Come Second-hand Book Shopping With Me! - £15 Challenge // AD // 2019

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hey guys welcome back if you're new here my name is Becca and today we are going to be doing some secondhand bookshop in [Music] so I have been wanting to make this video for quite some time now back in July I posted my media stats video and I went through all of my reading start at the halfway point of the year including how much money I had spent on books so far at that point in the year and also the average cost of each book that I have acquired over the first half of 2019 now a lot of you guys were asking me how I managed to find books for so cheap and so I've had this in my mind for quite some time to make this video where I'm going to go and do some secondhand bookshop in and kind of let you know the kind of things that you can pick up secondhand including things like pretty no release hardbacks all books from height series autumn booktube essentially the possibilities are endless so before we get into this video I did want to quickly mention that this video does contain a paid promotion from the wonderful Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning platform that I find incredibly useful as it has over 25,000 classes on a whole range of topics you can find classes on things like writing business management and photography on Skillshare as well as pretty much anything else that you can imagine steel chair is great for anybody who is looking at to acquire a new skill or brush up on an old one and as we are approaching at the end of the year and the time when we will be making new year's resolutions Skillshare may be something that you want to check out if you are planning on learning a new skill or getting back into an old hobby in 2020 so I am a big fan of Steel sure I do you still share myself I dip in and out of all sorts of topics but one of the things I'm looking into at the minute is video editing because as you guys may know I am currently running a crowd fund to get myself a new computer and along with that I will have to upgrade my editing software so I'm kind of looking at Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro and seeing which one I may like to purchase now as well as being incredibly accessible I'm providing classes on a wide range of topics skill shot is also extremely affordable if you do take her and subscription it does work out at less than $10 per month how about understandably paid subscriptions can be a big commitment which is why I'm really excited who let you know but as I am working with Skillshare to bring you this video they have given me a link which will be down in my description box which will get you two months absolutely free a subscription it's you Skillshare premium which will give you unlimited access to all of the classes that Skillshare has to offer as I said I am a big fan of Skillshare myself so I would obviously highly recommend that you take me up on this offer and with a free trial you pretty much have nothing to lose so today we are going to be doing some secondhand shopping if you guys do end up watching this video I will make this into a series where I visit different towns or cities around my area or maybe outside of that if I ever go anywhere exciting and I will be checking out their charity shops I will be buying some books and I will be bringing them here to show to you guys so I have set a monetary limits on this just because I want to show you how much you can really get for your money if you are second-hand or thrift shop in so my limit is going to be 15 pounds the reason that I have set my limit at 15 pounds is because that is the price of a standard new hardback in the UK now for a little bit of context 15 pounds is equivalent to around 17 euros and 19 dollars so that is the amount of money that we are working with today know normally when I have been going second time shopping recently I have been restraining myself because I didn't have a lot of shelf space I have recently just moved I freed up some space on my shelves and so I don't need to restrict myself anymore so I am going to aim to spend at least 4 15 pounds I am going to try and obviously buy books I'm very interested in reading I will be looking at books in a series that I already own because I tend to fill in the gaps with second-hand books I will also be looking at for new releases that I'm interested in and also books that are hiked on booktube but when I go secondhand shop in I like to look out for the books that you guys are recommending to me but I wouldn't necessarily want to pay full price for no predictions for how many books I'm going to get out of my 15 pounds the average price of a secondhand book that I pay when I go secondhand shop in is between 50 pence and 3 pounds but three pounds is pretty much my limit because if we go any higher than that I could buy the book brand new off Amazon so the average price for a secondhand book tends to be around two pounds and that is a really good charity shop in York that all of the books are two pounds but I'm going to be taking you with me we'll be doing some vlog style footage and then we will come back at the end of the day and I will show you all the books I've managed to buy with my money now there are a couple of reasons that I am doing this the first one is because you guys asked me how I managed to get so many books while so little money so this is pretty much couldn't you step-by-step how I managed to do that the second reason is that there is a lot of talk about the amount of money in that book tubers spend on books or book bloggers or books to buy - and people think that we're really bougie and we're really fancy and we just go out there and spend a whole ton of money on books that we don't want to read and we don't really want and there is also kind of connotations of a pressure for people who are watching us to keep up with the books that we are reading and to spend all this money on books so I want to show you guys who don't second-hand show up the kind of things that you can find in your local charity shops for very little money and then as well as that of course I will be heading into the city of York I have picked the biggest and best place for charity shops around me there are a couple of other towns around me that are some of the best for charity shops and they would be Beverly and Scarborough I'm starting off with York because if you guys are going to visit any of the places that I'm going to be showing in these videos then York is pretty much gonna be your Big Daddy it is a city it has a lot of historical relevance and it isn't absolutely it's done in a place to visit so as there is a chance that some of you guys may find yourself in York one day I want to let you know the places you can hit up to get the best deals on books I will also be taking my Gaston Eluga backpack with me as a good bag is a must-have for thrift shopping this is quite a spacious bag I can fit at least three hardbacks and two paperbacks that's the most I've ever had in it at once this fact was kindly sent to me by the guys over at Gaston Luger so thank you very much for that and if you would like to get your own handy dandy backpacks you carry all of your books in I do have discount code if you guys my code is at the books and that will get you 15% off a backpack of your own and of course the link to the Gaston lugar website will be in my description so I think that is pretty much everything you need to know before we get into the meat of this video so I'm going to head off now I'm going to make my way to York and we are going to buy some books hey guys so we made it to York as you can see it is a wonderful day to make in this video it is very gray and it is very rainy and currently stood on top of the castle wall that goes all around the outskirts of y'all and this street that you can see behind me I will give you a shot of it in a second is the street were most of the charity shops in York are located all but one are on the street so every time I come to York I start at this end and I make my way down obviously today I'm going to be taking you guys with me and we are going to see what we can find so these streets behind me is called Goodrem gate that is where all of the church shops are so you ever find yourself in New York and you are looking for all the charity shops they are on good from gate and that is where you're gonna find your bargains and recommends New York I do it start on the street as it is where all the turkey shops are so we are going to be making our way down here into the center of York and we'll see what we pick up along the way [Music] cause because I know that you will oh we buy a friend like chocolate you say go and nobody knows it comes in pantyhose but never gonna quit it no we're never gonna quit love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never gonna quit if you don't stop talking that's what she said she's ever dressed in black head to tell runner up any coach we're never got a quarter No [Music] [Music] say [Music] hey guys again since I got back from New York but I'm here now and I'm ready to show you the books that I picked up now I did not spend the full 15 pounds I spent 13 pounds and 74 pens I was almost there I was only one pounds 25 off and for that money I did manage to get six books which I will obviously show to you guys now so I will be starting off with the last book I picked up I did pick this one up from Oxman books and they are a little bit pricier than usual they price their book individually a lot of charity shops will just have a standard price with paperbacks asunder price or hardbacks what Oxfam do often it price their books individually and for some reason I don't know why fantasy always costs more so this was my last purchase of the day I did have a little bit of money left over I still have money left over so I did decide to go for it and this is royal assassin by Robin hobb but she's the second book in the Farseer trilogy now I don't know too much about this but I am very interested in Robin hobb and spoiler alert I will be reading Robin hobb starting in 2020 there will be a thing going along with that but I will be reading Robin hobb starting but this series had you already own book 1 and I do own it in the same Edition this is not my preferred Edition I know Cody really really likes the old edition she really likes the old card backs of Robin hobb books I prefer the newer ones one reason is just that these are mass-market paperbacks which makes them a little bit more awkward to read but as it does much any book one I have idea to go ahead and pick it up I don't usually buy sequels to books I haven't read there are very few exceptions normally with high fantasy what it is a popular and very beloved author and I do definitely intend to read it so that's another reason why I picked this one up like I said I don't know too much about this but this is book 2 in Robin Hobbs entire universe I think the universe is called the realm of the elding's and this is the second fits book I believe yes Fitz is in this one you don't know what that means I just know that everybody and he has at least two trilogies I think you kick off Robin Hobson wrong with the Outland series straight away with Fitz's first trilogy I don't remember exactly which shop that I got these two from I did get you from the same place the first one is not for me but it is lifelike by jay kristoff know this was a 2018 release so this is a pretty new book it's young adult I do already own a copy of this because i pre-ordered it would it be in Jay Kristoff but something that I also do when I go show a shop in is if I see a how-to book like this and I know a friend who wants it but doesn't have it then I will pick it up for them because it's a lot cheaper than buying it full price and I know it's going to go to somebody who wants it so lifelike is the first book in Jay Kristoff young adult sci-fi series and once again don't know too much about this because I will buy a jay kristoff look I don't care what it's about because I know I'm gonna love it but I believe that this is a cross between Romeo and Juliet and mad Mac and it has elements of Robot Wars in it I think as well I do think that there is some sort of like robot Championship competition thing in here so that's the robot was aspect well like I said I don't need to know too much about jay kristoff when I'm making up any of his books I know as I said this is for a friend this one will be going to actually from a frolic through fiction and it cost me just two pounds the second one also cost me two pounds and that was a Suicide Club by Rachel Henk this was a 2018 release as well I believe I will just check the information yeah so this is a 2018 release it is an adult sci-fi I don't know if this has ever been sold in the sci-fi section or whether it is sold as like a literary fiction type book this is a book that I requested a copy in 2018 I didn't get it because I never do but I did request this and that is the only reason I recognized that I have heard nobody talk about this book but it did sound very interesting when I had the synopsis and I requested the Ark Rachel hang is a Singaporean author as well I'm not sure if there is any Singaporean rep in here but if there is it will be on voices and all I really know about the plot of this is that it takes place in a society where there are things called life and if you are a lifer I think if something to do with your genetic makeup then you do have the potential to live forever provided that you live a healthy lifestyle so doing things like going green being vegan and doing yoga things like that and our main character is a lifer however she does have a brush with death which starts to change her perspective on things and has her questioning and what it really means to live and as with life like this one cost me two pounds as well from books for amnesty I think that's what the shop is called once again a little bit more pricey like Oxfam books I picked up Red Sea's under red skies by Scott Lynch and this is the second book in the gentleman Buster's series I paid three pounds for this which is my limit second-hand books most of the time if it is a really popular book but I know I can find any charity shops I won't pay that price for it because I know I can get it cheaper but this is one I do occasionally see around but I thought that I may as well pick it up know that I have a little bit more space for it this is book that I have seen around although I don't see it very often thinking about fantasies that I do rarely ever see in charity shops like standard ones in charity book shops I see it a little bit more frequently and it's always a lot more expensive than normal books and I'm not sure if that's because it's highly sought-after I I don't know what it is but I haven't seen this very often this is as I said the second book in the gentleman Buster series which is a very hyped series and the first book in this series is the lives of Locke Lamora there are three books published in this series so far I'm not sure how many are going to be published I think it's at least five but I don't know if there's any more than that and with high fantasy as I'm sure you've noticed I don't tend to read a whole lot into the synopsis before going into it one of the reasons for that is that I find it very difficult to understand how fantasy synopses without any context so why do you know about the gentleman bastard series is that it follows or what kleh mora who i believe is a thief in a band of thieves and i think they're going to be performing a heist the second book as you may be able to guess from the cover does contain pirates and that's pretty much all i can tell you the next one was actually the first book i picked up today and i got this from the British Heart Foundation the British Heart Foundation is one of my favorite charity shops for books all of their paperbacks are two pounds I believe that the heart box are three pounds and the reason that I like them so much is that I've noticed that no matter what branch of theirs I go to they always have a ton of books they just seem to have the best selection I'm not sure how they distribute books whether the ones in store are literally the ones that have just been donated to that store but I do always find that they have the best selection if you wanted pizza from there was the price guides the occult by Leslye Walton which may be another 2018 release I will check yeah 2018 and this is the author of the strange and beautiful Sorrows of Ava lavender which I have not read yet I'm not sure if Leslie Walton has written anything else apart from the strange and beautiful Sorrows of Ava lavender and this but this was very hyped on booktube last year because of her previous work once again don't know too much about this it's only a shot what I didn't think it would be this shot but why do you know is that this does have magical elements in it and witchcraft and it does also contain a magic spell book and then the last book that I picked up was the cheapest off the lot and once again I don't quite remember which off I got this one from but that was the Queen's offend burn by Kendall Blake once again another 2008 team release so most of these books aside from the high fantasy all of these books I got were 2018 releases this is not a novel this is a binder of two short story sets in a three dark crowns world once again not a series that I've read but I do own it the first two books so I will add this to the collection so it's there when I want to read it whenever I read a series I do always read the novellas that go with them and the two stories that are featured in this bind up and the young Queens and the Oracle Queen so these are these six books I picked up whilst a secondhand bookshop in in York for I think I said 13-point 74 which is cheaper than the price of a new hardback at standard retail price cause six books for that guys six and usually I could get a lot more for that price but this one and read see some dress guys was a little bit pricey obviously this is not an accurate presentation exactly of what you guys would find your local charity shops it goes without saying it very much depends on what has been donated and what they have but I guess I just wanted to do this video to show you guys that you don't have to pay full price for books I know there is a lot of discussion about consumerism in the booktube community and her book tubers can afford all of these hyped books honestly I do have a lot of hyped books and a lot of them I have bought new but even more of them I have bought secondhand generally any backless titles but I hiked on booktube that I own I have bought a secondhand because there are so many books out there I have so so many books that I don't need to go to Waterstones and buy the Raven boys I can wait I can wait until I find it in a charity shop and I will read it one day but it doesn't have to be today so I guess I wanted to make this video to show that you can find head books in your charity shops you can find brand new books I found one of these special editions of the dark heart faces in my charity shop I have the Raven boys ember in the ashes six of crows iPhone Elantras by Brandon Sanderson all of these are super super popular books that are very popular on booktube you will be familiar with all of them I did not pay full price for those books so that is about it for this video please let me know if you like this video whether you would like me to do any more I do have a couple of smaller towns in the area that I know are really good for a second on bookshop in and I would be happy to do this video again in one of those small towns and then if you guys do like this video then any time I go somewhere new I'm happy to explore the charity shops there as well because I love secondhand bookshop in one because books and cheap too because it's like an adventure it is so much more satisfying to go into a charity shop and find a really hot book that you really want to read then is to just go somewhere where you know it's gonna be it's like a treasure hunt and it's I love it I love secondhand bookshop him so yeah please let me know if you like this video please let me know if you took anything of value from it let me know if you do shop secondhand the box or if you don't whether you will consider it after watching this video once again big THANK YOU to Skillshare for sponsoring this video and if you had my description box you will find a link to your two month free trial if you would like to try Skillshare out you will also find a link down there to everything I've mentioned today any records and my Christmas I'm at crowdfund and you will of course finally it's my good reason it's from Twitter if you watch for me on any of those as well as link to my bookish body butter and candle website the Instagram that and 10% off discount code that's it for me today guys bye Oh [Music] you shall go and nobody knows what comes in under our petticoats but never chronically no one ever got a crate
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 7,030
Rating: 4.9515572 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, reading, becca and the books, come book shopping with me, second hand books, book haul, charity book haul, second hand book haul, book shopping, book shopping york, hyped books, how to find cheap books, affordable books, thrift books, come thrift shopping with me, sustainable shopping
Id: I1wNnFqAFmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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