Colin's 5th Birthday!

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- Hey, guys before you watch this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and you hit the subscribe button. - Today is the day of Colin's birthday party. [Upbeat Music] We are at Urban Air now we're just waiting a few more minutes for this place to officially open, so all these friends can get here and we can start partying. I need Colin to help me, greet his friends because we invited his class. And because of COVID, I haven't been able to get in the classroom and meet the classmates or his friends. So I don't know if I'll recognize anybody [Upbeat Music] Do you want to take that party bag and start putting together a party favors. - Ya - Thank you. [Cheerful Music] Today is the day of Colin's birthday party. - Hi. - How old are you turning? - Pive - Pive? [Laughing] - I think you mean five. - Yes, five. - Are these silly minions straws? - Ya - Are you having a minion party today? - Ya, look at this one. - Minions silly straws. Colin's actual birthday is tomorrow but today is the day of the birthday party. We are heading to Urban Air adventure park for all the festivities, but before we head out we have to get our treat bags all put together. [Celebration Music] - We are putting in as many mini whistles ring pops like this coloring sticker pack, tops balls. - Lilly, I like your look. Our good friend Lilly from Arizona is here with us for the weekend. So she's helping us pack the bags and she'll help us get everything ready for the big birthday party. Who else do you know that just had a minion birthday party? - Layla Jane. - Layla Jane your cousin. Well, the bags are being packed but it's little bit chaotic with all four of them helping out, so I'm little bit worried got everything is making in the bag. So, I don't think we should have these many leftovers. Did we put those in all the bags? - Yes. - Are you sure? And these I know we had just enough of. I think three bags don't have slap bracelets. - Okay. - We're done - We are done? But there is a lot leftover. - We know. - Like these fruit snacks here. - Ya because There's only 10 pouches in this. - Is that your birthday cake Colin? What do you think of it? - Can I try some? - You want to try some, not yet. No. It says happy birthday Colin. Do you know which minion is this? Is this Bob or Kevin? or Stuart? - Is the guy, I don't know what guy it was? - You don't? Who do you think it is? - [Whistle] Kevin. - Then we'll call him Kevin. but wait, are you going to eat Kevin today? - Uh huh. - What? Poor Kevin. [Cheerful Music] - Colin, is this your party room? - Yes. - And what is down there? - Momma, it's the room I'm not scared. - I am not scared if I am going to sky riding. - You are not scared to do the sky riding? - Ya. - Well, good. We are at Urban air now. we're just waiting a few more minutes for the place to officially open. So all of his friends can get here and we can start partying. Maya, and you had your birthday here this year too, didn't you? - Yes, last year. - Your birthday in December, December, 2020. - Yes. - This is our second urban air birthday party. - I mean this special napkin. - Do you get the special napkin? Are you ready to party? - Yes. [Cheerful Music] - Layla Jane is here and she has her minion outfit on. - Say give me my socks. - Just get your socks on. I need Colin to help me greet his friends but he is so busy jumping. You got to come greet your friends. Oh! Maya just flew by. I need Colin to help me greet his friends because I don't know how many them are? We invited his class and because of COVID I haven't been able to get in the classroom and meet the classmates or his friends. So I don't know if I'll recognize anybody. I found Eva Kate, say hi Eva Kate. Well there is Maya again. Eva Kate's our neighbor. So she was a familiar face, I recognized easily. where is Colin? - I don't know. - Do you see him? - No. - Where did he go? Colin, birthday boy. - Momma, he try to climb the skyride and I am trying to get him back. - What's on the side? What do you see? And Maya and Lilly, you both having fun? - Ya. - What do you girls doing now? - Skyriding. - Just skyriding and aunt Karen. - I am doning it, I'm so excited. - This Skyraider is my favorite thing about urban air. It kind of is what makes it unique, so I've done it several times. It's going to be at Karen's very first time. Here she goes Layla Jane is that your momma? - Watch up, okay? Hey look. - Hi, birthday boy. - Hey. - Hello there. Is this the best day ever? - Yes - What's your favorite thing to do here? - Play games. - Play games. [Upbeat Music] - Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Colin happy birthday to you. [Cheerful Music] - Is this one of his first toy he chose to open? Oh no. There it goes. - Mommy, that actually not it. - That wasn't good one, You want to try it again. - Actually, it went from here to here to here. - Oh! Went all the way down there. - Are you going to try it again? That hit me. - How does it work? - You have to do quick like this. - Oh! Okay, let me try. - Are you teaching daddy? - Let me try. It goes in like this? It sits on there? Okay, watch out. - Do it quick. - Watch out. Watch out, ready? Oops! - Oh, where is it going? Colin's opened up his birthday present that he received at his party and this flying disk was the first thing he wanted to get open and get outside and play with are you showing it to us? Yes, I have seen that. - And the other thing is down there. Let me go show you. The flying disk. - Oh, there it is. Ya, that's pretty cool. - Wall-E. - You look like a big bluberry. - Wall-E. - Wall-E. Are you pretending you are Wall-E? Aunt Karen gave Colin some body bumpers. - Wall-E. - Here is the blue one, there is an orange or red one I think that Jason is busy blowing up in the basement. So, who do you want to bump with first? Who's gonna go in the red suit? Will that be Maya? Or Addy? Or Lilly? - It's actually gonna be me. - Oh! - But I am wearing this one. - But you gotta bump with somebody. Who you gonna bump with? - Bump. - Me? I wasn't expecting that. I think I am little bit too big for the body bumpers. I might give it a go but I don't know I will be able to get out once I get in. Oh no. Aah! Oh there is the red one. There is the red one. - Just put on. - Just of your size, Colin. - Are you get in Jason? - Yeah, I'm gonna bump him. How does this work? Not a problem. - You can squeeze in there? Oh geez, that's not going to work so well. - Like a glove, let's do this. - We are gonna take this outside where it might be little bit safer. - Daddy, let me go. Let me go. - You want to get in on this, Maya? - Go, Colin, go. Go bump daddy. - I win. - Oh, did daddy win? I think you won. Now Maya's turn, if daddy can get out of there. - No. Cut it. - There we go, there we go. Oh, and they are both down, they are both down. Wanna say thank you to your cousin Layla Jane for this? - Yes. - Say thank you Layla Jane. - Ava - Wall-E. - Ava - Wall-E. - See I have no idea, what they are talking about we just watch Wall-E this morning, which is about this little robot kind of duck down and hide inside his little box and so Colin is being Wall-E and I guess Maya is the other robot Ava. - Eva. - Oh, is it Eva? Is Eva the other robot? - Yes. - Eva. - Wall-E. - Wall-E. Eva. - Wall-E. - Eva. - Thank you so much for joining us for Colin's birthday celebrations, We will see you next time on Tic Tac Toy family. Xo Xo - Xo xo. Bye.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 2,412,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, Colin's birthday, birthday, birthday vlog, happy birthday
Id: NN72ojErVDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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