Commercial Grading | Davinci Resolve 16 Tutorial - Introduction to Commercial Style Grading

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all right YouTube in today's cool tutorial we're gonna be doing a very interesting high-end commercial look relatively simple with a easy few steps before we start I want to say special thank you to ruff film for providing this clip for you guys be sure to check them out links in the description below okay so here we have our clip from rah film to be fair it's not raw file I'm working on right now I specifically downloaded 1080p version so technically I don't even know what configuration of this log right now I'm looking if we're gonna go here we can see that there's no information it's been shot on red camera but as of right now it's a pro res file so we're kind of basically starting the blind game I know a lot of you guys been saying that I always collar great raw files so to be fair and now we're working with the pro res the way you can see the concept is the same anyways so I'm gonna do a new note okay just like this and for this one I'm gonna call this one exposure / contrast okay and it's very simple all I have to do right now is to play with the contrast because I really wanted to give a nice high-end commercial kind of look so we give it a nice punch okay so I think like that looks great let's check it out before and after really quick okay I think like that looks pretty cool now pay attention also I'm not dropping down my blacks all the way down because we have to kind of make a common sense out of it and if you look at the picture we can see that there is nothing really technically a hundred percent black so there's no reason for us to drop this kind of thing I know a lot of people make a mistake they always drop this thing down but don't be one of those people do not drop exposure always down okay it's not the right thing to do so another new note and now we're gonna start introducing a little bit of look now of course depending on how things shut and the locational that order of operation is completely different so in this case I'm gonna start working on the water because it's kind of overcast and relatively the water is clean and this is a really cool thing about shooting like that we actually have a little bit of color in the water and this is fantastic because now we can actually do whatever we want so if I'm gonna go on the qualifier over here and I'm gonna turn on the highlight I'm gonna click on the water and we you can just drag it up a little bit we basically selected all the water so I'm gonna go down a little bit because I don't want to introduce that selection to a little beanie and the glasses so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna do clean black a little bit and clean white okay something like this and I'm gonna start introducing blur radius because the action happens so quickly at this point even if there's a little bit of noise because it's a water and splashes and whatnot we actually can completely get away with it so we still have a little bit of beanie let's do more more black just like that okay and now we have a very nice clean selection so I'm gonna get out of there and I'm gonna start introducing saturation okay so we have a very nice saturated water and now what I'm gonna do just what a hue I can completely change how it looks so I kind of want to do a little bit sort of teal let's check it out before and after before we had a little bit green now it's a little bit teal I think it looks a little bit more pleasant to our eyes like that however it's absolutely your decision you can make it blue you can make it green it's completely up to you there in this case green and blue working very well together so there is no right or wrong in this case okay so here we have it what happens now I'm gonna do another note and now just to save my time on selecting things I'm gonna connect this little blue to arrow and if we're gonna go back we have exactly the same selection so what we can do now is to go in a key and we can reverse it okay so it's a very cool trick that you can do that way you can save a little bit I'm that way don't have to pick things again and you know whatever the client sitting in the back would not so it's a really cool technique to use anyways so now we're basically working on the skin okay so with the skin what I'm gonna do well the first thing I want to do I want to give it a little bit of pop so again I'm gonna do a little bit of contrast okay and with the pivot I'm gonna go a little bit down because I don't want to go too much and I wanted to look too crazy okay so just like that is okay and what we can do now if we want we can introduce a little bit more contrast or we can actually minimize the contrast so let me do a point here and by the way there's multiple ways of doing this and I'm gonna do a point here and basically by dragging this down we can control how much contrast we'll want if we want to introduce we'll go up if you want to minimize will go down so let's see I kind of want to do a little bit let's see something something like this a thing looks cool let's check it out before and after so now we start getting a very overall nice image look at that it looks like a high-end commercial now let's go again before and after okay so that's pretty cool another thing what we can do and it's relatively very simple trick but in a shots like that it works very very well so let's go into window and select a little circular little window over here like this okay let's inverse this and introduce a little bit of vignette ago to a swimmer now I wanted to do a little bit aggressive in this case so something like that a nice vignette that way nobody can tell so let's see really quick before and after and as we can see we'll start getting that very high-end looking commercial it's very simple relatively I mean we're only doing like very basic steps so what I'm gonna do now is we're gonna do a very interesting technique we're gonna call this one bleach bypass okay and with this one I'm gonna go over here into RGB mixer I'm gonna select monochrome and then monochrome I'm gonna adjust my settings that way primarily his skin looks nice okay it's very simple I'm not gonna go in this tutorial about the science behind RGB channels I've covered that in my previous videos but I'm just gonna dial it by the eye now when you work on RGB it's very important let me zoom in over here it's very important that you don't do too much because you're gonna start getting a lot of artifacts if you're gonna crank one of the parameters too much so it's gonna be unusable so when you do make sure that your skin still looks relatively good we're not just skin in general your image because you don't want to introduce this kind of a blotchy artifact on anything okay so really quick before and after so it looks really cool to my eyes what I'm gonna do now all l we're gonna convert it in a layer mixer we're gonna go over here and we're gonna select soft light so now it kind of looks like Saving Private Ryan which I don't want to do because I still want to kind of keep that fresh commercial look so I'm gonna select all this right click create compound node okay just like that and again we're gonna go into key window and with a gain I'm gonna be able to control how much I want to introduce that look okay so depending on the commercial or the field that you want to introduce basically you dial in so you flavor okay and this is how we color great progress file and make it look very nice and cinematic very rich in a few easy steps so thank you guys for watching be sure to click like be sure to subscribe check out my professional series of origami lots for black magic camera red alexa and d GI and i'm gonna see ya in the next videos take care you
Channel: Aram K
Views: 42,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aram k, davinci resolve, color grading tutorial, color correction tutorial, commercial, grading, davinci, resolve, 16, style, commercial grading, davinci resolve 16, resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, origami lut, red camera lut, red camera lut for davinci resolve, best bmpcc 4k lut, blackmagic lut, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci 16, davinci tutorial, best film colorist, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, displaycal, davinci resolve color grading
Id: lWsth4hS2bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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