Comp Lair Live #28 | Guest: Diogo Fernandes, Unreal/Compositor | Tech Corner: Slice Tool Analysis

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[Music] hey everyone how's everyone doing i'm looking at very many different places because there's messages everywhere i have the phone i have uh my laptop i have a whole lot of things happening like at the very second that i showed up so sorry about that but welcome everybody once again we're here live and um we are it's too many too many messages i don't know what's going on uh it's actually you know one of these people who's uh who's that is sabine that is texting me many different things so it's your fault sabine anyway so as i was saying we're here after two weeks so i hope you had like a good two weeks while we're still leaving this pandemic there's you know things that still happening on this front unfortunately we'll gonna talk about that but before we get into that i just do i just wanna say congrats to everyone from class 2 that just graduated last monday last monday so the beginning of this week from the next level program so class 2 congrats once again actually we can have like an applause here right i think yeah there you go so this is for you guys all right this is for you it was a huge effort but uh hopefully you got what uh what you deserve and um and now you can go about your lives in a better in a better way that's that's all i can ask for and thank you for everything during this three a little bit more than three months so 14 weeks which is the duration of the program speaking of which by the way uh so this let's just finish now we're gonna start the new one monday and we're still enrolling because some of you asked if we could extend the enrollments a little bit more we actually initially we had that plan to be like over in terms of the enrollments to be finished by last week but we've decided to extend for another one so that's exactly what's gonna happen okay so for those of you that want still to join it's still possible to join they have to be very very very quick at the moment okay you can know everything by the way as you know uh but for some of you that probably don't know at you find everything there all right cool so let's see how's everyone doing here oh wow so many things wow all right uh so night was so our bot is saying some things uh here maybe sort of like repeating what i just said sort of so we have jacob we have master rule we have sabine you see i was right so it was a mean i was joking by the way sabine okay and uh we have berlin we have bangladesh we have romania hello danny's from romania cool nice nice to see you here i think that's your first i've never seen you here before i don't think so welcome to the show and sabine says woohoo class two congrats yes that's right uh congrats once again everybody from class two i don't think we have ever i don't think we ever have anyone at the moment here from classic but maybe they will join after okay cool so let's go back to the theme of the day which is the pandemic so as you know the social and legal uh restrictions ended in the uk uh on the last 19th 19th of july and um so you know it's freedom day right but uh it's it it's not like the end of everything there's still like a lot of things happening in terms of restrictions still and one of them is for example you know while you know one of the things that is definitely not not there anymore is the use of masks being mandatory so they're not mandatory anymore but there are still some terrible restrictions as i would say and some coffee passports restrictions also and mismatches between different countries and different countries and and continents as well for example in my country just to give an example my country in portugal if you want to go at the moment if you want to go to a restaurant on the weekends right if you want to go inside the restaurant you do have to show the passport that proves that you're fully vaccinated and otherwise you can go in inside the restroom but you can stay outside i think i'm not entirely sure about what i'm about to say but i think this is more or less the norm in the rest of the eu with some maybe differences here and there of course because of you know every country has different levels of infection rate uh but uh i think that's to my knowledge that's more or less what's happening everybody everywhere in the eu um but as i was saying the covet passports it's another mess at the moment and the reason i'm saying this um and let me take a step back not only it's a mess but it's a mess more especially between the eu and the uk because of brexit i believe right so what's happening is within the different uh countries within the eu they share the same sort of database between between them in terms of you know this this passport so you know you can take vaccines uh anywhere as long as they are approved within the the union they can you know everybody can have the same uh copied passport and you can travel in and out and without like too many restrictions at least not the ones that we've been having so far because you know let's not forget that the vaccine is the end strategy for this is the only one right um but and and by the way and by the way the eu recognizes the vaccines for the passport i mean from the uk right but the uk doesn't recognize vaccines from anywhere in order for them to issue the the covet passport in the uk so that means that everybody that wants to travel to the uk even if even if you're fully vaccinated you still have to follow the restrictions and by by this i mean you still have to self-isolate for 10 days even if your country even if you as a person are fully you are fully vaccinated you still have to do this just because it's not recognized there okay so it's it's it's kind of a mess right and of course you know different countries they will have to come together at some point in order for them to recognize each other's um vaccines in terms of like where did you take this shot was it the country a country b country c it doesn't really matter right as long as everybody is vaccinated and it's you know you can show proof that it's the case they will have to sort this out but there's a lot of politics involved and and all of that and because now this because we we've been talking about brexit and all that stuff for the past couple of sessions at least and this is one of the things that it's still ongoing regarding brexit i believe that's that's the only explanation that i have it's obviously because of brexit otherwise it wouldn't be it wouldn't make any sense right so yeah so we're still in this mess um but in terms of vaccine the rollout of the vaccine uh within the uk and within the you know the rest of europe um is is going really well the us and canada same so they seem like they're you know they're it's more or less the same i believe by this time but by this point of course the europe a little bit behind in terms of um these other countries but you know the these four places that i've that i've just mentioned they are kind of okay in terms of the the rollout but it's not the situation unfortunately in other continents and in more specific countries australia for example uh it's really behind on the vaccines and because of that um of course uh you know people by now international press are talking about this they're living you know they have like low numbers according to to what i can read and what everybody can read but the fact that they don't have you know a vaccination program um you know advanced or as advanced as as in in in for example in the uk you know they're really behind it and from what i can understand they're behind um because it's their decision to it's their strategy right and now they are now facing new lockdown and of course of these new variants um i think they are probably if they're still on lockdown i'm not too sure about this so if any if any of you have more information about this please let me know but if they are still on lockdown i think this should be at least the fourth week in lockdown which for them it's like a lot right uh well for everybody but because of you know they were like this um this safe place still in the world um coffee wise uh it seems like this is like not really paying off in terms of strategy we'll see what happens there but uh this is what i read uh so all of this is i should say allegedly all right um what else do we have regarding this so there are some growing concerns uh regarding some people in some countries that don't want to get vaccinated and because of this that well they cite rumors and and we all know by now and all that stuff but because of this the countries in which this is happening are facing like real problems uh for example france they now made mandatory uh vaccines mandatory for health professionals and for example some regions of mexico according from what i read today they're also facing these big problems coming from the same source like you know rumors and stuff like that um so this might be a problem because you know if if you don't have like immunity everywhere in the world at least like a a good percentage of immunity this doesn't work all right it seems it seems like it's this way because it's so um so easy to be spread out so in in you know new variants and all that stuff this changes the game a bit so we're still leaving this i can't believe that i'm still saying this after like one and something years now maybe one and a half years but it that's that's still ongoing so unfortunately that's what's happening and uh in india also things very difficult so for those of you that are watching us in india my my heart goes to all of you and your families i read that i read today that numbers um are actually in terms of debts unfortunately are are actually coming from us that they are actually 10 times higher than the official official figures so not a good situation for sure so you know it's it's absolutely mad and beyond words so for those of you that are watching us in india and i know that many of you are um you know my our heart goes to you guys okay so stay strong and stay safe as as as much as you can as best as you can um at the same time that we're leaving all of these things we are seeing massive floods in germany for example in china as well uh and big heat waves in in countries that shouldn't be expected waves like the uk for example and canada like around 50 degrees celsius which is bonkers anywhere in the world uh let alone in canada right so i mean i don't know about you guys but it seems like too many weird things are happening at the same time like i don't know exactly what's happening in the world but it's it's a little bit too much by now right at least that's uh that's my perception but anyway this is uh what's what's happening so we have the pandemic as if this was not enough we still have like uh global warming in in the in in such a way that we can actually see happening you know some things that we didn't see happening say for example last year or you know a couple of years ago for sure or three years ago let alone say for example 10 years ago you know so it seems a bit weird right but this has to end at some point and uh you know this can mean an opportunity uh in some cases i know that this is like well first of all easier said than done for sure but at the same time can be a little bit annoying because you know if people are suffering why the hell should be talking about like an opportunity but but it's also the reality because life has to go on to the best of our abilities right so we have to seize the opportunity as as best as we can sometimes it's not possible but if we can i think we should pursue that okay that's all i'm saying right vfx wise um actually i don't know if you guys read this probably i'm sure you did but a very interesting development uh i think it was either this week or the week before somewhere in the middle maybe and i'm talking about like one company in um i'm talking about outpost decided to go against the tide and even the law to start paying overtime in the uk so this is like very big i would say because this never happened in in the past there's an article about that uh flowing around on social media uh linkedin i'm sure you you'll find it and you know if you google it i'm sure you'll find it as well but you know sometimes that's why you know what it takes it's just one company to you know like unbalance the norm for in this case for the bet of course to to have others following for following you know what i mean because you know if a company says to you okay we you know we want you uh like working for us and we also pay overtime and we are actually the only ones doing that at the moment so of course you know you you have to reassess probably whether or not you want to go to you know if you have more than one offer and if that's the case that's a very good position to be in but if if if this if one of them says something like this of course you know it pans out in their favor like i have something you know very enticing for you to join us so this can change the the norm and uh i'll be watching this very uh with a lot of curiosity and i'm sure you guys will as well so we'll see what happens here okay also regarding vfx it seems like there's a shortage of vfx professionals actually um and this actually goes towards my prediction in terms of when i said a while ago maybe last session that this is probably only the beginning because a lot of these projects are tv projects so film is not like in the way that you used to be although some things are already in blocking that in that regards um but still a long way to go i would say to to to have the same numbers as we had before the pandemic so you if things are already like this at the moment imagine how they will be like uh when you know the actual the whole industry in all mediums are working in the way that they should work like with you know production not being paused and and and also with the technologies that the new technologies that are not being implemented and all that stuff you know when uh when people can go to the cinema again and enjoy their lives a bit uh more um with without these rich restrictions as you know in the in the way that at least that we have them you know imagine how this will be like right so it seems like there's actually a shortage of vfx professionals and we all can see this like happening in social media namely linkedin like a lot of a lot of companies happening new companies searching as well um and this article i'm telling you about i'll try to put if you don't know what i'm talking about i'll try to put this on the description after um after today's session uh at the end so you'll see what i'm talking about all right first of all let's see what are you guys doing here okay so argentina okay we have uh we have people from argentina cool hello now well alvarez alvarez all right cool so what else so technical line lot of the week of course so this time i've selected uh an fx guides article uh which the title is lessons learned from machine learning in vfx so i think this is a good read uh as usual i'll be putting this at the end in the description in our discord server if you're not on discord server by the way i think you can find the link either through the bot or in our description within the video that you're watching at the moment so yeah please do that because it should be uh it is definitely a good really a good read for sure okay so what we're gonna have now we're gonna have the tech corner yeah so today is going to be very technical okay you may say it's always technical yes but today's going to be without like real beautiful pictures or anything like that it's going to be a little bit more technical so what we're going to talk about is ramp and slice tool analysis and you'll see that this is actually very important and they're very basic and simple tools but they can help us a lot understand a lot of things that otherwise it will be a little bit more difficult for us to understand okay so that's exactly what i want to call your attention for this this week with the tech corner so let's see if everything's fine here yes and then we can have our guest yeah all right guys let's put the tech corner running and i'll see you soon today we're going to talk about something that it's very simple in itself and has some artistic applications but it's actually very useful to troubleshoot some things and to understand a lot of other things and i'm talking about ram so as you know there's a node called ramp that you can draw a ramp you know in exact way that you want selecting the in and out points and in any direction that you want so this is actually the one that we're not going to use because i want you guys to understand first of all how to create a ram with expressions and this is very useful because doing this ramp through expressions instead of using the ramp node allows you to create a true ramp within the format that you are working at the moment automatically selecting the correct in and out points by the pixel so the way that you're going to do it it's similar to how you build an sd map in fact it's a part of an estimate because as you know an smf is composed by two ramps one horizontal and one vertical but the one that i want you guys to build at the moment is just the horizontal one so we're gonna go to this one and gonna put x divided by width like this and we can put the 0.5 to be similar to an sd map so an sc map just so i can remind everyone it's composed by these things and the red channel is exactly that ramp that we're talking about so this and this are the same as you can see so what we're going to do with this ramp is now analyze it with the slice tool and the gold is to analyze how are these values distributed between the zero value and the one value so if i open a slice tool like this and plug it in straight the slice tool will show me exactly that exactly what's the relationship between all of these values between the starting point and how those values are distributed until the end point and the beginning is zero and the end point as i'm calling it is one so as soon as you start messing with these values here for example with the grade and you do things like this now the progression is not as linear as it was before or not linear at all especially if you try you know things like gamma so this is one of the first things that this stuff is useful and let's not forget one thing if you really want to analyze what this stuff does to an image you can always mimic this type of curve with something like a color look up and apply that color look up to your image and you'll see exactly what this curve means in terms of how the picture will look like for example let's say that i change you know just a black point here i know that i have the curve tool being shown like this but by just looking at this i don't really understand what this is in terms of what's going on to the picture so i can always go for example this picture and if i use a color lookup like this and if i do slightly that type of transformation which is bringing the blank point like to the right here see like that i can always mimic that stuff right so let's see what this does you see this image becomes like this because effectively i'm changing the black point of the image except i'm changing it in a different way but this tool shows me exactly what that means for the progression of the values from the beginning until the end in here for example starting at a different value from this point onwards that's when we have our linear progression but it's not linear here you know so the same happens for the top end if we happen to change the top and then you can always mimic exactly what this does with the curve tool so you you have a better understanding about what the curve means in terms of the picture that you're not seeing at the moment with the curve and i prefer to see the curve by itself rather than on top of my image but you can also have that option within the slice tool i just don't like it as much so this is actually very useful to analyze why certain combos that we normally use working the way that some people have said to us in the past this is how you should do it for example i'm talking about a sharpen so normally we do a sharpen sandwiched with the log and lean transformations of the plate so we can actually use the ramp with a slice tool to analyze exactly what goes behind the scenes and why that is working better than not having that for example i have these two here and i have my ramp which is basically a tool that i wrote that gives you the ability of choosing whether you want the vertical or horizontal ramp whether you want from left to right or right to left what's the format but it's basically the same thing that we've seen before okay so what i have here it's two versions of that thing that we normally perform when you use a sharpen uh we either apply that directly but normally we do something like this right because we know that we don't we're not gonna have like problems on the edges so let me bring the image here to the side and let's now analyze this a bit more carefully so i'm just going to disable this and just going to look at the curve directly through the ramp so if i use a sharpen and i put this to 100 just to be very clear about what's going on let's see what happens to the image so it rolls off the black area of our image and the top end of our image as well so to really understand what this does to the image we can again use the color lookup tool and for example we already have seen that if we go here and do something like that we know what to expect from the image because we just seen that right the image becomes darker okay so in and without and at the same time if we do that other thing which is this thing in here gonna appear a little bit light at the top okay and depending on the image this will be more apparent or not but this stuff at the bottom becomes really really apparent and this is exactly why you know applying a sharpened directly to the image is not a very good solution or a very good practice let's see what happens on the real image so if i open the sharpen directly and put this directly here and say for just the sake of example i put these two three you see that this will create some dark fringing you see also alongside with the effect itself we have these dark edges and this thing happens because of the side effect on the curve that we can see here so this is a side effect of using a sharpened directly this is what happens to the curve to the progression of the values now on the other hand let's see what happens if we have exactly the same thing let's put this to 100 still okay just to be the same as this this one here and instead of applying this directly we're gonna have first of all an approximation log of whatever image that doesn't mean that should be the exact log encoding of a certain image in this case i'm just using this just to illustrate the point let's say that first of all we have this image which is the log encoding curve of our image right so if we perform a sharpen after that this is what the image will look like and of course i'm putting this way above the scale just so we really see what happens at the end of our transformations but basically we are performing a sharpen within this lock curve and this is what happens to the curve if we do that at the log level right but right after that we are transferring this back to linear and this is how the image will look like of course now this is so above the scale that we can actually see anything let's do things with some values that we can understand probably a bit more a bit too high but you see what happens so if i put this back to 30 you see that you know this distance is not as big and we have a slight bump here at the blanks which will counteract when comparing with the previous solution so we don't have this as severe and at the top we have something there but it's not as severe so this goes to show you why this works better in comparison with the other way around so let's go now and in this solution let's just bring these two guys and see what happens to that black fringing if we do things like this so if i have this here and this one here let's see what this means if we put on and off you see that is less severe still a bit too much because we're pushing this a bit too hard more than we should and we should always be very careful with the sharpen anyway but you can see that this is changing and it's changing because of that on the other hand let's not forget that if you do this stamp type of things you still have the top end being changed as well so in some situations instead of having dark edges you probably will see white edges so you have to be careful with that as well you see that the whites are also changing in here so it's very clear that with this on or let's put this on and off this will probably enhance some of the white fringing here as well you see here so we have to also be careful with that but as i said and as you can see now this is actually a very good tool to analyze what goes behind the scenes and to build your knowledge with better foundations about what are the transformations if you use this or that as opposed to any other solution with the same node another thing you can use this for is okay if this combo is not really working for you but it has the foundations of something that can be useful why not try other color spaces to see what happens so if i have for example a color space node instead of a log to lean let's say that i have this connected and sandwiched in the same way if i now choose a alexa instead of the other one and invert this at the end let's see what happens so before we had this result and with this one we had a slightly different one you know and sometimes you have to choose one over another depending on what's the one that is producing better results so this is a way to analyze what are the best combos for a certain task and as you can see nothing happens at the top end or very minimal but at the bottom this is when things change and that's an interesting i would say an interesting thing to study why this doesn't happen at the top end but happens at the bottom and this is the type of study that you should do to analyze things for example that a lot of people talk about which is why the hell when we are in isis the srgb doesn't work in the same way in comparison when we are not in an isis workflow i'm going to show you exactly what's the situation so this is an srgb it's a jpeg file this is what i should look at this is what i see in everybody's monitor this is what i see on an internet etc but if i change this now to an asus workflow here and choose srgb aces now i have this change although i'm still on srgb so the way that you analyze this and troubleshoot and come up with solutions is exactly with this way of thinking just bring a ramp follow the curve from the encoding of a file what happens within nuke what happens at the viewer level and what happens also take into consideration what the monitor does to your picture the gamma so if you do that study with things like this i'll promise you that you will have a much better understanding of every single process that you do every day or some process that you don't really know what goes behind the scenes but if you do a study with things like this and this is one of the examples if you don't know exactly what happens here you can actually figure it out if you do this type of stuff so today was kind of a different session it was more about to let you know that a ramp goes a long way for your understanding about your everyday jobs but although this is not something artistic it's something that if you try to dig you will thank me later hope you liked it see you next time alright alright so as i said was a little bit more on technical side right but hopefully you understood the benefits on uh on actually having you know this type of study or this type of thing always on your side to okay i don't really understand what's going on like why is this not working whatever thing you're doing like technical problems or stuff like that so if you follow the curve and i normally call this chasing the curve sort of a game it's actually it will give you actually very good insights and and one of them for example is to really really understand uh for example the linear workflow for those of you that are still in doubts about some of some of these things and uh you know a lot of people you'll be surprised for for the younger artists that are watching us you'll be surprised that people with a lot of years of experience still have doubts about this which is okay but um you know things you know and another study that i said that uh has to do with this but in a different way which again this study will help you out is to understand for example what happens with these two srgb flavors between aces and onasis uh why does the picture why the picture doesn't look the same for example and what exactly happens within the workflow from the moment you bring a picture in front of what nook does what the monitor is doing and what the viewer lot is doing in order for you to not have the image okay for those of you and we have sabine at least here uh that was on the program um you know we talked about a lot about this so you guys have an advantage here but uh it's possible for you to dig um by yourselves honestly um of course it is possible um but you know today was a little bit uh different so hope you guys are not disappointed because we're not talking we didn't talk about like beautiful images or like cool effects or anything like that but this is hugely usually important okay this type of approach to things right okay so what what happens next next we're gonna have our guest all right and this time well maybe some of you know him i'm already disclosing that it's uh it's the menopause as opposed to a woman right but it's today it's more about like like bringing in like old friends that i didn't see in a long time but some some of you probably know who i'm talking about so we'll see what's uh who's on the other side all right cool it's my buddy dior furnace are you doing man it's been a long time it's been a long time nice to see you yeah actually you know what i forgot to to put some clapping come on you [Applause] we're not there yet come on this show went along you know we came a long way you know the people that are watching this now know what i'm talking about because we we came a long way like in the beginning we had like lots of technical problems uh and all that stuff so you know listen it's a step-by-step process yeah it's step by step process yeah i left like people hanging and all that stuff like [Laughter] like everybody actually that was really cool i missed that i didn't see that no of course you didn't see that because i i edit it out but uh i i can say to you that uh some of these sessions they actually lasted for more than one day because of this problem so we had to pause that day and you know reschedule for the the second half of it on the next day or something like that yeah it's one of those it's uh so so listen the show you know came a long way it's the clapping for the guest is not there yet for for the guests to hear but we'll see what happens we'll see what happens in the next few days i think it's awesome it's nice so congratulations yeah thank you so much man thank you listen as i said um many times actually i didn't see i didn't say this this this time this on because i think today is like the fourth uh session for the second the the fourth episode for the second season and uh but on on the first one i said this uh quite a few times which is you know this show for me honestly it's like sometimes not every not all the times but sometimes it's like an excuse for you know meeting old friends and today definitely it's one of these cases so it's been a journey time just to get you to your friends this is a show for me why not you're doing it i'm doing it i think i'm also entitled once in a while just to you know to to to just to bring francis for the sake of it you know what i mean of course there's always you know a lot to to catch up on and um and of course you know everybody uh brings good insights and it's definitely the case with you because as people can see on your title you have like unreal engine just that you are the engine right and uh and compositor as well so there's plenty that we we should talk about uh this and by the way guys if you have questions for diogo just type them down and we'll read them you know as as soon as we can okay don't don't leave everything for for the end of the show because otherwise probably we don't have time because i have a lot of questions by the way i have to say all right today because it's my buddy so why not all right i'm getting nervous brother okay come on i have questions just to catch up with you and that's it that's all that's all all right so uh yesterday actually one of the first things that i wanted to catch up with you is um yesterday we had like a you know a pre show like testing and stuff like that like um and uh and i was like after the end of it i was like and i know deo for so long i i don't even understand or remember how we met i don't really know because of course we had like this many years in london and uh and uh and i was like it's one of those situations that you don't even like remember remember how it happened it's just you know it's it's a person that has been there for forever almost you know what i mean but actually i remember do you remember i do remember yeah how was it i mean look first i don't know if you i i think i told you that but like when i was when i was like i think i was already at escape studios doing the compositing course and i was like working working during the day on that small company that i i told you i think back then i was like you know a lot of more experienced people in compositing on linkedin and i was actually looking after like portuguese people so it will be easier for me like you know look i have this this is my sure real you know uh what what what what's your what's your thoughts about it do you think i should improve here or do you think i should put like a little another green screen or whatever so you were when like like you were one or like the only person don't know the only person that actually replied to my email and started like oh very nice back back then you were at mpc i don't forget i wasn't to see probably well yeah this was so long ago yeah yeah this was like really like lots of years ago so yeah you were the first one to talk about yeah i remember it because you know but it took me a while to to to just like okay let me try to just have like this like as a conversation piece like for tomorrow right and uh but but but then i remember then you know sometimes in the show uh we already talked about this which is you know people are a little bit too shy to reach out just because you know they think that people are not gonna reply are they going to you know think about them in a different way or bad things about them and whatever who cares you know what i mean if you don't do it nobody will do that for you you know what i mean so and here's an example yeah i'm with you man it's like if if i know that you know there is someone else that can actually help me you know to reach to reach a goal why not why not ask you know yeah of course you know what's the horse that can happen you know what i mean but then we met but because you know when this happened we i replied to i didn't even remember what was the subject to be honest with you it doesn't it doesn't matter but um i remember that to you at the time and this is something i want to talk to you about you were not in the industry yet right you were you or or you were just starting out in the industry because your background is it's sort of a different one but we'll get there right but then i think from my memory we didn't speak like maybe years went by maybe a couple of years or something like that and then we we met i don't know exactly when maybe at the pub for sure it was at the pub one of the bus right and but this was so long ago that i forgot almost [Laughter] yeah i used to hang out like a lot uh that time at the ship good pub with pub um and uh and i would say i was about to say that although you just mentioned npc for example and we you know you work in many different countries companies uh all the biggest companies in in london and i i worked also i have like a similar uh thing going uh myself but actually we never you know worked with each other sometimes it was just like a matter of months or something like like a couple of months and that was it right yeah it was uh yeah we have to make that we have to make that happen man come on i don't know what's happening you still just need to organize with the recruiters i don't know yeah you need to work together you know but but this happened like in like three or four companies yeah i think yeah i remember i remember like i don't know i don't know which ones exactly was but i remember that i was leaving a company and you were starting like not not like very long afterwards so yeah it was something like this it happened like more than that more than a couple of times for sure so we have to make that happen okay we have at some point now we have the pandemic and all that stuff so maybe it's a little bit more difficult but after after after that we have to make that happen come on we don't know yeah yeah who knows of course that's also an option but you know to be honest with you i miss going into the studio and you know talking with people because i mean people's person is as as you all can tell by now probably and i miss that interaction like with with real people you know i mean of course you know we have to do whatever to make things work you know despite the fact that we are living a pandemic and this is also something that we should discuss today but um you know i think you know this varies from people to people to from from person to person i would say in terms of like people are some of them are really like eager to go and have like this interaction as as i'm saying and i'm one of them and some other people are like no i'm actually you know what don't don't touch anything it's just perfect which is probably you right i mean sort of sort of i kind of you know i miss it as well i miss i miss the contact with the people i miss to be with people yeah and work environment it's always i think it's always nice and to be around you know i miss that you must go for lunch with you know different people every day you know oh today i'm in italian tomorrow you know yeah let me say that but in the other hand man i really you know i enjoy i enjoy working from home and i think yeah i'm i'm taking like a lot of it i'm taking a lot of it out of working from home so i'm enjoying that a bit as well so yeah it's important since we have to do it right might as well enjoy it right yeah exactly the thing is you know being being in portugal also makes it a bit kind of plus to me i don't really you know you need to move to another country now so it's like yeah for sure for sure listen the other day um i mean yesterday when we were talking uh like having like this ketchup after because you know it's been like like at least like one year at least right since last time we spoke with each other at least yeah and it doesn't make any sense it's just life happening right but we spoke on on maybe like like like yeah sometimes yeah another proper ketchup so yesterday one of the things that i was because you know it's been a year as i said and i was like really surprised like saying what unreal engine what is this guy is all about you know what i mean like from my memory diego is not a guy from 3d or or it doesn't take any you know any any interest or it doesn't have any interest from what i can tell at the time on going on that route so you know i'm very curious to know what um what happened because apparently it's paying off got like in a very good way for you right tell us about how that happened yeah so and as i told you yesterday i'm going to tell you again of course but the thing is i was like you know with a pandemic i found myself like loads of times to be honest like all the lockdowns and everything you know being at home and i was like i kind of you know i started feeling like you know i need i need i need to learn something i need to do and i need to do something new and you know i felt like i was not like this is weird but i felt like i was not like evolution i was not getting i was losing any evolution in my career or anything so i felt like you know no of course there is like loads of things that i still have to learn in terms of compositing and everything but i felt like i want to learn i totally understand where you're saying yeah yeah i think he's like in the thing he's always like learning a new skill maybe i'm going to learn something that actually can complement like what i what i already know so in unreal man because you know see i've seen so many things about unreal and you know you look you look at you look at their business and if you're like oh man this this looks good like you know yeah yeah for sure i was like i'm gonna i'm gonna try it you know i'm just gonna give it a go and see and so it goes and i really enjoy it i really i i kind of it kind of reminds me like when i when i start learning comp in nuke i was i was in after effects before when i started learning company i was like i really enjoyed the learning process i really enjoy like okay yeah this this is a cool learning you know i'm i'm taking lots of things out of it and things i felt the same way than real engineers i was learning and i was like i can see the results in front of it like i can see if i you know if i if i have an fbx of the geometry if i like my materials and my light and i can see like everything happening everything you know you can make it look prettier you know you can do so many things on it so you know with all that with all that at the beginning i was like okay i know that learning this can maybe take me somewhere you know and by like earning all everything about the beautiful production stuff that's like on on the every every day you see like new articles about it so i was like okay let me learn it and that's you know i just i just started learning it and like took um their their online they have like epic games and like lots of online resources so it's it's like it's really easy to you know to just follow follow a few tutorials and okay if if you like it okay this it's easier to learn it's easier to follow like a path and to have like you know to learn actually the to learn the software and on top of that the software itself it's free right so you know it's like trying to just install more than just start playing you have like three big free learning resources youtube is like full of unreal engineering videos about lighting about how to building environments about niagara which is the effects method unreal engine you know it's like so many information so that's really cool and i think you know it's very important and i've been saying this from actually from the inception the first inception of the show and the show was actually part of uh you know part of the reason why the show was worn was also because of the pandemic if it wasn't for the pandemic as i said many times probably the show well more than probably the show probably it was definitely not here uh and and not even let alone like the the the program and all that stuff so all of those programs are products from the pandemic and one of the things that i also said like from the very first episodes is or was and it's still the message today like at the like at that time things were like really bleak in terms of work and uh you know nobody knew exactly what would happen and so it was like a scary situation it still is right but at the time you know because it was so unknown nobody knew what what would happen it was even yeah it was even worse right but one of the things that i also always said which is which was actually something that i was doing and i always tried to to seize the moment like that is you know this can be really an opportunity for you to do something different that otherwise you wouldn't be doing because you were like you know consumed by by work and after this would you know another one would would come by which is always a good thing but you wouldn't have time to you know let me take a step back and you know have like a different perception of actually what i'm going you know what i mean maybe there's a different path that i you know i should explore at least to see what happened right uh and and and that's exactly what you did so i applaud you for that because it's it's not easy and i know this in first instance it's not easy and uh and i think this should be a message to everybody because you know sometimes you you really have to do this type of stuff like stop reassess and try and see what happens see what's on the other side if you don't try it you don't know right yeah exactly i think i think the pandemic on that side was actually i mean the pandemic was not it was not rude obviously but there was there were some things that you could take you could take some good things out of it and and that was one of them is like oh you know i felt like when i was when i was working in the office i never it was always much more complicated for me like to live live work at 6 6 30 whatever sometimes later as you know but you know live work do the journey like do my journey till home you know cook dinner i i never had like that like you know that willing to agree i'm gonna i'm gonna today i'm going home i'm gonna learn a new software and then you know and but being at home i was like okay yeah so you know if i if i i'll cook dinner it's like it's just around the corner it's just like 10 seconds away right and i'm working here i can learn here like and the thing is for loads of time we were in lockdown so you couldn't leave home so like yeah you know exactly i mean i felt like okay i need i need to do something i need to learn you told me this yesterday because you know just for people to have like um you know really understand you know you you were working at the time right it's not as if like you you you were like you had like all the time in in the day to do whatever right you were working at that time so you told me yesterday that you would save time in the mornings before you started working and in the evenings right and you did that for maybe a few months right maybe like three four months maybe more i don't know yeah no no no no i think it's like around five six six months maybe that and then i started like studying it properly because when like back like in 2020 like beginning of last year i you know was when i put unreal on my computer was when i started playing with it but like actually going on things i was i was like i was working from so the pandemic it was like in march or something in like from june or may june i start i start like working and actually it was was lucky enough enough to always have always have a job you know one after the other was at conquering i think that's that's what i was doing i was like okay so after six it's it's one hour and a half two hours at least i need to i need to study unreal i need to do something in my video and then in the mornings like before work you know i will wake up do my breakfast in like one hour before work like you know yeah man a different bit of it that's that's why i told you yesterday i did i did i think i'm still finishing but i'm finishing a rebel away course like i told you yeah niagara fx so you know for example in the mornings i'll learn the niagara beach in the afternoons i'll learn like lighting unreal you know or or modeling because now they have modeling as well so it's like i was doing it like and i'm still doing it because i'm still i'm still finishing uh the rebel way one and i have i have fresh news for you man actually you do all right cool yeah nice all right well tell me when it's the right time for for you to talk about it's not because it's it's actually about this wheel i was i was like one of the one of i was like one of the lucky ones i would say that i'm lucky one because i was one of black ones to get into the summer of unreal with escape students and epic games in collaboration with epic games all right so it's like so i'm gonna start i'm gonna do a four week boot camp with the guys with them yeah and uh yeah it's gonna be from from next month it's gonna be full on one nice one so that's good for you nice nice one you see you see guys this is what happens when you you know you put effort on what you do and you make time you know and uh this is what happens because you never know what's on the other side you never know really you really never know it's like one of those you know it can be scary and people can be put up by you know it's so scary or it's so much work or whatever they might be right but if you don't do it and you know life doesn't happen for you if you don't put you know yourself up there and if you don't start doing things so listen goodness for you i i can't applaud you enough because uh that's sort of my method and so i know i know that that is kind of it's difficult it's difficult it's difficult so it's difficult people don't realize that it's difficult because you really have to plan you know your day in order for you to accomplish those hours that you really need otherwise if you don't put in the hours you don't put in the effort and the time you know things will not happen so congrats again and it's hard to pass that sometimes that's frustration with like when you cannot do something when you're trying to do something and you cannot find a solution and because it's like a different software it's really easy for you to uh you know see you tomorrow i don't care about you anymore you know but you can't but you can't do that you know sometimes you have to take some pauses and that's actually advisable once in a while but you know at the same time you can't wait you can't quit because that's that's exactly what your brain is telling you or your body maybe but your brain has to be more uh it has to be stronger just say no no no no i'm not going anywhere at least today i'm going to finish this this in this nice one man look uh congrats i can't tell you enough congrats but tell us um in terms of the applications that uh you do because you you still work as a compositor of course you have like this thing going on at the same time it's important to to also underline that right uh you're doing this this stuff in the same company at the same time you do both job as a compositor and do and you do work as a real engine um yeah it's basically it's basically like imagine we do we do some sort of previous tech piece and and i work on that i do that as well and uh imagine when we are not busy with that i can i can help the the competing i do comp as well but you know i can do it but mainly what i'm doing at the moment is like that's why i told you yesterday that i haven't been coming for a while it's like it's like working with unreal like doing the tech this process in the previous process of of the projects that we're working at the moment so yeah and that's very interesting because there's definitely you know a lot of time that you can save um you know using using you know uh real-time rendering like that right with uh with with unreal um like and having also you know giving the ability of the client to actually direct things in real time to you know this is exactly what i want it's me doing it actually not you i'm not it's me doing it so it's on me you know it's also you know part of uh you know it take it takes a little bit of away and i'm exaggerating here sort of a joke but it takes i was about to say it takes a sort of the responsibility of nailing it exactly how the client wants because now he will have you know the control and he will have uh the ability of doing that right it is it is really fun i found that that part of unreal like really fun like when we do that session because we do run those sessions at duke where i'm working at so imagine we the director goes to goes to the company and he goes like with with an ipad with a with an ipad and with a with a bike tracker it just goes through the scenes like he can do he can do camera movements he can he can he can he can look at it like in life like with me behind the computer you can say like oh look change uh change that to the actor over there like move it you know move it two meters to the left and you do that live and and it tries to come in again and you can say look change the change the lens i wanted 24 mils now now you put the 24 mils and you see how it looks you know it's like it's it's it's a freedom and it's like it's really it's really it's really yeah yeah really i really enjoyed that i don't know if i don't know if it was maybe because because before all the vfx before working with the effects i was working as a camera operator i was about to say that actually yeah right yeah that's i don't know i really i really i really enjoyed this this thing about the vehicle production yeah that's directing that's that's exactly how you wanna you know you have the ability of telling the story exactly the way that you want and to direct exactly what's happening in the environment real time and you know with that if when you're doing for for example the previous or the tech fees of course productions will will be more efficient because you know you are studying them beforehand in a way that okay it doesn't work like this what if we do this like and and you know what the result will be of course there's always you know things that don't go as expected and all that stuff but at least you have the chance that you didn't have before like a real chance like of nailing it better right um apart apart from that you know it's fun right that is fun but what he says is like it's very true and it's i think you can you can you could do it before maybe but i think you can you can plan plan things a bit better i think when it comes to when it comes to i mean i mean i'm going to give you example you can see like for example in one of one one of the one of the sessions you could see like uh we want we want you even you can see like for example i want the green screen on this speed of the set so let's see let's see if i put a green screen a green screen with five five meters five meters high five minutes away like like imagine how much am i going to see how much dmp or how much cg do i need to have to cover that bit that we want that we're going to need to cover like in post you know so i think that's like you can plan things ahead a little bit better and you can you can plan also with that you can plan better because you're doing that beforehand so of course you're doing techfizz in this way you you plan exactly how many for which scene you need for example exactly what's the measure of green screen you need exactly it's not like it should be between like 10 and 20 no you know exactly how much like you know exactly this is gonna be a 10 meter meter green screen and you need to put it on the scene and you see okay with a 10 minute green screen you're gonna be we have to extend this much yeah let's see let's see if we if you if we do like the 12 meter you know yeah actually you can actually blend stuff that's that's pretty interesting that's really interesting for sure um and and i think and and part of the the question the other question that i it's related with what we're saying is you know giving your experience now like playing like with this every day and and seeing like how the clients react and like how the clients now view this new possibility because as you said you know this possibility was already there but you know it was not in the same way that now everybody can get their hands on on something like this and can you know they can do themselves like you know you know what i mean we've seen this happening in many different things before and this is now happening in in you know visual effects production you know what i mean so it was like the no that's the thing if it was possible i i know it was possible to take these and previews and all that if it was possible in this way like so interactively i didn't know and but i'm really enjoying it well i'm not like involved uh at all in in the in that in that side of things but for sure you know we there's plenty of breakdowns of like like those really big old movies in which they were actually doing something if not exactly the same similar but it was like way costly for sure like it was like a ton of money not not everybody could have their hands or could get their hands on on on you know on the hardware and software that could could do that so it was a super specialized kind of uh situation in these days you can download software for free you can maybe you have to buy one thing or two but that's just one thing or two in comparison this is just like you know bonkers you know what i mean yeah i have my i have my ipad on the way because we like because because we did this in the company now i'm i'm i'm getting my ipad to do to run to run my own my own things you know my own my when i do when i do like for example when i do a class or i'm doing some environments as well so i'm i want to be able to go with my ipad i'm going to be able to go into the scenes as well so i'm yeah i'm really enjoying this school and what i was about to ask was you know since now you're playing with this like every day and you see the reactions as i was saying from the clients where do you what what's your feeling in terms of where the you know productions go in terms of like having this hybrid workflow because probably from my way of thinking that's probably what's going to happen we're going to have like this hybrid kind of workflow even because you talked about previous you talked about techviz right and but i know that you also apply some of these things in vfx right so you have like this this combo happening right yeah but you mean like you're talking about the virtual production like the led studios where there's no no i'm talking i'm talking about like rendering things that you can incorporate into a comp for example yeah look i actually i actually i i i think man that with the evolution that we sing at the moment i think sooner or later unreal engine for example will have uh a sort of a sort of easier connection between unwilling and new you know where you can because yeah it's it will be it will be like really easy you know maybe i don't know i don't know i don't know if if to take it as a final i haven't i haven't i haven't reached the level that you know i do you know i do a background and it's an environment and it's it's a final shot for film i haven't i haven't worked on that but i could i i can clearly see like a sense of the way right that's the way some bridge between unreal and new where you can you can easily you know imagine if you have a green screen you can easily make like and if you have i'm just giving an example if you have like a super they focus background on the focus background you can easily you could just like you know build something in unreal and import it into new because you can run the extras with multiple passes with crypto marks and everything and just you know just just work like this i think i i think sooner or later maybe that's going to happen i don't know man but it sounds like it sounds like it's a possibility it could be a possibility to have that my experience on that front was actually i'm just remembering this now was actually sort of a recent one and actually this project uh my friend salvador won the vs for this project actually which was the born identity sort of um you know a theme park kind of a situation and all done with that with uh with unreal i believe it wasn't real that time and i think that at the time i i was helping out a bit on the comp and uh of course other things for that project was like a nightmare because we were talking about like i don't know i think it was like 10 minutes shots like like continuous shots it was like a nightmare honestly but to manage on that front but um but yeah i think at that time the goal was to do that all of that like the whole thing in-house yeah but i i don't know exactly because again i was not involved in the beginning of the project i was just involved at the end just to help out uh getting it um out the door basically but i think another company did that but they did they did that with the with the with the unreal engine i believe it wasn't real yeah so definitely possible of course this is not like a movie or it's not a film project it's not a tv project it's something like a theme park but as you say it might not be there yet this is the same thing with machine learning right in a lot of instances you know it's it's more a curiosity at the moment more than than like an actual solution it's also an actual solution in in in some situations but not like in the general you know type of approach to everything right we will get there yeah i think we will get there for sure and the same happens with this i believe i think that's that's sort of my prediction it's not yet developed enough for us to have that bridge as you say but i think we'll we'll get there and this is the beginnings of something very big probably that that will happen it might not happen but i don't know it kind of looks like it's it's a very it's it's it's possible it's possible i think i think for sure that uh [Music] if that's my prediction that's my prediction i don't know i might be wrong i guess we'll see we'll see let's see if there's any questions people don't have actually there's uh sort of it's not a question uh felix is saying i like to learn i would like i think that's that's what felix wants to say i would like to learn and really as well if you know comp photoshop and film it's amazing to see what you can make with it actually this is not i would like to it's actually i like to learn unreal as well so this is like a sentence so yeah so felix apparently has some some experience on this front as well will be great uh to know more in depth what are you saying for this if you can uh hello my dear vfx society say nagarajan i think i got it right your name hello so guys if you have questions for uh the yoga this is the the actual the the you know the right time for you uh to put them in the chat so we can read them all or as much as we can and i'm sure there's a lot of questions regarding this topic come on guys don't be shy all right listen i i still have a few to to go on all right but i'm sure you guys will have uh you'll have plenty um so there's a question actually from sabine what's your hope where you would lead to within the real four companies so what if you could like wish something about like i think that's that's your question right sabine what's your hope where it would lead to within real engine for companies like what do you think companies should do with unreal that they're not doing now well i mean maybe maybe more more if if if they are not doing already maybe more previous and and all like these things that i'm talking about like running trying to run like these sort of sessions without with actual dops or with the actual directors or you know that the actual people that will actually decide how it's going to look maybe that will help a lot later like later down the line in in home in light and animation all that so i think yeah i think if if companies start to do that more i think that would be helpful for us as well yeah of course of course yeah because probably you have to fix less things you know exactly you know all be the pain points also on the comp side of things right if you do this this way this will be the pain point this will cost you time which means money right so of course that's really important and that's why a lot of times you also it's one of the reasons why you do techviz and and previous just to study the scenes uh before they happen of course yeah yeah for sure yeah good question thank you sabine um how to start another question from noel alvarez how to start with unreal if i don't have experience in 3d oh man i had zero experience there you go i was about to say that but i like i'll let you answer i was like i tried to open my a couple of times and i was like what is this man i don't wanna i don't learn anymore like modeling i'm so bad at it like just it depends what you want to do in in 3d to be honest because because again like 3ds animation lighting modeling reading you know so many things as well but i think i think if you want to learn unreal you stop digital you just like like see see like what what part of 3d would you like to learn like on effects or lighting or environments or you know reading whatever and just you know focus on that and i mean maybe you'll have to try the engine itself and see like and see all those bits but then then focus on something that you really want to do like something that you really want to learn because otherwise i mean for example i i told better like i'm i don't think if i i don't think i want to learn modeling for example because i'm really i'm really bad at it and i don't think i wanna i wanna lose time with it to be honest because i wanna lose time with with other things but yeah i think i think that's i think part of the confliction about this topic i believe and i might be wrong here because i don't want to talk um for anybody but i think that's my perception at least i think people when they hear the word uh real-time rendering or unreal which is obviously you know same thing they think is this as like one task like because but that you know it's like another package like like you have maya or you have modo or you have whatever or you have houdini so you have to specialize it's it's the same thing like you specialize on what you want to do of course you know you can also be a generalist like you have in other things obviously but it's also important to have this in mind that you can specialize in in one of these things right rather than know everything like you specialize in environments you do environments or you focus more on that yeah right yeah and you can you can run like all those topics you can learn unreal so it's just like just look which direction you want to go yes exactly cool good question good question good answer as well uh one of the things because uh you you just mentioned that we're talking about like the fact that giving the power to the client now to do things their way in real time that has a lot to do with um with obviously directing you mentioned eop as well you also work with the ops and uh this reminds me that actually this was actually your background right you had the background in as a camera assistant or something like that what was it i was the more brittle yeah i was you were a camera print okay so so that makes sense there's a connection there yeah yeah i did study camera camera and lighting back here in portugal then i was working in a company in portugal as a camera operator and then actually when i moved to london i moved to work to work in in like in in sort of tv streets that was that was like at the beginning that was my goal when i moved to london i was like okay i wanna i wanna try to work in some sort of you know like some sort of tv studio and work as a cameraman and actually you did right yeah i didn't i did i did work for a little i didn't work for the for the olympics i was working on the olympians back in 2012. i didn't know that man yeah yeah but i was i was i was working for a brazilian challenge so channel so i was like ordering the brazilian brazilian guy yeah for for a few weeks and uh yeah but then yeah you know it's like okay even like when i was here in portugal i started like to develop that interest in in like why why do they have green screens there like how how exactly that thing works how exactly they explain wow okay you know i was like you know there was a few productions i was like how exactly they extract the green and they put something else yeah you know it's kind of i was kind of difficult yeah yeah so then when i moved to bottom that's when i started studying all right okay okay i did not have to think about the olympics um yeah i didn't know that at all yeah you see this is what's happening when uh we have a show like this like we can't talk about things that otherwise wouldn't be talking about yeah i moved to 1011 and then that was not there that was exactly that that was exactly my year as well was it yeah that was exactly my year as well yeah 11 11. cool cool cool cool um but yeah but there's that connection it kind of makes sense right like it almost like comes full circle like after all these years we're talking about like 10 11 years right like you started you you were a camera operator and then you moved to vfx which obviously is related and now you're doing both in a different way right it's like in a new way that you couldn't nobody could have predicted back in the day right back when i was in the street i never thought that now i'm gonna you know i'm just gonna move a camera here on my computer yeah it's funny isn't it yeah it's exactly that's what it sometimes is what i do it's like okay let's you know change lenses you kind of you kind of wanna an eop assistant isn't it you could do that yeah yeah that's that's really interesting and and again this goes to show uh everybody uh and to remember you well you don't need me to remember this because you you still do do this type of stuff and you just mentioned that uh that that's actually what the conversation is all about like you know knowing or learning a new skill and talking about the skill itself that's what we're doing at the moment but this goes to show that if you don't put yourself out there like let's say for example that you wouldn't be going to london right you know none of this would happen right and and of course you know we are privileged people in comparison with others unfortunately that you know not everybody has the same chance on on doing these things right obviously but there's always some things even within your own reality whatever that may be right that you can always you know seize the moment in in in in a better way sometimes it's not possible at that time but maybe you know wait a few a few more months or whatever and uh don't don't don't lose that focus or or that intention right yeah i mean sometimes i it's it's hard like to say because he's not he's not he's not it's not always uh the same the same opportunities doesn't don't happen always to everyone everyone yeah of course yeah so i mean for us for example it's it's not hard to move to back then now it's maybe we can be harder but back then it was not hard to move to to the uk you know and try that let's let's let's try another country so you know for us back then was it was not hard to do that but the thing is you still i mean still it was it was still a lot of challenges moving country you know it's always it's always hard no matter i mean no matter you know of course it's easier in comparison with other realities obviously but it's always hard you know what i mean i mean i was i was like i was working in restaurants for a long time i was like man i need i really need you know to do something you know i need to i need to leave i need to leave this and i want to i actually want to see it's like i want to i want to progress progress isn't it yeah so yeah you kind of i i put some effort into it i put some effort into it of course man yeah everyone does isn't it sometimes you put the effort even the other day i was like looking at uh this gift which was basically like uh it was sporting rain in the street and there was a guy like uh standing on the sidewalk like just just there like like all the rain on top of him like and and the quote was that feeling when you work really hard and things are not happening you know that kind of that's a possibility as well you know we have to be open that that you know better things will will will happen because if one thing for sure that's not gonna happen is if you don't do anything towards if you don't put yourself up there if you don't do anything nothing for sure that's that's what we know for sure that's what what's gonna happen positive attitude if you don't have it like it's not it's not going to happen yeah and sometimes you know it's also natural that so you know we can always be laughing and we can't always like be you know upbeat like all the time there's moments there's there's situations like that but you know it's important to you know also establish that you know bad luck if that's the case it's not going to last forever uh and you know don't let those feelings get in the way of what you really want to do this is the message i think very important for a lot of people here especially during the pandemic probably are watching this and uh they're like oh man then only if i this or that and that's true a lot of cases right but you know try not even if things are like look or are looking at the moment like really um stressful and they are stressful or complicated you know think that it's not going to be like this forever right yeah it's a really important message where you're saying because especially especially now with the pandemic yeah i think psychologically psychological psychology i think it hit a lot a lot of us it's like so i think of course i mean it's like it's really it's really important for us like to keep keep focusing like try to keep a positive positive attitude about it because otherwise i mean like this was like very experimental like yeah but it's depressing yeah depressing in many different ways yeah yeah so it's it yeah it's important for you to you know kind of keep it yeah sometimes it's hard it's not i mean the last thing that i want is uh what what are these guys talking about like they don't even know my reality you know what i mean like i it it's true it's true everybody is different and it's important also to establish that but the message here is no matter how things look at the moment it's not going to be like this forever and if things are not looking good or if you know that's that sure that you you don't have like a lot of opportunities there's always something that probably you can do better than what you're actually doing you just have to figure it out you know what i mean because you know the world is you know filled with stories like that you know and it's it's a reality but the thing is i mean and you always you always when you always want to pass that that that's what are you on a bus like what what what worked for you if you work for me for sure we bring the air force that's what that's what you're going to say to others that don't feel the same for sure for sure i think that's there's one um one message here which is do we need uh it's a question actually do we need any coding language for unreal to do better [Music] to to become better at it i believe that's that's the question well i mean the thing is in real uh if i'm not i'm i don't think i'm wrong i will run c plus plus the thing is you can you have blueprints in unreal which is basically notes it's like it's like you you're basically coding but with notes so you can you know it's like i i mean it's it's probably like python basically all outsiders like you can you can build stuff with the with blueprints which which is uh uh c plus plus is behind it it's simple so i'll say that if you of course if you are if you are good at sleepless plus i would say that you have an advantage with i said that you have an advantage especially with blueprint but you have like these building blocks which you call like blueprints in which you can like assemble in such a way that uh they will do this or they will do that or you know yeah yeah yeah we don't have that ability in python not in not in python uh in nuke that's not how it works but you yeah but you can still yeah you can still give your orders isn't it that's what i was trying to say like what's that you can still like give the orders when you like do this of course yeah yeah yeah but but but some software's they and actually this is actually a way that for example when uh you know when kids want to learn or start learning um they want to start learning coding that's how they do it's like building blocks like that okay this does this but this combined with this this does a different thing you know what i mean it's like different blocks like this but uh python in what we do every day it doesn't work like that you you can build your own you know blockings but there's no pre uh built block you know building blocks like that for sure uh yeah but but what are you saying is you can go inside these building blocks and either change them slightly or build your own right yeah i'm i don't want to be i don't want to be saying because i'm not i'm not i'm not liking a real expert i know that i know that he runs blueprints and blueprints behind his c plus plus i think i'm i'm almost sure that it is like that so i think i'm oh again i'm almost sure that you can go and change the quality and change like change on what it does anxiety i can help any opinion on this because i don't know anything about unreal engine so i can't i you know all of those things that you you guys are saying uh i i have no visibility whatsoever because i'm the right yeah i think i'm right i think cool all right so guys i don't think there's any more questions at the moment guys if you have like another question that will be probably the last couple of them if there's more than one uh my last question will be for you diogo are you doing with well you just alluded to that before like how you dealing with with working from home for you it's a dream isn't it because you have to get your background then as i said yesterday it's like yeah yeah well what else what what else do i need i have rescue i have waves by the way guys uh uh well you should be saying this probably you you wouldn't say this um but i will yogo uh you surf obviously otherwise what would be that background right well but maybe some people would have that even this is my office there you go there you go when you go to panic which is um you know for those of you that know about surf it's like one of the meccas of of surf at least in portugal right yeah it's nearby you think about your place right yeah i mean it's it's it's thought of yeah it's still it's still a drive but yes it's close it's doable yeah for sure yeah as you know i i don't do surf actually i had like a one class like a couple of weekends ago i was actually i was like you know what with some training maybe maybe but i don't think i have the patience that's that's my problem you know what i mean i don't have the patience but my brother serves as you know right you never met my brother right no i never met your mother if you go again i think then you're not gonna quit then you're gonna be like okay i don't think i'm gonna i don't think i'm gonna quit but i just have to be persistent uh and and with a plan like you know okay um your question yeah i mean i'm enjoying i'm enjoying remote work because i'm living in portugal i'm living like close to my family and i think that makes a big difference like so i mean especially nowadays the panamic girl is like okay if something happens i'm here i'm here you know i can easily easily go to my mom's house easily go to my brother's house whatever so i think i mean being in portugal i think it's it's a big plus it makes me i think you when you work like that it's i mean it's you happier isn't it yeah so i think you're making some a lot of people uh jealous now they want to move there that's my prediction so the thing is but the other side of it apart from all that is like it's the fact that i found i found like i found much more motivated to learn and and the proof of that is like this all in a real conversation i found much more motivated to learn new things while being at home because i don't know if it's because of all the wasting time because you know i'm all this that we are saying that you're working you're working close to your family so maybe you are a bit more you know a bit more comfortable with everything so i don't mind to spend much much more time uh investing in myself investing in my training and all that so i think i think remote work on that is being really good as well because you know i've learned new things for the companies where i'm working and where i'm working at it's also rude because you know of course of course i'm improving my skills i'm you know i'm but you know that my brother my brother goes goes to panic to to go to to to get some wife so uh maybe you've been with him uh yeah we have to schedule that for sure maybe i'll go along just to make a fool of myself why not i like i like laughing so you know like others left also so why not i'm wrong yeah for sure for sure man cool so guys i think that's it for today uh it's been a long one actually well i will be here like another hour for sure like uh and and if we had some beers which i don't i just have some water that would be even even better right uh but we have to make that happen at some point you have to make that happen that will happen for sure it will happen for sure man listen was uh it's always a pleasure to catch up with you man and i'm just i'm not just saying this you know that i'm saying this uh you know uh being truthful to to to to everybody uh that comes on the show and of course today is not an exception and uh thank you thank you for coming along now thank you thank you bill for for inviting me i feel like you know although i'm your friend but i feel like you know i'm on complex i like it thanks very much it's a pleasure thank you very much for the invitation no problem at any time so many legends on your program like talking about you that i was like okay you're another one everybody's a legend here everybody's a legend that's why by the way some people ask me why don't you announce the the gas beforehand that's exactly the reason because i want everybody to be legends i don't want like people just to tune in just because it's this or that person everybody should deserve the same attention you know what i mean so that's exactly that's on purpose that's not by chance that's on purpose you know so uh yeah man you're definitely another one all right guys uh bye-bye yo stay on okay because we're gonna have like a last chat and guys thank you for for your questions and see you in two weeks alright bye bye see you
Channel: Comp Lair
Views: 421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comp lair, the next level, nuke tips and tricks, vfx, live show, advanced compositing, advanced nuke, nuke tutorial, nuke advanced tutorial, 2d supervisor, compositing, nuke, maths, live stream, foundry, Corridor Crew, Movie VFX, hugo's desk, Allan McKay, cgmeetup, vfx guru, marvel, dneg, ilmvfx, weta digital, framestore, cinesite, milk vfx, mpc film, mpc episodic, lumapictures, pixomondo, trixter film, imageworksvfx, Rodeo FX, Digital Domain, rxpvfx, VFX Geek, vfx geek
Id: 9qIUN92Wwe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 40sec (5080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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