Colour Moon Editing Tutorial

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how's it going everybody was in here the other day I uploaded this picture of my true color moon I did now it's received quite a good reception and a lot of people were asking the process I did and I include I included the process I did in the pictures description but it got such a strong reception and quite a few people actually asked me how do I did it how was it done that I thought that I'll make a video so this is the final product that was end with ended up with and I stack 655 images yeah I didn't think I took that many either the equipment like I said it was on the 15th of September and the equipment I used was a Sky Watcher astrophotography newtonian 150 aperture 750 focal length f5 through that I put my Canon 760d on it in prime focus it was mounted on a Sky Watcher heq 5 which was just being controlled by a hadn't control I didn't even pull or line it properly and things like that because I wasn't trying to DSO I was just I went out for the moon and it was a super clear night there was not a single cloud in the sky anywhere and the seeing conditions were pretty good because the stars just one scintillating at all that much and so I just put my camera on and I switched it to remote continuous shutter iso 100 and a shutter speed 1 3 xx and I just used an intervalometer to hold the shutter ship closed and left it just taking pop photos until the battery basically died and I ended up with something stupid like how many was it these are all my RAW files 873 pictures that's one of the first things to say about doing the photography especially astrophotography night photography it's a good idea just in photography in general just use RAW files switch your camera to RAW format but things like this it really helps because you can just drag so the raw data has got so much more data in Atlanta a peg picture that you can we'll take and you can just pull so much more data back out of that picture anyway the gal three programs I used was pip registers and then Photoshop CC 16 in that order I'll put links down in discrete from the PIP and Reddy stacks now the first thing let's see if it actually works yet they're good now for this for the actual pip and register section I'm just going to stack 210 pictures for sake of time but the actual picture will be editing their bits the one down here that's the one I used and edited for this picture and that is the 655 pictures on it so first so when you open up pip you'll get something like this at least I do and the first thing you want to do is go to file and add source files now I'll bring up your it'll bring up an explorer and you just obviously navigate to where your files are and like I said for this we're only gonna use ten photos for this yep so we're just gonna press open it's gonna say that because it's and more than one source it's gonna go to join mode which is fine it's gonna wait it's gonna bring a preview up any second now and that's one of the photos it has in the directory I just and I just closed that there the first thing to do I normally what I do is down here in optimization is select so Laluna full disk because it's not a closer but we're doing the full disk of it input I don't think I actually bothered with any of my pip likes to mess about a lot of time and I have to keep reinstalling it so I always got to check these processing options here's one important thing is to deselect this you do not want it to be converted to monochrome or else you will not be able to do the read the reared the true color edit on it because you'll be left with the black and white now the next thing is down here and cropping this is the way that pip is going to crop the picture basically as you can see at the minute and the default setting it's it's far too close up because you set it to so low full disk it'll automatically centralize the moon but what you need to do here is just adjust your settings if it's cropped too tightly on the moon like that one was you need to increase it but if it's too far out and you want the moon to be bigger you need to decrease these values and I always go in the squares I always make sure it's a square image now because I've already done this image I know that I need about 2300 in both and then you can just press test options up here let it process real quick and there you go see the test options button just brings up that preview again so now because of that we can see that the moon is nicely centralised it's got some dead space around each side of it so it's not just caged in it's kind of following the rule of space you don't think with the X or Y offset no point in doing that quality options I leave normal I mean on the PIP website it did say something about tinkering these but I never bothered did do it now in output options you want to make sure you select TIFF and it will say monochrome here but that's because it can just do color and monochrome but you wanna select it to be a tiff setting and I'm going to just put these for the sake of argument and put these onto the thing I'm just going to put these onto their desktop right here now with all that selected III don't think with anything else because I've not bothered to look into it or know I really know what they do because I've not looked into it you want to go to the do processing tab now and it'll do this now I'm not too sure what that is but you just press start processing and because you forgot to ten files it shouldn't take too long so what we've basically done is obviously we've we've put these ten pictures into a pip and we've centralized the crop we've made sure it's in color and you know we've got the picture how we want to do it so now that we've taken we've put settings into pip and what it's now going to do is copy all them settings over or to all the pictures we've selected so that they're all going to be consistent and here we go here's our 10 images you can see there's a hundred percent it marks on by quality as well now if you open one of these you can see that it's in color it may look a bit black and white but it is actually in color because we deselected the monarch were an option right bear in mind remember where they are they're on the desktop into YouTube moon but I'm just going to close it you keep them in TIFF for Reggie Stax Reggie Stax to my knowledge unless someone else knows but I've not been able to put raw file straight into registers which is fine now I close up now we open ready Stax I like for it to do its thing now what I do is literally just bring up the folder where my TIFF my pip settings were my pic pic pictures little boy dragged them in that stretch intensity yeah why not and here's the moon now this time that's got 10 frames I'm using all eight why normally used to find is if you don't if you use all your cause in your computer excuse me registers used to crash or would freeze up and stuff like that so I used to only use one CPU but I don't know if there's a new version of register acts or what but it's just only become a lot more stable I can use all eight CPUs now all I did was then we'll just collect click align points and let it will just automatically say it's saying it's the weakest amount but it's what worked you can see yeah what he selected before I previously used select the best 100% of frames I think for the other one I did I selected the best 75% of frames which is why I got 655 instead of obviously the 873 that I do actually have click a line and it's going to do that it's gonna do its thing now and I'm just gonna discuss it it's gonna take half a minute parently oh no it's done limit basically limit is this bit down here like we just spoke about we're only doing ten frames so I'm not gonna limit it at all I know that I know they're all about 99 to 100% quality that pip said so I'm looking at I'm just gonna leave it at 100% best frames but this is where I selected 75% for my Eartha picture then you click limit I don't bother with this because this is gonna create a VI and we don't want that we want a picture we want just one picture at the end of it click stack and this is where it can take a while now one of the things about register which I always found was that when it's doing its thing when it's aligning when it's stacking when it goes like this just leave it do not keep clicking on it do not try to minimize it just don't keep coming back to check it or flash it will tell you when it's done it the icon at the bottom will flash you just leave it do its thing or else it ends up crashing at least that's in my personal experience so we're gonna come back to this unless the audio is done and was saying about half a minute left off building final multi-core stack it's done because we're in the news 10 click appear show full image so this is are stacked moon now going to wavelet is we can start tinkering a bit making it a bit more sharp it will any settings you change it will just show you a little square box somewhere on the image to give you a preview of what your changes so I normally will put it here I'll click here I can't remember what this part of the moon is called but this create a mark this can your market click that because that means it's gonna put the preview box over there and because it's a nice sharp area anyway it will really help stand out what happens it the only thing I did was I selected this sharpen Bach from layer 1 to 0.25 I didn't put any D noise in or anything like that then I changed this slider to about 25 I think it was and you can see the preview it's done here and that's just sharpened up so now I'm happy with that well let's see what it does this is non-destructive you can always reset all these options reset wavelet you can reset all this it's non-destructive if you're not happy what you don't just reset it dry again click the wall and as you can see it's going incremental e across the screen like it's printing out basically is going to work its sharpen it's going to work all the settings that you've chose on the right under the functions on the left and at the wavelets it's just going to wake it all through and there we go that's that's the final thing now there's where you click save image and you'd go along with it now you would save this as a tiff always work with TIFF and save it somewhere you can obviously easily access I'm not gonna bother do that because I've got a better image to work with now I'm just gonna open Photoshop I'm gonna cut the video here because it takes a few seconds to load up so here we are now in Photoshop as you can see I've opened up our moon image and there's the previous one that I've stacked my own personal stacking 655 not the 10 that I'm showing earlier in the video just to show you the process of the PIP and registers so it's got a bettin signal-to-noise ratio at least that's the theory and I've opened up this one here this the the one I've shown you at the beginning the video this is the one that seems to have been given a good reception and I'm quite happy of it excuse me so I'm just gonna use this a bit of reference so this what you start with this is something about like this you'll end with the first thing I do always is I just duplicate the background then hide it don't know why that's just something I do now one of the weirdest steps I'm gonna have to do I've done it without doing this step and it just messes up completely so instead of just duplicating the layer press ctrl a ctrl shift C and then ctrl V so it's added another layer here and I'm just gonna delete that layer now because I don't I've never had to use it watch me now I've forgotten something I'm gonna need that layer so it's just copied the entire layer for some reason like I said unless I do this step it always messes up first thing image auto color and it looks like it's completely grey scaled it but it hasn't it's just adjusted the white balance or things along hemlines I'm not hundred percent sure I was in daylight whitebalance I think I was so the first such thing I do is image adjustements brightness/contrast i up them by 35 each now it's getting really quite blown out here I'm not sure where the histogram is on here I've never really used a histogram on here but he'll be this will stop going to the really right hand side watch the curves lie to me now there you go there's the histogram so now we just play with the curves so you can see we can dim it down a bit here because the left-hand side the histogram I call this the left-hand side of the histogram is about blacks and dark colors the right-hand side it's about whites and light colors and all the spectrum in between so we're just going to fiddle with the history curves to add some more contrast a bit more sharpness and just just to lower it down a bit I'm happy with that this is complete personal preference you do what you want but you can I mean even this is looking a little bit over process to me but you can obviously completely make it look come absolutely over-processed yes I personally don't like that look so I'm just going to leave it like this so the recap we've done auto in color and we've played with the brightness and contrast in the levels the next important thing to do is it doesn't matter how clean you think your image is you can have to do this step go to filter noise reduce noise and I reduce it by a strength of 8 and this this it's like putting a base coat down when you're about to do some painting it just adds it it smoothes the layers out so the next step has a nice even surface to go over or so you if you when you've done this try it without doing the noise reduction step and you'll see what happens you'll get a really really pixelated and grainy resort and it won't be nice at all so click OK on the strength 8 noise reduction that Photoshop this thing at this point I'm gonna duplicate this layer and I'm gonna call the original layer noise reduction layer and I'm going to put this one into its own folder so now put go down to here image adjustments / hue-saturation layer over it and then you're gonna want like you're gonna have to fight the temptation to just crank this up completely as you can see the colors are already coming out now if you if you pull up to extreme just to show you can see all the different minerals and the moon surface so we're actually really nearly there the important thing here is to go it in increments so I go to plus 13 and then close it and then you just layer it doop click just keep duplicating the layers and like I use the analogy earlier about painting on the base coat this is like using a lot of thin layers you can see because I'll zoom doubt it looks really pixelated but as soon as you zoom in a bit more there you go now you can see that the detail it's beginning to come out so I'm gonna probably do it another to see what that looks like no maybe another - okay I'm happy with that as you can see that's another personal preference thing from back here this is lying to you this is horrible mess when you zoom in you can see the layers you can see the true color now I'm gonna minimize that I'm gonna collapse that group now I'm going to take my noise reduction layer the one I duplicated I'm going to move it on top of this group yep and then change its blending mode to luminosity oops luminosity you think oh okay what's that done zoom in what's it done it's just helped even things out a little bit so it's added some contrast to the image and I think it also adds a bit of sharpness as you can see they look like they've gone off alignment ever so slightly I mean you can try and fiddle with that um I mean I think I'll just be my eye yeah but I'm just gonna I'm gonna leave that I'm not sure what's gone on there there's no reason at all that has changed position I don't think it has let's zoom in here now it's just it's just adding like another layer of shadows back to it so there's blessing there's your true color moon I mean if you think you've ever done that just take some of these layers out see I've cancelled out five layers six layers no add another one back in add another three back in for back and let's see what happens okay I prefer that more see that boob this is just like anything digital really it's very non-destructive you can make changes on the fly as you see fit okay that's it done basically that's the true moon true color moon done the last thing I'm gonna delete this background now because I know I'm done also it's gonna have probably interfere the next step all right right click flatten image and there you go now from here you can duplicate this again like this is my full little force of habit from here you can go back to image adjustments and change your contrast again if you really want make it darker make it brighter so you can darken it down a bit a little bit more contrast it's open to what you want to do that's it so now it's little if you want to add on to this you can obviously just add text at the bottom for example things like that and from there cancel take but that's the edit done from there you can do whatever you want to do with it now your flattened it I obviously I suggest saving the PSD as its own file so then you've got it safe you've got it backed up there it is you can always access it you don't have to do the flattened image step I normally don't but I would just normally like we did the beginning ctrl a ctrl shift C control V and then paste at another layer back into and somewhere because they'll do the same thing it can copies all and pace there you go there's yeah Daisy true color edit done and I think it looks pretty nice actually that's compared to the other one so you can see on this one that we've just done together it's a bit more saturated so I oversee didn't use as many layers or I did some I've changed something else but yeah there you go so I hope you've enjoyed this video I hope you've learned how to do it if you want you send me some pictures or something like that just if you've got them on image hosting websites or anything like that boom in the comments let me see how I love to see him but this this was this technically my second true moon edit I've done this was my first true moon now that I've done and I was so happy with it and the reception it received I got completely taken back by it so I hope that you've enjoyed this video you've learnt it you've if you've played along with it I hope you have something like this now if not if you can go back now and do it just define the final things remember it's always shoot raw make sure pip doesn't monochrome it make it black and white or so you cannot do that it deletes all color data off the file yeah raw Tiff's to make sure pip doesn't desaturate it into monochrome stack it play with it so yeah thanks for watching leaving a comment let me know what you think I've not ever made it tutorial before so I'm sorry if I've rambled on a bit but yeah thanks for watching enjoy editing your moon videos clear skies everybody I'll see you later thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: AstroFarsography
Views: 49,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colour Moon Editing Tutorial, True Colour Moon Tutorial, How To Edit Moon Photos, Colour Moon Tutorial, Moon Editing Tutorial, Lunar Editing, Moon Tutorial, Moon Image Editing, Full Moon, Moon Tutorial DSLR, Moon Editing Photoshop, Astrophotography Editing Tutorial, Astrophotography Tutorial, How To Edit Moon Photos In Photoshop, Lunar Photography, Moon Photography, Registax, PIPP, Astrophotography, Astrofarsography, How to use Registax, How to use PIPP
Id: ncPJY5CRi-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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