally tiny let's just of a couple of minutes just standing up doing something and carrying on and you can easy do that in like a rent time I'm saying oh for sure and I encourage I encourage you to do that because when you first mention a sickle idea and then how many times he like joinha zero zero times I I was almost running not literally running but almost running but but that's not an excuse I could have had five minutes or ten but you know it's just it's just a matter of planning and I think that's important also to mention you know you can plan to especially this time during the pandemic in which we are like static stuck at home there's always time to do some exercise it's just a matter of discipline and I'm saying this is a note to myself because I don't do it so again so I didn't learn anything but before I get into that we forget we forgot one thing which is introduce yourself a bit better if you if you can like what's your background and stuff like that you have kind of a mixed interest and I wouldn't say mixed background but go ahead I'm a compositor I'm you could say I think I'm a senior if people put this there's a legend right in front of your screen anthem always popping up in a different time yeah yeah but I yeah I I do like sorry that lost my you won't try you were saying your name yeah so I'm I'm a compositor I'm also a teacher I teach it I last thing at all I was in the animation workshop in Denmark last winter which was great good stuff I've been teaching and the SAE Institute in Munich and Vienna for a while regarding also always my how my timings are with jobs and the other mixed interest is and yeah I draw I always thought I gonna do like concept stuff first and somehow I got stuck in compositing which is also I like yeah you're not stuck you're not stuck actually did something that I think he was really brave and maybe since you mentioned different aspects of your instances you took a break recently to pursue some of those interests right yeah we're gonna talk about a little bit about that I think it's important because a lot of possess you just said we sometimes we found ourselves stuck in some something that we don't even know about or they don't we don't even understand that we got there in the first place right and we have a lot of interests that for some reason you know they almost got lost during the years right and and and I think you did something that I you know I can see they're really brave and I applaud you for that but and I think you could expand a little bit on on that because I think can be an example for other people that might feel the same or or or know someone that has the same kind of I would say problem but desire to pursue different things at the same time sometimes you know yeah on some small projects yeah yeah I did I did like I tried to do that or to if possible schedule any any projects with a gap between the next ones or if there just happens to be a gap it doesn't matter so much because in these times I work on my personal project so I'm working on a small illustration like one is my own little character and the other one at the other times I talk about that little character by the way the dragon cat is a little character I carry around for like almost 10 years now it I don't know as usually something out of a funny sketch and then you you put it into a different idea like or like a different scenario and by now he has he has done and they're like I tried over the last yeah I think in general like progressing from the last one or two years and using this character in little stories I don't picture stories or something a to when I have some time off to just a little bit with at the end and learn about it because I consider myself really awful in storytelling and visual storytelling in one picture and so it's it's really nice when I have like some like time off and then I'm working on something like this I'm drawing I'm practicing stuff or I don't know it's not like a very focused thing I like it not like not for its focus but it's not like a course or something it's just like I I spent like a video on working or trying to improve my work on backgrounds or like recently now I'm trying to get myself into this more like rough drawing because I did for white color studies which are actually online and I saw some of them were really interesting so yeah it's cool yeah it's cool but you mentioned that you take advantage of some of the gaps but you know it's not it's not necessarily only that so because I know and I don't know I don't know if you want to expand on that or not but you you actually took a decision that no you because you have the option on going back right but you took decisions say no I have the option but I'm not gonna do that because this other thing is more important to me and I think that that was really brave and that was actually what I what I'm I was more focused on in terms of this story because you know again I applaud you for that because you know I changed careers and all that stuff I did my time all that things but depending on where you are in your life sometimes those changes are a bit difficult or or to say no it's a bit difficult and you did say no and it was very nice and it was I'm sure it was yeah boys was but not for the reasons to like you know I I mean I can be very grateful that I can at least financially like a for that to be like okay if I know something's lining up and I can take some time off from like from this background so this is a relief absolutely because I would not like I would think about it probably differently and I'm not saying that is I mean not that may that may have come the wrong way it's more like I'm saving a lot while I'm wherever yeah and we all have to expense in the jet in the first place to be able to afford this time so maybe that is also interesting for like younger artists to know it's not like just out of the blue there is like you need to calculate if you can afford time off this is something which which which young artists need to know and and it's not like you're just adding crazy a lot of money but it's not it's just like you yeah I have to prepare right like I'm not having an like I'm not having a new car or you know like I'm not having crazy expenses so I'm that's why I can't no time but just what I wanted to mention why it's been difficult is it's difficult because I really like working with people that comes back to our first one so I had a chance to to work with people I really like I had all the chance to possibly that we work together in like in Teaneck at the beginning of the year and I but I had I just listened to this gut feeling because I felt like no you need to take this few money and I've he had a couple of conversations about yeah sure and at the end I was like no I'm just gonna listen to this and just gonna you know just connect you something it's something that you cannot even explain it's something that as you just said it's a good feeling and if it's speaking you know loudly as it was that means something right and and you can always go back that's the thing you can always go back right not at the moment I've infinite not at the moment but you can also have my initial plans but we managed but speaking of you just mentioned the pandemic which is of course the subject of the day every day right for the past at least that for the past maybe couple of months already it's crazy to think that it's been almost a couple of months but if it's not a couple of months it's pretty close to that and you know back into the effects and you were working from home right after this small break so I mean it's been actually great good thing always is you you at the first two days you think like oh my god can I can I still come what am i what do I do but it Gong everything comes back like a routine within no time and it's it's really fun I have to say I do enjoy it I mean besides of in general the work but I think I I'm very passionate about anything so that's that's also sometimes a struggle and you are you are but I think the home office is kind of cool it's just well it works remarkably good and also like but I think I can see also and maybe that's also interesting I can see also some risks not risk but like difficulties or like some obstacles because you could say that especially for for me doesn't matter because I mean I can I am working currently with trickster so I know all these people or if he was here before right yes and I've worked in many many times so I mean I you know it is very easy for me to to to anticipate or also to you know know the pipeline like all of these these small things but I can and it would also I'm pretty sure it would not be the worst the hardest thing to to work like in Sydney set or foursome aside from home or some reason right because you already know the people you know the pipeline is not a stranger you know like you know the first timer of course yeah but I can see that it that the home office in general our industry and I could bring some obstacles in terms of either the younger artists something we already figured out or not [Laughter] and for people who are new to an office I think it can be depending on the person I can like maybe that goes out to more deleting people but it I think it's really important to see that they they need to you know to catch them somewhere else because usually there would be I had to see the other day and usually it would be sitting next to like a junior would sit next to senior or some things if they have someone around of course they can turn to the lead or anything but sometimes you know this is not the same it's the same and these tiny little question which pop up during the day or just like you see something interesting on the other ones monitor and you're like oh in there so all of this gets lost yeah at the moment in the I mean above the pandemic situation and I mean they are just thought I'm just popping out thoughts for people who maybe because I think it's very important and why do I care about this is because you know when I was starting out had people who cared to show me these things you know who knew better who I don't and and they're just like two seconds away right yeah it is very well there are again two seconds away at the same time or even less than that because you can type a question or whatever but you don't have the same contact and I mentioned this in the other it named a few shows before that you know working with people right next to you some things it's something that you can solve in five minutes and if it's not the guys if it's even if it's either with the phone or because we're dealing with creative industries right so it's we always need at some point that kind of human you know touch and human feel and and speak and see each other because again like I said some of these things can be solved in five minutes if you're with the person and it's not the case sometimes it's more than a day just solve the same thing because the the idea is they don't get translate it in the same way for some reason so and I know that you know I mean because again you just you just mentioned the same so and we were actually seated to to each other so and next to each other so it was very easy to bounce ideas and and stuff like that so yeah oh nice one what time is it it's time it's time do you want to see it sorry you go ahead now I want to say I find it really cool that you joined this podcast and powerful thing like that it's really really great and it needs you know it's something cool it needs to be out there you actually mentioned when we talked a few days ago you mentioned that it would be cool to have how did you say you phrase it like to have a bit more engaged not not engaged he didn't say engage because you thought this was engaging it was more about like entertaining kind of a situation and I prepared something for you actually for me the thing is I don't know if you ready you ready I don't know but we'll see let's give it a shot let me just prep things here so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna say a concept or or not a concept I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you like how you do certain things and you have to answer the first thing that comes to your mind oh my god okay listen you asked for this it was not me it was it was you okay we're gonna do it we're gonna do a few and then we'll see what happens okay okay this is the new segment that I called note fights so it's a note or a technique okay it's gonna be a really quick all right let's go [Music] all right I'm gonna start here okay matching blacks great all right bodymetrix volumetric up volume raise volume raise money raise okay hazing what you need it's usually amazing computation noise and lift of blacks so adding annoys your favorite gear favorite here reflections 3d right right right raver Heather all right this is fun actually is for me and please for me yes or yes it's just not just some of the token of the time I'm fine with that don't touch I'm with you on then alright last one all right you ready yeah refraction can be tricky depending on what you have you can use the right render but it really depends on whatever you are looking at it might be enough for an Ida story with what with with what input so people can know what you mean as you start to go up I mean you need a noise put one in r1 and G make two different like leg channels and two different sizes then you shuffle copy it in put it in forward then you use the Ida sword with like move that channel or motion whatever your I think what is not going well and I recommend also coating and second list or I just not behind it before inverse you're not shifting your picture and then you can you can add fractions analyze all right cool that there was a good I'm just gonna throw like a suggestion use normals as your input for the IP story that's enough you look at that my gosh I got personal [Applause] you know ceremony people are still applauding they liked it they liked it okay that's all right really did you like that was entertaining in there for one right idea it was right cool let's see let's see what people have to say about this well so Carl say amazing so good and audience should play too yeah man maybe why not we can we can we can we can talk about it yeah meet the guest and then you can throw it nobody attend now well after thinking it up away I'll have to think maybe this will maybe this will be here to stay for future episodes if we're talking about the compositing artist maybe they all know that they have to do this if they want to play or if they want to be on games and then and it's gonna be jeopardy and all those games nice thing to be jeopardy but thank you for playing along it was great it was great I liked it let's see so now I'm looking at the chat I don't know if you can see it too there are some new people here which is great to see that's a good sign I don't know if and you want a view by the way everyone in the audience would like to ask some questions either to me or to Sabine if not go ahead well there's there's a I think it's Mickey saying riff reflection life and war no 3d there you go refraction flipping flopping scale up nice always the always the Warriors we got a sense Carlos Mickey is always like very practical approach to things and I said last week I applaud him for that so that's a good one but is anyone wants to mention something or ask something to Sabine now it's the time because we are ready with one hour almost almost there let's let's wait do you wanna say something else Sabine by the way maybe I cut you off at some point no no I I was about to say something about about your enthusiasm because you said that you were you are very enthusiastic about things and I know that we can see everyone can see that actually which is great it's great but how important do you think that is since you you also you're also a teacher you teach for a few years now how important is that to and there are members in the audience there are teachers as well so that that will be actually something for people to to talk about but oh I was about to ask you how important do you think that enthusiasm is in terms of getting getting that translated to the audience that you're talking to especially young guys do you mean like how I think how important that is or how I know how important it is as a teacher to show that enthusiasm because after you as you as we just mentioned after a while of doing any craft right their enthusiasm you know kind of fades away but anyway yes or no I heard that a lot I'm doing this for over 10 years now and I think I'm still making little child sometimes like oh let me do all of these things and then my supervisor need to stop me like me like no other things like yeah but let me do all the things so I try to get everything in what I want so but I think the enthusiasm is really important but I also see in younger people or in all students or for my perspective the ones who who have some passion for it the easier of course like with anything but it's I think the really great numbers or the very good potentials who have easy life later terrible's which have more passion than the others it's not meant to be too critical but no it's just it's just like they think that's the job they want to do and then you have the people who actually have the passion and they they just he never liked it skit for it's easier for them the translations yeah if you it's just because you care yeah in the but deaths on debts on already on the professional part of the job right when people already doing it of course they need to keep that passion alive otherwise they will they will not save new solutions that will not seek new technique it tech techniques and all that stuff so of course we have to avoid that area at all costs but well and I think to be honest let's be honest here one of the things that we effects I think is so interesting it's because there's never stagnation in terms of what you can learn that there's all these new things you can do there's all these different ways of doing the things that you already know and there's new technology coming up either with the new version of the software that you're using or something like that there's all these new things to learn so there's some excuse really but of course you know different people have different passions and of course there's another life apart from the job that you do right after the job might be but I think you know to be honest in VFX you know it's easy to keep your mind interested in new things because you know there's so many things to learn but what I was asking you was more on the perspective of a teacher you know showing that enthusiasm towards the class because you know if people are like ok you do this that way if they don't have if they don't show the passion or if they don't show why that's so cool of course people will not be engaged and probably will not feel that passion about what they're about to embark on right yes yes absolutely i I absolutely agree on this and I I remember the even on topics I was like when I was studying not that because I did a very generic study of a film animation and back then I always thought I gotta be 3d artist also it didn't turn out I mean I loved doing modeling in all of this they just happen to be also liking compositing so no I got a composite anyhow the teachers I had who were just you know translating the passion or at least a little bit of interest yes I learned so much even our topics I was not 100% interested but I had sir enough like it was enough for me to like okay I'm it's not gonna be like the camera work we did camera stuff in a venue I'm not gonna be a camera yeah but it was interesting enough because the teacher made it interesting exact so and I think that is very important because why should the student care if you don't care exactly you know like that's just and that'll integrity should be always with anyone especially people that would like to move to you know a management whether it's a supervisor or a lead position or VFX supervision or whatever you need to have that enthusiasm towards your team otherwise you cannot push them to take you know to go to the the next level it's not so much putting more hours that's on that's not we're talking about here it's more about you know putting your heart and soul in what you're doing and being interested in what you're doing because that's exactly what's will that that's is exactly what will carry you for the next level it's not so much think the same thing in you know all over and over again it's more about you know if you see that enthusiasm from the person that is above you in terms of whether it's supervision as we just mentioned or something like that of course you're gonna you will want to push yourself harder for sure I believe that and I think you know it's a shame that we know that you know there's life happening and all that stuff that we all know that there's a lot of problems in our industry we are facing you know that the visible part of some of those problems at the moment but it's it's you know we should fight against like because of all those external forces to you know to to for us to to to lose that love and for the craft that we do because there's a lot of things that we can always do better and different and to pass that to the next generation eventually or to the next person right next to whether if they're younger or even older you know I learned and I mentioned this previous I learn with everyone everyone you know from guys from older guys from everyone there's always something that people can offer always always and if that's not something that you say now I already know how to do that that's okay you heard you digest that information and then you can maybe in the whole realm of what that this person said maybe there's not much to extract but maybe if there's like you know 1% maybe it's already you know you're already earning something you know the meaning that so you know I believe we should carry on in our professional lives yeah I think there's a it's perfectly is you know we spent there about eight hours today in any job so why why not have fun in these eight hours so do something what just make it fun and it could be like my work is gonna be just hanging out and ship shifting a few notes around and have a nice outcome in the end everyone's happy so just enjoy this time try to make it as enjoyable for yourselves of course that's exactly let's let's end with that message because we cannot top that all right so let's let's let's end with that very positive message thank you once again Sabine thank you everyone for for showing up and for the messages and please continue following I received a lot of follows this this past week please if you enjoy please keep doing it and that's the way to basically know when the next one will be and the next time we're going to be live as well so once again thank you everyone and I think that's it for today next week I'll be announcing who's gonna join us and there will be the second part for our tech corner again thanks to being if you liked it thanks Sabine because she was the one actually suggesting to for me to do something like that [Music]
Channel: Comp Lair
Views: 1,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comp lair, the next level, nuke tips and tricks, vfx, live show, advanced compositing, advanced nuke, nuke tutorial, nuke advanced tutorial, 2d supervisor, compositing, nuke, maths, live stream, foundry, Corridor Crew, Movie VFX, hugo's desk, Allan McKay, cgmeetup, vfx guru, marvel, dneg, ilmvfx, weta digital, framestore, cinesite, milk vfx, mpc film, mpc episodic, lumapictures, pixomondo, trixter film, imageworksvfx, Rodeo FX, Digital Domain, rxpvfx, vfx geek
Id: dupbDRYNi8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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