How to Photograph a Mineral Moon

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how in the hell do you people in the northern or colder climates put up with this crap that shouldn't happen here but at least i got me some sweet-ass gloves that's ridiculous i can put on my damn mask just so i can keep warmth on my face anyway welcome back everybody it's been a little while because you know it's been cloudy as hell this is the first night in six days that i've gotten to use the telescope the moon is up there mars is right next to it i need to hurry up and get this tutorial done because mars is at a position where it hasn't been yet i'm trying to do a rotation map and all kind of crap but i need to get that i think that details like 11 or 12 o'clock so i got to get some shots in on that also so this will be the second video in the little instagram series thingy and it's gonna be on the moon and namely number one how to get shark moon pictures and number two how to get colorful moon pictures so obviously camera telescope and so what we're going to do is after you're aligned and everything go to the live view on your moon and your telescope might not you know have this much focal length or whatever so you should be able to get a full lunar disc but in case you can't you know i go to the northern or southern hemisphere and take my pictures and then go to the other one and take the other pictures but this applies to everybody so what you want to do is you want to use live view zoom zoom in as far as you can on the planet you want to pick out a high contrast area where there's sharp details and basically just focus absolutely best you can i gotta move my gloves out so i can make my points point number one shooting raw point number two use a higher iso so you can have a faster shutter speed shooting at extremely high magnifications we're going to shoot 40 pictures for a stack but you want to you know make sure that you have the sharpest detail in those 40 pictures if at all possible if your tracking isn't dead on especially the the higher the magnification you go then a slower shutter speed for the sake of lower iso could cause blur which you won't find out until tomorrow when you start zooming in and by that point it's too late you got to wait till the next night and try it all over again who wants to do all that i am at iso 800 and a shutter speed of 1 1000th of a second and that's at f10 so what i'll do is i will take a test shot and then check the histogram because the histogram never lies so we'll do that now and also have an intervalometer so i don't have to touch the scope or the mount or anything we're clipped over here on the black because that's the background all the information for the moon is right in the middle which is just where we want it so i know those settings are good so we will turn live view off to save battery and now what i want to do is i'm going to take 40 shots so we'll do that now all right so we got 40 shots done turn our live view back on and since i have to shoot in two hemispheres i'll go to the northern hemisphere now and then we'll do the same thing 40 more shots and that's it get your 40 shots of the moon and take your happy acid inside where it's warm and we will get started on the [Music] processing [Music] i got frostbite last night still trying to warm up the extremities a little bit we're back in the house so we have our 40 moon pictures that we took last night but we can't put those directly into auto stacker because auto stacker doesn't recognize raw files so we have to run them through pip first so we'll take our 40 drag and drop them over and you can see it's the bottom half of the moon because big telescope small field of view northern southern hemisphere so let's go ahead and do planetary the biggest thing that you want to make sure is that the convert to monochrome is not enabled so we're not even going to bother with the object detection or anything all we want to do is convert the raw file to tiff in the fastest way possible tiff start and then we'll do the same thing to the other 40 for the northern hemisphere which you don't have to do obviously if you just have a full lunar disc so i mean back up with you in auto stacker so we got the 40 images opened up in auto stacker and this is where you might encounter some more problems and i didn't find this out until a couple weeks ago like so since i had to take two separate images or two separate segments of the moon i could try the planet center of gravity but sometimes it'll cut off and make really weird artifacts so i use the surface and sometimes the anchor box doesn't work too well what i found i can't remember who i saw it from but if you push the number keys on your keyboard you can make the box smaller which really comes in handy so what will happen is if your box is the wrong size and you go to analyze it because when you use the surface image stabilization you can't stack it without analyzing it if your anchor box is the wrong size or in the wrong place it'll throw up an error on the surface image stabilization and it won't let you stack it so i have a smaller align box now i will go to copernicus i will change the noise to a smaller number and analyze and we'll see what happens so you see our quality graph drops pretty significantly let's go through it just in case because i mean nothing should have really changed i mean i don't see any big differences anywhere but instead of stacking all 40 we can go ahead and stack 30. rgb align saving folders drizzle off definitely drizzle off especially if you're using a big old dslr now the align boxes you want to use fairly large line boxes if you look over here on the terminator it did not select the darker mare and stuff over here and that's good because you don't want to select that because that could lead to artifacts and there's really not any detail to stack you over here i'm going to stack to only the brighter side so 304 pixel align boxes gives us 293 align points and we will stack this one and i'll go ahead and stack the other one and then for those who are having to do a panorama we'll head on over to microsoft ice after this so just stay tuned [Music] so if you had to end up doing multiple frames the entire disk of the moon you have to stitch those together and you want to do that before any other edits so what we'll do is we'll open those in microsoft ice which is free by far the best panorama software i've ever used because i ain't paying for any so we'll move that one over move that one over and we'll stitch now we have a moon crop export file format tiff and you can see our moon is 5894 pixels by 5512 pixels so we should be able to open it in registex now depending on the size of the camera you use and the size of the final image you won't be able to open at registex because registex doesn't support anything above 6200 pixels i don't think unsupported tip format okay no big deal we got to work around here so we'll go to photoshop open the tiff resave the tip and then try it in registex so when i open it up in photoshop it opened up as a layer and not as a flattened image so make sure you flatten it before you save it again as a tiff and then open it up your edge see we're just learning stuff all the time so now what you want to do is find an area a fairly good contrast yeah how about right here so you have the dark background sky you have parts of the terminator and then you have the darker mare and the lighter ejecta so you have a good mix of everything so registex you want to click on you know the center of your frame and what that will do is that will be your processing area so now you start processing and see what happens [Music] now the one thing that you have to be extremely careful of especially in registex because it is such a powerful tool is over sharpening because when you get on to the later steps in photoshop removing the sharpening is almost impossible and will create artifacts you can always sharpen an image more but it's a lot harder to unsharpen an image later on especially once you start getting the color in there [Music] okay so now you want to show full image and so you can see the part we were working on was just that little b spot way up there so now we'll do all which will take a while depending on again your camera sensor size and all that [Music] okay so now if we zoom in we have some pretty good detail not really over sharpen that much so now we'll just save it open up photoshop so now we got our moon image opened up in photoshop the very first thing we're going to do is make a lit make a duplicate and then we'll go to filter camera raw filter so in here we're going to do the basic white balance we'll start adding saturation make some exposure changes and you'll see how as we progress the layers will actually provide the saturation not just cranking up the saturation slider so first things first go to calibration on all three saturations go to 100 and you can see it added color but it didn't add a bunch of saturation so now we can go to saturation or vibrance saturation go to 100 on both of those now you can see the color cast that we have we will just adjust the tint and temperature to get a balance that we like and if you watch the histogram up here you want to try to get the red blue and green as close to each other as possible [Music] that's pretty close so now we can add some exposure now that we've made some adjustments we'll go back and check up on our white balance here so now if you look at the histogram most of the colors are all pretty contained evenly with each other from here we will drop the vibrance and leave the saturation at a hundred so now we've added saturation to each color channel and we've added saturation to the entire image and you can see it's still not saturated which is exactly what we want go ahead and leave everything else alone for now that's our first layer see so already we're here so now i'll make another layer and open up camera raw again we're back in camera raw with our adjustment layer copy and again we'll go down to calibration and go to 100 on all of them now you can see just how much smoother the difference of color is we will up the vibrant saturation again and this should really allow us to fine tune our colors so now you're starting to see the the dark blues over here light blues up there light blues around tycho so now what you can do is go to your color mixer and just adjust the hues as you like [Music] okay so now that that's done take off the vibrance drop the saturation we definitely have color it's not over saturated it's real subtle and it's looking good like aristarchus way over here already has that blue to it which is great because it's you know the brightest crater on this side of the moon so it has that bluish tint taiko the rays are starting to get that little light blue aqua tint the only thing i don't like is down here you have i guess that would be chromatic aberration on these craters so we will go ahead and try to take that out with a little defringing yeah the only problem is that now that little bit of defringing messed up our color again so we'll go back up increase vibrant saturation [Music] okay much better so now you can definitely look at the histogram we've got our lumps all the colors pretty much match up uh did a couple more contrast adjustments the biggest issue i had was there was a lot of color noise so when i got rid of the color noise it changed the color cast by readjusting the temperature intent now it's a whole lot more balanced and all that so we'll go ahead and okay that so now at this point the moon as far as tonal changes and contrast and all that's pretty much done so now it's just pretty much adding the selective saturation so we'll make another layer go back to the camera filter we'll try to do the calibration again just because that gives it a little bit more control and remember on the calibration you can actually tweak the hues of each of the primary colors also so like if you want to see what the red does if you move the hue definitely like that better since all of your other adjustments are on separate layers you can go a little bit more crazy with this layer and just focus on getting the color how you want it and overdo it just a little bit i kind of like that still has the damn green though so we'll go back to optics try to get rid of that green i'd say it's close enough so the only thing that we've changed on this entire layer is color so we'll go ahead and hit okay so now change this blend mode to color and just lower the opacity but that's how you take a picture and make a pretty colorful moon and the minerals and all that what not just a bunch of saturation just all the way to the right all the saturation give it all i think it's time for a nap and some food food in a nap can't go wrong with it i guess we'll go back outside to finish this off too damn cold out there we got the moon shots so i guess if this is the end of the video you already saw how the moon stuff was made i just did a couple of sequences of mars and nope can't do it going inside packing all this crap up and gonna go jogging place or something can't feel my face can't feel my fingers as far as the moon stuff goes i hope you all enjoyed that happy halloween until next time see y'all later [Music] you
Channel: InsertAstroNameHere
Views: 17,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astrophotography, Astronomy, Telescope, FireCapture, planets, planetary, imaging, tutorial, registax, winjupos, autostakkert, celestron SCT, jupiter, saturn, mars, how to see planets, how to use a telescope, take better planet images, can i see the planets, photos of planets, how to use firecapture, how to use registax, planetary imaging tutorial, what telescope should i buy, best telescope for kids, best telescope 2021, Moon Photography, colors of the moon, moon through telescope, Luna
Id: 9_hi03oty04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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