Combining body and facial animations for Metahuman in Unreal Engine 5

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hey guys this is Ellie J liquid welcome back to my channel so today I just wanted to do a quick tutorial on Unreal Engine 5 on metahumans there's basically a problem with combining body and facial animations if you record them from something like live link for facial animation and you want to keep the head rotation and then you want to combine that animation with an existing body animation you will notice that you are losing your head rotation and the only way you like to actually see it would be to switch the mode of facial animation into custom so here you can actually see what it's supposed to look like compared to the previous way it looked like where there is no head rotation so um the solution for this is actually quite simple all we have to do is to go into the space animation blueprint which all metahumans actually come with and change just one little thing now this method works for me I know some people told me that blend masks don't work for them so hopefully this video will help you see how I set this up so that it works for you as well here what I'm currently doing is just looking at that note that we will have to change and making sure that everything is as sort of the same way as what you would have in your blueprint because I was playing around with it quite a lot and changed a couple of different things as you can see there are two pins with the blend weights which I was trying to remove so you need to locate that node in your graph editor and basically switch from Branch filter uh to the blend mask which I'm gonna do in the second and you will see that in the blend masks I already have one so I will show you how to set this up in a moment as well you just have to go into the skeleton and from here you create your mask there's gonna be an option um something like create a new mask and then you can just recursively set all of the bones to zero and just find the head joint and set it to one so I think what it does is it's letting the two animations coming from the body and the face to work together to blend together so you can see the rotation cool and from here the remaining uh of the video is just me trying to set everything together so I will just show you that everything should be working fine after you do this little change in your animation blueprint for the face so as you can see there is no head movement at the moment it's just a pure animation another thing I found is that if you're getting a lot of crashes just make sure that you don't have that facial animation uh on the face component do the changes to the blueprint first and then add the animation as you can see I'm saving quite a lot just to make sure and yeah here we go so you can already see that he is moving his head around it's exactly the same result as what I was getting from the live link recorder and yeah hope someone finds it helpful thanks guys see you next time
Channel: EllieJayLiquid
Views: 16,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jkBg4wI1wqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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