Community Showcase 2019

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hello and welcome to the one lone coda community showcase 2019 it's that time of year and what a year it's been for the channel well we get to see what a selection of your projects look like as usual I've only included a handful of projects and I'm terribly sorry if yours hasn't been included but I hope to address that next year with more frequent but shorter community showcase segments so let's get started with tsking here and his project investigating hydraulic erosion simulations and it started off very simply then started to add some basic particle physics to emulate the water traveling down the mountainside as the water moves it erodes the surface underneath it therefore encouraging the water to follow a particular path later on [Music] the next phase of the simulation was to add some depth to the water and make it interactive this is always a good thing to do because playing with your simulations allows you to get an intuitive understanding of how they should function and you also get to learn what the limitations are sometimes it doesn't always go well and once you've got a basic simulation with a user interface you can start to really press that simulation to find out what it is truly capable of doing now you can simulate large-scale things it's time to see is it that accurate and tsking struggled a little bit trying to get realistic behavior but by doing this he understands how to fix the problems and eventually came up with a what he calls a tsunami simulator where he can draw water onto this terrain and watch how it behaves and crashes upon the rocks I really like the detail in the surface of the water although probably quite computationally intensive I think the effect would be quite useful in a simulation for a thesis or a scientific study of some sort so good job tsking hydraulic erosion was quite popular and Soma gets up also had a go this is done in the pixel game engine and we can see different terrains being randomly generated and then a certain volume of water deposited on the surface as the water travels it erodes the surface underneath magetta also created this really cool utility it's allows you to explore image processing in real time using the pixel shaders on your graphics card and it also uses the webcam as an input source to those algorithms so here I've got a very simple shader which just grabs the source image and displays it and it's upside down and I'm leaving it upside down in the video rather than just adjusting the coordinate to remind me gets it to fix this book as I have done many times but the really nice part about this application is you can alter your shader code in real time so if you think back to my 8 bits of image processing video I showed how to do temporal filtering where we take the previous frame and the current frame and subtract them with a little bit of maths in between so there we go and all I need to do is save the algorithm and it's immediately applied to the graphics card to compute so in this case we status in these ghostly images and I think these sort of things are a really great way to learn let's just reduce the time constant on that so if I do say yeah I think there's a great ways to really learn how to do image processing if you can interact with it and you can wave at it it's just a really intuitive way to understand how to perform these tasks it surprised me just how much I enjoyed playing with this and I got a little bit carried away because it used to do a little bit of image processing back in the day and I ended up creating this shader which makes me look like I live in the borderlands universe [Music] one of the best parts about the discord server is seeing the evolution of people's projects and also getting to see that fads and trends take hold and this year in particular there's been a bit of a trend towards people developing node based circuit simulators so this one by Bobby shows Bobby constructing a circuit out of well arbitrary components and investigating the functionality I think for Bobby this has also been a trial in a user interface design [Music] as the project progressed it became more sophisticated and very quickly bobby was constructing quite large logic circuits and looking at their behavior here's an example of a full adder [Music] Courbet 99 has also implemented a logic simulator I understand Goblet is just started University learning electronics and electrical engineering the scaling and placement of components and all of these node based interfaces seem to follow this common idea that you can attach components together via these curvy lines or splines Gobert has continued to develop the simulator [Music] to consist of a library of parts [Music] I guess this approach is much simpler than doing the truth tables and the karnaugh maps by hand so it's a great way to get through that coursework very quickly and I'm a great advocate of using code to learn about new subjects [Music] cobalt 12 here has also created an electrical circuit simulator you can choose the components from a menu and you can change their temporal properties very similar looking components to the others but quite functional and usable good job guys [Music] it tickles me that in all of these instances the aesthetics of the user interface have been given quite a high priority [Music] diego here is used a node-based interface to simulate a different type of circuit a synthesizer circuit complete with appreciators samplers step sequencers the whole lot it sounds wonderful [Music] now if you just randomly sampled videos on the channel this year it's very likely you've seen something about an emulator because I know I've made quite a few of them but what's in really inspiring is actually seeing the community thing well I'm gonna have a go to and indeed they did with remarkable results the great thing about the OLC community is the diverse range of abilities and nobody will get criticized for making things that don't work according to plan as long as they're having it ago and they're learning something then that's wonderful and here is cardboard gurus early stages have his nez emulator [Music] woody red has also started to implement an emulator and you can see it looks a little bit familiar from the video series and but he's got it working up to Super Mario Brothers 3 so far well not quite there's a few things not working here that particularly looks like the scanline in - up counter on the mapping circuit isn't working very well however Mario 3 is running and that's a that for me was a personal benchmark good job woody [Music] here's atomizer zeros attempt as an emulator and it's interesting to see that even though the emulation looks like it's working well the curious bugs that you get when you just get the smallest things wrong this was Powys emulator now I know he put a lot of effort into getting this working certainly a very active member on the discord server but yes again got Super Mario Brothers 3 working well done this is Gabe Ross's emulator it's got it working as far as sound it looks like the speed is a little quick but nonetheless I like the fact that you can see the name tables being developed that was something I never bothered to do in the video series putting off and felt that I should have done here's Jay Styles one five four emulator based in the browser up and running with Zelda doesn't like it's entirely finished yet but nonetheless Zelda is a good benchmark Walker Thor here has just started on his emulator it looks like we can step through the code he's prepared it ready for showing all of the internals now some people look at an emulator and go yep that took gambit three months it's going to take me three days these are people went toward off in a very functional emulator indeed now one guy that's particularly active on the server is Miss Pooh he takes most of my videos and that reimplemented in c-sharp so all of this is a c-sharp emulator however he goes well beyond the simple demonstrations I show on the YouTube channel and makes them his own so here is his nose emulator working no problem at all he then went further and [Music] implemented this rather famous tune on these Arduino once you've got a working 6 502 emulation you can use it for other computers that also use that CPU in this case this is whispers a c64 emulator commodore 64 and there's nothing better than programming your own emulator to run your own programs running in your own programmed emulator not something like that anyway good stuff boot keep doing it c64 emulators have proven quite popular and this is desert fishes so we can see it running the c64 operating system and it's loading up some programs this looks very stable and smooth good job desert fish [Music] hag here is also implemented a c64 emulator and is programming inside his c64 emulator it is c64 emulator section [Music] the emulator is contained within quite a good user interface too so you can interact with the disk system [Music] and it runs lots of little programs very nice very realistic personally I'm not a fan of emulating scanlines now because I don't ever remember my television looking like that back in the day then again I am from Europe and we use slightly high resolutions back then [Music] those familiar with the channel well the probably picked up on the fact I'm not the biggest fan of games made of cubes so I was quite intrigued when a couple of months ago a guy came to me and said hey I've been watching one of your videos and I wanted to have a go at making this and consequently sent me a Minecraft world to explore and so enthusiastically I entered the world and ran towards a button marked Run which I promptly destroyed I hate this game not to be discouraged I reloaded the world and remembered to use the right mouse button this time and not a great deal seemed to happen so I thought I'd have a look around I started to recognize some familiar things this said mapper there's a a big block of well modern rocks up there over here we have some signs called name table in fact we have two of them and this one's called palette table these are all starting to look very familiar indeed here's a lot more signs this one to enable any mic pattern background pattern swipes increment mode name table exit name table wine for anybody that's watched the channel this year you might be familiar with a lot of these terms they are in fact nest emulation components and this grid on the floor looks suspiciously like the pallets used in the nurse nothing really seemed to be happening until I started to notice some of these blocks changing color and then I discovered this which indicates there's a binary system of some sort in place the control system has a button called to view platform so I clicked that and I've sped it up here but revealed in front of me was something incredibly impressive indeed Tim ZF has implemented a nest emulator in Minecraft and here we can see the Donkey Kong ROM working and certainly we've got a working 6502 simulation and we've got a ppyou simulation at least it renders the backgrounds [Music] now I will pretend to understand the first thing about building computers in Minecraft but nonetheless I think this is very very impressive and shows a very deep level of understanding of how the nares works Plus how minecraft works and I can only assume that things like this are the data stored in zeros and ones so this must be the ROM for the game Tim Tschida has also provided a full breakdown of how the individual components of the emulator work here we can see the different registers performing their computations whilst the emulation is taking place and pixel by pixel the giant screen reveals itself I'm going to assume that it's actually rendering the entire viewable frame because the center seems to be offset to the left which implies were looking into the horizontal blanking period at the end of the scanline Tim said f you're not the community around the channel has grown and it's been an incredibly humbling experience and I feel really rewarded to get to interact daily with people from all walks of life and all levels of ability next up I want to show some very simple programs but incredibly important programs developed by speedy C now he has told me and given me permission to say this speedy C actually suffers from quite severe disabilities and so finds using the keyboard and the mouse quite difficult and he has spent his time developing applications to make his day-to-day life easier and this is something I am in great admiration of because he is programming things that are actually useful to him how many of us can say that so this is a little label maker that he's using to print labels it's written in Visual Basic and it contains the controls that he needs in order to print the things that he needs to put on the devices in his life it's a very simple programming using lots of built in utilities provided by Visual Basic but nonetheless useful adding new message now because speedy can't type very quickly he struggles to partake in discussions that take place on the server so he's created a small application that allows him to store premade answers which he can use when necessary do you want to delete this message deleting message saving messages creating a backup of all messages closing application next up we've got two submissions from Alexander or Alexander the OLC on the server here we've got an implementation of snake and this may seem simple to some of us but don't forget you had to start somewhere not everybody is born with the ability to program games straight away but I quite like these they're fully functional games finished projects of both snake and tetris well done Alex good stuff in a similar vein TBD is learning and here is his implementation of Space Invaders using the pixel game engine it's by Z but he went on to then create a good emulation of pac-man I think I might have a go at pac-man one day now we can't have a community showcase without showing a console based first-person shooter and I really liked this one by Crysis realms the attention to detail is lovely [Music] one of the biggest contributors to the server is Lu BTech and he is more interested in developing artworks he also creates lots of musical pieces too and I'm quite envious of the guy because he's programming in a way where he's not got a set goal he's programming and seeing what comes of it and so I'm just going to leave these visualizations running [Music] [Music] I'd love to be able to spend some time just throwing code as a compiler and seeing what happens it must be a very liberating experience now here's Danny Kahn using the pixel game engine and Danny Kahn is learning the tools of the trade this is a civilization inspired clicker game will you click and you build resources and those resources yield more resources and you use those resources to buy for the resources you know the deal it's a cookie clicker game [Music] and this is a small example of Danny Kahn learning how to perform proper user interactions controlling a small man moving around the screen as before these things are simple but necessary steps in order to become good at your craft Danny's current project is a terminal emulator he's interested in multi-user dungeons and so he's had to write the networking code to connect to the mud servers but then also implement the rendering code to display all of the escaped sequenced input provided by those servers and I'm interested in this because next year I think the channel will explore networking in some detail this year we had OLC code jam 2019 and it was a really good competition we had 64 entries and lots of ratings and the quality of the entries was very high the theme was destruction and we had entries from simple 2d pixel games to full 3d engines and horror experiences and I've already recorded quite a long stream and uploaded it to the Java decks 9 extra channel where I was playing the majority of the entries I'll link to that down below by quite some margin the winner was tetra wolf by low case which if this is an original IP I think is a brilliant idea you can play the game in the browser and it's a combination of Arkanoid and Tetris now he's got this lovely 8-bit feel to it all so you have to place the Tetris bricks before the ball hits the goal let's try the plan of the place brick and you have to wait for the next one to come along you can see the ball will destroy the tetris bricks that you are placing so you have to maintain a defence it's really quite hard but it was very very addicted to play and was a deserving winner of the OLC code Jam 2019 [Music] as with the previous code Jam who are also a couple of judges choices Awards which are the games as I've chosen that particularly caught my interest this one is called the last invader by Gareth Hubble and it takes the concept of space invaders and turns it upside down it's also created in the pixel game engine which of course I'm a fan of let's start the game so at this time instead of being the ship at the bottom you are the alien and you have to avoid the bullets it's as hard as nails but you can't stop playing but you can speed the alien up and down and you have to see how far you can get as you can see I'm not very good at it Gareth live stream the developments of this I've not got beyond the middle of the screen yet so we'll try a bit harder but with a bit of practice and not trying to do a voiceover at the same time as playing it it is actually possible to get further down the street and there we go Oh got hit again and it's got some cool music sound effects and the scenery is actually destructive I don't think anybody has ever gotten to the bottom if you have create a video and submit it on the discord server the second judges choice award went to NZ Winky Firth I'm done a game about destroying everything it's got some plot but what I quite liked about this was the dual nature of the game it consisted of two stages firstly you have to defend your tower and once you defended it for long enough you had to successfully escape Earth's orbit and here we are in the second stage and the idea is you have to try and follow the path you can zoom in and out to see what your objective is so you've got to travel around the planet and real physics start to come into play here I'm not very good at it I don't want the craft to fall and when you get to the other side of the planet you can release the ball I liked this entry because it's not often you see a multi-faceted game particularly in a game jam gravity simulations also proved quite popular on the discord this year Erickson is our resident discord physicist who tries to create titles that really explore the physics behind phenomena in the real world and so here we've got a simulation of a universe and I can press tab to go between the planets let's let me zoom out a little bit so we can see the whole system I'm informed there is a craft that I can control around this universe let's just zoom in on this system here I liked the graphics there they're very simple and but they're all vector based I can choose between all of the different ships and objects floating around this planet had a ring and in fact it has three moons which is quite nice one of the perks of being a member of a community such as one lone coda is you get to see people start projects develop them and occasionally complete them and this year in particular a guy called said thirty has been producing some absolutely exquisite programs and I'd like to show them here as an absolute textbook example of how to develop your projects the first thing is to get some very basic display up and running then start working with a small tile engine here we can see the solid tiles then get your camera moving that's an important step for immersion then start to add some more advanced features I really like the debug information being displayed on the screen [Music] then start to add some more advanced user interface features so here we've got double chunks enrollment and finally bring it all together so what do you do when you've finished your project well you start it all again you take the knowledge that you've just learned from your previous project remove all of the rubbish that didn't work keeping all of the bits that you liked and performed well and do something better this time around start at the beginning get your graphics and user input sorted out then sort out your camera in this case the camera follows the player smoothly next implement some collision detection this needs to be quite robust or the player can glitch through things and perhaps perform actions you didn't quite intend then start to partition the world sensibly you don't want to draw everything all the time nor do you want to interact with absolutely everything so come up with a data structure that represents your world bring the world to life by adding some rudimentary paths following in this case a small dog that follows the player around it's these sort of details which really make the game deep [Music] and as before bring it all together into the final experience the reason this looks and feels so good is it's the attention to detail and it's that that takes more time than the programming I think said thirties contributions this year have been nothing short of remarkable well done said well that's it for the community showcase this year and I think you'll agree with me that the quality of the submissions has been absolutely superb if you haven't made it this time don't worry we'll do more showcases next year I want to do them more frequently and with perhaps smaller shorter episodes I'd also like to thank all of the people that are frequently posting their project progress on the discord server if you're a viewer of the YouTube channel and you've not logged onto the discord I really recommend that you do we have a minecraft server we have public forums to help people out we've got places you can showcase your work and if you're really lucky you'll get lots of feedback and people testing your stuff I have one more thing to showcase and it really is a community showcase in this instance because I wouldn't have got it without the community that's developed around this channel and YouTube saw fit to send me this earlier this year let me show make sure I get that in the right place in the camera for 100,000 subscribers so this is really an award to all of us that take part and post things on the Disco's server watch the channels subscribe on patreon follow on Twitter all of those good things and just make the place a very fun educational and exciting place to be and so finally one big thank you for me I think will be one more video this year and we'll do a live special at the end of the year just to celebrate what a great year it's been but until then take care
Channel: javidx9
Views: 25,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one lone coder, onelonecoder, learning, programming, tutorial, c++, beginner, olcconsolegameengine, command prompt, ascii, game, game engine, pixelgameengine, olc::pixelgameengine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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