ComfyUI Lora and Lora stack workflow

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hey guys welcome to another AI fuzz video hope you guys are doing well today we are going to be discussing luras now what is Aura well Laura stands for low rank adaption which is basically a style or like an image a style or like a person that you can add on to your base model and it will help shape the image in the end um so let best way to show you might be the best way to explain it if you go to civit which is a great resource for all this stuff and you do filter by Laura it'll bring up all the luras that people have uploaded and you see up here there's different different submenus character style celebrity concept clothing base model poses background tools buildings so much more so if we go to let's see um well let's just see if we go to character right there's different character lawyer lawyers luras that people have trained AI on so say someone wanted a character of Pikachu well simply they took like 100 images of Pikachu told AI hey I want this character to look like Pikachu and they fed the 100 images to AI trained it on it and created a luro which is kind of like a look like it's it's the way the image would turn out and anything you generated with Pikachu or with a keyword cuz usually these lers would need trigger words to activate it'll spit out images like cheap Pikachu based on how well the images you gave it were so here if we look at the characters look there's different anime characters um Velma out of nowhere and you you know people have trained Lura to pig roast Patty party okay if you wanted like a a roasted pig at your party sorry but yeah these are different ones so how do we have this added in our workflow if so if you seen my previous videos I showed you how to do some basic workflows we did a text to image workflow and an image to image workflow so let's see uh I think I have one I have a whole list of L so let's jump to comfor the UI and again there's so many here you can spend all day just going through these they have everything poses actions clothing objects people train AI to like learn what a bag is and this specific Louis Vuitton bag so you can actually get that Louis Vuitton bag being held in the picture in your final creation so let's go to comi right here uh we have nothing uh so so we're going to start a workflow from scratch or let's load the default well let's let's start from scratch this way practice will get you through and practice is what is going to make you guys learn com fui cuz you're going to keep doing it over and over it's going to become like okay I it's going to become second nature so the first node first Little Oven we're going to make obviously for a text image would be a load checkpoint cuz you're going to be loading the model that you want to use use and I can't type right now and it's right here see low checkpoint and again this is the drop down to pick a checkpoint you want to use and let's just randomize let's just do um let's do um Digital Life whatever that is hopefully that's not a bad one um and right off the bat Laura we're going to start adding the Laura before we move on to the next step step here so we're going to double clip we're going to load and it's going to say load low right here um so there's many different load Laura nodes this is the basic one I usually use a load Laura stacker which allows you to stack three lowers together um it gives you a better it gives you kind of cool options but I will cover that maybe after I get this done so as you see here it does have an input for a model on a clip and an output for model in a clip and it has the Laura name I can get here see Laura sdxl beard mustache and it has a strength of the model strength of the clip I usually keep those to one unless I want to change it but from here you would just connect the model to the model and then the clip to the clip okay you would pick your Laura and I don't know what I'm going to use use but let's just pick something that I know has a um key trigger word um which one help me I don't know which has a trigger word oh there EOB things which is a Laura that will organite it will give you a picture of little items organized as you're as if you're packing for a trip which is very bizarre but it's kind of cute and I know the trigger word for this one so we're going to use that one now again that's it for the Laura the Laura is part of your process so now you would just go out to these outputs which are if you notice the same over here so you would just go into the clip it would give you your negative and positive prompts so you go to clip text and code here clone this and it will give you the negative and then you would have to draw this pipe down to the negative I'm going to color these so I I know what is what all right okay and then it has a model which we're going to be connecting next because if you notice before it's again it's the same thing over and over you connect the model normally from here to the K sampler we just have lore in the middle now so it's going here and that would go to the case sampler so let's put a quick uh positive prompt I will put um toys I'll just put toys so it'll children's toys I'll put children's toys just that I'm sure you know uh Toys I'll just put on bed all right and what model did we choose did we choose a model Digital Light okay I don't know what that is um and then I will leave the negative blank okay so now from here you go out here and go into the case sampler which is this node the big boy so you have the positive to positive negative to negative it needs a model and a latent image so let's go back the model is right here now because it went through the Laura and light image would need an empty Laten image which is right here okay again the latent image would just would would dictate how big are the dimensions of your final so latent to latent and let's do this 768 by 768 to make it a perfect square but you can actually make it any size you want as long as 768 is on the uh one of the ends we'll do one generation and the Laton would next go to that's right vae decoder again this is like the frost thing in my opinion and it needs a vae so we're going to go all the way back to the vae of here now some checkpoints don't have and I'm frozen a vae so say you wanted to mix and match vaes with different checkpoints because you can do that and you get different styles so all you would need to do is bring up another node which is called a vae loader right here load vae and again it's a starter node because there's no input and if you notice it has a drop down and an output for vae so here you can actually pick a vae and I will go with apricot and you can load that vae and that will be loaded that's far so you guys remember what we did for far pipes uh we did a reroute so we're going to grab this right here do a reroute uh and then move that up there okay so that's connected and then finally the last would be the image and we're going to go save image and I'm going to just make this come out like this so this is a lawyer La this is a Laura workflow one Laura so let's process this let's Q prompt and see where we go with this one and um oh shoot and I will stop this because I forgot to do something oops so if you ever wanted to stop something in the middle you can you would see to go through here view q and then hit cancel hit cancel there so remember earlier I said some luras most luras needed a trigger word for it to activate word is EOB things which is normally not it's not always going to be that straightforward but for this one I know it's EOB things there it is so I usually put my um activation trigger word in in the front so I don't think matters comma that way it knows right away that I it's wanting to do that okay so that's a trigger word for that Laura so it'll be triggered I just want to check the steps we will do uler and normal that's fine and then we're going to hit Q prompt and once we're ready I will come back okay guys so it actually stopped the process and this is the image we came up with toys just scattered around that's the Laura that did that for us uh so that's pretty cool and again there's literally thousands of thousands of luras out there uh that you can use now what I like to do and I'm going to add this to this video now since um I'm talking about it I like to stack my luras so I'm going to get rid of the Laura node like that and I'm going to look for stack right here now this is a part of the comfyi studio pack which you can download by going as long as you have the manager installed you can hit H manager install custom nodes and look for studio hit search um or maybe it's already in there let me just see something there is one here you would install this you can install this Laura stacker um but I I did one from The Comfy Studio pack actually you may have that already if you install comfy UI so this is the node for the low stacker essentially the lur stacker would allow you to stack three different luras one two and three so you can come up with something really unique and it'll add all those to your image process remember lurs most luras have a trigger word so you would want to put all three trigger words if they have them into the positive prompt uh but I I always I don't even look I don't even use the low lowas I ually always use a stacker because even if I just want one Laura I can just put one Laura um and uh I can always always uh add more if I want to so if you look at this node and look at this oven you notice there's a new input and a new output it's called Lura stack so whenever you have something like that you probably would need some kind of applier or something that would apply the stack and spit it out into a node that you can actually into an output that you can actually connect in your worklow so I'm G to look for going to go back to lur stack and I can see there is an apply Lura stack Ah that's more like it look you see those guys model and clip model and clip if it's familiar that is from your checkpoint model and clip so what we have to do we have to get this integrated into our workflow and the model and clip from your checkpoint would go into the model and clip from the apply lore stack right here so if I just delete these it's a ve sorry so do the model to model right clip to clip right and then the clip will go into the positive and then the negative now so now that's connected the model would go all the way into the cas sampler it's not that far but right here and that's connected so now I have left is to connect if you see here a Lura stack and that's this so we would move this over and you don't need an input for this unless you had another lur stack you just take the lur stack and connect it there and it's part of the connection see so now we can select our luras I'm just going to select whatever I can find because I don't really I'll do acrylic paint style uh let's do um what is creepy character let's try that and let's do a third low just for the heck of it let's just put in um oh we have a lot um let's do I have no idea what this stuff would be um fantasy landscape maybe all right so I really don't know what the what these if these have trigger words or not I have a database of luras that I have downloaded and I wrote down their trigger trigger words for each one but I don't really know if I I don't feel like bringing that up right at the moment so I'm going to just do this I'm just going to trry and guess uh acrylic paint style I would maybe think paint would be a trigger word um acrylic probably and for creepy character let me just put creepy and for the last one fantasy landscape I will just put fantasy um land and then I'll do landscape and I will do what can I do okay so I'll put like May I'll put boy boy sitting in a pond eating um uh pizza maybe okay let's try that um is this the positive or negative oh yeah that was the positive and here I'll just keep that uh mty lat image is good and the K sampler um let's change it let's do this one and carass and that's it so that is now part of the workflow that that lore stacker it has all three Lowes we're going to Q prompt and then we're going to see where it comes up with and guys just if you noticed I already loaded this model previously with this EOB thing so that jumped right away and it's already done the image look at this all right so let's see what it looks like it is a boy in the acrylic paint Style eating sitting on a stool on a tree in the pond eating pizza so there is pizza around so the paint stall was triggered and uh what else did I have fantasy landscape and I think that's the back that was triggered the creepy character was not triggered cuz I don't think creepy is the right trigger word for that so yeah but yeah that's it it it it combined all the luras for me into this nice little well he is kind of creepy okay maybe that's what it is so if you guys like this um video make sure you comment subscribe any questions let me know I'll provide links to um uh to whatever I say in this uh video and comment and I'll try and answer them so I'll see you guys next time on another AI fuzz video and if you can stop by the patreon check that out I have daily prompts I release different prompts every day and Aur of the week so I'll have release uh or preview Aur that I find that's pretty cool that you can download weekly so and I'll have different workflows any workflow I use will be up on the patreon so you can download it and use it in your own comfy UI so see you guys later bye
Channel: AIFuzz
Views: 2,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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