Best ComfyUI Upscale Workflow! (Easy ComfyUI Tutorial)

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In this video, I will show you everything you need  to know about upscaling in ComfyUI. I'll guide   you through the various methods to enhance your  images, introduce you to my favorite upscaler,   and finally share my personal workflow with you.  So, let's get started without any further delay. If you've seen my last video, you're already  familiar with how ComfyUI works and how we've   set up this workflow with nodes. If you  haven't, I highly recommend watching   that video first to better follow along. To  kick things off, I'll introduce you to the   standard upscaler of ComfyUI. To do this, I'll  create an "Upscale Image By" node and connect   it to a "Preview Image" node so we can compare  the original image with the upscaled version. I'll then adjust the settings to  upscale the image by a factor of 2,   which determines the new size of the image.  As for the method, I'll keep it as is. It's   important to note that the method affects how  the image is upscaled; usually, it's best to   leave it unchanged. Let's start upscaling.  Oh, and one more thing – it's a good idea to   keep the seed fixed to ensure we don't generate a  new image, but rather keep everything consistent. As you can see, the upscaling process  is complete. When I open both images in   the browser, the upscaled one is now larger  than the original. However, this is just the   basics. We're now moving on to the upscalers  that truly enhance the quality of the image. Next, we're taking our image upscaling  to the next level using models. For this,   I'll set up an "Upscale Image (By Model)" node  and link it with the "Load Upscale Model" node   to load our models. We'll then connect  this setup to the "Upscale Image By" node,   where we can adjust the scaling factor as  needed. Important to note, these models   require separate downloading. I'll guide you  through three ways to find and download them,   highlighting the models I frequently  use and consider the best for starters. Firstly, you can download models directly from  the Manager. If you don't have the Manager yet,   you can find a link in the description or refer  back to my last video where I downloaded it   automatically with Pinokio. In the Manager, you'll  click on "Install Models" and find them under the   "Upscale" category. You can download them directly  and they'll be available after restarting ComfyUI. Secondly, CivitAI offers a selection of  upscalers. Just filter for "Upscaler" under   "Models" to find them. You can then compare  them here and choose the best ones for you,   as they are visualized for you here,  as opposed to the manager. I'll show   you where to save them in a moment, but let's  talk about the third way to find upscalers. Finally, there's OpenModelDB, primarily for  upscaler models. As with CivitAI, you can review   and compare to find the best fit for your needs.  Now I'll show you the folder where these should   be downloaded. Here's the path; mine might look  a bit different if ComfyUI was installed without   Pinokio, but it's almost the same. Just navigate  to your ComfyUI folder and follow this path. Once you have your upscaler ready, you can load  it and upscale your image with it. Upon reviewing   the results, you'll notice an improvement in  resolution. Later, I'll showcase all images   with their respective upscalers for a clearer  comparison and to highlight the differences. Next we have the LDSR upscaler, a  relatively new node for ComfyUI.   You can find and download it from  the Manager, or alternatively,   download my workflow at the end and add it  using the "Missing Nodes" function through   the Manager – the choice is yours. I'm  leaving the settings as they are; you're   free to experiment and see what works best, but  for me, the default settings are perfectly fine. However, one thing you might want to try  is increasing the steps to make the image   more detailed and clearer. Keep in mind,  though, more steps don't automatically mean   better results for every image; it always  depends on the image you're upscaling. After upscaling, you can immediately see the  original image has become clearer. As mentioned,   I'll provide a more detailed comparison towards  the end, showing other upscaled images so you   can better appreciate the differences. One  more thing about the upscaler, it does not   work well with all images and it requires a lot of  resources, which is why upscaling can take longer. Now, let's move on to the next upscaler,  "Iterative Upscale," which also requires a   separate download. Personally, I'm not a huge  fan of this upscaler, but I've noticed better   results on some images with this one. It's  best to test it on your images and form your   own opinion. To use this upscaler, we need the  "Iterative Upscale Image" node. There's another   way to use this upscaler, which I'll cover  in another video, but to keep things simple,   I'll just continue with this method. This node  is then connected to "Pixel KSampler Upscale."   Remember to link the "Pixel KSampler Upscale"  with the other necessary nodes as well. It is   important that we also connect the Iterative  Upscale Image node to the VAE of our model. Next, we'll transfer the image settings to  "Pixel KSampler Upscale" to minimize changes   to the original image. If you desire alterations,  feel free to adjust the settings. We set the steps   to 50, higher than the original, to enhance  detail and clarity, and reduce noise to 0.1,   aiming to keep changes to the original as minimal  as possible. Increasing this value will cause the   upscaler to alter your original image more  significantly. For the iterative upscaler,   I recommend setting the steps to 2 or 3. I keep  mine at 3, as it seems to work best for me. After upscaling, the image looks like  this – not perfect, but I'll show you   later that this upscaler works better  on some images and worse on others. Now, let's move on to the best upscaler,   in my opinion. I exclusively use this one for  my images because it achieves the best results. To do this, we'll create the Ultimate SD  Upscale node and link it to the necessary   nodes. As I mentioned at the beginning of  this video, I'll provide my workflow for   download at the end, so you can check out all  the settings and connections at your leisure. Then I'll take the settings from my  KSampler, set the Denoise to 0.1 and   the Steps to 50 and we're done. We set up  this upscaler similar as the previous one.   Because it works in a similar white way.  I leave the other settings as they are. I will now start the upscale process  only after I have stopped the recording,   because this upscaler needs a lot of power and  I simply cannot record while it is running. As you can see, I got a  really good result with it. Now, I'm going to display the results side by side  with the different upscalers for comparison. Feel   free to pause the video and take a closer look if  you'd like. As mentioned earlier, some upscalers   perform better on certain images than others;  it really depends on the image. For example,   I find that the Ultimate SD Upscaler works best  on people, while the Iterative Upscale and LDSR   Upscaler excel with landscapes. But, of course,  I encourage you to test them out for yourself. Now let's take a closer look at my  upscaling workflow. On the left,   you can see that I've separated the  image generation from the rest of the   process. This is because upscaling consumes  a lot of resources. To optimize your time,   I suggest generating 10 to 20 images first and  then selecting the best ones for upscaling. You   can simply paste these images at the top  and start the upscaling process. If there   are any nodes you prefer not to use, simply  bypass them to streamline your workflow. For   those interested in learning more and using  my method of image generation and upscaling,   I've shared both my workflow and the  ComfyUI document on Discord and Patreon. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you  did, please leave a like and don't   forget to check out my latest ComfyUI  tutorial. See you in the next video!
Channel: Aris
Views: 3,912
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Keywords: ComfyUI Tutorial, ComfyUI Upscale, ComfyUI Upscale Workflow, ComfyUI guide, comfyui sdxl, comfyui workflow, comfyui stable diffusion, ai art, comfyui nodes, sdxl, comfy ui, stable diffusion ai, comfyui explained, ai art tutorial, comfyui manager, stable diffusion xl, learn comfyui, ai tools, artificial intelligence, custom nodes, openart, comfyui course, best ai tools, stable diffusion installation, local comfyui, automatic1111 comfy ui, comfyui basics explained
Id: AW6BdxyqK8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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