Common Pronunciation Mistakes My Advanced Students Still Make

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hi I'm Lisa let's learn some commonly mispronounced English words and let's make sure that you are pronouncing them correctly [Music] all of these words are daily words they're commonly used but even my Advanced students frequently mispronounce them you will see me working with the foreign-born actress in Los Angeles her name is Anna foreign-born actors often need to reduce or eliminate their Foreign Accents in order to work in Hollywood Anna struggled with some of these words and they may be difficult for you also at the end of the video I will give you a review quiz so that you can test your progress okay let's get started can you pronounce this word correctly this is a commonly mispronounced word let's practice with Anna and then I will teach you how to pronounce it perfectly here's a successful entrepreneur how do you pronounce that last word interpreter Entre not enter it's antra entrepreneur entrepreneur it's not new it's enough he's a successful entrepreneur he is a successful entrepreneur okay let's look at the en it's not pronounced M it's pronounced on on and then the TR is pronounced like this repeat after me antra and we stress the last syllable ner ner repeat after me entrepreneur let's say that again entrepreneur let's listen to how some native speakers pronounce it if you are an energetic entrepreneur or whether you're an entrepreneur with a 20 million dollar business so whether you're an entrepreneur scaling your business he's a successful entrepreneur let's look at these numbers you know how to pronounce the th at the end of ordinal numbers right we say for example seventh eighth and Ninth but when a number has a zero at the end it's a little different do you know how to say these numbers we don't say 20th and 30th we add an extra vowel sound we add a little schwa sound and we say it like this 20th repeat after me 20th it's his 20th birthday 30th 30th it's their 30th anniversary 20th 30th how do we say this number you say it 40th and this one 50th and so on 60th 70th 80th 90th have you been pronouncing those numbers correctly look at this word this is a very common word but it's frequently mispronounced you pronounce it the D is silent we say adjective adjective repeat after me adjective an adjective describes a noun other words with adg where the D is silent include adjust adjust I adjusted my seat belt and some other words include adjunct or adjourn we don't say adjunct and we don't say adjourn so remember don't say adjective the D is silent let's say that one more time adjective let's pronounce this word correctly it's difficult for a lot of my students you try it let's listen to Anna practicing the pronunciation it's so inferiorating infuriating it's it's so infuriating let's stress the second syllable infuriating infuriating good job what does that mean I don't know anything it means when you're very angry you're Furious that's right so if something makes you very Furious the situation is infuriating okay I'm furious I'm furious what you did is infuriating what you did is if infuriating good it's an infuriating situation it's in infuriating situation situation situation situation situation situation situation good the F and the U are pronounced as few and then between the I and the a is an extra vowel sound there's a little sound infuriating infuriating repeat after me that's infuriating and you can use it as a verb and you can say to infuriate repeat after me I was infuriated if something is infuriating it's very annoying it's very upsetting it's something that makes you Furious angry that's an infuriating situation make sure the TU of situation is pronounced as chew it's not two it's not situation it's situation let's say that again that's an infuriating situation let's listen to the way some native speakers pronounce it facts that are moving outrageous infuriating stories that can be controversial embarrassing or infuriating it infuriated me what is the correct pronunciation of this word you say it means to put something under the ground often in hide it or cover it or to put someone who has died in the grave the pronunciation is the same as this word repeat after me berry berry berry So when you say strawberry that's the same pronunciation as the verb to bury something or to bury someone repeat after me the dog buried the bone he was buried next to his wife our car was buried under a thick layer of snow have you been pronouncing that word correctly let's listen to how some other people pronounced it they buried it under the doorway of the temple in the capital that history had all sort of been buried oh you can bury me in some deep valley what's the correct pronunciation of this word you say it stress the second when we stress the second syllable we reduce the first syllable so we don't say Ka we say career career repeat after me I love my career she chose a career in medicine don't confuse the pronunciation of career with this word this is Carrier we stress the first syllable carrier he's a male carrier and let's say them both now career carrier this word is commonly mispronounced because of the strange spelling do you know how to pronounce it it means a group of people who sing together for other people to listen to and we pronounce it like this choir the CH is pronounced like a k sound and then we say wire choir choir they sing in a church choir the choir sounds beautiful this word is very commonly mispronounced have you been saying it correctly you say it have you been pronouncing the e and how about the th the E is silent and the th is almost never pronounced we say it like this close repeat after me close it's the same as the verb to close repeat after me I iron my clothes and if you look at the dictionary you will see both versions of the pronunciation you will see it without the th and with the th sometimes people do pronounce the th but they pronounce it very very softly and very quickly it's like this clothes clothes you almost can't hear the th but most people don't pronounce the th at all let's listen to some native speakers saying it make sure your clothes are appropriate let me notice how we're actually wearing different clothes this is because the clothes you're wearing look at these these two cup let's look at this word how do we say it have you been pronouncing it correctly the pronunciation changes we stress the first syllable and we don't pronounce the P the p is silent and we reduce the O and the A and we say it like this cupboard cupboard a cupboard is a piece of furniture with doors and sometimes shelves and you can put clothes or plates or food inside a cupboard repeat after me cupboard cupboard I keep the glasses in the cupboard let's look at the pronunciation of these two words are the vowel sounds the same or different how about the Dr how do you pronounce that let's look at the Dr first we say it like this so we don't say we say Dr that D changes Dr and now let's look at the vowel sounds in the first word we say ah ah draw I love to draw draw and we have the verb to withdraw and that means to take something out we can say I withdraw money from the bank repeat after me withdraw but in this word the vowel sound is different we say it like this drawer drawer and the W is silent don't say drawer let's say that again drawer drawer this word is commonly mispronounced you want to try pronouncing it let's look at these two words first this word is extra and this word is ordinary ordinary but when we put the two words together the a disappears and the syllable is dropped so we say it like this extraordinary extraordinary means very unusual or surprising impressive incredible we can say this is an extraordinary View and the adverb is extraordinarily repeat after me extraordinarily he's an extraordinarily talented musician let's learn how to pronounce this noun correctly it's frequently mispronounced you try it first so we say fail and then we say year year failure failure repeat after me it's a complete failure let's listen to the way some native speakers pronounce it the Strategic value that failure can offer that studies the failure of markets they're actually preparing and rehearsing for failure this word is very commonly mispronounced because the spelling is so strange do you know how to say it you try it first do you know what it means the correct pronunciation is gauge gauge a gauge is an instrument for measuring the size or amount of something in your car you have a gas gauge repeat after me the gas gauge is on Full and this is a tire pressure gauge repeat after me I need a tire pressure gauge there's also a verb form of this word to gauge and that means to judge how people feel about something or what they're likely to do or to measure or to calculate something repeat after me it's difficult to gauge his mood let's learn how to pronounce this word with the perfect American accent let's listen to Anna practicing it Hollywood that Y is pronounced like e Hollywood Hollywood excellent the O is pronounced as an ah sound ha Hollywood and the Y is pronounced as an e sound Holly Holly be careful about the pronunciation of the double O it can be pronounced in two different ways sometimes it's U for example moon or food and sometimes it's uh for example book or foot in this case it's pronounced like book and foot it's pronounced as so we don't say Hollywood we say Hollywood you say it Hollywood repeat after me she's a Hollywood actress how do we pronounce this word you say it are you stressing the correct syllable did you stress the first syllable or the second one the second syllable is stressed Hotel hotel and in this case the tea does not become a fast D it doesn't become the flap T for example we often say City or better but not in this case we don't say hotel or hotel the T sounds like a t sound Hotel because it's part of the stressed syllable repeat after me that's a beautiful hotel I booked the hotel reservation do you know how to pronounce this word let's listen to Anna practicing iron iron iron iron iron I iron my clothes I are your my clothes that o is Silent not iron it's I yearn iron iron iron I iron my clothes I iron my clothes good the O is reduced it sounds like this earn earn and then we put I in front of it iron repeat after me I'd like to iron my clothes I'd like to iron my clothes it's made of iron let's look at these two words how do we pronounce the vowel sounds are the vowel sounds the same or are they different you say them the first word is pronounced like this la LA but in British English it's a little bit different it sounds like this LOL law in American English it's a really big vowel sound law but what is the name of the profession the person who practices law let's listen to Anna practice it lawyer lawyer good lawyer lawyer I spoke to my lawyer I spoke to my lawyer low year there's a year in there that's right lawyer lawyer I spoke to my lawyer I spoke to my lawyer repeat law law the lawyer practices law the lawyer practices law good job repeat after me lawyer lawyer he studied law he's a very good lawyer the lawyer understands all the laws and now let's take a short review quiz to see if you remember the correct pronunciation of the words you will say the word first and then I will say it and then you will compare the pronunciation how do we pronounce this word you say it entrepreneur entrepreneur how about these two numbers 20th 30th how about this word adjective the D is silent infuriating infuriating Berry career career choir close cupboard cupboard how about these two words draw ER extraordinary failure Gage Hollywood Hotel iron and these two words law Yer how did you do did you pronounce all of the words correctly if not I recommend that you say them again but make your own sentences and say the sentence is out loud several different times that way you will remember the correct pronunciation and you will always say those words perfectly thanks for watching and keep practicing your English foreign to get the two courses the American accent course and the 400 Advanced words you must know for fluent English go to
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 129,761
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Keywords: pronounce, pronunciation, pronounciation, advanced english, like a native, pronunciation practice, speak fluent english, how to pronounce, difficult English words, Lisa Mojsin, Accurate English
Id: sVFA8fuvRgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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