Color Filled CNC Plaque on the Shapeoko

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my shop I haven't done a video in a while I've been a little busy the holidays been a little cold in here it's kind of hard to get out and do work in an unheated shop when it's 15 13 degrees outside but it's nice out today so I figured I'd get out here and uh knock out some mortars that I got over the holidays so when you buy a CNC machine or any type of machinery that you can make stuff on a lot of people do it with the intention of making money or making something for themselves me I bought mine you know make a few bucks here and there and make myself stuff so a while back I made a little uh name plaque for a friend of mine his wife's a teacher and she took it up to the school and you know I keep getting orders and and everybody's wanting one so basically all it is is a piece of three-quarter-inch something I use oak and you do some pocket carving and put their name in there and then maybe a school logo or something in this case there's school logos a bear so I got online and I found a really cool bear face and be carve it in there fill it all in with color and in a mixture of color and natural wood and they really seemed to like it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this 3/4 inch piece of oak just for people that like to know you know how much money can you really make well you can only make what people are willing to spend a piece of oak like this at Lowe's runs seven eight dollars now I'm sure I could get it cheaper somewhere else but you know for the ease of doing things I just run ELO's and buy what I need but what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut this down we're gonna throw it on the machine this is gonna be a plaque for the school nurse so we're gonna incorporate a nurse's logo in there as well well we're done we're gonna color fill the carving and sand away the top so it's a mixture of like I said natural wood and color and I'm gonna take you step-by-step through the process of how to do it as far as how much can you make well you know I'm not sure what people really charge for you know some of their simple stuff that they make on these machines me generally I charge about $30 an hour for the machine and then you know attack on $10 for the finish or depending on how difficult they want it in this case I'm charging $30 for this I think it's fair price it's a friend of mine so I cut them a little break too and it's real simple they don't want any kind of hanger built into it they just you know one a flat piece of wood carved and colored so stay tuned we're gonna get down to it and check it out okay now we've got our piece of wood to the correct dimensions which in this case it's going to be five and a half by eighteen inches and what we're gonna do now is secure to the waste board ready okay and as you saw there I had to give it a little tap with the rubber mallet cuz uh when I put the first couple on it accidentally slid up a little bit but now we're straight we're good we're clamped down nice and tight and we can get started with the next step all right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get all of our end mills and bits ready to do this so first thing we're gonna need obviously is going to be a collet wrench we're gonna need both our 1/8 and 1/4 inch collets we're going to be using a quarter inch 2 flute flat end mill we're going to use this 16th inch - flute flat end mill we're going to use this 1/2 inch by 60-degree be bit and we're also going to use if I can get this in here this 1/8 inch 30-degree pencil be bit if I can get this to focus too you can see I made a organizer for all my bits all my hold downs it's got all the perfect spots for you know holding all your tools and everything keep you organized that's a real simple project to do using a using machine as well holds on my conical bit so I'm a hold down bolt you know my small bits my large bits my nuts my washer saw my hold downs have a spa mic ah let's have a spot before I had this in here I had everything in bags and boxes and what they came in and let me tell you this is so much nicer this would be probably the third thing I would make on my list when I got a machine by far okay just real quick before we actually get started if you haven't seen my videos or I haven't really explained it I'm gonna show you my setup and how I've got everything over here set up to do all my projects you'll have to forgive me too I'm used to shooting on a GoPro and I recently switched over to shooting on my DSLR there's definitely a learning curve when it comes to shooting on a DSLR so bear with me this is what we have so over here I have my laptop and this is what I run my cam program on I have my V carve on here and I can definitely do design stuff out here my CAD stuff but I choose to do that in house it's a lot nicer in there and it's not anywhere near as messy now obviously you know the Machine being way over here it's hard to jog the machine back and forth so what I've done is I've run in a HDMI up to this TV on a swivel so I can stand right here in my machine I can stand here my machine look up at the TV and take my wireless mouse bring it over here and do all my stuff right from the machine so it's really handy some people put little monitors some people have machines that actually have the the controls attached to the machine that's not the way this Poco works but uh this setup works really good for me so this is the way I'm going to keep doing it okay you saw my setup now what I'm gonna do is open up my Carbide motion so I can jog the machine and turn the machine on get this connected click it home the machine and if you don't have homing switches on your machine if you bought it without it I highly suggest you get them it is amazing it's it makes a world of difference I started out without them and believe me you will have money well-spent ok so what we're gonna do is we're gonna jog the machine in the middle using our rapid position and we're gonna start out with our first bit which is going to be our 60-degree B bit let's get this quarter inch collet in there we'll get our bit in there down there down all right let's home the machine to the bottom left corner of the material which is where I generally do it at another thing to anybody that uses these machines a lot maybe you can help me with this now I'm gonna use the fast jog and listen for the machine to kind of stutter it points I don't know if that's normal or if that happens with everybody's machines but here check this out [Music] it kind of stops for a second every now and then I don't know why does that like I said I don't know if that's normal or not but it does what it does alright let's get our Z access now with the V bits I tend to eyeball it I don't use any sort of touch plate I don't use paper for it I just eyeball it and what you want to do is you want to get it to where it's just barely touching the wood and like I said with the V bits I tend to eyeball it and if I'm doing a project where I'm using flat end mills and B bits and I have to do several tool changes I generally start out my project with a V bit and the reason I do that is in my opinion it is easier to Center this tiny point under the corner of this material as my home point than it is to Center a larger round bit if that makes any sense to you if I start off with a V bit I know it's going to be exactly on the corner right now we get our Z access zero now all right we're gonna set our zero we're gonna 0 XY and z coordinates right there so that is gonna be our home position for this whole project and we won't have to set it again because carbide motion will always remember that no matter what even if you turn the Machine off close the program come back your next project if you click return to X Y it's gonna bring you right back to this point not that you use it but it's just a neat feature okay we got the Machine zeroed out we got a piece held down we got our 60-degree bit in there so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and open up our file and do a cargo carbide motion which is gonna be our bare face and the school's name right across here the bare face is going here the school's name is going here so let's get to it [Music] okay now that that's done you can see that we have our our Bears face there that is be carved now don't forget that's going to be color filled so it's gonna pop out a lot more and then we have the name of the school we carved right there that font in case anybody wants to know I believe it's called Georgia it does really good when it comes to Vee carving obviously there's gonna be some cleanup involved with some sandpaper but come on you focus there you go but turned out pretty good alright let's do the next step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we'll let's check it out and I think it turned out pretty good some of the lines are a little shallow but we'll get those filled in with paint and it'll uh it'll look pretty nice so there you have it 30 degree view back carved nurse symbol I guess we'll call it and let's get ready to move on to the next step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so as you can see here what it's done is it has taken out the bulk of the material it's gone everywhere that the quarter-inch bit can fit and and then what we'll do is we'll get our little sixteenth inch bit and you'll see how it goes in there and does all the detail work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well order machine work is done here so we're gonna take this thing off the board and see how it turned out I did notice that I had a problem on that last pass with the sixteenth inch bit when you're zeroing out with a piece of paper especially when you're doing it on a very small bit like a sixteenth in mill you have to be real careful that you get your bit exactly at the same Z height zeroed out as your other bits in this case I did not know what that ends up doing is see if I could zoom in here I don't know if you can see this on there or not but what it ends up doing is that sixteenth inch bit that did all the small passes around the edge it went a hair deeper than the other now in this case since I'm gonna be filling this in with paint it's not gonna show as much if you were gonna stain this that would be extremely bad it would stand out like a sore thumb and and it wouldn't look very good I would recommend you buy a touch plate I fully plan on getting one as soon as I can find one in stock somewhere which is and it it seems to be real hard to do right now because nobody hasn't been stocked but I'll get one eventually and what a touch plate is is it's a it's a little metal plate that you stick on your your material and the Machine through electrical charge drops your bid on to it and knows exactly where your surface is so every bit carves exactly the same depth until I get one you know sometimes it's hit or miss what ends up happening is afterwards I end up having to do a whole lot of cleanup in here and that's what's going to happen in this case I'm gonna have to get in there with some really small pieces of sandpaper and clean that up as much as I can so there's no differ and depth difference in depth between the two bits and that's going to take me a minute but I'm gonna get it done alright guys well that's going to be it for the Machine process on this next thing we're gonna do is we're going to take it over and we're gonna start painting it we're gonna seal it and finish it up so if you see that is our our plaque right now it's kind of planks doesn't have any color in it or stain or seal but you can see our nurse symbol or bear the name of the school and the name nurse hall so there you go let's get down there and start finishing it up so you can see the finished product okay so the first thing I do before I start painting and finishing is that I want to give it a quick sand with 220 nothing too aggressive just just enough to maybe flatten some of the grain on here and I'll explain why in a second so I'm gonna give it a quick quick sand with this 220 real quick alright that's gonna be good so because I like to use oak Oak is a very porous type of wood so when you go to paint it it's gonna want to fill in all the tiny little pieces of grain in there so two things I do one is I give it a quick sand get a nice and smooth second thing I'm going to do is I'm going to spray a quick coat of some some clear some clear gloss whatever the heck this is some sort of a not a polyurethane now I don't know what it is it's a clear gloss topcoat and what that's gonna do also is it's gonna allow me to be able to seal the grain a little bit that way when I get some paint on the edges it won't soak into the wood as much so I don't have to sand as much to get it off so I'm gonna give it a quick coat of this and that's it so we're gonna let that dry and in about two hours or so we're gonna come back we're gonna start masking it off and we're gonna start painting okay now that that's dry we can mask off the first part which is going to be the center we want the center cuz this is gonna be red and the inside of that it's gonna be red so we're gonna mask off these two sides real quick all right so the first part we're gonna do is gonna be red so we got our little red spray paint okay now that center section is masked off we're gonna do the bear head and we're gonna do that in black and we're going to do that and we're going to do that in blue so same process just spray it wait for the dry excellent all right well we're gonna let all this dry and then after drive we're going to come back and we're gonna sand all the excess off and we'll have almost a finished product okay now that all the paint's dry we can go ahead and sand over this get rid of all the overspray I'm gonna start off with 120 and hopefully this will all come off and it'll turn [Applause] and that is see if I can get this light over there perfect nurse halt bear bears and that right there - the finish is the finished product so I'm going to spray a coat of that lacquer on it again and we'll see how it looks when it's finally done alright guys thanks for watching the video once again have any questions ask me in the comment section below I'll try to answer them the best I can subscribe to the channel and hopefully we'll be able to get some more projects done here in the new future thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: stufftokeep youentertained
Views: 442,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: color, color fillled, cnc, shapeoko, plaque, carved, machine, whiteside, dewalt, carbide, carbide 3d, carbide motion, v carve pro, paint
Id: NAA_xy65W8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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