TIDY UP the COMFYUI Interface with this MAGICAL EXTENSION - Plus XY Comparisons

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so in this video we start off as usual with a Galaxy inside a bottle and we start off also with a burning desire to clean up the comfy UI user interface to clean up all the noodles and to get it looking nice and smart [Music] we're going to be looking at how to do that using an amazing plugin that will clean things up amazingly and give us superpowers beyond beyond your imagination well maybe not beyond your imagination if you've used automatic 11 11 because we're going to be bringing some of the functionality that we see inside of automatic 1111 inside of this user interface at least that's going to be the case for those guys in the YouTube membership and I will give you all the details and it's going to be amazing so we start off with the user interface here and we want to basically recreate this but without the soup without the noodle soup going on so we go ahead and clear everything okay and we need to install a plug-in and to do that we're going to be going to efficiency nodes comfy UI on GitHub that's the one we're going to be using and you can see a sample here of what this particular genius has created with the anime with the anime going on there and there are various workflows that there are inside of this project that you can take a look at now there's a direct download link if you want to just download that I think you can just uh you can extract that with a zip 7-Zip maybe inside of the custom nodes directory in coffee UI now I've already done that and you need to restart comfy in order to get everything showing up there are some installation instructions down here if you need more assistance let's go to comfy and let's start this thing up so we'll start off by going to add node and efficiency no codes so you should see this menu once it's installed we're going to go to loaders we're going to choose the efficient loader and we can then start choosing our our tensor file I think we can zoom in a little bit like that let's go for the one with the baked vae so dream shaper 6 baked vae we've got a clip skip option so I spoke about automatic 11 11 and the features that you find there and maybe you can see now what I was talking about we can also load up a Lora stack and a lower different law resin and their strengths we're just going to focus on keeping it nice and simple let's go ahead and we'll go with fight one two by five one two but our batch we'll keep it size one we can do fancy stuff that doesn't necessarily involve the batch size uh we'll choose another efficiency node this one is going to be the sampler and there are two we're going to choose the first one the efficiency the efficient key sampler now watch carefully [Music] how difficult was that so you can see how easy this is now should we be able at this stage to produce an image I think we should but let's not just create some Galaxy in a bottle that we're going to we're gonna get rid of anyway let's just go ahead and create a preview so down here we've got preview image enabled should we try to run this and see if it will actually run what you can see is reading and it's running so for once we haven't got a Galaxy in a bottle we've got positive uh who knows what that's reading right there so with the power of editing I went ahead and copied the text from the previous render and change the ckpt name and the vae name for the for this particular render so that it was the same as the previous one that we did and also put in the same seed number and I think we've got an identical looking we've got an identical looking render there so it's looking nice and it's also looking neat now this ability to preview here is one of the main features that you have with this efficiency nodes for comfy UI it makes life a lot easier but Kevin I hear you saying we haven't got an output image or we've just got a preview image so let's zoom out and let's go ahead and I think we need to see an image don't you so we'll come here we click and drag and we can choose save image and you know what we I'm actually going to copy this because I want to see if I can get this again let's change the CFG to eight Q prompt and we've now actually got a saved image so we've now got the preview image and the saved image so this is how you can make comfy UI you can actually disable this if you want to if you've got the save image there so this is how you can make comfy UI a lot more neat think about how much easier it is to actually get this looking the way it is and uh how we've got so few noodles here I don't think I don't know if it's possible to actually combine the save image so that we don't have to repeat this like that it may be possible there's an option we can sort of shift click and then right click and choose Nest selected nodes that might work it might not work I haven't tried it but that's basically how we can clean up the user interface let's take another look at efficiency nodes and let's see what we can do with this extension one of the most useful features we can apply is an XY plot and if I right click and choose add let's go ahead and choose efficiency nodes XY plot and X Y plot we've now got the basis for what could be a really useful feature that would allow us to make comparisons now the XY plot has got a basic function which is to if I bring it up here you'll be able to see we've got a script option script option here and it's basically going to deliver a script to the sampler and that script is going to be used instead of the usual output to create several images that we can compare so we can compare things like what happens if we work with different CFG amounts or different schedulers if you always wanted to know what the schedulers do we could compare that we could compare what happens when when you use Euler or Euler Euler ancestral human DPM 2 and so on on the same seed we can then bring this down here and we can initially just join the script because we know the script is going to go there and we have of dependencies and we know the dependencies have to go there because that was something that was not connected it is strange that you've got clip here which doesn't seem to connect anywhere but we don't need to worry about that we need to now connect the x and y k sampler output image we can have a plot or an image we're going to choose images and it's useful whilst we're in this sort of zoomed in view because we can see exactly what we're doing we can choose efficiency nodes and we can go again to X Y plot and inputs what do we want to test I would really like to test what happens when you have different CFG scales so I want to see what happens when you use one CFG value on the same seed and then you use a completely different CFG value currently it's set to eight well we can choose whatever we want we're gonna set the count to two that means we can set the cfg41 and then maybe just make this 16. what about that let's make that 16 and that's going to give us two counts of cfgs that we can test you'll see exactly how all of this combines together a bit later on zooming out we can actually make a connection so we can connect I think it doesn't matter we connect this to X or Y and we'll go X or Y there we've got we've got the option then we can once again go and right click efficiency nodes X Y plot what are we going to choose this time what can we compare against the CFG scale well we could compare the vaes or the schedulers or we could compare the Samplers what about the samplers that's another area of curiosity isn't it how do the different Samplers compare to one another we've got the X and Y there might as well connect that to the X and see whether that turns out well and uh let's go we can choose sampler Euler and let's choose normal and let's choose Euler um let's use Karas then let's choose I don't know um this guy here DPM to ancestral and let's choose normal for that one and let's see if this actually does anything I think all of the nodes are connected aren't they dependency script script division dependencies here we haven't got anything connected for clip but that doesn't seem to produce any sort of problem and if we really want it to be thorough we could output an image and say save image so let's put that there like that and let's just put that out of the picture for the time being and Q prompt if there's any problem it will tell us okay so not very much happened I do think we probably got an image here which is the same as this image here and the the preview here looks pretty much as good as the output so the uh K sample efficient seems to produce a pretty decent looking uh preview so why did nothing happen why did we not get any comparison sheet well if we come up here the script is just going in here but the sample the sampler state is set to sample and you know this is the sampler name and the sample schedule let's change this to script and let's see what happens now [Music] you might be able to see it's actually running several times which seems very very good that's looks like what we want to happen and it seems to be repeating again and again I wouldn't worry too much about that if you see that happening that seems to be what we want after all do we not have one two three options here and two options here so we should have six and oh they look kind of different so we've got Euler Euler Euler normal oil DPM to normal which looks a little bit ridiculous with Little Bits of Paper just hanging out of nowhere and uh we've got Eula Karas CFG of 16 CFG of 16 for normal and we've got dpm2 CFT of 16 which looks totally ridiculous it looks like something out of Science Fiction so that's our comparison as you can see one interesting feature here is that we've got a kind of a surface here which with Karas is turned into a hand so you can see the kind of differences that you would get with different scripts and that's really the power of this particular feature notice that here in the save image we've got six different images that we're saving so it's saving each of these different uh images and we can see them in a grid um a grid formation as well I'm not sure if it actually saves this grid formation but we can cycle through comsa there we are and close that to see all of them and we can if we want to save this image if if we want to do that I don't think this actually Saves by default so you've got a comparison there which is the kind of functionality you've probably been looking for inside of this software but I think when you actually look at this and give it some consideration it's actually I feel a little bit easier than automatic 11 11. um I don't know how you feel about that but I think uh when I set this up I kind of get a sense of what I'm doing whereas with automatic 11 11. um I'm sort of like I'm praying and hoping the Force is with me when I'm making selections for making these also grids I can never quite tell what's gonna happen but whereas with this one because you have to think it through you sort of know exactly how it's going to come out but that is how you can get these sorts of comparisons look there are lots of other features that you can get with this particular efficiency node extension and I would definitely suggest that you try it out and if you want to learn a little bit more uh sign up for the course I'll have a link in the description for that [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pixovert
Views: 6,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ComfyUI, customisation comfyui, comfyui ui improvement, extension comfyui efficient nodes, comfyui organisation, AUTOMATIC1111 COMFYUI, STABLE DIFFUSION COMFYUI, Comfy XY Grids Comparisons, xy plots comfyui
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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