Trailer loading Big tex

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what's happening we're going to do a little trailer loading with uh tex we have been informed by the owners that he has a hard time getting in the little trailer and he used to have a little bit of a tough time getting in to a regular trailer so we're going to use their little two horse trailer to kind of get them good at loading um he'd strike and do some things like that and just get a little combative because people were a little too rough with him so we're gonna help him through that see if any of that comes up and if we can get them about thinking about wanting to be in the trailer and i'm just going to show you how i work on that and when you're doing this you want to set it up like yeah you're supposed to get them in the trailer but you can't approach them like hey hey hey you got to get in the trailer because if you do that trailer's the last place they're gonna want to be so here i'm just working his hind in i might have him step over here good [Applause] see come on now i i'm just asking to pay attention ask him to back up here we'll check this side out [Applause] come on and the first thing i want to do is just see if i can move them when i ask because i need that before i ever try and get in the trailer so if i got that like that to where i can have him go somewhere or i've got like this see right there have him go somewhere and you'll notice i'm watching his face a lot when you're working with him like he's distracted right now now he's coming back watch their face because you got to get them looking inside the trailer and that's what we're going to do from the beginning but just being able to have a move and being able to get them to look and move out like that not come over the top of you is going to be crucial to you having success so if you don't have those things i'd spend just a couple minutes getting it on the ground before i tried to put them in a trailer you have a lot more a lot more luck so now i'm just gonna get him looking at the trailer here there he's he's looking at it there see he got he got a little distracted so i got bothered him all i'm doing is if he's thinking about right now he's thinking about checking that trailer out and hopping in it see there he changed his mind i went to thinking about leaving it so i just asked him to come back he gets to thinking about leaving i'll make some noise help him find that right there that's the right idea there you go he gets off track and not looking we'll kind of work him a little bit there that's the right idea good job buddy so now we're going to watch him we're not going to drag him up in there because i want him to get all the way in there on his own all right see there he started thinking about leaving and i had great timing there i'm using my voice a little bit so that way i don't i don't have to use as much physical aid that a boy that's right good so he walked up in there fairly fairly okay that time so i'm not going to bug him while he's in there but i will bring him out here that boy i will bring him out here and let him travel a little bit and now we'll try and get him looking see he's afraid right here because people taking advantage of him when they go to load him and see he's wanting to come out that's if you just went in there and drug him in there and tied him up he'd panic and pull back and it would be a wreck so we're trying to get him where he's comfortable in there because you can see now he's starting to go but then he wants to hurry out a little bit we want to get that out of there because that anxiety coming in out of the trailer is where the wrecks happen and it really it doesn't have to it doesn't have to be that way so get him looking see right there he thought about going around it see right there he thought otherwise that a boy all right he's gonna get it this time so see i'm bothering him when he's thinking everywhere about the trailer so here come on get prepared to move see he there you go he was just being kind of rude and a little pushy some of his trauma was coming out from this so we just went we just went over there and worked them on that side of the trailer so he wants to kind of evade out of this side so we'll just that's okay we'll come over here [Applause] come on you want to check us out and this pool noodle is kind of a fun tool because you can you can touch them with it and it's a pool noodle you're not you're not hurting nothing makes it makes a good noise too so now watch how i do this here see how the horse is getting a little shorter and crowded me there that's better see right there he's still crowding me a little bit when i start tapping him don't want that that's a little better now we're going to point them at the trailer here right there's your your break buddy and see all this looking everywhere but the trailer is anxiety from people shoving them in and not letting them get the idea and he's gonna try that before he gets in he's gonna try old things you'll see he's working his mouth and letting down now but he's gonna try all this stuff that has worked when he was with other people and we gotta get through that and get it to where he's just thinking about the trailer and the trailer is a good spot for him to be so see i let him carry me over here he was saying i think it's a better idea if i go around the side of this trailer i think that's where i'm gonna get left alone and get peace that's what the horse was just telling us and so i i can't sit there and keep trying to shove him into the trailer when he thinks something else would be a good idea i'll let him find out that what he thought was a good idea really isn't a very good one but i'll let him figure that out i won't be bossing him around and trying to fight him because then it's a horse you have to mess with every time you go to get him in here good boy [Music] you gotta look down your alley to go down it you can't be looking at me see right there he's getting panicky he's getting real panicky and he's just thinking about leaving so i'm bugging him and the second he gets calm right there and gets to thinking about the center i'll make it easy he got distracted by that truck good much better much better good and see come back out there we'll start working them again and see how when we come out of the trailer there wasn't really ever a break that's important me go ahead that a boy see now he's starting to get the idea a little bit better and he's being peaceful about it he comes out here you go right back to work again and you let him come out you don't tell him get back now get back yeah there you go now you're being more respectful you don't tell him he can't you show him here we'll even do it without that you show him why he shouldn't see right there don't that ain't the right way right up in there's the right way yeah that's wonderful that's see right there he come off and he kind of looked at me like oh that's where i'm getting my break no man you take all your brakes in the trailer because then when we ch then when we give him back he'll be so good so you still got that old habit of wanting to go to that side of the trailer and when you're fixing these things you got to let the horse express that like we did and then start to shape it up you can't just start off telling him that everything he's doing is wrong which is what people did before and got into a fight with him and you guys are probably watching this video and you know who you are so this goes out to you i'm fixing your crap and it's not the owners of the horse either they've been doing their best to learn and just got a little misguided and i think that's probably the most important thing in this whole video is it when you're loading your horse in the trailer you can't be getting mad that's what happened to this horse was the the last clinician that went to put him in the trailer was mad and got to fighting with him so the horse will get to where he's fighting and this horse is so dog gentle that if you get him to where he's fighting he can be pretty good at it because he don't really care about what you do so you got to get him to want to see there that was a good idea that was a great idea and see now you could walk up in here and load them real really stinking easy we'll start we'll start working our way back [Music] and see if he can get the idea no no try the right spot that's good that's the way and what we're going to try and do is fool proof it so that anybody that tries to load this sucker will just he'll just get in before you even ask him to good boy [Music] good job buddy now come on out of there now we'll kind of leave the trailer we'll come back we'll see make good decisions don't make me tell you do it your dang self you know what to do there you go so see now the horse can start taking some ownership and what he's doing because he's not getting treated like garbage to get in the trailer right there he crowds me i'll block him ask him to come across here this time and go all the way in there [Music] good now come on out of there so now i want to be able to hold him in there a little bit too start to teach that a little more this will be a good place to work at this because see right here he's getting a little pushy he knows exactly what i'm after but see him kind of yanking around on this halter that's from people yanking on him hey there's the right idea [Applause] no you gotta get square here buddy no you can't push on me like that that's rude yeah just like that good good that's more respectful oh that was my fault i stepped on that rope there got his a got in his darn way we'll let him go around again i messed that one up if you notice i stepped on my lead rope with my left foot right right when he was about to back up some more and get the i'd ah that's better good boy yeah good job see all this head tossing it's all from people working him over what what we're what we're fixing isn't a normal horse behavior horses never do this if people don't fight them horses only do this because people fight them [Applause] hey that was a good idea
Channel: Notorious Horsemanship
Views: 834
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: M9UyjV3yJ8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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