Comp Lair Live #03 | Guest: Michelangelo Neri Orliani, 2D Supervisor | Tech Corner: Environment Maps

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the third episode of complex the first one in English we made it again welcome everyone first in English so the show today was is going to be more about introducing what the hell is going on here basically so before that my name is Pedro and Rada I'm A to D supervisor living and working in London for the past ten years time flies but yeah ten years it's hard to believe so what the hell is going on here right so I've decided to create this show or something I wanted to do something during this pandemic because as we all know you know in our community VFX community this is an industry that is being severely affected like many others as well of course but this one is being severely affected by what's going on here at the moment in the world this is affecting everyone from people to companies to everything basically there's no news here I know but I wanted to do something to our community because well first of all I've never done much I'll be honest and I thought this was this could be a good opportunity to do something that would you know bring people together hopefully to talk about this this problem what are the issues that people are facing some people just want to blow off some steam we are we've all been there sometimes I'm still there and we were all there still so I've decided to create this this show to support in that way our community learn or teach one thing or two if people are interested and open the show to to everyone that would like to participate so we have a set a live set that you I would ask you to if you want to start typing in desc a few things or say hello to everyone and because today is the first in English it will be cool to know who you are where are you watching this there will be there will be great but this show even though it's live it's always gonna be available afterwards for everyone who would like to rewatch it or watch it without being line what else can I say for today so as I said today is more about explaining the structure of the program the program it's meant to be around well not 1 hour sometimes it goes a little bit over than that I forgot to mention one thing actually which is this is the first in English but as I said in the beginning this is the third episode and we had an episode that was the pilot episode so episode zero so this is actually the fourth episode meaning it's the fourth week of this thing that is happening at the moment and the first three episodes were in Portuguese and they were aimed more directly to my community my country I'm from Portugal and also to the our Brazilian brothers and sisters that speak to the same language and there are other places in the world that speak Portuguese many more than what people might realize but those are the two main countries that speak our language and so we had three episodes like that and today is the first one in English so from now on it's gonna be always in English but I wanted to do something a bit more specific for our small community spread around the world so now let's talk about this structure I already spoke a bit about what's gonna what's gonna happen here but so we're gonna have like three three three parts of the show the first one it's gonna be an intro in which I'm gonna talk about the week in terms of news especially regarding the pandemic because this is actually the the subject of the day like of every day basically as we all know there the news come like every day as well so there are things that can potentially change definitely every week and most likely every day as well so we're going to talk about that a bit also you know share some news about different things of course in shared cool things that probably have I've come across during the week or previously as well so actually regarding that that was for those of you that subscribe a newsletter from what's-his-name George Parkes I believe that's his name there's two main there's two main newsletter newsletters that I did I subscribe this Josh Josh Parkes I believe that season I'm sorry if it's not exactly like I'm saying it's one of them and the other one is Ben Ben something I'm sorry I'm sorry Ben if you ever watch this make MacEwan I believe something like that sorry once again but in this last one even though I don't remember the East name exactly it's one of my favorite ones you know of course I like Josh's as well but if so if you don't subscribe to this newsletter I think you should because there's all these cool things about this and there's a lot of things that you can learn definitely and these best issue on the shasha's newsletter you shared something that was pretty cool which is basically a tool it's a software they cannot download for free that allows you to do random patterns and it's very very nice you can do especially for for those of you that are interested on doing you eyes and stuff like that very interesting and I've played with it just just like two seconds I'll be honest because I didn't have more time to to explore but it's something that I want to do something that I want to do during this this next week for sure it seems pretty cool and it did something that looks really cool as well with something that apparently it seems like really complicated but it turns out is very simple so there will be the intro and I've just mentioned something actually that I would like to share with you and I just did then so that's the first part of the show the second part of the show it's going to be something that I call tech corner in which I share you know tips and tricks for lack of a better word it's something that I it's a word that I don't like or a term that I don't like that much to be honest but you know it's it's how people call it so that's gonna that's gonna happen as well and that's gonna be around 15 minutes after the the first part of the show and it will last it's meant to last between 10 and 15 minutes I'll be honest on the best ones I've gone a little bit overboard in terms of that timing because I was having that life and it's I want to do something live if people want like if they have like you know doubts or if they like if you would they would like me to talk about more specific things please of course we're gonna open the chat in in just a while but if you have questions please put them on the chat and as soon as I can I'll go there and check them but that will be the tech corner in this week also because it's the first one in English we're gonna have some news regarding the tech corner and well first of all tech corner is a new name III didn't have a name before so this is like the baptism of of this section and today it's pretty recorded and the reason why it's pre-recorded and it's something that probably I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that from now on it's because it's easier for me to keep the pace of the show to what I want put up to what I want it to be basically so like I said this should be around one hour and this is my way of doing that you know a bit easier to follow that hour and after that we're gonna have a live guest it's gonna be always a different yes it's gonna be always a surprise guest and that's on purpose because I want I think the beauty of something like this it's for people to participate live rather than you know then just watch it after and and also the fact that I have a life guest it's also an opportunity for everyone that would like to ask some things either to me or to the guests it's it's an option as well and otherwise it wouldn't be possible not in the same way at least so I think there will be there will be a cool thing so let's open the shed a bit to see who's here and all right we have some new people welcome everyone again ok there's the guy that there's a guy here by the way that is what make McEwan exactly Thank You Carlos and that's exactly the guy out that was about to talk about because this guy is talking and watching this show even though where is seated it's 2:00 in the morning so I mean thank you very much but I don't think you you're normal but I think I'm just joking around of course but thank you for for coming once again Carlos and I hope you enjoyed this one too so let's go now to the tech corner as I said today it's a pre-recorded tech corner hope you enjoy it and we're gonna talk about it afterwards all right bye bye [Music] one of the things that sometimes you have to do is to out of a bunch of pictures at the client senses we need to make sense of all of them in order to create something that we call the environmental map so an environmental map is basically a texture that we can then map to a sphere that hopefully is gonna be used in a bunch of shots it's gonna be just one texture that will serve the purpose of using say for example in these images as a background with multiple cameras and we're just gonna do this once so how can we do that that's what we're gonna see and the final aspect of that map can be something like this so how can we out of all these features to something that can be then textured back to a sphere that will take into consideration the UVs of that sphere so we don't have any stretching and the image will behave basically the same as the actual images that were taken but we have an entire coverage of that environment this is more a test that either supervisors and elites do but anyone can benefit on on using or how to do these kind of things because there will be a time in which probably going to be requested to do so so here I have a bunch of pictures and all of them I label them everything that is at the bottom at the center and at the top of this environment and basically all of them are with different exposures and all that suffer that that was on purpose because this will highlight a bunch of problems that hopefully we're gonna talk about them and as you can see this is this was shot on what it seems to be a tripod and basically it's there's a certain angle in which this was taken from starting in one and and finishing at the other so first thing to do of course we need to undistorted images because we're gonna play with the 3d space I have D and distort here and because we also gonna use the 3d space we need to make sure that all these pictures will have a full oven otherwise we're gonna have transparencies and you'll see why so let's put this in with a full alpha like that and then I'm gonna copy all of these two all the other ones okay so now I have everything one thing that also helps apart from labeling like this is to pick one that will be your center so now I'm gonna pick that reference and I'm gonna do one thing which is normally the camera in the Wrangler shades normally the camera is there but sometimes it's not and we can always go and look at the view metadata with the view metadata node to see what kind of information do we have here so let's see in call for focal length and yes we have focal length and maybe aperture temperature of 22 not too sure if this value is actually correct so I'm gonna choose to ignore this value because the aperture is whatever film back of your camera is and I know that for a fact that this number is wrong so we're just gonna follow the focal length and we know it's so 34 so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna open the camera in Nuuk and we're going to put the 34 there on the focal length right and now the first of all and made one to start with is to put this image in a card in such a way that once we have this in the 3d space after the scanline render with this camera the image that we're gonna have it's gonna be exactly this one okay so we're gonna open a new card no special settings at all it's just a blank card and the first thing that we want to do is to link some of the values between the camera and the car so there's a relationship always between them so what we're gonna do is we're gonna link the focal length to the lens in focal here on the card so we'll think it like that and then we can only need the aperture to but I chose to ignore the aperture because I thought that value was not realistic maybe it is but in terms of film Bank if you choose a camera tracker here and if you know the brand of the actual model of the camera you can come here and I know that for a fact this was shot on a Nikon and it's the I don't have the camera the one that was used in here but I'm gonna choose something very similar which is this one here so we have now the dimension of our film back and then we can put these values here so it was similar we're gonna put exactly the same and now because they're linked this camera in this car they will have exactly the same focal length and lengths in horizontal aperture what this means is once you put this one here once you read these through a scanline render what you're gonna have in the 3d space it's this which doesn't look like much and once you see this after a scanline writer you have a black image and the reason is at the moment both the camera and the actual card are in the center of our world so we cannot see anything for this reason so we need to give some some depth in this card in order for the camera to capture it so because they're linked we don't want to mess with the translation rotation and scale we want to mess with the depth but in the Z and by doing so you're gonna see that the card it's always in the first room of our camera so no matter how far you put this it will always be in the first room and what this means is the image that you're gonna have here it's gonna be exactly the same as your input and now what we're gonna do the goal is we need to take this card exactly the same and we need to put the same thing one of the images that we know in the 3d space it's gonna be around here on the left you're going to move that image with the transform geo remember that we're not changing any values on the TRS of the card in any card okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the center of our world and the transform geo in this case the pivot is of course at zero zero zero and so is the card and we're gonna rotate the car like that in order for us to have an overlap that makes sense now here we can take a look and we can try to roughly aim to the right position in any axis and there will be probably cases in which we can have to move in more than just one axis but this this will not give you enough precision so in order for you to have precision we need to see this in a different kind of way not only because of that but because of the actual map itself so what we gonna do is we gonna use this scanline renderer and now you don't need to connect the camera be could need to connect the scene of course because now what we're gonna see is everything through a spherical output and this will give us once we have this complete this will become some sort of sphere because we're gonna put a car here another one here on the top on the top so if you have like the morning matches we can have two more bar we can have the the sphere filled with images what this one is giving us is out of that sphere we're gonna have sort of a UV kind of output and this is gonna be actually what we can then retexture back to a sphere and doubt sphere is gonna be captured whatever it's inside that sphere with the camera that we're gonna have because the purpose of having a an environmental map is we need to have a background that will fit or that will be used on a bunch of shots hopefully in the entire sequence and whatever camera we put it inside you will always capture the same thing that's the goal of an environmental map so an event will map it's a let long map because it's a let long we need to reformat this to a let long image which is twice the width in cooperation with the height either you pick one from here to okay let long or you create another one so you see that this value here it's twice this one here that's what makes a light long and now we're gonna put this as our format but you see that this image is really poor quality right so we can still maintain the relationship between the width and the height but we need to ramp up this value quite a lot and that's why a lot of these maps it's like a 16 K 20 K 30 K because we need to have the maximum detail possible so what we're gonna do after reforming you shouldn't drop another reformat but in these guys we're not we're gonna keep exactly what we have but we're gonna scale what we have already so if we put this to do we're gonna have twice the resolution if you put this to three you can have three times resolution and we the goal is you need to go up with this number as long as you have an improvement of the image so you do whatever you need to do but you don't need to scale to the maximum while you're doing this stitching here okay so you put something that makes a bit more sense and it's detailed enough for what you're about to do but you don't need to go to ten if it if it's not required I'm gonna choose three for now right so now what we're gonna do is like assembling a puzzle we're gonna have this card in every single image and we're gonna use transform Geo's we're gonna try just to rotate and not translate or scale it all right because let's not forget the assumption is these pictures were taken in a tripod so in a tripod you would shut your first images here then you rotate it like that always it with the same people now you do the same like this and they do the same like that and you do the same up and to the left in every single direction so that's what we gonna mimic we were trying to mimic all these pictures were taken in terms of direction right so I'm gonna try now to identify features on the two images that we can match okay so in this case this tree okay this tree and this tree is the same tree and this trunk is the same so I'm gonna really what I do is I use the selection tool quite a lot and this is one of the uses it's just to mark something so I'm gonna mark more or less this spot here so I can match it with the rotation when I'm rotating this one here just rotate this so that feature there will become will be placed in that spot that I've marked with my selection tool like that okay more or less like this all right so of course we're gonna have problems like this like seems we can ignore this for now and it's natural that we're gonna have seams because the angle is not exactly the same II know of the pictures and the light conditions probably change as well and maybe this was taking on an automatic mode so all the exposure and all that stuff got changed anyway we're gonna deal with this later but the first thing that we have to do now is to do exactly what I've just done for all of them so now that I have all of them done you can see that this is starting to become a sphere right and that sphere the output of that sphere you view wise or we can face it like that again it's exactly the same that we have in here in this very commode so this is our output of out of this system here in our 3d space in this one here the result is gonna be exactly what the camera is pointing at if you have this imaginary sphere completely filled with pictures we will have these completely filled as well I've done this teaching visually speaking kind of in a hurry it's just to explain the technique itself but probably there are some some of the tiles or some of the pictures that could have been better lined up so sorry about that but you know this this is just explain your technique and it's it's good for for that purpose now as I explained before we have all these differences between the images in terms of exposure colors all of that stuff so now we will have to identify one that we want to because our reference and then we're gonna match the others to that one that's possible and we're going to do that on the actual images themselves with some grades so if I enable all these Reds you'll see that this will be this will make more sense overall it's not perfect it's not meant to be perfect yet but it makes more sense incorporation to what it was and still we can see all the seams as well not great but that's part of the process so now what will be the goal the goal is to use now this let's call it using map or texture right - then texture is a sphere with it so if I open a sphere and then we're gonna map these directly to sphere and as a starting point we're going to use the same camera I'm gonna put this to default so it looks straight and if I put now at this on a scanline render what we're gonna see it's the portion of that sphere in terms of what what's the purpose is you can have just one of these that you're gonna feed to your team and every single camera will be capturing whatever it's inside that and everyone is gonna use the same background for all the shots so we will do this for an entire sequence for example in this case these are pictures but this could have been portions of actual footage that will even become even more realistic and discuss it's pictures but it's but it's exactly the same concept just to call call your attention for something when you're putting the texture directly into a geometry like this nuke textures these from the outside to the inside which means that in order for have the correct orientation after the spherical transform you need to put a mirror to do it like this so what we have to do next we have to take care of those seams but for you to do that that's when you need to put this to the full quality because the actual format is gonna change are we gonna do that and the goal is to with a with a clone tool let me take care of all these seams as much as we can by the way the reason why we need an alpha is because if you don't have an alpha you're gonna have transparency here you see we need to have these full-on phones so we don't have transparencies like that at all that's the only reason so now that I did the paint to take care of the edges let's see what we have so again this was done quickly not aiming for perfection here and just to give you the example even though it was like done very quickly it's much better than what it was because we don't see like very obvious seams as we had before so now we have this inside our sphere and now we can capture anyway we hopefully we have enough images to with all the cameras that we have a well to us for this sequence we have enough coverage so all the cameras will capture a portion of that you can then I mimicking this this camera is being animated and this is a result that I have everything is stitched we can move any way we like again this was done quickly so I can see already there's a weird angle here so probably I would have to rotate this to the left a bit this sound here and these paint jobs are not very good but it's again it's about the technique it's all about the technique and this is how you do a environmental map see you next week so that was the first attempt on having something recorded or pre-recorded instead of having it live but I don't want to discourage anyone if if there's you know people that would like to do to help me you know do something live in Nuuk there's definitely a chance for that so if not now net in the next episode you already know so if you can also if you would like to to have your if you would like to have your sorry about that can you can anyone confirm on the chat that everything is running up and running at the moment because I'm getting images saying that something went wrong anyway I hope that this was alright but this went just fine we don't know much no much problem but what I was about to say is if you'd like on the next episodes that if you'd like to have some some of some subject specific subject that would be discussed live or like a technique that good to know thank you or is a specific technique that that you'd like me to explore or any other doubts whether it's compositing or scripting whether it's TCL scripting wise TCL or Python or whatever please connect directly with me on youtube or send me a message a private message by the way this like this project is is available on all social media at least the main ones talking about of course YouTube which is the channel that we are at the moment so please subscribe if it's something that you like and you would like to know you know when the next one will be or when when the next one will be live please subscribe there's also my channel there will be on the comments later on and myself and if any of you have that channel please post it on the comments so people can check it out and the reason I'm saying this it's those who know me know that I have a lot of tools and the tools that I have might be something that can can be used as space to for you to ask me how I did this or how I did that so I'm gonna open book for you in this channel I please let's try that as much as I can so time now for our surprise and live guests let's go [Music] are you doing man oh good in my life you are live okay how are you live in here to everyone we were having a few issues bringi bringing you in just just just now sound and all that stuff and he was me doing something of course that is make there was maybe flee a completely ignorant how Skype work I mean I didn't use the software for like two years so yeah well listen if it wasn't for this subproblem wouldn't use it either because yes exactly this is a very nineties thing and it was great at that time but today there's so many other options right yes thank you anyway because at least today I'm doing something a bit different and it breaks the routine so that that this is very good oh yeah and funny by the way just so everyone know let me let me bring us to now into the channel some people now will see us both I've met Mickey around where was it maybe three years ago already two and something years ago now time flies man it cannot be three but let's say - I would say - at least yeah so we joined well we met together because of Venters basic that's what happened well it turned out to be a vengeance could have been something different right that's when I went that's when I joined the same company that you were in us and we worked on that amazing show called Avengers that a lot of people I knew that you want to do you wanted to make that face and that's actually my first question which is what's the best memories you have of that show all that oh damn it I don't know is difficult to phrase I like the teamwork I don't have specific memory related to specific shows unless a couple of very bad one that we've done in the past so yeah and I cannot even say they usually had not been movies and that one was a good movie so I cannot even say that so the thing that usually I remember is the best thing always wait you said you said bad move our Bond movies bad bad move I you like bad movies oh yeah yeah the worse the better yes and absolutely that's fun there's a thin line but yes yeah I know I don't mean I go in that movie as in like cinematography wise and what do you mean by bad movies like story wise or usually story wise not visual yeah story wise or is like concept wise script wise stuff there's like really well how they can you come up with this listen but if that's the case I think we're in the right right path because a lot of you know stories and all that stuff in our in the films that we work on the majority of the times they're not very good but they're cool to work on right yes let me say that without breaking the the charm and a lure that there is behind our job I don't watch many of the movies that I worked on so yeah well I try to watch them all even though a lot of them probably I'm not a fan or some of them I'm not a fan of but you know it's good to see our work there at least you know after so many months in so many sweats in some tears sometimes in some blood some other times you know it's it's good to see I play something that it's there and it's ready and it's over and this was about to say if I may if I may say what's the best memories I I you know I have from a show like Avengers it's probably the fact that it's over or it was oh yeah that's always the case always think it's always the case right but you were you were sorry we're saying just now that you know you keep a lot of memories of other projects that you worked on you especially more is more about the people not the project itself yeah but that what do you want to expand you want to expand on that like is in like do you have like a special memory of a special show or a specific show and not specifically I think I always been lucky that I worked with in very good teams and and after all these years in the industry definitely the part that I like the most is working with people not specifically work on a project or our specific thought or specifically is the people is the fact that our job is is a team effort is the best part of it yeah so the debts with all we don't the challenges at the same time right absolutely is yes yes police difficult and working in team is difficult working with people is difficult overall but that's that's absolutely the most satisfaction you can have this job I believe is with people and not actually the result he had on the screen yeah a totally agree video and that's a very personal thing because yeah I thought in that regard I think you know after working with each other for a while and after we know each other for this past couple of years I think we share that between us too and I think we have in some aspects in a lot of aspects as supervisors we have the same kind of approach especially with people you have something that I'll be honest an already told you t said this is not a you know anything video I admire your practicality to think a lot of people tend to especially supervisors and leads and I think that has to do I don't know your opinion it would be it would be good to hear your take on that but I think a lot of times might be of course personality comes across in everything you do but also maybe you know confidence self confidence on on what you're doing and what's the actual goal here right yeah some some people you know they seem like they miss the target debate in terms of what we are actually doing here and what's the actual importance of what we're doing right this is a very complex subject but let's say confidence wise is something that you gain with the years and and and like also relating with people is something that you need to develop and it takes a lot of time so and the practicality of it is another aspect so for example my goal as everybody knows me already no is to work the least amount as possible had the client satisfied enough and the people not burned like too much work yeah so that my that's my goal a supervisor is just to make the team work the least amount to get the bare minimum result where the client is happy it's like okay if the client is happy that's it it's okay yeah because that's the goal isn't it our job is to deliver something on time and with the quality well the bear Meena minimum I would say quality wise it's of course what the client wants right and I think above their head some time they said there is stuff that not even my judgment will digest that often is like okay that's that's even better for my standard that is not that you there's no good or bad it is like that's what we are paid to do and we have to remember that these are job that passion personal passion and that's the double-edged sword in the sense that fights everything because just they like to do what what we're doing yeah but we're trying literally everything right yes but we have to remember what we are professional professional means there's somebody you to do something so if you're professional it's one thing it's not that you're good or not or you don't artists so there is a lot of art in what we doing but we have to remember that day by day is still a job so let's check the bigger picture let's try to and it's a job without taking again the you know the importance of what we do but it's let's I mean it's a relative important season it in terms of if you compare with with you know firefighters if you compare with doctors yeah yeah I mean and a lot of people you know they seem to miss the mark in terms of all right what we do is important we're gonna do the best we can we're gonna do the best we can creatively and artistically and you know technically even we can put you know optimization processes as long you know as much as we we can but also as long as it makes sense for what's the purpose of our job we need to remember they're just let's care about the people and then about the project not vice versa exactly and I think that's actually sums up like probably one of the I would say one of the most important things or one of the most you know most important problems that our industry have and there's many reasons for that but I think people not caring you know about the people as people deserve I mean every I'm not talking about you know whether I'm talking about everyone basically whether you're in production whether you're an artist very supervisor whether you know and that start at the actual level on how the business is done and you know all of that plays a role and all of that will be translated translated downwards in you know if we're in the pyramid you know there's someone decides everything at the top of course there will be translated to the ones at the bottom right yeah but every company's be different everybody every company is a on philosophy and work ethic and whatever but I mean as long we have fun in do what we do and there's more than happy that testicle is yeah and we're very likely to do this kind of job that we are really really lucky to do something like definitely definitely speaking of which in speaking of all of these challenges especially these days with all this pandemic and all that stuff how are you feeling in terms of you know advantages or these advantages of you know having your team because that's literally what's happening right having our teams working remotely what I can see some advantages I felt some advantages I felt some of these advantages as well but I would like to hear your take on that real advantages I would say not a single one okay okay I think and now we are in the middle of a project so we are delivering fuel Ibiza for next will show so we have a lot a lot a lot to do and again we are larger than these in this specific moment we had this amount of work to do the the lucky situation was that the team and the project already started before the lockdown so we already knew each other and there's already some link established between me and that site is working fine I don't see a single advantage because people face-to-face is just much more efficient more effective and much quicker and actually spending all day long chatting and Vodafone it's extremely difficult to keep the same pace and the same intensity so it's challenging at that point of view but yeah sorry good good thing that these specific cases the fact that now we can work remotely will open a huge door in our industry because literally just two months ago you couldn't even think technology an email with a friend on a telephone because like no that's forbidden and privacy at the secrecy and all this stuff and everybody's working from home and that it was a big shift from the class saying no we can't - of course we have to and I think in the future that that's great because actually is is a part in shifts like okay now this could be done you can work in a different way you can work remotely you can work people know the country okay it turns out there's no problem because of that right absolutely I mean I mean what we're proving now and that's why I think is despite the crisis is a good chance and we need to take advantage of if these it's successful will open so many possibilities for the industry that just countless and the benefit would be immense yeah totally agree with wrong strictly speaking about money from the companies but also for the artists and people with families and people that want to live in other countries or for efficiency you playing or also felicity we're not in this country right we came to this country many years ago but we get zero as everybody can tell by our accents by the way yeah not in you hear right I mean you can you can do so much more and you can work around the clock if you need to deliver something and a fraction of the cost so looking forward I think you can extract a lot of good stuff from from what's happening now so they will take time to get a full shift but that would be good yeah I would say and I think I said this last week of course last week was still in Portuguese this is the first in English I remind and let me remind everyone but I think there will be a time in the beginning of you know after all of these who know it well we'll see what all of this is over that's what is about to say we'll see you know I don't think there will happen like that like all of this is over I think we're gonna make it saves one year two years yeah but I think it would be a waste if this methodology will not implement it yeah was about to say I think there will be some resistance if not from the artists of course the artists will be totally on board with this idea of working remotely yeah the only resistance from companies from the studios or Melissa but I don't think they have you know they stand a chance because this open this door was it's already open there's no way for the company it would be very easy if you force them to come to the money they could say no that's that's a variation 9% and I mean I said that last week as well or two weeks ago which is just in real estate alone it's a huge amount of money that they say you're millions here and there yes you know I mean so I think this is definitely here to stay so yeah we'll see I prefer I preferred this to work in the office no it's not the point the point that we can have the option to decide depending of the project the team a few things that you can do this is feasible and is working and it's secure I mean turns out it's secure that patrols so far you know perform at a like yeah yeah yeah of course the we're in the beginning of the process but I've you know I've never really understood that you know that that concept that companies and probably studios would say now you cannot do that because especially because of the security reasons and because of secrecy and and you know spoiling and all that stuff you know if you want to take you can take a picture you're screening exactly no everyone can do that I mean that's because yeah it doesn't make any sense plus there are other industries yes our industry there's a lot of cash flow because of our industry we know that we all know that but there are other industries that you know they need really much more you know you know to think about those those problems a bit more seriously than ours than our industry for example banking and they know that they can do that still so why can't we you know what I mean so I think that was like I mean especially we are in 2020 the technology the technology is good enough when I was started internet was almost not everybody had internet yeah remember those days but just downloading a picture was that was painful oh yeah but now we have the technology to do this it's like why not so you have no excuses basically and also it's a bit sad actually we needed this kind of crisis to push the industry towards this entity so let's see and also and also something like this Eve I mean as you said we have the technology already but even if you did you know to a point that we could have this like with this you know white security connections like we have in other stuff what we do right but also the fact that we have this happening at the moment of working for in our industry of course this will push other industries even things we don't know to come up with solutions for this remote work because let's not forget we're not the only industry in which this is happening this is happening in every single industry you know of course there will be you know more concerns because of several reasons I said a few weeks ago that you know fraud attempt and all that stuff through the internet through phones and all that stuff went up like in a big spike and we know that you know situations like this tend to have problems that otherwise wouldn't be such a problem but all of that will combine will motivate other the industries to come up with better and new solutions about even things that we don't even know about this absolute means so it's a matter of time and it will end soon let's just wait hopefully that this summer we can go to the pub and and and drink together like man I miss that is that a lot I have to say being with people or not be able to be with people is definitely something that oh yes it's the worst I guess let's now open this to the chat see if if there's any if there's any things that people would like to ask you or ask me or just say good or bad things about the show that would be also good there's not much things going on I would ask you and that then so I think my final question at least for now if you want to talk about your mix and I would say odd love between your cameras old cameras photography and the other part machinery why's that I'll let you speak about that by using me buy machinery guns weaponry of all sorts and oh ok let's let's be the worst one first guns and in weapons and mechanical stuff in general at since I was a kid I was obsessed with disassembling stuff and just had been for every anything mechanical and when I discovered that you get things they can shoot any hit a target it's like oh this is a mechanical device it is even you can even shoot to a target as that that's why I get into that it was a mechanical interest at the beginning completely unrelated but that's still a hobby well it's kind of related because you know disassembling and assembling things it's also part of what we do isn't it especially the sentence yeah and photography well I always been very visual person and my parents always saying that I learn how to draw before how to speak and I actually yes absolutely so photography for me I was always draw and photography was just next visual language that was easy to be and so clearly when I was a kid I was using film and then when I had my first job and I had enough money to buy a digital camera for just a big revolution just they can plant and grade your images were like insane but then after 10 years of digital photography I was just bored was like okay nonsensical and I went back to film and I started again we took family and their doing and the progressions I need something bigger I got a medium format and a second I want something bigger I want a diamond cam and then I say it was something bigger start to be a bit too expensive let's build one and so I went into this very long tunnel of photography technique from the 18th century as well and build my own cameras I built my own lenses you know really I mixed my own chemicals buying the silver nitrate from chemical shops and doing my own emotion on paper to print with 18th century technology and just a very interesting process yes and all the chemical process that igloo in a darkroom and processing of black and white possibly film super 8 movies I've done a lot of these because an old optical and trim I could say a very good complete coherent vision of what the photography is is about I was about to ask you that like you know if that helped in any way of course you know it's almost like an obvious quite nice question itself absolutely and especially if you go back to this old technique and shooting with your camera's they have nothing and maybe not even a shutter and you have to open the cat and close it to make an exposure you actually understand light and you understand exposure you understand that what you see is not what the film or the sensor gets and these will help massively when when if to create something that looks okay I mean if something looks good through a camera is not what you see in real life and understanding how a camera works and exposure and it's a fundamental of course yeah absolutely yeah so yeah usually I'll be honest I don't have that same love for photography as you do I have other things I interested more I'm more interested in but of course it's very very important in my take because let's face it you know whether your supervisor on an artist or whatever even if you work in compositing which is of course very related with photography you don't need to know all of that things like you need to know at least the basics right but it's also a very good thing if you have a camera and there's you know cheap cameras that you can buy and efinitely for not for anything else I think it's always a good investment because you can study and I've done this many times like if I ever doubt in terms of the physicality of some things that I'm trying to make yourself you try yourself yeah and see for example one of the things that I can tell and maybe this is like a challenge for everyone is to find out whether or not lens flare and motion blur damn it it doesn't well I'm not going to say the answer I'm not gonna say the answer it's gonna be for everyone to try I guess but the speaking of regarding all these stuff people are saying that you should do a workshop I pray about it I've thought about a workshop specifically or okay if you have to go workshop I don't want to do like Oh digital photography I don't know nothing my newer newest digital camera is from 2006 no I just people are really referring to the old old yes so if I if I will do something I was planning to do a street photography workshop so printing on paper taking picture on photographic paper and how to build a camera how lenses work and we start and actually you can do these with 20 pounds from ebay and a couple of boxes so there are many ways to play with this stuff yet then there will be I think a lady actually man think about it masterda pandemic when you can gather during the pandemic that's where what people are asking during the pandemic damn it actually my thing was I like people you have to stay in the same room and how can I teach you something that needs physicality without being there that's difficult to fish yeah I guess very difficult well there are things you can do think about it think about it everyone that is watching this now or later that you can is you know at least you know think about that I can think how to reengineer a workshop designed for a darkroom in by an Internet it's like it's difficult yeah listen what about you know old-school compositing if you ever if you ever come across with an optical printer or something like that no and god save us from that because don't don't do that stuff I mean any man I can't thanks for digital compositing yeah yeah actually but the technique I use in real life compositing that I'm doing still today he stopped that is 20 years old so what is the fornix oh yeah that the techniques are using in digital in digital compositing I do nothing differently from what has been done 20 years ago yeah and I keep it simple like yeah I mean I always say very often that police good oh yeah so if you can make something that is very simple and and actually if because it's simple you know you have better chances on know exactly I explained that to somebody else specialized a supervisor because it's simple right and we all know and we share this I think between you and me I think we think alike regarding that stuff and we also think alike on the opposite as in a lot of people can complicate a lot of simple things and I think the reason misconception that our job is super technical it is very technical but good technique doesn't mean complex technique and there is a lot of stuff online and tutorials and how to do things that are being misleading because they over complicate stuff at a necessary level and technology doesn't help because now we get thing you can do so much more but often you don't need all the stuff so yeah normally my take on that is what you know because sometimes as you said sometimes the technique should be always very simple and simple to - to the point that you can easily explain well first of all understand it to yourself and then later on explain to other people especially if you're a supervisor because that's what you have to do at some point right or come up with a very simple system that is optimized it's not gonna drag your machine you know in terms of processing and all that stuff sometimes you didn't have an option but as much as you can I think we should speak or think about things in that way in a lot of times what I you know what I do is if if I didn't have a computer and I would like to do something like this even if it's not possible as a cellphone camera for example right how how would I do that and they're helping me a lot or not to think about really you know about things in real terms like what is it really a projection you know yeah what would be the effect of a projection if I would have for example a car moving towards the the projector or the camera or whatever we can see that life of course in that that's a very simple you know example and concept but I try to do that for everything as much as I can even on the very complex things I try to make it like to this construct to a point that anybody well first of all me of course but anybody could could be potentially understand a very complex kind of concept yeah absolutely you know and part of the that article that I don't know if you know this but I wrote an article about it - probably we talked about the CERN but I can send it after this the reason why it's a complex kind of complex kind of solution to basically do projections that's the core of it the projections without without geometry basically and just take the position of s as our thing to do that that job the concept of course it's a technical issue but I tried to break it down in very simple terms and I wrote an article about it not because of anything else but because I wouldn't forget that to myself first of all yeah absolutely yes first of all and then of course I share this with other people but that's I give this this this example all the time first of all because it seems like it's something very complicated and of course it has that the technicality about it I'm not gonna loot like well I understand photography because I built a camera and a lens aperture and the shutter is like okay now I know as I break it down as much as you can go yes and you bump into the problem like okay and how can I solve these and I understand the entire thing is this thing constant basically the same thing exactly same thing cool man I think we can wrap up this unless anyone has any other suggestions we already have a suggestion here which was your workshop so you promise to think about it okay you know I didn't all right you were the ones you know saying yeah so if if everyone if no one else has any other questions I cannot see anything here as in new things we're gonna wrap up this and we're gonna see each other next week think again thanks again to Mickey for showing up great to see you again thank you very much people are saying lovely talk look at you we will you I hope we'll see you next time lied no no I know man I know hopefully right or at least I like it outside outside like a walls right yeah yeah all right man listen once again thank you and bye bye everyone see you next time next week our people sing during these next days when we're gonna have the next one but it's gonna be next week all right bye-bye thank you - bye-bye goodbye [Music]
Channel: Comp Lair
Views: 1,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comp lair, the next level, nuke tips and tricks, vfx, live show, advanced compositing, advanced nuke, nuke tutorial, nuke advanced tutorial, 2d supervisor, compositing, nuke, maths, live stream, foundry, Corridor Crew, Movie VFX, hugo's desk, Allan McKay, cgmeetup, vfx guru, marvel, dneg, ilmvfx, weta digital, framestore, cinesite, milk vfx, mpc film, mpc episodic, lumapictures, pixomondo, trixter film, imageworksvfx, Rodeo FX, Digital Domain, rxpvfx, vfx geek
Id: VErpoNDtgPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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