What's New in Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

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okay I think we can get started so welcome to this session my name is TIFF I have Dave here with me we both are product engineers working with the operational team we also have Pat and Jeff Center at the back so in this session we're going to talk about what's new in operations dashboard but before we get started let's do a quick survey so who has never used - but before can you please raise your hand yeah okay so we've got about 50 percent so the rest of you have your stash but to some degree I assume okay that's good that's awesome so as some of you might know that we have rebuild - but from ground up last year so one thing I want to mention is that for most of you that shop might still be pretty new because there's a lot of new capabilities that new stuff in it you can use dashboard in ashes online and also I just enterprise as of now there will still be a lot of new functionality so in the first part of the session we're going to talk about what's currently in dashboard what's current what's in the current release of dashboard and then in the second half of the session we're going to talk about what's coming in the next release of dashboard we have a very simple agenda so first of all I'm going to give a quick product overview about operations dashboard and then Dave and I will be doing some demos finally I'll point you to some resources where you can learn more about dashboard and then we'll have a Q&A session okay so operation stash spot is a configurable web application that's included in Ash's online and are just enterprise 10600 both so members in their organization can create manage and share - bots they can share the - but within within the organization with other members of the orc they can also share - but with the public so each dashboard consists of visual elements such as maps charts gauges indicators lists and other elements these elements are arranged on a single single screen on a web browser basically and a dashboard can be configured to provide and or an interactive user experience so unattended I mean a dashboard can be displayed on a big screen like something you see here is displayed on the big screen typically a projector mounted on a wall or in the environment such as like a breathing room or maybe an operation center on the other hand - configure in in an interactive mode they often display on a personal personal device like that's a computer or maybe a tablet and they come with tools for the end users to interact with these visual elements Ruta sorry - what is real-time capable meaning that you can display some information in real time on dashboards so you can get the latest of what's going on for the things that you want to monitor using your dashboard so you can imagine that dashboard can be used for monitoring performance like key performance indicators it can also be used for monitoring events that are planned or unplanned in the field and the goal of a dashboard is to inform user at a glance and dashboard can be a decision-making tool okay next I'm going to show some sample - what that some customers have built instead of just showing you some screenshot I'm going to go over to my browser okay give me just one second okay I'm going to go over to my browser and here I have a dashboard that shows the highway construction project in Tompkins County so as you can see on the left side of the office dashboard it has a big indicator that talks about that tells like how many bridges are close currently at the top there's also a pie chart that breaks down the projects by type so at a glance you get the idea about like what kind of project is ongoing in this area and how many how many bridges or roads are closed right now and also at the bottom you can see the number of miles of roads that have been that have the construction finished up to today so it so but just look at this - but you have the information about the progress of the project other kind of information so this the other dashpot that i want to show you this is actually one of my favorite favorite dashboards is showing the current earthquake that's happening around the globe there's a big map sitting at the center of the dashboard also on this side you can see a big like a kind of summary that shows the total count of earthquake that's happening down a little bit there's a list that actually has the more detailed information about each of the earthquake that's happening and there's a bar chart that breaks down the number of earthquakes that happen every day so a moment ago I mentioned about the two types of dashboard unattended mole and attendant mode so this dashboard and the previous - but they can be mounted on the back screen but actually for this dashboard there's some kind of interaction that you can do with the dashboard so over here I have brought up the left panel on the dashboard and that gives me a list of tools that I can choose used to do some selection on my dashboard so for example on this on this tool here I'm going to change the magnitude so that I'm only seeing the earthquakes that are having a magnitude at five or lower so I can do other kind of interaction like I can choose some only touch to see only earthquake in stuff like all the activities that are going on okay so after seeing some cool samples Dave is going to do the demo and show us what was in the current dashboard that's something that you can you can make use of and you can do when you go back to work next week so today all right wow we have a lot of people here it's great if people have some room if they could scoot in it would make it would let some people get off the ground or sit down so yeah as Steph mentioned I'll be going through and showing you kind of showing you the ropes for how to get started building dashboards and show you some few cool things along the way starting off with a scenario let's say the police commissioner Forest City comes to us and wants a dashboard for his office he wants to see the criminal activity as it as it's happening or as the data is coming in and in discussing his vision for this dashboard he'd like to answer some questions where have the most recent crimes occurred how many have there been in the last 24 hours what is the breakdown of crime type and division and what's the trend over the last 28 days so let's I have the map here because obviously a map is great for showing where crimes occur making some tweaks to the symbology I'm able to emphasize the recent crimes so in addition to showing the crime type by color I'm using an earner and arcade expression to a account to basically calculate how long ago the crime happened in hours and then I'm also accounting for the map scale a variable down here so that as i zoom in my symbols get larger and I can see them at the street level I'm also using a dark vector base map because I want my I want to use the dark theme in operations dashboard just so it's not so bright on the wall I have a refresh interval on my layer that will get carried over into the dashboard and any element that is consuming this layer and so with that we can jump into building a dashboard right from this share button you can create a web app using operations dashboard or from the content page you can click create under app there's operations dashboard or you can go to the app launcher and go to the home page of operations dashboard so I created a dashboard and brought in our map and the Commissioner wanted to know how many crimes there have been in the last 24 hours an indicator is a nice way to visualize this so it presents a summary statistic in this case I'm just counting how many features are in my lair and in this case I only want the last 24 hours so there's a lot of advanced date based filtering options here so this is the number today we could do yes all right yesterday not we can't see into the future so I guess it all works out that's how many are this week and we can also do is within the last number of days or the last 24 hours if you use days we go back whole days to midnight the start of the day in your users local timezone we can add some summary text here to give context and let's say the Commissioner has stated that if there's been more than 200 crimes in a given day it deserves some special attention so we can just find what's called a reference you could think of it as a threshold so I can enter 200 here and now I'm displaying my reference but I could display the the percentage here and I can format the number right there and then I can also turn on what's called conditional formatting when I do this I get two previews basically when when my value is below 200 I can display it one way and when it's above or at 200 I can display a different way so let's say when I've surpassed that threshold I want to show an icon and maybe I want to make this text red or I could even make the background color you know a bold red all right so as you can see the background of the element is white as well as the dashboard and as I mentioned I want to be in dark theme so I can simply switch that another thing that would be nice to have for the Commissioner is a crime feed more or less a list of recent crimes so adding that we can choose what information from our attributes we show so we can show the crime type the time at was dispatched and the general location block you can style this in a number of different ways we can give it a header and it's added to our layout now now that we have three elements we can see that it just the elements subdivide the layout or the layout is subdivided by the elements and if you hover in the top left you can grab them and reposition them as you hover over these little icons that show up you can drop them and reposition them next let's add a chart so the Commissioner wanted to know the breakdown of crimes by type and also division we can add a serial chart a serial chart is a chart that can visualize your data as columns as a bar chart line chart area chart it's very flexible and powerful so I'm creating categories from grouped values and in my and using my division field I have six unique divisions and so it's creating a category for each one of those unique values and then doing a count statistic for the height of the bar I can filter out my empty values and give the chart a meeting meaningful sort order now in addition I can split each category by the crime type by simply adding a split by field so now I have the number of crimes per type as well as per division and we can stack these so again we can see the total overall number of crimes per division with the context of the or the composition of of the bars by crime type or given that the population may be a different size or the population may be different per division we could make everything expand 100% and so you can see that the central Police Division has a proportionally higher rate of larceny there's many different options you can you can play with as far as tweaking the look in the feel of of the of the chart as far as the colors go I won't take the time to do it but it is a very powerful effect when you choose the same colors as your symbology so that it creates a meaningful correlation to the symbols on your map and in the list we can add another serial chart and do a date based chart choosing our dispatch date field we can bend it into a minimum period of days or hours and from here we can visualize it as a bar chart a line chart we can add an area opacity we can also add data points show labels and with as with the indicator we can also include a sort of threshold on this chart and we can do that using a guide so I'll put a guide at the 200 mark on the value axis and include a label so that way you can easily see what days have exceeded that threshold there's many different options for the formatting of the labels the date labels just as an example I can include the day of week on there or I can keep it very simple and only show the day number and then on the first of the month I'll show the month in the year in addition to moving these elements around you can actually stack them and create tabs like this and you can also group elements so that the margin between them disappears and you can even stack groups and move groups around together so there's a lot of options there now this is looking like a really great dashboard and I'm pretty confident that the Commissioner would be quite pleased with it and it would be it would serve him very well but what if he wanted to see this dashboard for a specific Police Division we could recreate this for each Police Division but that would be a lot of work for us and for him to manage all these dashboards fortunately operations dashboard has an interactive some interactive components that we can utilize so I'll add what's called a header and it can be used in in multiple ways so I can obviously give it a title I could insert a background image or a background color and I can include links to external websites now another thing that you can do with it is put these interactive components what we call selectors we're gonna add what's called a category selector and with a category selector we're able to take data from our layers and then apply apply filters dynamically to our dashboard so we'll make a drop down with our divisions so here I have each each division listed here and I'll make it so you can select one or multiple divisions and um and then I have to wire it up to the elements that I wanted to affect so in this case when I choose a division I'm going to zoom my map to it additionally I want to filter things so as I was mentioning I can filter my map layers and all my other elements when I choose one or more divisions and because this is a polygon I can I can choose to filter my points based on the geometry so just showing the features within that geometry and so that would be a spatial or in this case on both layers I have a field for the division name all right so when I choose a division now my map and my other elements are filtered to show just crimes for that division cool all right so I can also add a date selector I can let the end user the commissioner control what date range he wants to see this dashboard for or I could give him a date picker so that you can see what happened on a specific day in this case I'll just add a few options so last last 28 days last seven days and the last 24 hours and I can visualize this either as a drop-down or a button bar where you can choose a button and again I have to tell I have to wire it up I have to tell what I want to do with it and what elements I want to target so I want to filter my my map layer as well as certain elements now my indicator actually has a 24-hour filter on it so I'm not going to target that one but I will target my two serial charts and my map layer I'm using the dispatch date oops okay so now I can choose seven days or last 24 hours oh I think I have a typo nobody caught it alright there we go now I'm only showing the large symbols on my map as those are the last 24 hours yeah and then I can additionally apply the division filters like so alright cool I'll hand it back to test thanks Dave very cool demo okay so what they've just showed us is really cool next I'm going to show what's coming in the next release of dashboard in April in the coming release we have added some new map shows we've also added a new visual element we've made some enhancement to some existing features so in the next two demos I'm going to talk about each of them so here I have a crime - for open this is very similar to what they've just used in his demo about the most simplified version so now so in the next release we will be able to apply actions on charts meaning that like on the line chart I have on the right side of the of the dashboard right now is showing the crimes that have happened in the past 28 days but what if we want to only see the crimes that haven't say in the past five days so in the next release will be able to do the selection right from the chart and then the selection will we trigger a filter action on other visual elements on my dashboard so to do that I'm coming to the config dialog of the line chart you notice that we have added a new tab on the config dialog and it allows me to configure the actions on the visual element so right here I'm going to apply a few direction so that when I do a selection on the line chart I'm going to filter the crime layer on the map as well as on the on the bar chart which is the other visual element on the on the dashboard so now when I click done coming back to my dashboard here I'm going to create a time window tours to past five days and now I want you to pay attention to the map and also the bar chart so once I created this time window you can see that the bar chart will be updated immediately and it's only showing me the the crimes that have happened in past five days with the same breakdown in two different districts and different types of crime also on the map we're seeing less point features now because we're only seeing the crimes in the past five days so by applying the same technique I can also create a filter on the bar chart so I can be only seeing the crimes that are happening in a certain Police District so to do that I will come to the config dialog of the bar chart I'll come to this action tab same the same config experience and then now I'm going to add a filter action on the bar chart so that when I do a selection on the chart I'm going to filter the same crime layer on a map as well as on the line chart so now you can see that they will be interacting the visual elements will be interacting with each other and they will be filtering each other and that can get pretty interesting one thing I did not mention which I want to bring up now he is the fact that on a chart tab we have added an a new option so that it would support a single selection mode or multiple selection mode and I'll show it to you in a second so I'll leave it as multiple for now and when I click done to finish the configuration so I still have that same the date filter on my line chart now when I click on one of the police district basically the label at the bottom of the chart so I'm only selecting the bars in that area so what I have just done is I'm selecting all the crime types that have happened in the north its Northeast Police District and when I do that you can see that only the the point features that on the Northeast District remains on the map everything else will be filtered out so now if I want to get rid of one of the crime types I can click on that bar and then I'm not seeing a crime of that type so that's what the multiple selection actually means okay so now we are we are going to look at the details of the crimes in the Northeast Police District and I I can use some new map tools to go to that particular area in the map so let me show you the config experience of the map visual element so if we have reworked a little bit on this page by moving things into different tabs so that they are more well organized so now on the first page you can configure different kinds of map tools to add to your map visual elements you can also configure the map actions or actions on each individual layers which we'll get you later in the next demo so in upcoming release we have we will be releasing two new map shows the first one is a scale bar this is pretty standard for any mapping application the other map view that we have added is a search map tool so obviously I have already added them to my map so I'm just going to cancel here so the scale bar is at the bottom left of the map and the search tool is one of the tools here at upper right so when I click on the search tool to enable it to activate it I can enter an address or a location and as I enter the way location I will get some suggestions from the locator also it depends on how you set up your web map or your your organization you can enable feature search on your dashboard so an example can be you have a bunch of assets on the field and you want to do a future search by the essay ID you will also be able to do that through the search tool so now I'm going to click on one of the suggestions on the on this tool and then it's going to take us to to a closer area in the Northeast District ok I'm going to close this pop-up here at this scale level we not only will see the base map we also see the crime but we also see a camera layer so this layer actually shows us the traffic camera off of that in the particular location so when I click on one of this camera features right now it's pretty boring because it only shows us the camera number not very exciting so to make that actual - bot mode useful we can actually show the video feet or camera feet that's captured by that traffic camera in real time right now in Philadelphia so to do that I'm going to introduce the new visual element that we've added for the next release that's the embedded content element so in the config window is pretty simple it allows me to specify a URL it can be a URL to a static web page maybe like a page to a report to a website to other kind of information the URL can also come from features from my from my layers so in this case I'm going to choose the traffic cameras layer ok nothing shows up but I want to show you the data table very quickly so right now we can see the camera numbers and actually I can construct a URL based on the attribute information from the traffic cameras so to do that let me come over to my here I'm going to copy a URL and then coming back here to my dashboard I'm going to paste it here and there's the pace holder text that I'm going to get rid of and next I'm going to insert the camera number field into the URL so now when I come back to the preview you can see the vehicles moving on on the screen and actually that is taking the video feed from that camera in real time currently in Philadelphia alright so if it let's give you a nicer name by calling it video and I'm going to turn off the last update text and click done also I'm going to move this guy to the bottom of the screen so that it doesn't take up all my routes on my screen space so you might be wondering why there is a white space like on the on the on the widget here and actually that comes from the web page itself so on this web page with the video feed it has a white background on the on the web site so when you so when you are going to create your own embedded content and embed the element you might want to think about what kind of background color what kind of theme you want to put on your page so that it will look nice in in your dashboard okay so now the embedded content is showing me 17 features as you can see at the top of that element but what if I actually want to go to a particular video a particular camera and see the video feed there so to do that I can go to the config experience of the map visual element I can go to the layer actions tab and next I'm going to define a future action so now when I am when I select a camera it's going to do a filter it's going to apply a filter for that video the visual element that I have just created so now I'm going to click done and then I will activate the Select tool on my map and then I'm going to click on another camera and now you see another other video feed coming through and if I click on another one I'll get the video of the other camera so you can see this becomes very interactive when I select something on the map or maybe when I select something from an other visual element it will actually drive the eMeter content element and show the appropriate content there okay so next I'm going to show an other dashboard and talk about some other cool features that we have made for the upcoming release so this is a totally different dashboard is showing us the water quality of different water sites in Maryland so as you can see at the top I have three indicators and they're basically telling us that most of the water size the water quality are good some of them need attention and some of them we don't know so and also on the on the - well I have a list element here so that when I click on each list item it pans to that feature on the map it also flashes the feature a couple of times on the map but what if we actually want to know the information about the water quality like what's the bacteria level what's the water temperature was the water pressure all those kind of information so to do that a gage will be a good tool to show us that kind of information okay so I'll come over here and then I'm going to edit gage so gage itself is not a new visual element but I'm going to show is the new things that we have made to to enhance the gage visual element and you can actually apply the same thing to indicator so the same enhancement applies to both gauge and indicator so I'm going to choose the layer and it's going to generate a preview before I talk about this data tab let me go to the gage tab for a second and then I'm going to quickly talk about like different kind of gages that we can create so basically there are two kinds of gages one is like a progress gage so maybe you want to show something that you want to compare with a goal like number of tasks that have been completed today versus number of tasks that you want to complete this week so a a progress gage will be a good show to show this kind of information the other kind of gage that we can create is a mitigation so a meter gauge will show the measurement that fluctuates a lot like blood pressure air temperature water temperature and you can imagine that this will be a good tool to show the information of the water site okay so coming back to the data tab I can actually show the attribute information of each individual feature so this is the change that we have made for the next release so I can set up a gauge so that it only shows me the attribute information of the features that I've selected on a on a visual element or on a map all right and here I want to show the bacterial level of the features right now is showing no value because some of the some of the data sites don't have that information so let me very quickly create a filter and then I'm going to get rid of the data points that don't have a value in it okay so now I'm getting something here I can specify a min value and a max value but I'm not gonna do that I'll just leave them to the default value 0 and 100 so now I'm coming back to the gauge to add one more time and I can set up a guide to the gauge so that when the bacteria level is say over 80% I want some visual cue to indicate to me that things are not looking good okay finally I want to give it a nice name let's call it like a bacteria level gauge and also on the title I can insert some attribute information to my gauge so in this case I want to give the water body name to the gauge and when I click done okay so now I got a gauge created for me let me drag this guy over all right so when I click on the list well the map is updating but my gauge is not updating so to wire up the list with the gauge we're going to apply the same concept of using the interactive tools so to do that I go to the convict window of the list and then I'm coming back to the actions tab one more time and I'm going to set up a filter action so this is the same technique that I have been using over and over again to wire up different visual elements together so now I have set up a filter action so that when I make a selection on the list it's going to filter that gauge that I just created all right so let's see if it works okay so now when I click on a different water site you can see that the gauge is also updating it gives me the attribute information water body name of that particular site it also gives me the reading if I try a different one and it's also giving me a correct reading okay so let's assume that we want to share this dash bar to the public because this information is pretty important to them before I want to share the dashboard to the public I want to add a header so that it can give some branding to my dashboard so let's add a header element real quick alright so now I come to the header panel dave has shown us how to config a header panel in his demo in the next release we have made some enhancements so that when you want to specify a logo for your dashboard not only can you specify URL to your logo you can also pick an icon it can be like a built-in icons that we provide it can also be a custom SVG file that that you want that works for you so let me just choose a icon very quickly optionally I can change the color to the one that I want so click done and now I will get a header here and let me save my dashboard so the last step I want to do before I share this - what to the public is I want to add some demographic layer to the dashboard so for example the public might want to know the population density of the front areas in this in this dashboard so to do that I'm coming back to the web map that's used in the dashboard and then I'm going to add a layer from living Atlas okay let me get rid of that search text and then I'm going to search for more time because I want to search for population density I must have got a typo somewhere okay there you go okay so there's a us a population density layer and you can see that there's a little text here that says this is a premium content so what that means is in order to use this layer it's going to require organizational subscription it would require login in addition the premium content will consume credits so if I want to share this layer and my - well to the public I want to be able to enable this layer so that the public can use it without being prompted to log in so okay I will I'm going to save the map with this layer and then I'm coming back to the dashboard let me refresh the page and next I'm going to show how to enable that layer so that the public can get access to it all right so not surprisingly the layer comes through and now before I can make this dashboard available to the public I will come over here and then click on the subscriber content content tab modal dialog will come up and then I'm going to enable this layer and optionally I can limit the number of what requests that's being sent to the layer say per minute so that my credits will not be consumed too quickly okay so now the layer has been enabled to allow premium access and also my - file has been shared to the public then I can grab the URL and then share it to whoever will be interested in looking into this dashboard okay so that's the end for the second demo so let me come back to my powerpoint slide real quick and then we'll do a just a fairy we'll just do a very quick recap of what we have just a look at the new features that we're becoming in off stash for in April so in the demo I've shown that a serial chart can be a source for actions actually you can do the same thing for pie chart so whatever I've shown in my demo it also applies to pie chart we've also shown you the new map views at search and the skill bar we have added a new visual element that's embedded content element which allows you to embed web page video or images from a URL also we've shown a gauge that works in a single feature mode and you can do the same for indicator so you can show a particular attribute information for a feature in an indicator we've also made some improvement to the header elements so now you'll be able to specify an icon instead of a URL for the logo finally we have provide a better support for subscriber content okay so the last light that we want to show you is some resources so for those of you who are new to dashboard the dock will be a good place to get started it has resources to some sample - shorts also it has the link to our blog to GeoNet also some tutorials that you can get started with so this will be a good place to start I'm going to show you a new trick if you want to try out our sample so for all the sample - about that I have shown you actually a secret trick that I can share with you is you can make a copy in it and you can reverse engineer the dashboard and see how they were configured so to do that there's a link here basically the most important part is the new question mark so you go to this URL or basically to your organization and then you put a slash new question mark and then you put the ID of the - but that you want to make a copy of so once you go to this URL is going - prompts you to to save a copy of the dashboard into your content now that it becomes one of your dashboard then you can start configuring it and get to know how it was built so this is a really good trick to learn dashboard finally if you want to stay in touch we have an email alias - corphish's at ESRI comm also we are on Twitter so I got some hashtag there that you can search for and follow us so that's the end of the session please spend a moment take our survey and now we are open up to the Q&A session yes sorry into where Enterprise okay so okay so the question is can can you deploy - back into portal so yes if you have a 10-6 portal you can deploy - fall in it mmm so for 10 SEC's are it would support a new one so you it will have a separate installer that you will download from my s3 but actually in 10 SEC's one starting from 10 SEC's one - what will become part of portal so you don't have to deploy it separately - for into portal Wow well I'm saying it's like 10 secs one - but would be part of portal no no extra deployment but for 10 SEC's you just need to take one extra step to the pilot correct okay sure sure okay any other questions yes so so the question was about can can you use our kid our arcade expressions that were defined perhaps in the web map not at this time but it is something that we are looking into and do hope to support down the road yeah yes so Thank You Mona acid it yeah they will come through in your pop-up so here this is a result of an arcade expression I'm doing the calculation of time past but that's currently the only place I believe that it will come through yep did you ever so the question is is there any requirements of where the data needs to leap right like is it does it have to be a data store or something yeah no there's no requirements for that because basically we are consuming surfaces so they can be a feature surface hosted or like in a server it can also be a dynamic map surface if you want to use them to power your visual elements but if you just want to display them as like a reference layer then we have like less restriction on that yeah yes so the question this world is would a selector that they selector works right if you turn on sanitize query in a server yes it will work yeah yes okay so the question is when you deploy - fall into a portal basically 10secs portal right so will it be in the portal or will it be on a separate server right that's it okay you cannot do it in a separate server yeah well the reason one of the reasons behind is we want to provide a experience very similar to online where in online like what they've shown us when you go to the when you go to the main site there will be a button that you can launch dashboard right so we want to make sure that you have the same kind of experience in enterprise okay nevermind is getting pretty low any other questions question is if you have custom widgets and toolbars on the map where they come through so how did you create a custom widgets it's like what are you thinking of like a templated app or web app builder that you're you're doing that in its it's purely in the web map I guess short answer is no they wouldn't come through if you have a map that you can show us then I mean we can we can try out yeah yes the the question was about when you have related records or you have a related table - perhaps a spatial layer you can configure your elements to cross filter so for instance from a list you could select an asset and then see another list of records or reports that were generated over time for that asset so you can create those kind of relationships [Music] sorry can you can you repeat your question yes okay you talk about this demo right just this one okay so the question is like is there a way to reset the clear the selection right from the chart right that's very simple so all I need to do is I just click on the chart it will reset yeah yes oh sure yeah the page with the resources this one okay sure there you go so the question is can you do custom charting or custom visual elements right not at this point so for the for the new dashboard we don't have a developer story yet so short answer is you won't be able to do that but with the embedded content coming you can think of having like a URL and then that consumes some field from your chart and then generate a the ds3 chart on the fly and the display on the embed a meta content I would say the shell answer is no yeah yes okay okay on the video fee okay the question is is there any limitation on the video feed right number of video feeds no actually this one is a it's a URL you can set you can put whatever there I mean yeah no it's a single display yeah but I mean like single this way I mean you put everything on a single screen yeah but the layer is pretty flexible and that's simply because it's a browser limitation yeah yeah browsers can't have multiple windows yes yes yes yes any other questions so the SDK right no there well again we don't have a developer story yet so there's really no API
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 13,121
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Dave Nyenhuis, Tif Pun, Patrick Brennan, Esri Developer Summit 2018, Esri DevSummit 2018, Esri Technical Sessions, Operations Dashboard
Id: NBbH9hWpY_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 2sec (3422 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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