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so when the pandemic started and people were quarantined and locked down the thought of staying with your family and your kids inside the whole day was sort of you know scary it made you realize what what life's all about in a certain sense the pandemic rebalanced the focus and the purpose of life I think families became stronger through the long run [Music] you'll hear more about the day-to-day of what it takes to raise maintain a Pacific home and raise the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews welcome to Minecraft city comb and this is it your ankle you may remember Yanko from the last video this is pearly my niece this is my daughter Hannah thank God we have eight kids so people want to know how do you do it and my answer is the same you gotta talk to my wife and that's exactly what we're gonna do come let's go inside hey look your Mickey Mouse Switcher foreign [Music] the first time we met within five minutes I knew what was it it's it's can't be explained it's something internal it's like it's a recognition of like we you know we already Belong Together We went on like 11 meetings you know like we met 11 times and like two and a half weeks later we were engaged literally but it was it was this was after years of meeting other people and and no no no and then when you meet the right one you just know and you know because you're not looking for just a loving final relationship but you're looking literally for someone to share your life with and so the bar was very high and I wasn't going to settle and um and we thank God every day what we do very often is we say one of the most famous verses how the Torah the five books of Moses is an inheritance for every Jew it's like part of us so if he wants to he'll be able to say the verse word by word and the other kids will respond one two three go Tyler [Music] David all the way from Surfside Florida [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is our son Mendel he just turned three and now till three years old we don't cut the hair but we want to show that when a kid till they're three years old let them be their natural selves and that's when you have like the natural sort of fundamental understanding of Life once they turn three you cut the hair and you leave the pace the corners and that represents that throughout light life you can have all these big ideas and creative ideas and you always have to make sure that it comes down into an action the payus so we don't cut this area so he just had his upshurnish that's what it's called his first hair cutting Mendel is there anything you want to say to the camera [Music] so women are invited into all the prayer and all the but like over the holiday I didn't go to to synagogue three times a day like my husband did because I'm busy with the children and it's not like well it's you know he's doing the holy work and I'm staying home busy with it with the baby the Holier work is taking care of the baby we're partners with God we help bring another Soul into the world and until my baby is capable of taking care of himself I'm there for him that doesn't feel like a burden that's not like oh I wish I could be somewhere else that's like the greatest honor in the world I had everything I was good before I got married I was you know I was doing great I had everything I was you know successful and it wasn't enough I wanted my husband I want my children I yearn for them so to be with them that's the holy work and then if I also have time to pray God is like wow you know you're taking care of my precious child and you have time to pray to me amazing and who makes everybody necessary is is comes from the woman's yearning so we just had an incredible week a whole week of Passover in my mother's home and you can't imagine what was going on the amount of people here the amount of food the amount of action the amount of but what brought us all together here what made it all possible is my mother's Journey she wanted us all here you know laughs and we all felt that [Music] this is my dad he is Rabbi weberman the chief Rabbi of Miami Beach where's Bibi Netanyahu and this is my father who was greeting him and welcome him to the city of Miami Beach so this guest book was a gift from my mother-in-law to my husband her son to your 50th birthday here is my gift on an empty book with countless pages but very soon they will start to fill up with thanks and appreciation and her biggest wishes that this should be filled up very soon and she'll give him another book for people to fill up and how full are we now ah very full down to the bottom and so every home is built on a woman's yearning and the man that husband responds to the woman's yearning and gives her a home and gives her himself and gives her children and gives her provides anything she needs to satisfy her yearning welcome into the my most favorite room of the house which is the kosher kitchen do you know anything about kosher I'll give you a quick crash course on kosher come on in notice if there are any slight differences in a kosher kitchen than a regular kitchen foreign [Music] double ovens double sinks double dishwashers and double microwaves and it's not because it was buy one get one free the day we bought them in the Bible there's a verse Lo Savannah the translation is do not cook the kid goat in its mother's milk so when I will cook my meat I will only use my meat oven when I'm cooking my Dairy I will only use my Dairy side of the kitchen any animal that chew the cuds and has split hooves can be used for kosher consumption such as cow cows and sheep and goats and lamb but it has to go through a ritual slaughtering process in order for us to be able to use that kosher kind of an animal blood is not kosher so therefore all the blood from this Kosher meat that was just slaughtered by your ritual Slaughter needs to be drawn out the only kosher poultry that we would use today is what we know traditionally our ancestors use and that would be chickens turkey duck geese every single egg that I will use I first crack it open to a little glass dish and I inspect the yolk to see if there's any blood spots doesn't happen too often but I do find when you look for it you find it now let's say you're traveling somewheres and you may be in a place where they do have kosher or they don't have kosher food so we'll do a little research in advance to find out if you can purchase your kosher food there um but if they nothing is available then you would bring your food along there's no difference between like who's going to be cooking who's going to be cleaning who's going to be that's whatever works for each couple the main thing is that the woman should be able to be her natural self what's her natural self in touch with her yearning Big Boy what'd you get yes oh it's amazing lucky you lucky lucky you the first man was Adam and he was male and female in one body but God said it's not good for man to be alone so he's he's a normal human being he's male and female but he's alone so God separated the female from the male and God said but don't stay apart you can't stay separate that's not natural come back together but this time when you come back together you're going to choose the Oneness and so marriage is actually not a union but a reunion it's bringing back two parts that were won back together [Music] you got another coloring book yeah okay show me how you make the circles I'm gonna do a chain away this is Kate oh my sister this is Shayna and in Yiddish the name Shayna means beautiful shame what is that I did your voice they need this of their hands right it's a trophy thing like the one because she always got some necklace marriage means I want you so we don't date until we're able to say that I want you in my life you're missing not something you're gonna give me you are missing in my life then we we tell a family relatives you know any you know do you know somebody I'm looking and then there's matchmakers in our community there's many many matchmakers and then when we go out we don't date for the sake of dating and we don't have any dating relationships we meet we meet people and it's you know sometimes after the first date you're like nice guy but not for me you do a lot of research before you actually meet you call his employer you call his friends you call his anybody that knows his family anyone that and you find out is he the kind of person that I would want to marry first it has to make sense on paper then you actually go to meet and see if there's the attraction if the chemistry is there but we don't want to waste people's time God told Eve who was the first woman you will yearn for your husband might make it seem like she's going to be the needy one and her husband is going to be the one answering her call because she yearns but what does it mean to yearn to yearn for that Oneness to say female is not enough I want my male part is is to be god-like [Music] okay do some tricks [Music] I'm gonna try to seal the ball away from him and I can ready Echo but the problem is I taught him everything he knows watch this oh I can't get it but look I'm still the father and he can't get it from me [Laughter] [Music] touchdown okay Shannon your turn to come oh you tried to score just try to come on you can do it oh go [Music] do you like playing soccer too right or football no yeah so uh thank you for visiting Hasidic Brooklyn it's been an honor to welcome you into our house and to our family and to meet schmully the youngest of age and anytime you're always invited so if you have a talent like you do and creativity and photography and film you should use it for the best purposes the holiest purposes and there's nothing holier than bringing people together and humans into the world and whatever you're at the right time at the right stage we miss you all the success and blessings in the world so nice to see you again [Music] subscribe smash that like button [Music]
Channel: Marcus Hessenberg Films!
Views: 1,437,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marcus hessenberg, fashion, documetary, filmmaker, london, independent filmmaker, hasidic jews, crown heights, jewish brooklyn, new york jews, orthodox jews, jewish, jewish family, jewish family home, kosher food, kosher, tour around jewish brooklyn, jewish homes, jewish family life, religion, orthodox religion, new york city jews, jewish new york, jewish humour, inside jewish life, yoni katz, short film, Judaism, documentary, American Jews, alternative lifestyle, American life
Id: T1311NIaY2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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