Colin Firth English Speech || Learn English from Celebrities || ENGLISH BIG YELLOW SUBTITLES

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fallen first um thank you i like coming here thank you beth um you know consistent with   the fact that almost every important turning point  in my life has uh has hinged on the banal and uh   the arbitrary uh such things as broken kitchen  appliances and unsent emails i the day in which   i had to make my first meeting with uh with tom  hooper i had to postpone a routine but possibly   somewhat uncomfortable medical examination  and i'm pleased to report that the meeting   with tom was a lot more edifying than the  uh encounter that i've been anticipating   but as the work went on it became apparent that  tom's working methods were every bit as thorough   as uh as surprising and as effective as those  of my doctor um so uh perhaps one never truly   escapes one's fate um but there's the same  delight when you're showing the results   so he's eternally in my in my yeah he has my  eternal gratitude as does our extraordinary   scribe david seidler all the team to see them  represented here in such force uh is possibly the   most gratifying thing this evening for me uh the  cast um all three formidable generations of them   uh our producers gareth ian emile the unstoppable  harvey and everyone at the weinstein company   momentum and the uk film council and our masterly  voice coach neil swain who for um indulging our   uh dependence on him and curable dependence on  him kate firth for her invaluable advice on how to   turn therapy into an action sequence um paula and  maris and chris andrews for being so persistent   in urging me to read a script about middle-aged  male bonding and speaking of such things my very   great friend tom ford who has everything to do  with my standing here as do two people who are   sitting over there my own majestic mom and  dad i think it's as good a moment as i need   to thank them for absolutely everything and also  living in the whole family for remaining so steady   whether they're dealing with uh a dancing  queen or a sometime king thank you very much you
Channel: Speeches In English
Views: 1,568
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: speeches in english, english, english accent, american english, new english speech 2021, learn english, colin firth, speaking english, Learn English With Celebrities Speech, english speech videos, colin the firth, colin, speech, the king's speech, firth, learn english with celebrities speech, colin firth 60, colin firth movies, colin firth turns 60, colin firth interview, colin firth first movie, the kings speech, english speeches with big subtitles, mothering sunday 2021
Id: 3ib4NaMKDv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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