Comfortable HOME STUDIO Setup 2020 | Stonebaby Sounds (studio tour)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i have been going to so many studios if you guys didn't know this is like becoming a regular thing now today's video is a super cool home whole home studio that is in franklin tennessee it's called stone baby sounds they have a really nice instagram and a lot of super nice gear so the whole house is the studio now it wasn't gutted or revamped into a studio they turned the house into a studio so that's the main purpose which is really cool i've seen this one other time in austin and it was the first time i saw somebody use their house for this purpose which is really fun big thank you to stone baby sounds go check them out on instagram if you guys like following studios on instagram that kind of stuff uh thank you for smashing the like button for the youtube algorithm hit subscribe i noticed a lot of the viewers that watch almost over 80 of the people who view these videos are not subscribed so if you like this stuff hit the subscribe button there's gonna be a lot more continuing to come all through next year as well as some other cool stuff next month i'm gonna be mixing in some stuff pertaining to gear and some drumming stuff so it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty fun i'm excited okay let's go check out the studio [Music] hey what's up dude what up how's it going great man thomas yes tell me about this um this whole spot so i'm just renting it um oh really yeah oh cool just renting um for a couple years um i had to get out of my house so i found this spot that was perfect so i just uh i picked it up man and just brought all my stuff here and now we're here other than lights and just fixing a couple of things everything's exactly how i found it pretty much oh cool i mean the house is 1927. okay so there's a lot of um intricacies yeah um but that's what gives a character so so this is like uh the live room mostly drums but we can move them out and record anything we want in here if we want like a tighter sound for the drums i can throw it in the booth but it really sounds great in here so are you a drummer yeah yeah okay that's how i started drumming and before i got into engineering and stuff like that is this the house kit the gretch it's actually the newest kid i i got basically the gretch and the ludwig are full kits i have all the toms but everything else is like one-off just random drums so based on like what i'm doing i'll throw what i think fits the song together there's a couple vintage kind of pieces but for the most part they're all kind of newer drums i just love this gretch a lot and it's my favorite one so i end up using that the most i'd say either that or the slinger line back there but all right so we got gretch we've got a pearl is this craviato what is this that's a centennial uh lovely right there this is the silver centennial and then the sling kick is like a um 60s kick yeah yeah yeah and it sounds great i love it yeah and the rest of just you know uh toms a few snares pretty great snares custom cask snares um just a guy that makes snares himself everything else is toms that go with the rest of the kit and yeah that's pretty much that's pretty much the drums so the drummer lives out here has his own room yep it's a really comfortable room too i like that you have some natural light in here you've got some cool christmas lights some rug rug action yeah i imagine you probably swap out some mics occasionally but this is kind of like the dream well you know dude i've been experimenting a lot um especially getting into a new place the room sounds different than the last room i had um i just got these overheads these royers are tins on the overheads the ribbon mics and i've never used rib mics on overheads before but i love it they're nice it's amazing oh yeah so much easier to mix with because they're just darker yep so for now this is like what i have now that's working for me um but i'm always changing it you know royer r10 overheads what's the snare mic it's telltale that's the m80 m80 okay which i i used to always just do the 57 yeah but man i got that and it's amazing and it's not very expensive at all which is cool and then in the d2s onyx twos on the toms yeah they're great and then the kick is the uh telefunken m82 which is awesome as well m82 m82 yeah yeah okay that's right how does that sound really cool is it dynamic yeah yeah you can uh you can actually people use them for all types of things but they were designed for kick i had never heard of them until i kind of came across it on reverb and then i you know youtube did just watch some videos to make sure that it was what i wanted and um and i love it and then snare bottom 57 hi hat what's this guy so that's what i was using on my overheads prior that's in the audix um blanking on the 51 audix 50 80 x 51 so i have a pair of those that i was using for overheads which weren't great um but i wanted to try something new just because i was using them for so long so i wanted to switch it up a little bit and then you got the zildrin what are the avedas so these constant opals um i'm pretty new to these symbols but once i found this guy i like fell in love and i had to get the crash and then this zildjian vintage hi-hats are like super dry and they sound really cool um i've got backup symbols and stuff more k's a couple like a customs um but what i have here is like what i've really been loving lately and they seem to work with just different genres too which has been really cool i notice on the base of the entire room you put up the acoustic foam yeah i did that um kind of like as an emergency so like my last studio i had the drums in my room similar to your setup and um i had to basically spread out all the acoustic panels that i had from one room into four rooms yeah um so i threw these up just on the bottom half and it actually dens the room just enough yeah you know it doesn't um totally kill everything but i'm probably wrong somebody will for sure tell me in the comments something that bill putnam did in all the rooms he did was he would do just do it was almost like a not a rug but carpeting yeah like up to the same height yeah and then there would be like the wood on the walls with the panels behind the diffusion and stuff yep but in every tracking room it's all yes that carpet around the bottom yep and i kind of modeled it after a studio way back in the day that i worked we we would take 703 panel and build panels and line the bottom of it right but i didn't do that here just because it would just it just i had this already right and it actually matched to fit the entire room perfectly so so you've got a snake over here in the corner yes so this snake runs all the way around this room into that hole in the corner going to the main room and then it also splits off here and goes to the booth i have headphones that split to the drummer and then i have headphones i split to the vocal booth and i'm not cutting things live so right it's either dope yeah exactly one more question about this room what are these stands cause these are are these atlas they are yeah yeah um actually just got these and they are nice super happy with them oh yeah especially for overheads just regular stands just don't really cut it you'll find it drooping yeah you know that's the that's the classic uh droop that you get sometimes yes and especially when you're trying to dial in perfectly with the snare that could be a problem and just like just being sturdy um you know with like the tripod base you always have to lean the stand towards one of the legs make sure it doesn't fall over that kind of avoids that but um and you can just i mean i guess you could do with the tripods too but throw some sandbags on there if you're getting real heavy with it or something but i i uh actually josh helped me pick these out i asked his um suggestion on what i should get and uh you kind of take a base and you pick a top and kind of mix match them and yeah i got two and then one for the boot and uh so far they've been awesome what what does one atlas stand like this run a couple hundred bucks yeah i wanna say it was maybe like maybe 200 bucks oh okay maybe a little bit more yeah because it's separate so i think like you know the box oh okay i'm probably gonna get this wrong but let's say the bottom was like 180 and the top was maybe like 120 or something like got it um so i think for three stands i think my total was maybe six seven hundred bucks okay it took me a while to like justify getting that because you know it's like understanding it's sitting in the room it's it's ridiculous but when you're putting up too you know some mics get ridiculously expensive yeah you don't want them falling over i don't have to worry about them falling over they're nice they're steady they look cool and they last a long time and they last forever like i i doubt i'll have to get newsstands for a long time exactly did you make these panels that are in here i did yeah i did so these are the 703 you stained some wood and just uh burlap from hobby lobby hot okay sweet yeah i love that yeah i just built them um you know eventually i might want to replace them just because i've had them for a really long time you actually kind of wanted just a new look but um they work great and um and they're pretty cheap yeah to put together you know well the great thing about making themselves is you can always just replace the fabric and you got a whole new look that's true where did you get the the diffusers amazon really yeah yeah do they come why one day i just thought i'm gonna search when i got in here looking for just diffusers and um soundproofing any kind of acoustic panel i just typed in diffuser and more acoustic diffuser and those showed up and then the ones that are in the booth you'll see in a second um and they're relatively cheap but they work really well and um yeah there's two so there are two separate squares and i just kind of put them next to each other and kind of are they pretty pretty reasonable yeah like i think those were like maybe 80 bucks a piece okay 60 to 80 bucks a day and the other ones in here are a little more intricate and i think those are about like 110 a piece i think this is a sweet room thanks man yeah my original worry because like both this room and the main room are just almost perfect squares yeah and you know that's like a big no-no um so it was pretty important to like really try to dial it in but we get a cool room sound especially with the drums i'll i'll stick a mic out in the kitchen or i'll just leave this door open and use the vocal mic as a room mic and uh just getting those cool yeah room sounds you know yeah well it's nice that there's nothing else in here too yeah so you get to really maximize the space and you have good height with the ceiling and yeah yeah like when i need to cut like acoustics and stuff i don't i don't have to clear any of this out the booth luckily is big enough which is great because my last studio my booth was really small yeah and um so yeah i could just leave it up i don't have to tear it down i mean maybe if i had to do like a group of someone you maybe yeah but that wouldn't even be a big deal you know yeah i can just leave it up leave leaving it up is my favorite thing yeah this is the vocal booth uh well really any booth we do acoustics and bubbles mostly in here um and it kind of just has like a you can tell the sound instantly yeah a little bit different way tighter a lot tighter when i first got in here i over deadened it by putting too much foam in here so i've started to kind of like reduce that it's kind of a hodgepodge of material in here but it works pretty well and we've cut vocals already in here it's been really great yeah those are the diffusers i was telling you about a little bit different oh yeah yeah yeah um it's got like the smaller boxes yeah yeah and so i originally had all this foamed you know just like right back wall and it was just way too dead just felt unnatural didn't feel um you know there's a fine line between having it super dead and having like a vibe to the room unbalanced yeah yeah yeah so well what's cool about this is a lot of vocal booths are very claustrophobic yes and overly you're like ooh yeah which can sometimes sound cool on some things like if you're doing reading an audio book exactly but but this would probably be much more preferable because it's way more comfortable yeah yeah you can stretch around you know natural light yep yep you don't feel crammed in here i like that you have like normal sort of house decor like that lamp and the plant yeah it feels really cozy in here honestly that's intentional man yeah hopefully a lot of my clients would say that they've always felt comfortable because like i'm really about the aesthetic in the vibe even if even if you have the cheapest mic you know not that much gear which i had at some point i always wanted to be comfortable you know and to be able to get creative you know i think that's the biggest thing but this is the telefunken the copperhead um honestly i love this mic um i have more expensive mics but i just picked this one a lot because it just sounds so great yeah it's really i hate to say warm but it's warm yeah yeah especially compared to like the manly which is amazing and i guess it depends on like the singer you know what i mean but it's that man that's more like a justin bieber mic yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly very bright yeah um which is cool which is cool it's not a bad thing um yeah just you know you you don't want to put it on everything but but it's also just aside from that it's totally sick mike to have in his you know sitting around especially the gold version yeah but i you know for years the 87 was my vocal michael choice for sure oh and i'll still use it especially on acoustic is this the they're all awesome yeah they sound great yeah it wasn't cheap and it sounds awesome those are the two things i know the 87s are like a 3200 big pill that like works on everything it does it really does and it sounds great on acoustics like i record acoustics a lot yeah even having done it a lot i'm always trying to figure out how to make them better because yeah that's one of the hardest things to record in my opinion yeah um but they just sound really great and then the rest of the mics are just random 57s the audix aria technica all good you got the d6 you got the beta 52 yep all great mics but at some point i got to a point where i just wanted to just try different things and okay so this mic actually i keep this around because this was the first vocal mic i ever bought oh yeah and is that the blue and gray one yeah it's just straight up the blue bird oh yeah i remember that one first mic i ever bought a lot of my early products and stuff were all on this mic i'm pretty sure it's broken because it doesn't sound good anymore but i keep it around you know what i mean just kind of like to remind myself where it started yeah it's i mean it was a great mic at the time but i don't really use it very much but it's cozy yeah it and it's spread out which i like because like i said my some of my previous booths have been like you said like claustrophobic and um no one wants to be hot in a closet i was gonna say the the temperature is nice in here too like it's it's really comfortable yeah that's great this this unfortunately is broken but it actually carries from the other rooms and it's kind of an eyesore but yeah i don't own the place so i can't right anything with it yeah i'm just going to leave it there but the temperature kind of maintains itself and no one's complaining about it being hot in here yet so that's great and i do have a fan just in case but yeah just the low volume dyson fan but that's that's pretty much the boot man all right yeah dude this is super nice thank you i can't believe the ceiling this whole house feels like an optical illusion let me ask you let me ask you a question about these big white panels was this john hunter acoustics no it was um music city acoustics music city acoustics okay yeah dude these look really nice they're they're a game changer for this room um because like i said this is like a square room yeah so when we first moved in here i had my desk here the whole room was sideways and we were getting like this really weird hum that we couldn't get rid of no matter what so i turned the room and then i had them come out and they recorded the room kind of like you know read all the frequency in the room and show me what i needed and and throw those up man and it's it's really helped world of difference music city acoustics for all you nashville people that's right yeah i love the colors it's nice that your desk is and your furniture is pretty close to the floor yeah yeah it did turn out like that didn't it yeah that's hard it took me a while to decide uh if i was gonna get more of a studio type desk or more of a wooden desk like this and i came across a guy on instagram uh shot him out jesse james kingston that was sound design at this company and he just custom makes desks you can kind of like pick whichever variation you want and you can pick the slab of wood even um to like the pattern on the wood you know oh wow um and then he built that and then i went back to him to get the side cart and we kind of custom made that i kind of designed it with some shelves in there yes um that's nice and so i love it man it's unique and it feels studio but it doesn't feel so cold like some studio desks might you know um or intimidating and it's really wide which is nice yeah yep yeah and plenty of uh space on top too because i just need space on top of the desk you know yeah but it's fun to have like the the the trick for me is there's there's no good spot for the mini controller no matter what desk it is it's either bumping your knees or it's too high exactly or it's not near you oh this is actually yeah yeah oh rise you know that is crazy so whenever i'm sitting if i want to use the um keyboard tray i think i hit number three and it rises just enough to be at my level it's awesome you can program it to be at whatever height you want it to be it's nice that everything moves with it and honestly that was kind of tricky with the cabling and everything oh yeah i'm getting everything to move that's not going to start tearing everything down like yanking monitors off the desk or something but uh yeah it's it's great to be able to dial in and you can stand up oh yeah that that is uh number four that would be such a massive that wasn't it i will say i haven't really stood that much um sometimes if i'm like maybe cleaning the studio or just walking around and listening yeah i'll i'll stick it up but um i need to do it more obviously not optimal for like mixing but for editing and doing what you're able to just pick exactly where your height is oh yeah um is that a mac mini over there yeah mac mini um 2018 2019 2019 oh cool so yeah i'm new to the mac minis i've always either had imacs or i had a tower at one point um and i had an engineer suggest a mac mini to me and i was like really and then i tried it and it's amazing yeah yeah it really does do really well i'm so happy to hear that i i got mine in 2019 as well and i never i same thought i'm like i've never even used one i never thought to um but it's worked great for me and now i just see them in every one of these videos that i do i'm like oh cool we all use mag minis that's true man you got pro tools going up here what's what's the fader thing you got here what's it called it's called the avid artist mix artist mix that's right i love it works great just syncs so well with pro tools you don't have to really do anything yeah so they have the heritage audio this is like a ram 2000 it's called this guy right here is like completely transparent sounds great and uh it's built like a tank and it's got the cool neve yeah looking knife on it yeah that feel you know but it works great it's got you know three monitors you can hook up it's got talk back everything that everything else has um but it also has a bluetooth thing which is really cool so like if you have something on your phone that you want to play like hey listen to this song you can i'll just hit bluetooth and it'll be on your phone and you can just play through my monitors without having to wait you remember like the old ox days yeah no i lived there yeah yeah yeah yeah so that has bluetooth that's really cool that's that's like my favorite like extra feature about it oh good job here it is yeah it's really cool and it's under a thousand bucks so it's it's in the middle of the line yeah i would say not the danger audio yeah but it's pretty really crazy expensive but um it works really cool and uh yeah i love it this little cork is it a synth or a little pro yeah so this is like a it's called the volca drum and it's basically like a little drum machine it's kind of just like for fun they're so cheap and cool and i bought it when i bought um the korg monologue over there because they were they were just right next to each other and um and i yeah i've i'll honestly use it probably like five times but it's always kind of cool and kind of fun to play with but yep we got apollo 8xp right here um that's my first apres and then below that is the focusrite scarlett um one day i'll get a second apollo um list octopus octoprint yup yup okay cool um how do you like that uh i i like it i'll i'll say like before i had an apollo i loved it yeah yeah when i got an apollo i liked it if that makes sense yeah i'm same here man you can just like we plugged in a mic when i first got the apollo and just did a raw test of the mic the apollo pre and that bring in that's a pretty significant difference yeah but i will say i only have to go through those when i'm tracking drums and it's my extra mics and i don't even use their bottom and i don't use the pres oh really oh yeah yeah because you've got all that stuff over there here yeah so that that's how i get around it just line in exactly yeah cool this cart um basically my goal was to every drum mic i have i wanted to treat it in some kind of way so we got two api 312 trees right here um which are great yeah um very powerful lots of lots of gain what are you running do you have sort of like i usually put the overheads to the kind of sort of kind of sort of so like what i typically do i actually do my overheads through these three stereo chains right here okay so i do left and right these are the 511 neve breeze then i go to the 568 compressors then i'm going to the mug eqs here and i've kind of figured out through that chain how to get the overheads it sounds really great especially with the ribbons yeah i'm going through the mug because they have the air feature that everyone loves um and then everything else i kind of just go you know kick snare distresses classic yeah um and then let's see what else what pres are the kick and the snare going through you know i change it a lot i change it a lot that that's the thing too is um i'm all about experiencing man because like i really don't like to just pick one thing and then say okay that's how i'm gonna do drums every time you know and so i really change it a lot and so um if it's not any of these four um this is the ua710 um i use all four of these pres and then i'll use the 610 and the 6176 which basically is another 610. yeah the 610 pre is like my favorite pre like oh yeah yeah and this was this was the first outboard gear i ever got and i'll never get rid of it because it's just great phenomenal yeah yeah use it on everything sounds great so those are my overheads um kick snare i'm pretty sure we do the pre use these two most the time for the kick snare because the distress is really just doing all the work yeah um you can get just like the best possible tones out of that um and then the rest is uh there's a ssl compressor here and this is a pultec eq here 500x and those are my two newest um two newest editions 500x yeah the 30 40 70 100. i've never seen one of those it's cool it's uh it's great man we used it uh on vocals for the first time a couple days ago because i actually just got it pretty recently like maybe three weeks ago and um i'm actually gonna sell my warm audio because i don't need it yeah because i got the real one i had the real one yeah yeah poltex are my favorite eq they're great dude i mean just the classic boosting and cutting of the same frequency just adds a cool thing to it so yeah i i think i've got like the staples here pretty much everything i need for drums or whatever guitars yeah vocals that teletronic la2a dude that's like my prized possession man i love that thing that is the money right there it really is and then this sansamp is this like a base model desperate base yep yep i wanted to get the rack mount version um and it's it's so good man and it's not expensive it's one of the cheapest things up here probably but it sounds so good yeah because i always just do base diy it's pretty rare that i'll bring an amp out but i mean so you do bass di through sans in yeah yeah i'll typically i'll actually go through 610 yeah to the stanza oh cool yeah just because with the scent where with the 610 i just have like the gain control down yeah and i just know it so well yeah um and so yeah i use that on every base and i i mix through it as well you know so yeah you can patch into it yeah so these uh these patch bays here are uh switchcraft batch bays and we basically have it set up to primarily we track everything um through all the outboard gear i'm just starting to get into mixing through this stuff i mostly mix in the box sure but especially when i got that same sample like hey let me just throw one of these bass tracks through it and it was just like it was awesome so but the patchbay allows us to mix through whatever we want to so you've got all input analog inputs and analog outputs yeah and line inputs from apollo and scarlet going to the patchbay correct and so you can just hardware insert or just patch in through so it's all going through like db25 cables oh that's great yeah so every input and output of every piece of gear is going to the uh to a db25 yeah into the patchbay so now you know if you come in and you say uh you know i'm gonna record guitar yeah you could essentially pick whatever chain you want and it takes 15 seconds to patch that in you know thing i wanted to ask was about the subwoofer okay so the subwoofer is a yamaha sub now i used to have the yamaha hs8s as my monitors okay when i upgraded to these dynaudios i have yet to get a new sub um it's on my list of things to get for sure but so far it really hasn't bothered me to the point what size is it i think it's oh that's a good question that's a good question it's it's so hard to tell just from looking at it it looks like maybe an eight inch it might be ten if it would match would it would it match the monitor is that i have no idea yeah yeah i don't remember the exact size of it but it's powerful enough and it works great i just know that at some point i'll probably want to upgrade it um dude i i just use the krk one which is not like an expensive one at all yeah but the 10-inch i have the the a7x's okay dude it is it's strange yeah how well they work together even though they're probably not most you know somebody is going to be like oh yeah they shouldn't use that but honestly like if you have the room yeah where you want it yeah you should be fine with that yeah um totally agree when i got these in it really helped the low end um because it's like mineral yeah board not 703 so yeah help with the low frequency so that's that's the reason i haven't felt the urge to upgrade it yet i'm almost you know spend money elsewhere but especially if it's working exactly yeah yep yep and the dang are those the lid 48s they are yeah that's a good upgrade yeah yeah from the hsa yeah yeah that's a nice upgrade and you know they're um they're not huge but they sound great yeah um especially for this size of a room it's perfect it matches perfect yeah i know eventually one day i'll i'll try to go for something big but yeah so uh these scents um this isn't the oldest one i've had for a long time um roland it's great um the gaia yeah i don't really know how to say this why did you cry okay um it you know it's got it's got plenty of different sounds on it um these two are my absolute favorite at the moment and the reason i didn't say the moog is my favorite is because i'm still like learning this mode yeah like it's completely analog you have to patch everything every time which is amazing because it sounds incredible yeah but i'm just not like super good at it yet i'm still learning it as far as just turning on and playing i absolutely love these two korgs this is the you know the classic microkorg yep this is the longest running synth made um which is a fact i didn't learn until after i bought it awesome scent sounds plenty of leads arpeggiated kind of things and then this little guy i don't know if you ever mess with one of these before monologue it's mostly bass synths you know yeah um a couple type of thing but it's so fun and really easy to use and and really easy to quickly get the sound that you want yeah um and it's just so fun yeah no patch cables yeah exactly but yeah the bass sense is like that's i'm not a scent guy i i like i want to be yeah i'm not by nature but i love once there's a good setting pulled up and you just walk up to when you're like oh i'm instantly inspired and i could i could see something coming from this really quick and i would say that this does that really well um just because it's got a lot of preset sounds that you can just tweak from yeah from there you know you find something that's close to what you want and then you just tweak it um but it's super fun yeah i'm getting more and more into the sense you know obviously like i started playing drums and recording and stuff and now i'm just trying to like learn other instruments as much as i can i play a little bit of bass mostly synths but then mostly drums i feel like not guitar uh speaking of knock guitar yeah what do we got back to house guitars you know a tailor which ends of course a lot yeah i have a couple guitar players that i have and they'll come and i would say like seven out of ten times they actually end up picking that because it's really great yeah um then there's the ibanez base in the back and uh oh cool is that a hollow body it's a hollow body base and it's not insanely expensive but it ends up getting used a ton um mainly because you can kind of get if you want to get the live bass kind of sound you can but if you also want to get the you know muted low end bass you can also do that as well oh cool um really cool face um i feel like i would break it i get nervous around hollow bodies i shouldn't be allowed to touch this and then this was given to me and honestly i don't even really know what it's called but we'll show it anyway it's pretty cool it's not it's not a doe bro okay um that's what i know that it's not um it's a different version of that um so is that a speaker what is it rarely it gets used to be honest um but it was given to me i'm like you know what i was keeping this video uh you know you know i don't know it seems like maybe it's a speaker pickup i think you're right because you can hear that let us know in the comments yeah if you know what this is we're not going to pretend like we know yeah um so what kind of uh products do you have coming up i produced for a guy named upchurch he has a country record coming out all right cool sorry uh so you're you're working on developing some artists and yeah uh your own project coming that's right and then aside from that just mixing for pretty much whoever comes along that wants me to mix um and uh i'm actually kind of looking for like another band to kind of work with oh cool i really try to jump around genres like if i feel like i've been on a genre for too long i want to try something else yeah i'm like afraid of kind of getting in a box a little bit yeah just creatively and things like that but um yeah i'm pretty much open to to whatever so what's the instagram stone baby sounds stone baby sounds yeah okay yeah uh link in the description and on the screen go yeah follow uh thomas studio and email him shoot him a message yeah sure any of that stuff also you guys have great great photos yeah tyler davis shout out to him yeah good job yeah it looks beautiful thank you man well congrats on everything this is really like really something to be proud of and thank you for having me out thank you for coming showing me all been good though yeah absolutely i'm happy to be part of it man i love your stuff and i hope it keeps growing man sweet well uh before i leave if if you wouldn't mind would you mind playing me a couple things here i'd love to hear all right yeah sweet bye everybody [Applause] [Music] um in your business
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 116,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, stone baby sounds, thomas toner
Id: m0l8kNYgrqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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