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okay hi guys know how channels you have a youtube channel yes this is gonna be a move in vlog you guys but um I'm not wait can you hold it actually from you don't drop it okay so I gotta call him a filmer what am i doing okay no subscribe the content there's actually really good why are you guys still hiding in the closet oh you do have a youtube channel yeah I look freaking terrible okay where do I start I don't want to start this why am i kneeling like this I can't say no I'm gonna stand it's been a hard day and it's only like a lemon and also let me just show you how awkward this is um these are all my fellow peers in these windows and people can 100% see me talking to the camera you know it's fine we do what we do you know I'll just pull up a chair Oh grab a seat make yourselves comfortable so this is a moving vlog welcome welcome back hi sorry if I'm not like my usual kind of self today I'm very very um I'm hanging on by a thread here and it's yeah I don't know can you see it I'm feeling very like it's a mess up here right now but I want to try to make this as organized as possible I think I'm gonna split this video into two parts or three it's gonna be three parts first I'm gonna show you guys the entire place cuz I feel like that's what people want to see I mean it's what I want to see and I want to show you guys what you want to see so then it's gonna be a little bit of a story time I'm gonna be telling you about the several traumatic experiences I've had today cuz there's been a lot and like I said it's still very early and I still have a lot of things um to do and a lot of things I can go wrong but hopefully they'll go right I don't I don't know the last part will be me [Music] unpacking and like organizing as you can see I'm like already in my dorm so I technically already did like the whole move-in part and I didn't really fill all that because it literally would have been impossible to really quick let me just put it out there I'm on three hours of sleep um and I haven't washed my face yet today so and I just like pick that this so not good I feel like people are watching me but like they're probably not like who really cares well I don't know I feel uncomfortable so I'm gonna I'm gonna just show you guys the room all right so here we've got the front door so let's say you were to walk in from the front door this is what you see like a common area yeah a couch a table with some chairs that other chair I guess then there's this huge window which is nice they're doing construction that's not so nice but yeah I don't know I wish our view wasn't just like that but it's okay it's not the worst that down there is the dining hall by the way over there can i zoom in how do i oh okay I don't know you can see there's such a potent a right there how wonderful so if you turn back around there's just a thermostat I really hope that's not like a huge source of conflict in our room there's just blank walls nothing there hopefully it will like try to make this place a little bit cute I didn't say this but I'm planning to not be here in the spring because I want to go study abroad in London so my plan is to just be living here for fall so it's only gonna be like four months so I don't really feel the need to like put so much effort into decorating this space like I'll decorate my room for sure but I feel like this is kind of fine the way it is I don't know I mean it's kind of ugly but like I I don't know if I care enough to like change it you know we're back at the front door here we have the bathroom there we have the kitchen where should we go first let's do the kitchen okay this is a recycling bin we don't have like anything in here yet like I mean we all kind of just moved in everything's kind of you know yeah here we have the fridge it's pretty huge it's like as tall as me I'm like five five for your reference know whose that is but yeah there's nothing else in here I'll put some ice cream in there pretty soon what else okay there's some stuff in there it's a cool fridge it's kind of busted it's fine guys everything here is kind of busted obviously first cabinet there's like a good amount of storage space I guess I guess that's in there eventually some dishes I don't know microwave more storage this is like nothing interesting but okay this oven looks like it's from 1850 I don't even know if I had ovens which only like further proves my point then this happens you guys can you believe what's like design this is it even boss I don't know maybe if I like hit it with my hip no it's literally like there is no opening that that might never open and there's this one so it's fine um I'm kind of scared of this uh bit I don't think I'm ever gonna use this that's terrifying who oh by the way I didn't like to say that at all but um I'm living in a sweet style kind of room wait I can't even see myself but basically this is a sweet back there is my room it's a double that I'm living in with MOA then there there's a room it's a single than here is Sabrina and then Aaron's also in this room it's also a double like mine in moas and yeah so there's five of us total anyway so what I was saying is that I don't know if there's like a lot of storage please bless you um that's pretty much it for the kitchen then there's the bathroom it's it's good it's actually pretty big my thermal sure was tiny okay let me show you it's better you walk in like this a lot of like standing room then there's a toilet darling let the pile it's okay you know we can't be picky hello then there's just a sing our pretty huge actually and it looks looks clean for the most part yeah it looks good some hooks for towels there's some behind the door overall it's a pretty it's pretty decent done with the bathroom showed you guys the common area that's like I said Sabrina and Aaron's room well go in there I'll show you guys my room it's actually like exactly the same then this is the single obviously not going to show you that because it's not mine so here we are oh I totally ignored this marry this married school rate it's a good full-body mirror there's also one in here which is good wait why so bright okay yeah there's also this one which is good hello-oh didn't say this if you don't know mo is my best freaking friend effort like we get along the best you know it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be super chill she's not here yet so yeah I'm kind of taking over the whole room for the moment but then it's good this way so I'll be like settled when she's trying to move in cuz then it'd be really crazy if we were both trying to trying to move in at the same time just because there's really no space for anything so then when you walk in wait let me organize this okay that's the closet so when you walk in her bed my bed my desk her desk then we have the window which I kind of you already saw I was swimming there and then here is where things kind of go wrong you see these two dressers like who but you can't open this like if you open this like it's just it smacks against the I'm just so upset about it I already put in a work request for them to come like change the dressers or honestly just get rid of them last year I have the kind of dressers that you could like take apart and put under your bed so I don't know if you can see the ones last year they cut off here so it was like just like - I can't I'm not explaining as well it's like a set of stackable dressers does that make any sense I don't know and you could like take them apart and put them under your bed that's what I did cuz it like it would just works best and then these stressors they don't come apart they stay up like this and they're enormous and like can you see how much space they take up it's actually insane and I mean not does that but the fact they're like these you think they're not even accessible it's kind of terrible so I put in a work request for them to come take the away and hopefully like be able to give us the stackable ones so yeah this is all my stuff I still obviously have a lot of cleaning organizing arranging to do everything is a mess look at how much I have oh here's a closet it's just behind the door and there's more stuff the closets pretty good there's a like a good amount of closet space okay sorry my card got full so I said delete a bunch of stuff anyway we were here at the closet there's this side and there's this side honestly pretty spacious last year we just have like a rack it was kind of bad um and yeah there's even more storage space up there pretty good there's also is light so it's good because otherwise this would be very dark I have to fix all of this stuff there's I have no idea what to do with that but yeah that's the closet it's good it's a walk-in closet that's pretty fancy I like it um so is that it that's kind of yeah that's the place oh I don't know wait what's here oh it's another closet okay well I guess I'm assuming this is um ali-a her name is Ali the other roommate I've never met her obviously don't know when she's gonna move in but yeah definitely looking forward to that so what are they saying I'm all over the place I have a lot of organizing to do clearly I'm not looking forward to it because I kind of feel like I don't know where to start and then I feel like I won't be able to like relax until this is all clean and organized but I just I don't know where to start and I'm it's killing me what I'm gonna do is slowly start cleaning organizing and then like check-in every once in a while so you can see like the progress um but first I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna tell you guys about today and this morning and everything it was terrible okay here we go I'm going into my sophomore year so I already had like all my stuff from my dorm last year in storage over the summer so I all I had to do was like move all the boxes and everything that was in the storage to this new place to date because today is like a move-in day by the way I'm here alone last year obviously it was like freshman year everything was so new to me it's my family came with me to like help me with the whole movement process and it was a lot it was crazy um and I had like five people helping me this time I had one not to sound ungrateful god bless him my aunt how gracious of her to help she lived here by the way I would not have been able to do it alone I could not have done it without her I would have had like I did have mental breakdowns but like there would have been more I just would have been bad anyway I've known for a long time that I was gonna do this today and I have like a shuttle setup and everything to like help me transfer myself from the storage locker place to here and you know I thought it'd be like fine um but ya know my aunt and I we went to sleep last night like at 4:00 and we had to be up at 6:30 to go to the storage place and take everything out and like sign out and like you know like be done with everything by 8 o clock because the shuttle was scheduled to come pick me and all my stuff up at 8 o'clock to move everything so we went to sleep very very late or early however you want to oh my god someone's watching ok uh-huh I'm so uncomfortable was I saying my alarm went off at 6:30 I didn't wake up I guess because my on wakes me up at 7:00 close to 7:30 and was like don't we have to like go what you told me that I kept saying no like it's fine but like I don't even remember saying that like I wasn't awake I just I was dead we basically like fled her apartment that's why I look like this and we went to the storage place it was fine like taking the boxes out and everything we had enough time you know we're really grating for the shuttle the shuttle didn't even show up at 8 and I'll tell you why it's because there was no shuttle but I'll get to that so we're there waiting we have everything out of the blank locker by 8:15 and we're like okay like I haven't gotten the call yet for the shuttle so like we're fine you know like we're not late and then we're just waiting 8:30 rolls around that I like asked the lady that works there like hey I have a shuttle schedule would like is it coming when she goes oh the wait windows actually from like 8:00 to 9:30 so like the shuttle could come anytime between a and 9:30 and I was like oh so we have to wait another hour and she goes he goes and I was like okay and she was like oh but I feel like check to see like my name will come and I was like okay like yeah please do that she she pulls up by reservation and she's like the shuttles are coming and I'm like what do you mean like just like what do you mean she was like it's coming on the 26 like that's when you scheduled it for I was like listen no like oh I didn't even specify today is a 25th today's Sunday the 25th of August she was basically telling me that I made the reservation for tomorrow Monday the 26th there's there's just no way like I didn't do that like I know I didn't do it basically hey what it wasn't me like I know it she don't want to admit it but I've known for months that I was gonna move in on the 25th there's no way I made the reservation for the 26 but it's fine well it wasn't fine but now it's fine my hon and I ended up having to get two separate ubers and put all the boxes into burrs and then you know it wasn't fun it's fine we made it here we got here early enough so which was good because there was like no line for the elevator and slowly but surely we got all the boxes into cards so now here I am um I guess that didn't really sound as traumatic as it was but I promise you like it didn't feel good like if you had lived it you wouldn't have liked it no I'm living in it was it wasn't fun you see I still have to deal with all of this and I haven't slept yeah I still have a lot to deal with so I think I'm just gonna start doing that and just yeah oh also the dresser is the dressers I had to UM go downs there isn't like complained about and I don't want to complain about it but like I had no choice there's so they're just not practical for the room they don't fit so yeah I mean they told me to like go online and submit a work order like requests for maintenance or something I don't know and so I did that and then it says that they could come today and they could come tomorrow they could come whenever they really feel like it oh and I'm going to LA tomorrow so that's also stressful for me that basically means I have to sort all this out today and then on top of all that pack for tomorrow and then go to the airport and you know travel again and I'm like still really I forgot the biggest freaking part of this whole okay the thing is this doesn't really have to do with moving in but this has to do with like my travel experience like coming to New York to move back in I had a flight from Miami International Airport to LaGuardia and it was only supposed to be a three hour flight like I mean I've made the flight a million times I mean there's always delays I'm not gonna lie but this was dramatic this was excessive this was extreme it was no it was uncalled for we're like two hours into the flight they tell us okay we're like approaching New York City we're gonna like start to descend they make an announcement that we're not gonna be able to land because the weather's so bad and they basically said that we were just gonna be like circling the airport I don't know just like flying until they like cleared us to land and like beta until us how long that might take they didn't really say anything I feel like they didn't know so they didn't know what to tell us we flew for like an extra I don't know 40 minutes or something until they finally told us that we had to divert to Philly we had to go to an airport in Philadelphia because we were running out of fuel because we still weren't clear to land in New York so that's what we did we go to Philly we were sitting there on the plane for again I want to be dramatic so actually let me count it was we were supposed to land at 8:30 in New York p.m. we ended up actually landing at 2:30 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. yeah it was like six hours I'm not even kidding plus the three hours of like flight I'm from Miami to New York so kind of like nine hours total I had the middle seat I had the middle seat I was between two strangers for nine hours it was terrible everyone was complaining it was so hot because like once you're no longer flying like the cabin is like really really freezing when you're like in the air but then once you land it's actually it gets hot really fast everyone was so just not having it everyone was complaining unlike the flight attendants I feel so bad like they couldn't control anything but everyone was complaining then like it was their fault and like what can they do about it you know what I mean it was terrible but I will say they should have offered us food water I feel like that's illegal I swear I mean they did eventually offer us water but like five hours like after they probably showed up I was dying and yeah no it was it was a very not good experience we ended up getting in like I said like 2:30 a.m. no everything was just it was it was insane oh and the plane didn't have the TV's on the back of the seats didn't have those you know it might have not been that bad had there been TVs on the back of the seats okay we're done now I'm gonna start organizing and you'll see I'll check back in you'll see what's going on behind me my goal is to like be done unpacking everything by the end of today set up my bed I'm not so focused on decoration cuz I have like a lot of photo prints to put on the walls and like you know just that kind of stuff I'm not really so focus on that today today I just want to not have this huge mess behind me okay let's do it first things first I have to sanitize everything when I tell you this place everything looks dirty the walls look dirty the best I'm scared to sleep on the bed I mean obviously I'm gonna have like a mattress topper and like a what do you call it I'm gonna have like a mattress cover and like a topper and my sheets and all that you know it's fine I'm gonna quickly like wipe down every surface there's not like really good lighting in here the building across the way is like completely blocking most of the light and it's like noon so this is kind of like it you know it's never really gonna be brighter than this um and I mean it's fine but like I feel like it's gonna be really dark when the Sun is gone because that's all we've got I kind of want to get some maybe like a big lamp or I don't know something I'm sorry I'm like whispering milk because I feel like I'm being really annoying for Sabrina I don't know I closed the door but like you can probably still hear me whatever anyway these are the desk drawers there's three and the bottom one is bigger and there's also this which is new my desk last year did not have this it's just like a little I don't know like extension to the desk I feel like you could put like a laptop here whatever I don't know it's like more space which is good because I feel like my desktop like it can get really crowded sometimes oh hi um yeah I got this little mirror thingy I had one last year actually I still have it here somewhere in one of these boxes they just never lit up though I used it because it was still a mirror but it didn't light up and that's like the reason I got it so I have this one now you see how this one has like little lights around I mean I honestly don't know if this one lights up it could also be broken there's also that I think it's a some sort of lamp how do you do this oh okay great Wow oh that's awesome but that means I don't actually need this thing it's a desk lamp I got it for my dorm labs here but it also doesn't light up I don't know why everything that I bought it like didn't work but yeah this is supposed to be on I think I've been but do you see like I don't know what kind of cable goes in there I know it came with one button like the moving in process I like definitely misplace it and then this just never lit up and it's just pretty cute and I do want to throw it away but yeah I never actually worked so that sucks but it's okay have that now and it's good there's also a what do you call it like an L a right there I'm pretty convenient okay cool then we have the chair these chairs look really really gross these are actually terrible what the ones I had last year were really great I mean it was the same thing but they just looked like brand new these are disgusting if it were up to me I'd like get rid of this and get like a different little desk chair but they're really um pretty Holly they're really annoying about like removing furniture from the room like what's in here stays in here you know they don't wanna have to like take it out and stuff so I don't even know if like this whole dresser situation thing like I don't know if they're gonna be able to help me because I put in the work order request and the people at the Resource Center told me like they would be able to help me but I don't know because online it says no furniture will be removed from the room so but I don't want to think about it though because if I do then the blinds can you see them I'm not gonna put them down right now they're just your standard blinds I don't know if we're gonna maybe get some curtains or something honestly probably not I'm not really gonna be here for that long anyway I feel like I keep saying that but it's just like so true my mentality is just like not gonna be here for long so like is anything worth it that's a bad way to think cuz I'm like never gonna actually do stuff you know I feel like I'm gonna be here for a week and like that's it but like that's not the case for months still a long time we'll see what I get around to doing truth be told I don't know [Music] so it's like it's like 9:30 where to begin there used to be dressers there they're not there anymore I move them they're actually over here now there's chillin right there in the hallway for now because I was waiting for a maintenance person to come switch out the dressers with the stackable ones that I can slide underneath my bed and they said they would do that tonight but it's like getting late and something tells me like they won't also I got an email saying the work order that I submitted was like fulfilled and it wasn't so I would what do I do now look at all this yeah I've made progress though definitely this suitcase is empty this one is like not but it's fine we just won't and this is the closet it's really coming along nicely oh this is mo aside I just hung those there for now but I'm not gonna leave them there obviously but Jude was just to get them out of the way for now then I made this shoe rack I just hung it on the door it's not it's not really look let me show you the t-rex on the inside of the closet door but the claws I won't close if I have the shoe rack there but it's even worse if I put the shoe rack on the outside of the door because then it hits this wall and it just really doesn't work out and it doesn't work on this door either I've tried to put this shoe rack everywhere it doesn't work anywhere and I just I'm done I'm done I'm gonna put it here for now hopefully MOA doesn't mind it if she does then I'll get rid of it I just don't know where we're gonna put our shoes but it's fine we'll figure it out I organized all my little things into bins up there they're not really that organized so I'm gonna like have to go back in there and you know actually make things orderly but for now it's like okay also this van bought I got so much worse I really should just like shower and wash my face because I haven't done that yet today I smell like I said well like does like a really old person does that mean not all old people I'm just saying I just smell like something really old um like an addict I straight up so like an addict not an addict and I take that's pretty much it for now I don't really know what else to say at the moment I'm at a loss for words I'm very tired so I think I'm just going to shower and I'll check in after that sorry I'm this is so unentertaining um I'm a little bit Illyria's honestly okay hi I thought I was gonna go shower now and like call it a night but I decided I should really just try to do as much as I possibly can to date so that I don't have to do it tomorrow or later on you know so I'm meeting this little yogurt parfait and then I'm gonna continue and then later on eventually who knows when I'll shower and sleep at some point I mean who really cares I caught this from the Palladium dining hall it's pretty good it's in a little baby Cup I don't know with like elephants and flowers mmm they were giving out free cookies I'm sorry I'm gross but it's time and they were um like not good they were really deceiving actually they looked really really good and they really really weren't into so carnal feel a little cheated mm-hm okay I'm gonna go what's up you guys I massacre to my face now I'm wearing my pimple cream it's perfectly normal um also I think I'm losing my voice at this point I'm not doing the best but I'm doing better than I was before I shall ride I don't even know all I'm gonna do now is make my bed so I can sleep in it so let's do that and then that'll be the end of this video I think because what else is there hi just to clarify I already wiped down the mattress with Clorox wipes you couldn't see it but it happened I'm just putting it out there that I meant not gross I am tired and it's bedtime I'm probably gonna pass out pretty soon but in the meantime I'm gonna watch something maybe a movie maybe a YouTube video I don't know but I do hope that you enjoyed this move in vlog I haven't really vlogs in a while and this was fun today was stressful and a lot of it wasn't that fun but like overall filming and like talking through my emotions with you guys made the day a lot more variables so I hope you had as much fun as I did and that you enjoy the video subscribe if you want to stick around now that schools pretty much going again I'm gonna be putting out lots and lots of college content so if that's something you want to see you know what to do so thank you so much for watching as always and I'll see you guys next time okay actually biotite [Applause] [Music]
Channel: gabi gutierrez
Views: 34,616
Rating: 4.895896 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, college, nyu, move in, college move in, college move in day, move in day, freshman year, college freshman, college advice, nyc, new york university, student, college student, nyu move in, nyu palladium, palladium dorm, dorm move in, move in dorm, dorm tour, room tour, college dorm, college dorm tour, nyu dorm, nyu dorm tour, nyu vlog, student room tour, nyc room tour, nyc dorm
Id: 2R2rUaf79v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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