Come With Me to an Orthodox Sephardic Jewish Wedding | All Rituals & Ceremony Explained | Frum It Up

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today i'm so excited because i'm inviting you  to come with me to an orthodox sephardic jewish   wedding where i will share with you all the  rituals of a jewish wedding ceremony and i will   explain their deeper meaning as we go along i will  also share some of our wedding pictures throughout   the video as unfortunately our wedding videos  were accidentally deleted by our photographer   a big thank you to the bride and groom  to have allowed us to film their wedding   as well as Shimmy Rubenstein if you're  new here hi my name is Sarah Malka   here on my channel i share every facet  of my sephardic orthodox jewish life   as a full-time working mom with small  kiddos so please leave this video a big   thumbs up and subscribe to our channel let me  put on a pretty tichel and let's jump into it when you enter the hall you will see cards with  names and table numbers that are different for   men and women as men and women do not celebrate  orthodox weddings together then the men and women   are directed to different halls the first part  of the jewish wedding is kabalat panim it is a   pre-chuppah reception it is usually an open  buffet style where a lot of food and drinks   are served to sustain the guest until the main  meal which will be served in about two hours   the reception is a time to say mazal tov to the  bride and groom and family members in this wedding   the kallah preferred to be kept in a separate  room but in our wedding i was seated on the throne   and i was giving blessings to other women as  according to our custom the day of our wedding   we are reborn and are pure like angels hence  people asking for blessings from the kallah   and the chatan in another room there is a signing  of the ketuba by the witnesses of the chatan and   the kallah with the rabbi the to buy is a contract  to protect the woman's right and the marriage   and it will be given to her during the wedding  ceremony just before the chuppa in our wedding to   honor my ashkenazi part of the family my husband  agreed to do the bedecken which means covering   my chatan came with his entourage and  verified that i am the one he wants to marry   this custom comes from the torah to avoid what  happened to Yaakov when Lavan tricked him to marry   Leah instead of Rachel by concealing her identity  once my chatan confirmed my identity he covered   my head with a veil and the bedeken ceremony  was completed the parents give a blessing to   their children and the wedding ceremony continues  under the chuppah the word chuppah means covering   or protection and it signifies the beginning  of the chatan and kallah creating their own   home or bait ne'eman the chuppah is open on all  four sides it signifies that their house will   always be open to friends family and guests  like the tent of Avraham avinu and Sarah imenu   how the chatan is brought to the chuppah  is different from family to family he can   be accompanied by his father and father-in-law or  he can also be accompanied by both of his parents   at our wedding my chattan was accompanied by  both of our fathers and they also held a candle   to include our family members who passed  away to make them a part of the ceremony   on a side note if you're wondering why my husband  is on crutches it is because he triple fractured   his ankle a few days before the wedding hence the  crutches the kallah makes her grand entrance and   everybody stands up for her this is often the  first time the chatan sees her kallah as many   sephardic circles have the custom to separate the  chatan and the the day of the wedding until this   part it is a moment that is filled with emotions  for everyone at our wedding i absolutely love   to be covered with the opaque veil as it really  helped me to focus on the spiritual aspect of the   wedding as i had no distraction it was a very  intense time of communion with god when i was   walking to the chupah i prayed to god for people  in need of a recovery for friends and family to   get married for childless couples to have children  and for us to have a good happy and peaceful life   once at this chuppah this beautiful  couple started right away the ceremony   but in our wedding my mother-in-law and mother  with me circled my groom seven times as some of   our sages say that the number seven symbolizes  the completion and holiness within time   and space and that finally the husband and wife  are complete during the chuppa there will be seven   blessings of gladness exaltation pleasure love  brotherhood peace and friendship for the broom   and the bride it is a great honor to say one of  the seven blessings after the first blessings   the chatan will offer a ring to the kallah  as a symbol of his promise of marriage to her   the ring represents the cycle of life the  groom takes the ring and recites the proposal he then places the ring on her index finger   then there is the reading of the ketubah or  marriage contract that the husband offers   to his bride where he describes how he will take  care of her provide for her and fulfill her needs after the reading of the ketubah  it is given to the kallah   after the blessings and the reading of the ketuba  the chatan will break a glass symbolizing that   our joy can not be complete because our Beth  HaMikdash or holy temple is not yet rebuilt   as soon as he breaks the glass everybody screams   and the bride and groom are embraced and  blessed by the people around them it is a   moment of tremendous sicha where smiles and tears  of joy are " au rendez-vous" after that beautiful   moment the chatan and kallah are accompanied  by singing and dancing by the people around us in some supporting circle the bride and groom  are taken to the Yichud (private) room where   they will be spending the first few minutes  as husband and wife together but here the   chatan and kallah are brought back to the  main hall where they are greeted by friends   and family usually the mother of the  bride will dance with the kallah first   then the mother-in-law then all the family  members together and friends as guests we   are dancing around the chatan and the kallah  respectively in a circle showing them albeit   there creating their own new family unit we will  always surround them accompany them support them   and be there for them we are all part  of the link in the chain of generations as a guest to an orthodox wedding our role  is to rejoice the chatan and the kallah by   dancing with them and taking care of them  as our sages teach us whoever celebrates   with a bride and a groom it is as if they  will rebuild one of the ruins of Jerusalem   you can expect people to perform silly  routines on the dance floor summersaulting   juggling and even wearing costumes all part of  the effort to bring joy to the bride and groom   albeit men and women celebrate the wedding  separately there is usually a moment in the   wedding when we are propped on a chair and we  dance together via napkins knotted together   typically after the first dances the meal will be  served and the chatan and kallah will be seated at   a separate world table it is usually the time  when the chattan and the kallah will receive   their Mazel TOV or congratulations together at  the table after what seems like just a quick   bite we have the second dances which usually  are even more energetic than the first one   closer to the end of the wedding in more  traditional moroccan sephardic weddings there   will be a henné or henna it is the time where the  bride and groom wear traditional moroccan clothes   and the guests are given balls of henna in their  hands as a singular for good tidings at the end of   the evening they served a sweet table with tons  and tons of desserts the dancing comes slowly   to an end and Birkat Hamazon or blessing over  bread is recited followed by the Sheva Berachot   the same seven blessings that were said during the  wedding ceremony will be repeated now the cheva   brachot will be said every night at a special meal  as the joy of the wedding lasts for an entire week after the Sheva Brachot recited the wedding  ceremony and festivities of the day are completed   the bride and groom will go to their new home  and will start their new life as husband and wife thank you so much for being  here it means the world to me   know that in my book you  are part of my inner circle   i would like to dedicate this video to tonton  Emile, Tonton SAmmy, Yvonne Simcha bat Solika and my dear father-in-law avi mori rabbi Michael  who were taken from us too soon and were all the   epitome of what unconditional love for the other  should be and look like if you are here until the   end write in the comments I LOVE JEWISH WEDDINGS  so i know you were with me and i was not alone   if nobody told you today know that YOU ARE  LOVED and YOU ARE ENOUGH just the way you are   until next time stay safe stay  blessed and don't forget to FRUM IT UP
Channel: frum it up
Views: 346,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orthodox sephardic, orthodox sephardic jewish wedding, orthodox sephardic wedding, jewish wedding traditions, orthodox judaism, jewish wedding video, jewish wedding, Hebrew wedding, orthodox jewish mom, orthodox wedding ceremony explained, Jewish wedding ceremony, jewish wedding rituals breaking glass, jewish wedding rituals and customs, frum it up, frum it up wedding, sephardic wedding chuppah, sephardic wedding ceremony, sephardic jewish wedding, sephardic wedding dance
Id: h482NhNFXsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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