Color Finale 2 - Get Cinematic in 1 Minute !

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hi guys here's a couple ollie from creative wedding I must you know talk of a base in Germany and I love collaborating I'm using final cut and till color finalities out it makes my life much more easier so let's take a look how to correct some footage in a really fast way so here we are in final cut and here I have a different kind of footage from weddings everything it was shot in with the sony alpha 7s - so everything in 8-bit some we are in a slog - some are in Cena for my setting here on the final cut it's - to have the vectors open and the edge be parade open this has helped me to understand where the color are falling and here I can understand how is the exposure and white balance of the image okay now let's try to correct in a different way in some different way but but it's possible with color finale - but I'm using to correct a different kind of image and different kind of situation so I select them all and I apply color finale - in all the clips okay let's start with base clip and this was shot in a slog - and the the fastest way to correct the image it's a it's only web using the inspector here of of color finale what I'm doing mostly is to put away completely the saturation of the image don't be distracted about colors and then adjust the contrast in this case I will go down a little bit with exposure at the contrast to the place that I am I like it normally I try to watch but here it's almost touching the zero so I find it good here and with the P what if I go on the left side I put up the shadow so I give a little bit as you can see also here I'm giving a little bit more space to the contrast on the shadow and this way I find that the contrast is on the right spot after that I add again the saturation this is the place where I find it correct like this and I find what the image is corrected let's try in an hour the same things so same things here I put away the saturation I find that the position is perfect so I add without touching the exposure I add the contrast like before do that I'm almost touching the zero go a little bit with the pivot on the left side to get a little bit more details in the shadows and then I add the saturation in the place where I want for the white balance it's enough to click in this stress to the draw in the dress and the image is corrected other ways to correct the image let's stake this voltage for example here another way it's to going directly on the layers and with the layers we can try to do the same things with the wheels so with the wheels I put away the saturation in this case I want to go so with the lifter so the shadow I go down almost touch the zero I bring a little bit down the highlight and then the shadow till in the place where I want to have it like this and then I put up the saturation and this is a before and after really fast another way so let's take this footage another way it's with the curves with the curves so again if if I wanted to I like to don't be distracted by the color so I put away the saturation over the wheels I go on the curve and here we have a different kind of curve so we have the master and the luma the master curve when you add in contrast you move also the saturation of the colors so you add also saturation to the to the colors when you use the master when you use luma it will be only the contrast in this case let's try all the luma curve again I want to have the black sir almost touching the zero the highlights let's bring it a little bit up then I create a small S curve here hi Chris and after I reboot the saturation so let's see the difference luma curve and if I add master curve as you can see the saturation is Bom it's going really up the luma in this case in the correcting to correct I find a little bit easier but you can use bamboo phones banned how much crazy you want to go with the saturation in case you would use the master curve it's enough to go a little bit down with the saturation here and you get the same result okay this is our the the freeways that but I use to correct the image of the contrast let's see some our situation to correct them so again for correcting the the fastest way it's here everything is here so saturation down contrast before and after whitebalance we have in this case the dress that's it that's some challenging girl situation but is this one it's a little bit of China situation here we have the bride but she is singing but she has a a spy yen love spotlight so if I would correct it from from like before so again I put down a little bit this contrast as you can see the yellow it's crazy we can see also here on the back doors the yellow it's it's disturbing a lot and if I try to correctly with with the temperature the yellow it's it never goes away also if I try here for example this is white if I put it here the colors become crazy because it's only a spotlight on the bride tragic thing also with the yellow didn't go away so to correct this things I go on the layer it's the yellow that a but it's become crazy and it's the yellow is the color of the spotlight and the easiest way is to go on the back doors select the yellow put down the saturation I just also a little bit the red like this so this is a before and after you can see now the skin tone is corrected and now I can adjust the temperature to the spot where I like to have it this case probably here and this image is corrected let's see the last one this drone shot exposure contrast I want to get a little bit back of the details here so I put the P vote more on the left side saturation up and I could change a little bit of white balance the temperature a little bit on the warm side and that's it really will easy really really fast
Channel: Color Finale
Views: 22,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, feels, tutorial, filmmaking, photography, photo, premiere, film, cinema, cinematic, learn, drone, gimbal, camera, canon, panasonic, tips to make better videos, This Will Improve Your YouTube Videos FAST, improve your youtube videos, final cut pro x, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro plugins
Id: KH91D_T5w8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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