Coleman Butane Stove vs Ceramic Infrared NTK Alpha-T Camping Stove

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hey guys in this video we're going to go over the coleman 20 stove versus the ceramic stoves that they sell there's a few different versions of it but whether they are more windproof can they bring water to a boil faster we're going to do a quick comparison test between the two we've also been trying this out for a week and we'll give you our thoughts all right real quick so let's go between these two stoves how they work it's nearly exactly the same they even have the same kind of jeep front on them but this one's a little stiffer as far as how this little loop i'm sure that's adjustable i could probably push this down a little bit you lift it up and comes out paint goes back in only big difference i see between this one is how it lights which i'm going to take this top off here real quick so you can really see how it lights when it lights it's blowing a flame onto the ceramic you can see this little flame coming up it blows it onto the ceramic and this is also on the stove removable and after you release the tank it opens up a little slot and you can put this and store it upside down to make it a little flatter problem with this one is it does not come with a case the coleman that's half the price does come a little it's very cheap plastic case but a little plastic case which is nice all right let's go over how coleman strikes so it's just a striker just a little sparkers right here but it works hard to complain works perfect tempered temperature control wise as soon as it gets red it's a little easier nowhere near as much temperature control we'll let it get all the way up to red especially in the game but let's look at temperature control on the coleman still lit still lit right there is about to go out and there's that all right so even inside of a house right underneath men it will go out so that's that's pretty good a lot of control all right now we're right on this step over here let's lower our temperature just before you get to the man it's really wanting to go out one out i would really say there's not a huge temperature difference i mean it's pretty much low to highs from all the way wide open to right there it starts so this whole area here it's all about the same not a huge difference here so you have more like a really high low and it's kind of going out all right we're gonna do a quick comparison to see how long it takes to boil half a liter of water all right we have the two minute mark nothing started with this guy and little bubbles are barely starting to form around the edge getting close to ball here i would say you are right at a boil here and we're at three minutes ish i call that a hard rolling ball all the way through from the outside all the way to the center now is bubbling we're over here we're just bubbling in the center all right i would say this is a good bull now bubbling pretty hard all right i think the main thing we're learning here is this stove the flames are coming around the edge of this pan and it's heating it up a lot more where this one you can even see it when it turned off it's just in the center all right here's a quick wind example i'm going to use this hair dryer right behind the camera on low alignment at this one first that one second then i'll do a high this one and that one high will probably [Music] i kept saying that at the very end and i do think we are going to end up returning the stove we did go on a week-long trip and the other big issue that we kept running into is there is no simmer it pretty much goes high and then medium and then off and several times it was just off and i didn't realize it and it's hard to tell when the stove is off because there's not really flames you can kind of look at so that was another downside to it but besides that i think coleman might have won this one and it's less than half call so put your opinion down below i'd love to hear from y'all and please like and subscribe it really helps channel
Channel: Investing to Travel
Views: 12,131
Rating: 4.8534031 out of 5
Id: HvN0WCr65Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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