Com Mirza: The $500 Million Dollar FRAUD

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what if I told you even I was guilty of falling for charlatans in 2016 I was interested in running an online business and creating a community centered around helping people reach their fitness goals during this time I got entrenched in the internet marketing community bought products and attended an event or two anyways guys welcome to the vent got grant cardone in the house whoo got Tai Lopes in the house you might want to follow yeah whoa you're at my event we also have commerce today whoa one of those events was Alex Becker's ten pillars to wealth where I saw Alex ty Lopez and Grant Cardone speak but I also saw a speech from comm Mirza the 500 million dollar man this was years before I would become the man tasked with taking down the internet marketers looking back I was so impressionable on these income and wealth numbers and didn't even think about verifying and that's what scares me about 2020 thankfully I didn't get caught up in one of these schemes that led to empty wallets but I was close this experience helped give me insight into how these people run their business and hopefully it'll help you avoid any financial hardships who is calm mirza this mystery investor who is worth 500 million dollars he is the founder of Mirza Holdings based in Dubai United Arab Emirates with claims of equity ownership and companies within many different industries around the world his LinkedIn also lists calm as the founder of multiple other companies today's authentica charlatan is actually different calm has already been found to be a fraud he ran a pyramid scheme which led to his arrest in October and he's currently being investigated for fraud and taking money from people illegally it sounds like he's going to be inside a jail cell for a long time basically calm his brother rocky and other family members would continually start new businesses and hype their success claiming huge income in valuation numbers for each company they would get investors to send them more money come eventually created a real estate backed cryptocurrency labelled Habibi coin the Ponzi scheme got exposed and investors were left with empty wallets someone had to pay for coms exotic sports cars world travel and luxury taste for restaurants and fine dining calm Mirza had over 800,000 followers on Instagram was a speaker at many events around the world and lived a high-status lifestyle through his social media he was branded as the 500 million dollar man everywhere he went everyone recognized him as a business expert I figured this episode would serve as a good case study of reverse engineering how these internet marketers could turn out to be frauds we know com is a fraud but let's pretend like we don't know let's go through the red flags and see if we can pick up on any similarities with current potential fraudsters komm claimed to be an investor in many companies and his mirza Holdings company had equity ownership and companies in many industries but if you listened to all of his interviews all of his speeches and anytime someone asked him a question about business he always answers with something vague and broad you have an eight-figure exit on one of your companies but you also said it took forever in a day and you lost money along the way and most people wouldn't have the patience yeah I think you know when you go into anything go into it with an exit strategy in mind you know figure out what it is that like I tell people a lot of times if I go to the gym and I want the perfect body it's never gonna happen but if I go to lose 10 pounds I can kill myself for that 10 talents I can discipline myself in sacrifice I can do a lot of things with that 10 pounds and I'll achieve that goal so go into something with an exit in mind if you're going into you know create a company or you're going in to make some money or you know do it with them trying to make a you know 20 million dollars so that I can invest it to live this quality of life you know or to donate the money or whatever it is so have an exit strategy in mind and then when you do have an exit strategy do you mind you go into it never give up until you do you achieve it you know there is never anything concrete if he actually had ownership in companies they would be explicitly listed somewhere let's use Chris Sacca as an example he is the real deal and can be found in interviews and podcasts if you visit his LinkedIn he states a few companies that his venture capital firm invested in if you then visit his website you will see the complete list of companies he has invested it including the exits and who bought out the companies he held equity ownership that's transparency and that's a guy who's actually an investor listen to his interviews and he'll provide concrete stories of his experiences to not list anything specific anywhere is a huge red flag to me to the viewers out there I hope you have the opportunity to meet someone who has a net worth of over 50 million dollars so you can see how real they are compared with these internet marketers who claim insane well people who have a net worth of 50 million and more have reached the top percent of the top percent of wealth earned in human history they are absolute experts in their field have run a successful business and probably have exited and likely invested their money really well over a long time period I'm not talking about 500 million I'm talking about 50 million just to earn that alone puts you at the absolute top I hope you understand just how difficult it is to attain a net worth of 50 million dollars and if you speak to these people they can speak for days on their industry with concrete evidence of their expertise when you listen to podcast with some of these internet marketers they sound like they're the audiobook version of any self-help bestseller where everything is vague mindset driven and nothing concrete about the actual running of a business come always seem to be available for a podcast appearance this podcast appearance specifically is on a channel with 258 subscribers there is a 0% chance that anyone who is running an actual multi-million dollar business let alone someone worth 500 million dollars has any time for anyone on a podcast it's rare to see business owners whose business doesn't center around social media to be on podcasts especially podcast with 258 subscribers and view counts in the hundreds whenever a guest always resorts to speaking about mindset that means they have nothing to talk about I'm still in the beginning stages of real estate investing and I can talk for hours about deals completed strategies difficulties with running a business successes failures partnerships sales you get the picture why can I speak for hours because I'm actually in the game running an actual business I've made some money and I've lost some money that's what really running a business is like keep this in mind whenever you start following people and you feel like every podcast resorts the same questions from the interviewer the same answers about mindset from the guests and you feel like there's no talk about the actual running of a business here's an example listen to dean gracio see in an interview you can listen for hours and never feel like he's running an actual business you feel like he's just a pitchman for a sales funnel for his new book or digital product if you feel like you're listening to a self-help mindset book when listening to a nerve you turn it off the only exception to this is Gary Vaynerchuk a very common bias is called authority bias which is the tendency to attribute greater accuracy to the opinion of an authority figure unrelated to its content and beam were influenced by that opinion with social media becoming so popular in society it's common for us to look at people with large followings and attribute fake Authority on to them this is the case with calm as well he had reached over 800,000 followers on Instagram before his arrest everyone saw him as a business expert of business success and someone they would like to become little did his followers know he's a complete fraud and all of his success was from conning people out of their money keep this in mind when you're trying to figure out whether to learn from certain social media celebrities and you let their follower numbers dictate your thought it's hardwired within us to respect and place a higher value on social proof having high social media follower counts is absolutely tied with having high social value which is currently the number one form of social proof judge someone based on their character their proof of knowledge their proof of success and their transparency way before you even look at how many followers they have keep in mind that followers views subscribers can all be purchased and inflated by BOTS [Music] comer's are ran a popular mastermind called the billion dollar mastermind group I hope by now you're starting to see that red flags should be popping up in your mind whenever you start seeing insane wealth numbers being thrown around I'm looking at you Dan pain yeah what's funny is these marketers will brand themselves as the five hundred million dollar man which means they somehow earned multiple hundreds of millions of dollars in a ten or twenty year stretch but somehow the last ten years they haven't gained anything I'm looking at you add my let master minds are insanely valuable but if the only thing popping up for someone is a mastermind that they run make sure to spend a significant amount of time researching them hearing referrals or testimonials that aren't on the subjects website because those are nearly always fake or paid for and then not signing up because I personally never would meet people locally and befriend them this is the best form of masterminds or mentorship these mentors should ideally be one step ahead of you as those people will help provide the best mentorship if you start looking up calm on Google you'll see that nearly every reference to him includes the branding of five hundred million dollar man there's no tangible evidence of any of his companies and the only real link other than a social media is his blog you'll notice this about a lot of social media celebrities they run huge businesses but somehow everything on Google sends you to their Facebook Instagram or website I'm looking at you Dan lock even what you would consider as reputable sources are vulnerable to these fraudsters TEDx speeches are paid for by the speaker this is how people like Dan lock ty Lopez and comers all of a sudden appear on Ted as if it's a huge honor this experience allows them to use the branding for all future sales copy one little inside secret a lot of these new sources can be paid for their stamp of approval there are numerous news publications like Huffington Post entrepreneur and many others you have heard of and probably visit often that make their money from ads they outsource their content creation to freelance writers and they also will write articles about you if you pay a small fee they're just content farms where the business model is the more content the better this is how some of these fraudsters have like ten reputable news organizations in there as featured sections on their website they typically didn't earn that from their reputation after studying calm I think I'm going to start labelling myself as the 100 million dollar man in hopes of landing on large podcasts and news networks I would appreciate it if you start referring to me as Sifu Spencer the 100 million dollar man you
Channel: Spencer Cornelia
Views: 86,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Com Mirza, com mirza alex becker, aziz com mirza, habibi coin, rocky mirza, rocky mirza gulf news, com mirza arrested, com mirza jail, com mirza dubai, authentic or charlatan, the $500 million man, 500 million dollar, com mirza 500 million, com mirza scam, com mirza fraud, internet marketers, internet marketer lifestyle, internet marketing, mastermind, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency for beginners, cryptocurrency news, com mirza coin, tai lopez, com mirza arrest
Id: quaRbMU5UhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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